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Everything posted by Philipp

  1. here is a quick video on the history of the jewish people. Judaism is as old as people believing in Zeus. Unfortunate that we don't have any Zeus worshippers anymore. It is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel regarding this conflict. The border are already skewed so much in the favor of Israel. I am not sure if Palestinians will ever be fine that.
  2. what games did you play?
  3. Have you read "Refuse to Choose"? The perspective given in this book is quite unique. It states, that you should not do one of the things that motivates and interests you, but you should do ALL of the things that interest and motivate you. Leo for example also did psychology, politics, spirituality, dating (and explored game design and buisness for some time). Of course you should not be all over the place, thats why you need to be organized and focus on one or two things at a time. Maybe have a routine for 15 minutes each day, where do something else that interest you. I think the lesson of this book is: Don't waste your trying to choose that one thing you want to do, and instead figure out how you can do a lot of it ( even if you just for 15 minutes a day)
  4. there are also some immigration that is borderline stage red. I wish every migrant was solid stage blue, but if you look at countries such as Afghanistan, Subsaharan Africa that's not really the case.
  5. This short by Vsauce explains the world view of schrödinger. For a physicist I find it quite interesting! "How the world could have not have been a riddle?" What do you guys think?
  6. I am curious if anyone saw this video. I found it interesting how there are 3 different perspectives in this video, instead of the usual 2. Also I am not fully sure who I agree with. Of course not with joe rogan. I am not sure if Johnny Harris presents a genuine stage yellow perspective, in seeing some value in Joe rogan and not hating people you disagree with. Hasanabi is also convincing in his opinion that you should not be that lenient with individuals like joe rogan. Curious if anyone has sawn it (or wants to see it) and has an opinion.
  7. @Leo Gura Do you believe that left position on transsexuality, where it is basicly a fact that you can be "born in the wrong body" and that affarmative care is the best course of action, is actually true?
  8. My friends who are usually extremly deep on anti trans, anti leftist and anti vax stuff, actually like him. The only thing that bothers them was his apparently pro Israel stance. He seems to appeal to some young people who rejected conventional politics. One quality I like about him is that he makes a real effort, to not talk bad about his opponent.
  9. I thought I understood some things about AI, but this presentations was to much. The hyperscale accelerated AI factories... I have no idea what he is talking about.
  10. Just be honest about your struggles Leo. This invincible Guru Personality is unintersting. Much more interesting to simply get a peak into your life, your experiences, your struggles, your lessons, your regrets, your emotions, your adventours.
  11. I am questioning whether monogamy is the most natural form of romance for humans. What kind of relationship form is the most natural to humans (the most aligned with our primal roots)? - longterm monogamy (lifelong) - shorter monogamy (3-10 years) - sexual exclusivity only from female part. (Harem) - polyamory - open relationship - casual Dating It would be nice, if you give an explanation on why you think this is the most natural form of relationship for humans. -
  12. @Lila9 Nice, thorough answer. I would however be skeptical of claiming sex is not a big deal back then. And man not claiming females and getting jealous if they get fucked by someone else...Maybe if it were like orgies and multiple man would be fucking a woman at the same time. I do also believe rejecetion had to be a thing back then. A woman was surely not letting anyone fuck her. FROM A SYSTEMIC POINT OF VIEW sexual selection is an incredibly important evolutionary process. It is like evolution on steroids. Sexual attraction is not just fun and games. It was key for selecting highly effective genes.
  13. @Dauntment This comment is completely out of place
  14. My ex broke up 1 year ago (together 3,5 years). She wanted to stay friends. I care a lot about her. So being friends motivated me. She also is a very good person and great friend, as I had seen. However... it doesn't work. I think staying friends is especially bad for man. As continuing to fuck is especially bad for woman. (if the guy, is not emotionally invested anymore) So proposing friendship almost feels like a trap. The girl continues to get emotional investment from you, but stops giving you her sexual exclusivity. Thoughts? Bad and Good Experiences with Friendship after Break-up?
  15. @integral no I was emotionally pretty messed up. Breakup was not the only problem I had. I had hard time even wanting to have something with someone else. She was still what I wanted. I valued her during the relationship and afterwards a lot.
  16. @Thought Art no I have not read it, but I am not talking about culture, since this is more of a societal construction. What was the romantic relationship form in a tribe of 1000 human living in the wild.
  17. @Leo Gura isn't intuition about relying on feelings?
  18. I don't know if it is really one or the other (feelings or reasons). A reason is also always associated with a feeling. If you figure out what brings you the most money in 10 years, you are still deciding based on the movitation, that you associate with becoming rich (which is very much a feeling). But I heard this idea from succesful friends already so maybe there is some merit to it. Having some fixed (rational) goal can be useful to sustain yourself through motivational dips.
  19. @Samsonov Lets get rid of the fear of having "lost it all". That's bullshit. Things just got worse and I am sure they can get better again. Maybe you haven't worked through all the lessons you needed to be permantly at your higher self. Or maybe you are just in a bad mood. I am sure a little bit of rest and kindness towards yourself, is a good start
  20. I would not say so. The algorithm is extremly biased towards shocking, radical, aggresive statements. If you flood the zone with bullshit, you can't really created an intelectual space. Also short form content will never really be suited to intelectuality anyways.
  21. In the long run it is usually better to be open and diverse. it forces you to base your identity not around superficial aspects such as skin color, but around deeper human values. It allows you to expand your identity and play a more uniting role in the world.
  22. @Shawn Philips You should actually whatch what happened before judging: Watch it: The looting and especially the fires are completely unjustified, but the protest and anger is.
  23. @mojsterr there is video of how it happened. It is honestly inacceptable. Watch it: There are surely better ways of preventing a car from escaping then to shoot the driver. That something like that happens, is definitly a problem.
  24. @Leo Gura What could improve the epistemic ecosystem? Isn't it just more important that people become intelectually humble again. Realizing that they are not the smartest and that they have to trust smarter people to achieve the best outcomes.
  25. But how is humanity supposed to evolve then? Can you be stupid, but spiritually evolved? Is the future of humanity still a bunch of stupid people, but there are all stage green and above? I would also be careful about normalizing todays time. Shit was different. In Austria, politics worked great since the second world war. But now far right parties are surging, there is 0 appreciation for the work that has been done, nobody votes for people who address the real problems anymore. It's crazy. People are avoiding the work, fabricating fantasy problems, because the real problems are too difficult. And it feels only some good old pain will wake people up to not avoid hardship and responsability. It has to become clear again, that working together and finding ways to trust each other may not be fun, but the only way to avoid pain. I have the feeling the way nations move forward is not by using their eyes. They just walk along until they hit a wall.