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Everything posted by Philipp

  1. Scary... I am wondering where this will end.
  2. @Jodistrict You seem to assume that being wrong and lying is the same thing.
  3. @StarStruck comparing trump with hitler is not so random. If you haven't realized Trump and especially MAGA is increasingly becoming a fascist movement. Hard to tell where the limit is for MAGA, as they are so easily manipulated. If Trump works long enough on it he could probably justify offensive wars, destroying democracy, forbidding wokeness (forbidding free speech), promoting mob violance against LGBTQ and migrants. It won't come that far, but thats the direction MAGA is moving in.
  4. I am getting so tired of all these people (including friends of mine) who are just completly rejecting all institutions and established journalism, and prefer believing tiktok videos made from people they don't know. All those fucking crazy conspiracy theories. Bad government here, bad government there. There are controlling us. LGBTQ some secret agend by the "elites" (cant even define what the elites are). Every evidence against them is fake. Not trusting science but trusting random joe on twitter. I WOULD LOVE to put all those people in a country with each other. No more communist radical leftists. No more establishements. No more academia. No more woke corporations. Just them and their beliefs. Because then they would not have any excuses anymore. They couldn't point the finger to someone else because its just them. And the carnage can begin. No more government to blame. All those disillusions running rampant, self destructing in spectacular fashion. And after many years of complete chaos, and pain. That would wake them up so hard, yet they would probably just go into fascism and fight until the bitter end. Scared so much of a totalitarian government that they created one themselves. There was a time when stupid people were to extent self aware of it, and admitted that experts were more knowledgable. Now they are themselves the "expert".
  5. I am wondering what the WEF is supposed to be good for. It is not a form legitimate centralised power which could enforce global economic player into behaving. And if it were a form of centralized power, this could be even worse since it is composed of economic elites. Earth would basicly become one giant oligarchy. I don't want to completly rule out that this form of informal cooperation could lead towards a better way of adressing some global problem such as climate change. However until now there has not been any particular success by the WEF, right? Finally, when it comes to wealth distribution I would never trust economic elites to improve that (-> one giant oligarchy)
  6. Early signs of orange before backlash comes. fascinating
  7. Is it correct, that all life purposes, as selfless as there are, are ultimatly just a selfish desire? This would mean that all life purposes are just a way to burn through karma (of course much more developed than burning through the desire for sex, but still)
  8. @playdoh sorry to hear that, but don't give up. Meditation also can take time, it's a skill, not a medication. You have to find some long term solutions and benzos are not. If you keep sticking to it, I am sure you will eventually find some things that can help you a bit. Don't let the hopelessness take control of you, there are so many people I ve heard, who struggled for years, to eventually get better.
  9. I am going through depression after experiencing several losses and a lack of love. As life is feeling empty and I have difficulty feeling motivation for anything, I got curious about meaning. Is there something such as absolute meaning? Are all Life purposes ultimatly completly meaningless? For all those having a meaningful life, are you able to accept and be aware that your meaning completly made up?
  10. I know the magic of benzos, they are really impressive, but they are basicly a cheat right. They don't act on our cognitions, they just turn off the anxiety neurons. But getting off benzos is apparently harder than gettin off heroin. You can watch the videos of Jordan Peterson talking about his benzo withdrawal and I don't think a lot of people will even manage to go through such a hard process. Try to find something sustainable. Meditation I think is very powerful for anxiety. You can overcome anxiety in other ways, I know it from a friend who managed to improve significantly on her social anxiety.
  11. @Squeekytoy @universe Thank you for the answers! I am not looking for ego death. I am not in an emotional state, where I can handle instability. Also my life is a mess. So I don't think this is a good idea. I am looking for ways to feel more fullfilement in life. Get strong and healthy again. Be able to stand on my own two feet. Maybe find some purpose. Could you answer me some more questions I have regarding Leo's purpose. Is he pursuing his Life purpose just to feel love? If he doesn't believe, that there exists another perspective than his, than his teachings are in some sense pointless right, because there is not even an other perspective, that can reach enlightenment? There are basicly just made up character, that will appear as if they got enlightened? Am I wrong?
