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Everything posted by Philipp

  1. I am curious, what Leo thinks of his younger self (older in thinking) ... what do you guys think
  2. @Epikur racism is not only about numbers (not even systemic racism). It can be about forgiveness, history, support, love.
  3. @Gesundheit I think a black man can also be racist. Racism is a social phenomena and not an individual one. Besides racism is often subconcious (would not believe that a black man is conciously racist).
  4. Interesthing thread! A lot of different opinions.. and what if we just don't really know how bad (or not bad) climate change is going to be? Usually science will never admit one claim, and that is that they don't know. But I am also someone obsessing over the future. I think about my personal future a lot, I think about the future of my nation and the global future. It is definitly one of my hobbies: the future, so interesting. I do really hope a lot of people take climate change seriously and try to find solutions. There really are a lot of solutions, technical, social, practical, spiritual. Anyones lifepurpose towards climate change?
  5. Did you treat it like a problem that has a simple solution or a problem that has a complex solution? (if the question is wrong, pls also explain)
  6. Can you be sure of something? Can you trust something? (just a question)
  7. how do you decide on the things you want in life (even if it is enlightenment), if you cannot be sure of it?
  8. Do you think the future will happen, or is the future nothing more than a thought?
  9. I@seeking_brilliance I would say I do it for both. There is definitely some motivation to solve an immediate problem, but since it won't be solved so quickly, I mainly do it because for some ideologic concept of future. When thinking I definitly care the future. I kind of believe it will happen, it will affect somebody, the same way we are experiencing the good things people in the past have done for the future. It would definitly fuck my brain, if this wan't true haha
  10. So most of you guys say the future is just a concept, an illusion, but then I wonder if you should care about the future. Like all the people who work their whole life, so that their children can have a better life in the future. Everything we try to do against climate change. Everything we do to progress, as a society. Will the future be experienced, like I am experiencing this time? If not, why would you care about it?
  11. The problem of censorship is also much more complicated. Of course mass censorship is wrong, but I am also not sure what you mean by that. Some form of censorship is probably necessary for society. With new technologies come also new challenges and I think social media has made it a big challenge to feed people quality information.
  12. for me its definitly green, it may not be super consistent and self reflective or even just, but at the end of the day its based on empathy of marginalised groups. @aurum I think he is right, that few people actually learned and really tried to understand what it means to be part of a discriminated group I have also my concerns sometimes. I do see double standards and believe that the time will come, when also men must affirm their value and ask for respect (but for the moment its fine). The problem is just that there cannot be an ultimate judge, who can judge so that society treats everyone equally, it will always be a back and forth and it can easily overshoot, but thats inevitable and is simply part of the process of creating a fairer world. There can of course always be critisims about methods and their effectiveness. This is important critism since stage green folk do not neccessarily work results oriented but more intention oriented. Their methods can be well meant, but have inverse effects. So for a discussion on methods, I am always open. Personally I am also not that of Marxist, in the sense that I believe that group actively suppress another. For example for men and women, I do think that this tight structering with a strong dominant man was necessery, even for the benefit of both (more for men of course) but in general this structure was needed at a time, when there was a lot of rape and violence. So it had to emerge also. Now they say it was all patriarchy, which I find somewhat unfair (not completly wrong, just too simplistic of an explanation.)
  13. it does not seem fair to see them as inferior beings. they are in my opinion tall, powerful animal, who love their child deeply and survive in the pack. Just because their brain does not allow for rationality or language, does not the mean their brain does nothing powerful in itself. They are still fighting for survival with the tools they learned.
  14. I really wasn't expecting that from simon sinek, but that is such a powerful framework. It can speak about so much in life, especially given Leo commentary about your own life and the game you are playing. If you people would take this question seriously it could probably change their life. But I guess it is not so easy to say, whish game you are playing, since both sides will try to convince you, that there the infinite one. But it is very logical at the same time. It almost a mathematics (or better said a game theory) perspective on your life, which offers clear answers to what constitutes good behavior and why your enemy is behaving like he is. So powerful tool in my opinion, what do you think?
  15. warrios circle against the mafia, sounds dangerous haha
  16. for at least 3 month^^ thats not that strong of a bound than haha maybe start by finding people who are interested themselves in what you imagine
  17. quite shocking to witness the downfall of quality information, since the coming of social media and clickbait. I took for granted how it unites a country, when there is a shared access to information and not multiple information bubbles. I took journalism very much for granted and now its under attack and must reinvent itself.
