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  1. the biggest flaw is that he attributes causation to a predictive model, which is false. for example: the incumbancy key might be predictive exactly because it means that the incumbant presidant is still cognitively fit enough to run for a second term. If you start to intetionally act to flip keys, the predictive values of his model could and probably would disapear. In social science causation can only be implied if you do a randomly controlled experiment. Furthermore: predicting retroactively is completly irrelevant. There is an infinite set of keys that can retroactively predict every election. So this aspect of his model should not even be mentioned.
  2. Ask yourself what you actually desire when you desire weed. What are you actually trying to accomplish at the exact moment when you start craving: feel relaxed, feel more pleasure, be more mindful, be more conscious, have less thoughts (about something) etc.. You might be able to accomplish these goals even more without weed and by using other tools.
  3. Why do I live on earth with 7 billion other humans and millions of other life forms? Why was I not born alone on some empty rock. Why do I have access to these teachers and this wisdom. Why not better? Why wasn't I born at a time where wisdom is 100x more profound and better taught? Or where the planet/ civilazation is 100x more beautiful. Was this random? Seems stupid to make this random. And if it wasn't random, why not better?
  4. @Hojo So god is masculin? (-> your picture would not work with a vagina) // Or is just the soul masculin? This is not even so crazy. Jung also said masculinity is the realm of the soul, where as feminity is the realm of the body (or something like that)
  5. @Inliytened1 I feel the hardest part is not to detach yourself, but to have the courage to fully love, anyways.
  6. @Leo Gura I think parents are told that their child is at higher suicide risk and that transitioning is best for them. And if you are scared, confused, you always do what the autority tells you.
  7. Do I understand it right, that it is about not falling trap to lies and falsehood? To preserve a state of not knowing?
  8. Life purpose, meaning, career, family, friendship, socializing are mostly dependant on a society or other living things. Could you be creative without any other people to acknowledge it. Could you live a meaningful life on an empty planet? Could you live a meaningful life without creating a family? What are your honest answers? Are you okay being dependant on society?
  9. I remember a blog post (I think), where Leo said, he had to open up to suicide. This actually frightened me quite a bit. Having had suicidal ideation (because of suffering), a lot of what keeps me going is a beleif that life can become beautiful, meaningful, enjoyable. That happiness can be achieved. Trying to pursue that deep mystical life however is kind of strange if it all ends up at suicide again. I was wondering if there is any update on that. Is suicide different when doing it out of suffering vs some super conscious decision? Is life really not enjoyable after all these enlightenment experiences to a point, that suicide is not an option? I hope this questions are not too private.
  10. @Schizophonia what are some ordinary name for those "good" antidepressants? Do psychiatrist prescribe them?
  11. I mean especially those who want to stay completly away from society. -> buddhist ideal, basicly. I find it bizarre. You are not becoming a leader. You are not creating a family. It this really the end goal of spirituality?
  12. You are not serving humanity if your are living isolated right? Or do you think one should return after a time?
  13. Dont you think it is part of your purpose to create a family? Feels like going against human nature and against gods creation
  14. I have recently heard of a woman who lived 12 years in a cave. Hermits have done this centuries apparently. What do you guys think of living disconnected from society. No family. No job/purpose. Meditating 12 hours a day.
  15. I am sorry this text is long and repeating itself. I just had to stream out my thoughts as they came in order to express myself genuinly. I dont have the strength or clarity to organize my thoughts better. Also I posted this in under consciousness because a lot of anxieties, thoughts, strategies to get better came from spiritualty. || I cant anymore. I feel so empty. I feel just sadness. I have no energy. I cant sleep. I did not sleep for a month (0 hours.) I don't understand what is happening. I just feel no love anymore. No desires. I don't want to cause pain to my family and friends, but I am just completly empty. I feel no desire. No real long lasting desire. Is it about loving myself? What should I love about myself? My personality? My achievements? My Body? My thoughts? I am not sure I hate anything about me. I just have no desires and energy. I have been trying to escape my mind with spirituality. I have been trying to let go of my mind. I meditated for hours. Some spiritual shools teach that desires are bad. And some cravings probably are bad for your wellbeing (like sugar). I just want to feel relaxed. I just want to feel relaxed. And to have some strength. Some vitality. If I find something I want to do. It feels empty. I just want to love something. I cant really identify with my mind. But I am far from letting go too. I just feel confused, what to do. Are desires important? Happiness seems to lie beyond desires, yet I have no energy to live. I need some desires. How do people live in caves? I feel drawn to that, but it seems like a trap. I dont have the energy and strength to be so stoic. I just cant anymore. I need to get better. I need to sleep. I need to find some desire. Am I holding onto my ego? Am I desperatly trying to identify with my desires? I don't know why I care so much. Where do I find some strength? Some purpose. For all I know a purpose is as meaningless as a desire. Yet it feels like I need one to survive. How could I live without purpose? What if I was alone on a planet? No humanity. Would there still be a purpose to be found? What does it mean to love myself. This phrase has been used a lot. What should I love? Or is it more about following my desires? Allowing myself to have desires? Love seems to be used as acceptance. Accepting myself. Accepting my "false self". Accepting my ego? Accepting my desires? Or is there no such thing as "loving yourself". Is there just love. Accepting experience. Accepting Emotions. I just want some vitality and some desire. Some pleasant experience. Something that helps me forget the sadness. Something that helps me to relax. I want to survive. 1 month without sleep. Medication has worked once but I dont want to used as it seems to prevent real healing. But i feel so weak, that I might just die, not even suicide. Just death by weakness. I would love some guidance. Is transcending the ego a trap/misunderstood? I often seem to want to escape myself. Yet desires seem so linked with an identification with the ego. Is it okay to feel identified as the ego? Is meditation too much at the moment? What does it mean to love yourself? Should I pursue my desires? Some stress seems to come from the fact that I don't feel like myself. No truly knowing what I am. Yet I have not slept for 1 month and I just want to find some strength. Should I ignore such feelings? How can I sleep? I feel anxious, sad and without purpose (and of course compeltly exhausted). My sadness seems broad. My fear more specific about not surviving, not finding happyness/ not finding peace. I feel irritated by living with my parents. Yet I have forced myself to accept it. Acceptance is king. But I cant. I am not in able to accept all just like that. My mind is too weak. I have grief and anxiety going rampant. Was this some spiritual bullshit. Trying to convince myself that my circumstances don't matter? That I can love everything. That I can apreciate everything. I had no mystical experiences. I don't know what god is. I am just a 27 yo male, very depressed, unable to sleep/relax/ let go. Does anyone think they can help me?