  12. @TravisB Hey man Any Update? Your story touches me, because you first seem to have everything under control and growing immensily but somehow it all fell apart. I have had a similar story. Trying to become selfless made me feel good, I felt so mature. But It kind of messed it up, because I just couldn't not commit myself to anything. I was so scared of the typical life. And I felt so disconnected to my university teachers, to friends. I just could not commit to any career. I was so anxious about it. Education felt unconscious often. Work (especially the standard images) were often associated with evil, capitalistic practices. I so I got stuck longer and longer until I did nothing at all for a whole year just to "contemplate" (it was more being unable to take any commitment or step forward). But also Leo made me feel like I had to know what my life purpose was (I even did his course), but it just did not work. I could not know. And then It went into hell. Break up was the last straw (but I was so unfullfilled already anyways). I am now 5 months with basicly no sleep. I feel extremly anxious about what to do. Medication could also not help with the sleep and I just don't want to take antidepressant. (But props to you, for using it as a tool. I have no idea, I just thought medicaiton is psychiatric evil, but maybe they actually do help).
  13. Hey hey, searching for a coach, who can help me get out of my rut. Got any recommendations? Thanks for all replies!
  14. @marinaaniram This is a journal entry I wrote to myself. I thought I might share it with you. Just know that the pain I am talking about is not only from heartbreak, it also comes from stagnation. "Instead of trying to fill the hole [name of my ex] left. Instead of trying to close it as fast as possible. Allow the pain. Allow the sadness. Let it talk to you. Be with it. It is part of you. A very important part even. It can tell you what you are seeking. It can motivate you to grow, to see what you could not see, to feel what you could not feel, to learn what you need to learn. It can transform you. Allow it to transform you."
  15. Richard Leider: There is a free course by him, and he has a method using "Calling Cards".
  16. Hey, coming from the TRAPS feed on the main section, one trap was, not expanding your input and teacher base. That's why I want to create a repository of all kind of teachers or coaches (you can hire), who have something to say about: Finding your Purpose Creating a passionate Career Figuring out what you want to do in Life Figuring out your passions, desires, motivations, strengths and weaknesses Thank you so much, if you have can post someone! Please don't post teachers who have just very little content on these subjects or who do this to gain traffic. I want / need teachers who know what they are talking about and have experience to back it up. Otherwise all perspectives are allowed.
  17. I got heart broken 3 weeks ago (4 year relationship). Personally I accept feeling sad. I am happy if I cry, I find it's quite a reliving mechanism. I try to use meditation skills, to let go of useless needy thoughts like ("I need her back", "I will never be happy without her", "Nobody can give me what she could", etc.). Those are some pretty useless, false, needy thoughts. Just move on. If you feel you lost something, just consider that you can create that thing you want with someone new eventually. Everything you miss about the relationship, you can recreate, if you put in the effort. Yet I also use this break up to detach myself from this desire of approval by a girlfriend. It really stilled my hunger to grow as a person. I believe I will grow a lot from being alone for a while.
