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Great to see that you're back Gerhard. I'll still sometimes hear say that "5-meo-malt has feminine energy". And that "5-meo-dmt has masculine energy". You mentioned that idea in your 5-meo malt vs dmt video. I made a post about a homemade nasal spray inspired by one of your deleted videos on youtube. I feel ketamine should be higher on the list as it has lots of potential for healing. I also prime myself with a bit of ketamine to remove the fear of taking 5-meo-dmt. It doesn't give you comedowns like mdma does. You also mention taking MAOIs with your alternative legal plant that contains DMT. What's that plant? I never heard anyone use that term, "Anahuasca". Neither could I find references on the internet. Would be great to learn more about it from you. If it's legal here in Australia, then I want to know. I checked the dark web and there are some australian sellers of n,n-dmt there but the price tag is relatively high. How do you take your rue seeds. Did you boil them? Did you try extracting harmine from them? P.S. Probably would be risky to post this video on dmt-nexus, n,n-dmt rated C and all.
LoseYourvelf started following maxpechura
I keep repeating “Я понял” (“Ya ponial”), which means “I’ve understood everything” or maybe “I understand now” in Russian.
Introduction to the e-Mesh technique ! Minty is the master of e-mesh ! In this post, I want to discuss vaping 5-MeO-DMT on the e-mesh. First off, all my knowledge comes from Minty and shree. The experience may - and likely will - feel different from other methods of administration you might have tried. It's an intense, short burst that takes you straight to non-duality, provided the dose is high enough. ! Vaping beats plugging ! I've heard from some people on this forum and Martin Ball (see his book "5-MeO-DMT Integration: Embodying Nonduality is Not What You Think") that some people come away disappointed with plugging. I know it's the method Leo championed. It’s been noted that other psychedelics change in character once you've had a breakthrough on 5-MeO-DMT (or possibly on other psychedelics). It doesn’t surprise me that Leo can have breakthroughs on plugged 5-MeO-MALT and 5-MeO-DMT, but I suspect he initially brokethrough on 5-MeO-DMT using a pipe or while vaping it on the e-mesh. He was also unique in his ability to, for example, smoke N,N-DMT and experience infinite love. I never felt that on N,N-DMT myself. Plugging and other methods are great, but if you're aiming for your first breakthrough, I highly recommend the e-mesh. Then you can switch it up later by adding more ROAs (routes of administration). It's possible that other ROAs will give you a longer (when compared to e-mesh) enlightenment experience after you've done it several times on the e-mesh. ! 5-meo-malt or 5-meo-dmt? ! Ever since Leo introduced 5-meo-malt, it has become the new shiny thing but don’t just discount the old 5-meo-dmt. In fact, I believe 5-meo-dmt is the better of the two. ! Goldilocks dose ! You have got to discover your Goldilocks dose - not too much, not too little. Just the right amount for you. The doses that are too small will tend to be confusing. You won't like the experience. If I ask you "How did you go", you'll say "Unsure and I didn't like it". Doses that are too much will be unpleasant as well. You'll probably feel a bit queasy and will experience a fast heart rate. So, I suggest to fast on the day or not to eat at least a couple of hours before the trip. I don't get too much queasiness (only when I overdo it) but some people can get quite sick. So impossible to say how you'll react. Too much (dosage-wise) feels worse than too little (mostly because of the heart rate). Interestingly, 5-meo-dmt will tend to give you an increased heart rate. While 5-meo-malt will tend to give you body shakes. People will tend to report that their breathing becomes conscious (as opposed to being unnoticed and automatic in the background). You're not in danger of stopping breathing at any time. You just started noticing your breath is all. How do you figure out a dose that is just right for you? You start with one scoop and then keep increasing by one (or half a) scoop. When it works, you'll know. You can't miss it when it works. :-) Don't assume, however, that you need high doses when vaping just because you needed a lot of chemical when plugging. Also, don't assume that it's a good idea to begin with whatever amount you used previously using whatever method of choice from before. Begin with one scoop. The first few experiences on the low doses will be most likely a bit unpleasant but remember to be careful not to overshoot as you could abandon the idea of psychedelics for a couple of years if your experience is unpleasant enough. 