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Everything posted by Philipp

  1. @integral as far as I know heavy metals incorporate into the cells, which is the reason they are so dangerous. Same probably with other molecules.
  2. Depression is hard.. It's the first time in my life that I am experiencing something in this direction along with insomnia and I can relate to how stuck one can get from depression. It is is vicious circle of underachieving and getting demotivated and feeling bad about oneself. For your goals I would like to give you one practical advise, with which it is easier to feel happy about pursuing your goals. Instead of saying " I will do X every morning for eternity" - a bet you will most certainly loose at some point, leading to disappointment and maybe the loss of other habits, Instead of that I use a challenge system. So if you do a certain habit for one week, you are successful. You then have to decide if you want to continue or if you want stop and be happy about how long you managed to keep a habit. If you continue the next milestone is always twice as far, so that you quickly get to bigger goals (so this means: 1 week, 2 week, 1 month, 2 month, 4 month, 8 month, 1,5 years etc.). At the end if would note to which stage you manage to get (you can also give the stages a cool name, such as Spartan 1, Spartan 2, etc.) so you can feel happy about that instead of disapointed that you didn't manage to do habit X for eternity.
  3. @How to be wise not even bad advise, and you can hear that it really comes from experience. Also the " if you can't handle pressure, thats okey, but you got to know it" was interesting, since this isn't really a fascist mindset. It kind of gives me hope that he won't be as destructive as other fascists. I mean his biggest problem/ bias is just that he is a complete capitalist, (from his upbringing, to his buisnesses). I have been thinking how much damage he could do, if he gains power in 2024, and I was quite unsure (it may even be more dangerous what he will do if he doesn't win the 2024 election). The MAGA movement will probably peak during that time and he could use to create a conflict with China or he could try to create some sort of civil war/ division, where the MAGA and the democrats become completly opposed. Seeing that video I kind of believe he won't do that much, he will just be nice to buisness, make a few irrelevant political stunts like building a wall or some other cultural stuff and be gone.
  4. @kray I have been having very similar thoughts for the last years I feel like following an online guru is quite unhealthy. . It's spiritual bypassing. It's dopamin and thought addiction. It fuels your narcissism. It's a parasocial relationship. We need to be grounded in our experience, in letting others experience us (opposite of parasocial relationship), in our search, in our passion (and in our families, regions, traditions). You don't need 100 advice and insight. You need 1 advice and insights that is tailored to your current situation, helping you to overcome challenges and get to the next stage. So the advice a friends gives you may be more useful, since it was created for you specifically and not for an audience. Real spirituality is anyways experience, so you are not even really missing out on anything if you stop feeding yourself "spiritual content". Understanding the deep epistemic cracks and evilry of society makes you lose trust in society, science, religion (even friends and family to some extent). And losing all this trust really disorientates you, making it hard to get started with some career. In some sense the problem is, you always start from the bottom, so you will have to accept things as they are, but if you get conscious you will want to change all this evil you see, but you just can't at this stage, which is very frustrating for me. Even things such as Life purpose has some problems. At certain ages it is probably better If you are not searching for it, because you can be more flexible, trying out things for no particular reason, doing things just because you like them for the moment, without putting on them the huge label of "Is this my Life Purpose?". Don't forget Leo Gura did not have a Leo Gura.
  5. @Yarco 0% responsibility mindset @Emrie I d say the difference between individual and corporate emission is a tricky one to begin with, because when you consume, you could say its you individual emission, but you can also its the emission of the company that produced what you are consuming. In some sense, all emissions are individual emission and corporate emissions. the more interesting difference is probably between individual efforts and collective efforts. For collective problems such as climate change, collective sollutions are definitly the way to go. And with collective I am not even meaning nation wide, but supra national solutions. However politics will not make wonders. If you tax, oil, every one who needs a car to get to work, will protest, as they have in france for example. It to simple to say the politicians will solve it and I can continue my life as is. The politicians can create solutions, if we are willing to accept change as individuals. Furthermore the economic sphere which is basicly responsible for climate change, is globalized and has somewhat escaped the grasp of political control. In this sense the situation might need also solutions which do not only try to go over politics, but which go in a more direct way. Still collective solutions will be needed and this could mean create civic education movement for climate, new forms of companies which are less profit driven, communes, inspirational work, creating technologies that could help (AI could for example radically improve recycling), etc. there is pride and honor in doing your individual part and ultimatily we will all have to make some efforts, even we are forced to by collective regulations. However if this is something you are really passionate about, you will need to search for collective strategies. I would also avoid blaming yourself or other individuals for climate change.