  18. Getting demotivated, because you don't manage to live up to your potential Not taking action because of perfectionism, entitlement, overthinking, confusion
  19. I will try to make this clear from the start. I am not really looking to blame Leo. I don't care that much for blaming Leo. But I care for acknowledging, discussing and sharing this perspective. I think there can be considerable psychological damage, when adolescents 14-18, get drawn into the consumption of spiritual knowledge, especially enlightenment ("Illusion of the Ego", "No self", " Selflessness", even spiral dynamics to a certain extant). But I guess I will just state my case and others can judge and share if this is something more general. Again I am not really looking for blame (even if the desire is there). I am looking for healing. I am 25 years old now and I started watching Leo almost from the start, so I guess I was somewhere in between 14-16. But I was immediately hooked. I had experienced self help before, but I found Leo I immediately saw that he went more in depth, was more right and was more serious about this all. So I really got into him. Not really sharing this with my friends, since I felt that Self Help was almost a tabu. So I started growing from the knowledge, I started understanding myself better, I started understanding others better, I had more success jumping over my fears, interacting with girls, it almost felt as if I had discovered a super power, no other kid knew about. But then the moment came, when "the videos will get deeper now". When Leo did not really want to stay on that psychological surface level, but actually wanted to share spiritual content. And as 16-19 yo men, whose role model was Leo, of course I was willing to get deeper with him. But I did not get the content. He suddendly said "The Ego is an illusion" "You don't even exist" and I couldn't make sense of that. I kind of knew it was true, because I trusted Leo a lot, but I had not a single experience, not even a glimpse of this realization. Also no others I interacted with, or who I knew about, had said such things, so I was even more in a conflict. Trusting Leo or trusting everybody else. And that also meant things like, trusting friends, trusting parents, trusting more basic self help coaches. The "Selflessness is the most beautiful thing" "Try to be selfless" was more understandable. But trying to be selfless at that age is so counterproductive. You need to grow at that age and in this society you need to fight for your place, you need to want things for yourself. If people don't get that you need to be selfish, when growing up, you don't understand how much this psyche is still in the making and that growth and acquisition is vital to create a positive foundation. So I was understanding that selflessness was something beautiful, I wanted to be it, (at to some extent it also worked), but to a bigger extant I think it made me hesistant to satisfy my needs. To satisfy my need for growth (not spiritual growth). How things like spiral dynamics affected me is even more complicated. It made even more sense and I felt smart learning about it. But I realize that is also make you loose trust in other and especially superiors, if you know you have metaphysical map, which imcompasses their entire being and knowledge. But you can't get far on your own at that age and having some real life superiors, mentors, teachers your are aspiring to, is quite important. So I was basicly left with aspiring to become Leo. I lets be honest. there are so many stages between an 17-19 yo, and a enlightened 30 yo Leo. In the end I started distancing myself from spiritual content and Leo, but I this left me trusting no one. Even worse. I can't trust normal folks, because Leo showed me how full of shit they are. But I can't trust Leo, because his content isn't helping me anymore. I felt really disoriented. Instead of having focused on getting myself a first job I like, maybe gather some experiences abroad, I was obsessed with making sense of the world. Trying to understand how my ego is illusiory even though nothing in my experience could point to that. I was trying to master the advanced stuff and thought those basic material pursuits are bad. It was only later 23+ yo, that I started to get more that "You need a strong ego to transcend it" and etc. But still this dirorientation is still to this day affecting me and really hindered my growth. Not trusting universities, lectures, seeing how weak science was. Seeing all the wage slavery and selfishness in people. I feel like I need to let go of and just live life like the the other unknowing humans. Have a certain naivity and believing I need more money to be happy or something like that. It is hard to explain exactly how all this affected me. I cannot also really say to which extant it was responsible for all this suffering and lack of growth, because there are certainly also other factors. I am also certain that Leo warned often about these traps, but it must also be said that a person is not going to watch every video and may miss one where is explained better. Also uploading spiritual videos about the illusion of the ego, doesn't give you the feeling that he is actually considering this a trap, if you are not ready. And even if he puts a few disclaimer at the start, which kid doesn't watch the intriguing video from his role model, even if there are disclaimer before. I am not looking for blame, but I want to ask you guys: Is it the right thing to upload a mix aproachable self help stuff, and really deep metaphysical spiritual content on a platform like youtube, where there are so many kids. And kids aren't stupid. They can get into that stuff. That's it. I am just wondering what you guys thing of the ethics /healthiness of this and if someone had similar experiences.
  20. As a last comment, I want to add, that when you are nearing yellow at an early age (or came extensively in contact with this type of thinking) choosing a degree in University becomes quite difficult. Personally I had the feeling that I was extremely interested in everything and in the interconnectedness of everything. I could have played a videogame and suddendly learned something about politics from it. Knowledge and insights just seems to flow so seemingly across fields and degrees and could not be contained anymore. Choosing one direction just seems very limiting. Especially if you have the false belief, that you will have to work in the field you study for the rest of your life, this choice becomes excruciating. And doesn't reflect at all the type of thinking you have and want to show. Also interested in the meta perspective of things, epistemological deficiencies of my first field of study were painfully obvious (really discouraging me to continue further). Really curious if others felt to be nearing stage yellow very early and how it affected them, especially in regards to university. @Oeaohoo Given this problem I experienced. I wanted to ask you which stage yellow universities /degrees you know about. This would actually be a very useful information to gather and have. Stage yellow thinking can also become problematic at an early age, not only stage turquois. Both are depressingly hard to get recognition for, and if so not at the entry ports of society.