5-meo-dmt is fun when you get the dose right. For most people it will be in the range of 12-15mg on e-mesh. Figuring out how e-mesh works, how to reliably measure out small amounts of the substance and other related questions takes a little of commitment. Sub-breakthrough doses can feel scary. That’s what people mean by being afraid of the chemical. I used many methods and several substances and these days I gravitate towards freebase 5-meo-dmt on e-mesh. I heard of some people neglecting their responsibilities after having nondual experiences on 5-meos. So, beware. You can lose interest in work and other human activities. Pre-flight ! Trip duration ! I think vaping 5-meo-dmt on the e-mesh is the shortest in terms of duration. I was back after 8 minutes. Add extra 15 minutes on top of that to recover from the afterglow, as you better be sitting down during that period. Compare that to 12 hours of tripping on lsd. ! Smaller doses are unpleasant ! Smaller doses are confusing. I never seem to like these small handshake doses while vaping e-mesh. After your first handshake dose, you will probably try 10mg. 10mg can be brutal. With 10mg you may not breakthrough but the trip will be twice as bad as your handshake dose (5-7mg). However, despite being an unpleasant trip and all, you’ll probably have your next go 5 minutes after returning to the planet Earth from the previous one. Low doses of 5-meo-dmt are more terrifying than high. 12+ is a much better experience since the mind doesn't fight against it. You will probably want one or two more after you go through it. Although you experience trepidation before the take-off, the trip won’t necessarily end up being that scary. Some people will have something like ecstasy to calm the nerves, but I don’t like mdma as comedowns are unpleasant. ! Supplies ! Mod. Make and model don’t make too much difference but I’ve got Geekvape Aegis Solo 100W TC V1. Mesh Pro RDA knock-off from Wish or AliExpress Vandy Vape mesh wire ss316l 6mg scoop 10mg scoop Small funnel for loading the chemical onto the mesh from AliExpress (channelling your 5-meo-dmt into the e-mesh RDA which has a small opening at the top, helping prevent spillage) ! Preparing the mesh ! Cut a 3.5cm piece of the mesh. You will need to narrow the Vandy Vape mesh by trimming it a couple of millimetres on the side. It doesn’t really matter if you trim 2 or 3 millimetres. The mesh just needs to be narrow enough to fit in between the plate clamps. It’s just too wide out of the box. My mod wouldn't pass the two of the Minty's tests (recommended for the Temperature Control (TC) mode), but the mod worked fine in the Power (POWER on mod display) mode. So you can just put your mod into the Power mode as well. However, at some point (maybe after your first successful trip) do give the Temperature Control mode a try just to see if it works for you at all. Make sure there are no parts of mesh that are having contact with other parts of the RDA and the mesh must be flat or even better have a slightly downward bend in it - a place where powder can be safe. The mesh will shine bright red when heated (See bright red.mp4) ! Testing if the mesh is heating up alright ! Put 5mg on the mesh and test it without inhaling. Just press and see if it vaporizes nicely. Smoke would be coming out the hatches (airflow vents) and the drip tip. You don't even need the metal sleeve (I mean, the metal head enclosure). You can just put the chem directly on the mesh, and see how it vaporises. You should avoid the fumes from the tank, or you can get high from the vapour (see load testing.mp4). If it leaves any burned residue, the wattage is too much. ! Technique for transferring the chem from the scoop onto the e-mesh ! Use this funnel from AliExpress. Chemical will cling to the scoop. So I will keep banging the scoop against the funnel surface to dislodge the chemical from the scoop. ! Wattage ! If you put the mod in the Power mode, you can choose the wattage you want. E-mesh requires 17-20w to efficiently vaporise the freebase chem. In 7-10 seconds, you can vaporise 20+ mgs. For every 5mg you can add a watt or two. Handshake doses are easy on e-mesh too. 2 second hit gives you approximately 2mg of chem. For a small an amount as 5mg, you can use 15w. For example, it’s likely that you will need around 7 seconds to vaporise 15mg on 20w. ! Dosing schedule ! When doing e-mesh you must start from the lowest dose again (even if you used other routes of administration before). Start with one scoop (a brown, red or black one) or maybe 5mg. See how you go and then go for 10mg if you don't breakthrough. And starting from 10mg I would recommend you increase the dose by 2-3 mg. Example: Session 1: 3.5-7mg (low if sensitive) Session 2: 10mg Session 3: 12mg Session 4: 15mg Session 5: 18mg ! How to reliably measure out 15 mgs ! Get a 10mg red (or black) scoop. In that scoop you'll get 6-7mg of the chemical. So, two scoops is like 13mgs. I breakthrough on that amount. I also got a brown 6mg microscoop as well. It's thought that one brown scoop contains 3.5mg of the chemical. So, 4 scoops is 14mg. I breakthrough on 4 brown scoops. However, it's not hard to see that half a red spoon equals one brown spoon. You can always go in half-a-spoon increments if need be. According to Martin Ball and the experience of some other members on this forum, 12-15mg is a sweet spot. ! Pre-melting ! You can prepare your chem by putting your dose (e.g., 15mg) on the mesh and clicking once or twice to crystallise it. It will not leak or fall through the mesh. You can leave it in that state for as long as you wish. In other words, you leave your gun loaded. It melts evenly and pools in the middle ! Remembering the trips ! Psychonaut suggested taking Modafinil to remember your trips better. However, not