  6. What is corrupt about the education system? Do you mean shools and /or universities?
  7. americans don't make a difference between political elites & global capital elites. :/...
  8. @assx95 oh interesting. that' actually an option ("investment research/analysis") I am considering. Would you mind telling me more, about what you are doing, how you would describe this kind of work.
  9. there is value in democracy itself. I can value that I have a voice and that we as a people are autonomous and not ruled by someone.
  10. I am considering doing a master in political science to become a political science researcher, writer, youtuber, theorist. Wondering if anyone here studied political science or has a LP in political science. My questions would be: What tips can you give me for academic career? What entry level jobs exist in this field? How would you rate working for an agency or government (if you had this expeirence)? What's your LP? (for inspiration)
  11. @Terell Kirby what does SCV mean?
  12. @assx95 Out of curiosity. Why do you want to do finance? What career do you envision /what fields (if you know already)
  13. soon 25, I am also addicted to the internet and videogames. You learn so much from the internet. But you don't have any experience of yourself. You don't make decisions /commitments. From consuming all the self help, you start believing your are better than others. You start getting entitled and think you deserve something for knowing all that stuff. But the truth, only habits, commitments, experiences, challenges, skills, helping, allowing to be helped will actually make you progress. We are a generation that is consuming too much content and loose touch with ourselves, since we never experience ourselves. Can't really give advice, since I have not overcome those challenges myself.
  14. Instead of blaming therapist, you could also blaim the care drain which led to the fact, that many did not get enough care in society and are now so needy. Of course the transactional nature is not perfect, but it is still a high quality service that demands a lot of ressources from the therapist. I don't think it is an easy job to listen and empathize with someones deep problems multiple time per day. You wouldn't do it yourself on full time basis for people you don't know, if you would not charge a decent price. For many I also believe that they need therapy in weekly basis instead of a one time thing, but I get you dependency issue, which seems problematic. Therapy could definitely be improved, but that counts for almost all professionals. In Europe I found trained therapists who only charge 60€ (~70 $) and psychotherapy shool is not paid here either, but I am sure it costs less than in the US.
  15. Persoanl opinion: empty promises and crypto scam. If you want to support mental health and psychedelic treatement just donate directly. If you want treatment yourself, just buy treatment. Really zero need to get invested in some nft sheme for that
  16. very inspiring, what a way of living! I am just curious how he actually survived. I don't like it when they skip that part, because that makes it unrealistic. what did he work? how did he simply get a piece of land in hawaii? etc..
  17. saying tat jews control the media, etc. is clear cut antisemitism. I hope there aren't any jews reading this thread, because there is not a lot of love here for them.