  21. You are all right, but I just want to add, that it was not only about having your friends to validate you. (even though friends are a value of mine and I don't think that's wrong either; I just can't let them restrict me) If you're somewhere near stage yellow by the time your 20, you feel great at first, but no college program is going to be stage yellow, certainly not a bachelor or master. And no entry level job is going to be stage yellow and in general creating a stage yellow career is quite rare in today society. There aren't so many role models, institutions, employers, that can help you with that. It felt frustrating. I think I have to learn to be patient, not expect my job and purpose to be the same for the moment, and accept to engage with lower stages. Thanks for all the replies, very kind.
  22. @Leo Gura It's just more difficult, when you're young to handle the alienation, because your self worth isn't fully there yet. You want/ need to show the world, who you are, but the world doesn't recognize you (or so it seems - the solution is to be patient and not give up)
  23. @Danioover9000 I think if spiral dynamics and spirituality was more widely understood in society, it wouldn't also be too much of a problem for an adolescent to learn about it. The problem I felt, was that it alienated so much from everybody else, that I became dependant on Leo. Also feeling unable to show all this growth, when studying or in early stages of career, I lost my sense of self worth. Would I have been able to get some recognition for my growth, I would probably not have fell down this vicious circle of stagnation, depression, confusion. So I agree with you that in theory it could be taught.
  24. Hey, sorry for the late answer. Had to stomach a hefty breakup. Was kind of giving me the impulse for this post. It felt good reading all the replies. It was kind of what I was looking for. thanks for that! @Leo Gura Thanks for accepting my feedback @Razard86 Hey thanks for the reply! Maybe not trusting anyone will have its merit eventually. Trusting myself... well I need to show myself now, that I can trust myself, because I haven't taken great care, even though I tried. I really am not on the right track. I stagnated, regressed, for too long. That's not so healthy. Also trusting other can be useful. Just trust them temporarily you know. I don't know if it is best to plow forward alone (maybe if your leo). @flowboy I don't know if "The belief that you need these things [reffering to money, etc.] to be happy, has been broken." this is true. I certainly accepted it as true, but a bit more experience to back these things up, could be a good thing. I am just disoriented. Fearful to commit to anything. Because nothing resembles Leo and Leo is back in my mind the only that I could somewhat trust. However I will change some things. I will just do some things I ve never done before, like bartending, just some things to get myself in touch with working and career. Purpose is still my goal, but I won't try to think too much about it. I tend to get uncertain about everything, when thinking. @Oeaohoo Interesting how you describe how the medium and process of spiritual teaching has changed. Definitly something to keep in my mind, when comparing modern and ancient teaching. @mmKay Well that discrepency between inner and outer game can suck quite hard. But good to know you ended up somewhere positive. I do believe it to be the for me, aswell, it's just I have to make the rubber touch the road. @Chrisd At the end I am not that far. Maybe i'll lift my hands to the sky one day, thanking for the blessing I had become. But i am not there yet. @purporing: yeah you get me. It's hard to get going, when you are grow a lot at an early age, and the starter survival stuff is just so unattractive. Looking for Leo and finding capitalism. Well I was to kind with myself, not engaging with capitalism. I have to start somewhere right. @theMysticalMan: Thanks for the reply. One problem I have, you are not addressing, is that I mainly conceptualized. I need to get in touch with doing and this is not something you learn on the internet^^ @ThoughtArt: Misapplying is huge. And overly conceptual teaching you get from watching videos on the internet is prone to that. Not to say that Leo doesn't compensate with excellence. But Misapplying is a problem. I whish you luck friend! @ShardMar: Actually talking, to some one helps right. Consuming spirituality on the internet is too much one way. You must be able to give back. I ll keep in mind, to use a psychologe if I feel too.