  18. To be direct. I don't like the individualistic advice he gives on economical problems such as wage slavery, because they are often very individualistic and could never work for a population ( his advice goes something like "Create your own Business, create value for others, profit"). It should be clear for all that it is not possible for all have their successful business, that make lots of money and allows the consumtion of massive amounts of ressources). Even worse, this individualistic attitude towards the economy is basically the reason why capitalism and wage slavery exists in the first place. It reminds me so much of this lone wolf attitude, and a "me first" attitude and is highly dysfunctional if a whole population has this attitude and will always only make a small percentage of people priviledged to escape soul draining work life. It think you should always advice for scalable and solutions that could actually work on a population level, especially if his advice otherwise is also having a good, moral, loving life. To keep it short, I just wished he would advocate instead for more collective efforts such as Creating Co-op and Purpose driven companies, that are not profit driven. Also Minimalism is an actual escape out of wage slavery that is scalable. I mean advocating to just earn lots of money, in order to not have to work anymore, will never work for everyone, because where should all those ressources for your house, car and lifestyle come from? (it will never work for everyone). Minimalism on the other hand actually proposes a good life, whilst reducing the use of ressources and thus could allow a good life for all. At the end of the day Leo wants to be a moral leader and that why I think his advice should be actual solution to the economic system, instead of individualistic "Get out of it and don't look behind" advice. Whats your thoughts on Leo economic and buisnes advice? Do you think they are immoral from societal point of view?
  19. @Parththakkar12 Honestly our collective survival has been a lot more than physical survival for a lot of time. It all about pleasure nowadays. Or if you want survival of this identity is still present. But there are so many people, who just are sick of the capitalistic work life. Most young people want more meaning in there jobs. And I think there should be solutions for them. It must not be a solution that scales to the whole population, but at lest a solution for the 5-10% who care about meaningful work. At the end of the day I am just disappointed with Leo on this economic aspects, because his solution is not sustainable. You can be creative and make your contribution without accumulating ressources. I would like to see leaders who promote a humble life. Who show me how I can have a meaningful work life without trying to become a millionaire. I want to see leaders who advocate or create the new economic structures we need instead of promoting using the old ones. Wage slavery is not just survival. Wage slavery is definitly opression. Opression maintained in our current economic structur Am I the only one bothered with the spiritual path in which you should also become a millionaire? You simply lose a lot of time chasing money and strengthening your selfishness and attachments AND it is immoral to use so many ressources, especially today where you ressources come from some southern country where people get completly exploited. I am sorry we live in an imperialist system here in the west, which has been priviledged anyways with excessive amounts of ressources and now trying to consum even more is just absurdly egotistical (well it may seem normal to you). I think a spiritual leader should promote a path, that is actually good for the planet, that is accessible for those 5-10% (even if it is just meaningfull work and not enlightenment there are after) and this means that we should promote alternative ways of living, instead of a "Get rich and escape society" mentality. @Preety_India Why haha?
  20. Well since the problem of meaningless work, poor payment, and no free time (my definition of wage slavery) is definitely a societal problem, I would hope there is a solution that can scale to all. I personally have a problem with profit driven businesses (except if they are small scale or self-employed) , because they are giant structure which funnel year after year cash into individuals and people wonder why there is such wealth inequality. Well its the f* buisnesses That being said, if one is highly creative and wants to sell his creativity in a self employed fashion, there is nothing wrong with that. You would probably say your advice targets these individuals, but I often get the feeling your advice sounds more like a applicable to all "start your business and get rich". I mean if you want to get rich, you can even just sell things on amazon, but it is also about how you get rich. Starting your own buisness can often lead to moral dilemnas especially in this competitive "winner takes all" environment. As soon as you want investors, you can also pack up your morals. Minimalism, Tiny house, etc. on the other hand offers a solution to this soul draining modern work life that does have this problem. Anyways thanks for the reply and I am looking forward to your next video! Thanks
  21. This may not be the deepest truth here but it kind of helps me. Understanding that there is nothing. That reality is nothing. That one is trying to grasp nothing. Or that one is trying to grasp infinity. Also when meditating. Trying to grasp the present moment. The present moment cannot be grasped. There is nothing. Yet You can enjoy it. Weirdly. You cannot even grasp how you enjoy it. You can just enjoy it.
  22. I am a psychology student and got introduced lately to structural psychoanalysis by Lacan and I quickly started to make links with non-duality. Interesting is the ödipal complex and it in general the theories about very early development (first year). Even though in psychoanalysis tradition the penis plays a big part, it made much more sense for me if you change the penis into god. I am curious if someone is familliar with these theories and found them helpful/interesting and has made links to non-duality?
  23. First comes the Love of Something, Then comes the Love of Love
  24. @Forestluv hey regarding your thoughts on coonnor & jake paul I think you are right. I think connor actually went in there deep. He even experienced pure hell (really fascinating how he talks about it). This is where all these now pseudo-spiritual people, who mainly play with thoughts and ideas, will get return to comfort zone egoland. I find it very interesting how spirituality sips into the minds of more popular individuals. But it will be about what they do with it. Will they accept Truth? Will they accept what they have been given? And then how far will they go with it? Jake Paul... I don't think he will go far with it, but you never know. He is still young. I can feel envious of them in these situation. I can have the feeling that this is unfair. That I should speak about these topics, since I dedicated my life to it. I renounced materialism. I renounced distraction. I was renoucing to part take in the devilry of this world. And so I should be asked for advise and inspiration. Of course this is pure egoism and I know it, since I am still in love with my own ego. But it can feel weird that you could chase materialism, fame, then suddenly discover the truth & end up having a bigger impact, than someone who dedicated to this quest from the beginning. Makes you question if you should just do it like them. Get material success & fame & then use this popularity to spread truth & love.