  18. @RendHeaven nice document! thanks for sharing, he really goes over a lot in an effective manner
  19. Can definitly relate, I even like to paint like you do. Things if found good: " Organizing my personal values is my flow state. " I don't really want to give advice, since I have similar struggles you do, so keep that in mind. "it seems like all those are hard to monetize." this could be a false limiting belief. What about comission painting? there also a lot of painting on tiktok. This could be a good way to find some audience. finding clients is key, especially if you think your painting is good already. Maybe find a niche in painting or maybe you already have one (can be easier to find clients that way). what about teaching children or adults to paint? what about game art, lot of money there? what about nft art (it's more of a hype, but there was/ is a lot of money to be made there. what about creating painting for restaurants or exhibiting your paintings there at least. And don't forget to be kind to yourself. Even if you think your problem is only a practical one, it probably is also an emotional, mental one. Listen to your negative thoughts, get to know them. accept yourself. accept your path. Since you have lots of imagination, you may also be an idealist/ perfectionist (just a guess, sorry if this is not true). Just in case accepts that your situation is not ideal. your path is not ideal. your art is not ideal. your job is not ideal. your family is not ideal. your mind is not ideal. BUt hey I struggle too with that, but I don't even know what my passion is, so you got one foot ahead of me
  20. Hey (24yo), I had some progress in my youth, but in the last years I stagnated and even started to develop depressive, adhd symptoms. Most of it comes down that I am completely stuck in theory and internet addiction. Currently I am not even doing anything anymore, I decided to contemplate on my Life Purpose, but it I just ended up watching youtube for 3+ hours a day, playing videogames for 2 hours and watching series for 1 hour. I realize that while my theoretical knowledge is vaste, I am completely out of touch with any meaningful practice. I am not chasing any goal. I don't really manage to decide and commit to some meaningful goal. I am extremly conditioned to just watch others do stuff and with this comes this conditioning that every endeavors needs to be easy and fast. I would apreciate if anyone who suffered from internet addiction can share his story and it would be nice if someone had some experience of overcoming this!
  21. Hey others, (or me's) I really struggle with coping to work in the current economic system (I live in austria. should be similar in other western countries). I need to let off some of my frustration. Please let me know how you feel and how you cope with it. First, since corporation rule most industries, working for them is almost inevitable (at least temporarily). Working for some capitalist owners already bothers me quite a lot. I hate the idea of taking part in this unethical system which continously creates lies, CO2, inequality. Every industry has it own shadow, but even taking part in the giant structure which is capitalism, serving an elite, just makes me sick. Second, all the shady tactics used in this system. Lying, manipulating, spinning, lobbying, creating appearances. All of that crap, which makes products unhealthy, addictive, short lived and so much more. It seems that everyday I could find a way how capitalism is making products crappier. Third, corporations have increasingly normalized stress and fast paced environment. This kind of sucks if you are a sensitive person and will make you at risk of suffering from burnouts. My mother suffered herself from this and it sickens me how workers are allowing this, by competing against each other. Fourth, the economic meta is one the worst aspects probably. Since corporations rule the game , they also established what is an adequate price for products and so on. Even if you start your green business, people still want the low prices. Fith, the fight for attention. This one is big and it seems to get only worse. With individuals being able to capture more and more attention in the digital space, it is becoming undeniably harder to get the attention that is needed for your Business and for your content. People I think underestimate this problem, that digital technologies have enable a few and the power of capital to really monopolize attention. And without attention nothing goes. I am not sure what I hate the most about the economy. Is it the lying and manipulating. Or is it the inequality. This lack of voice you have as a worker.
  22. I don't know why, but this transition just seems so odd to me. How is designing a web site more interesting than designing a game (especially for someone who likes games). Why would you chase this dream of yours to then change into something that is way easier to get into. Was it just to be able to work as a freelancer? But why not try to create your own game then. I don't know why but this question just bothers me a lot, does someone know why?
  23. you can just start writing a list of specific things you apreciate in life and this can be as basic as "having a conversation with a friend" "eating icecream", ... just to get started if you feel you have no passion at all (maybe your view of passion is a bit too extreme)
  24. Hey guys, My Top10 value list is the following: - Freedom - Impact - Creativity - Understanding - Democracy - Health - Family - Uniqueness - Friendship - Nature And I don't know really what to do about that impact value. In some sense it seems to contain my entire purpose by itself, but then I wonder what I to do with the other values. And as you can see it is not even really my top 1 value, so that makes it even harder to judge what to do with it. Does anyone of you had the value 'impact' or the value 'purpose', 'contribution' and what did you do with it? Did you treat it like an ordinary value or did you see it more as a gateway to your purpose? Any input on the subject is appreciated!
  25. Hey guys, I recently developed ADHD symptoms, they may get better, but to some extant they were already there my whole life, I just did not realize it. What work was the best and what work was the worst for you? Does programming work well? talking to people? Artistic work? Self organised work OR is it helpful to have someone who holds one accountable (aka boss)? Any insights on what ADHD has meant for you in the workplace is appreciated!