tested by me yet. ! Process description ! You put the chemical on the mesh using the funnel and a scoop. And don't be shy when inhaling. Empty your lungs. Start Inhaling deeply. Fire the mod and inhale for 10 seconds. And count in your head from 10 to 1. At some point, you will probably feel clean air being inhaled (i.e. chemical is all gone). You get impression you fucked up everything. Hold breath as long as you can. I always try to hold for more than 20 seconds. Vapour is doing its work on your lungs. Do not assume that releasing it early or inhaling less will give you less scary trip. And then you breakthrough (ideally). Whatever comes, let it come. Open your body. After the trip ! Burnt chemical ! Acrid and unpleasant smell means you burnt the chemical. Decrease wattage on your mod. ! Cleaning the mesh after each use ! Increase wattage to 35-100w. Tap once or twice to burn off any remaining chemical. Usually mods are capable of putting out 100w in the Power mode. However, I clean my mod at 35w as 100w destroyed my Vandy Vape mesh and I had to cut a fresh piece of mesh. It's normal to get one more cloud of chemical when cleaning. ! What if you don’t get clean air after 10 seconds ! You may get a feeling that there’s still a lot of chemical left on the mesh after 10 seconds. I think the main factor here (aside from the wattage) is your breath. You can influence the temperature in the tank by how deeply you’re inhaling (i.e. varying the speed of the inhale). But there could be others. Is your mesh too long (should be around 3.5cm long for Mesh Pro RDA)? Too tall, meaning it sticks out too much, touching the head and conducting the heat? The mesh should never touch the chamber. You can always make the mesh slightly narrower. You can try shortening the mesh. It will be more efficient. You don't need a big platform for placing your powder anyway. Too much power will destroy your mesh. Your mod could punch more power than mine. So, you would need to decrease the wattage. If you had several experiences in the past where you were able to get that clean air but now you can't and if your mesh is completely black, you should replace it. ! Ongoing process ! After you breakthrough, the process has begun. Now what needs to be done is to dismantle that wall brick by brick. You do that by vaping 5-meo-dmt with some regularity. Like, once a week. There should be some results in the following months. ! Video of a breakthrough ! Video recording of me doing Martin Ball's yoga movements In all its glory. For about 8 minutes I had the ride of my life. ! Music ! You should also play some pleasant music while tripping. Don't underestimate this one. Put on whatever you like. You could always checkout some playlists recommended by others on this forum, Psychedelic Chillout, Martin Ball stuff, Bwiti Iboga ceremony music, etc.
As the trip report is long, I've created an audio version of it. The report is almost half an hour long. The narrator is Nova openai Text to speech Api.
I was going to say that I, too, get either tremors (shakes) in the body or a high heart rate. Between the two, I much prefer the tremors. I usually register those when the trip is unpleasant, i.e. when I had too much or too little. The last time when the dose was just right I didn't get either shakes or tremors but I was doing the Martin Ball's body yoga movements on 5-meo-dmt.
maxpechura replied to shree's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Jehovah increases do tell that story. Stop being such a cocktease -
I'd say try MDMA once and see if it works for you. It lets you connect with people. So if you can and want to go out with others, do. Your pupils will be a giveaway that you're high. So only do it in circumstances where such a thing is permissible and advisable. Like, Breakingthewall's example of a techno party. I'm one of those people who had to give it up due to brutal hangovers. Nothing in my life made me feel so bad afterwards. Sometimes it's just bad. But if your baseline is okay, you'll wonder why put yourself through this.
maxpechura started following shree
maxpechura started following Breakingthewall
shree started following maxpechura
TLDR. Attaching the audio version you can listen to. Keryo-Koffa-What-Would-You-Do-If.mp3
What strains my body much more than psychedelics is the everyday stresses I encounter while living life. Can I do anything about it? No, because I need to survive i personally find that life in general is bad for your health. when compared to the above, i just get comedowns sometimes on psychedelics. so it’s nothing when compared to the general stress of living. I think Leo is pretty clear about his health issues are specific to him and he doesn’t know anything about you i dont find psychedelics taxing. Yes, you feel bad for days after mdma and yes , lsd is tiresome but nothing eberyone else hasn’t pointed out in terms of Leo’s journey, there are sober means like yoga. im personally no expert on sober practices but if you had special experiences on psychedelics, having them through yoga again should be much easier than to a person who has done yoga and nothing else
Don't listen to Leo on Israel-Palestine. You can't understand an obvious thing cause it's hiding in plain sight. Israel is an nation that stands as a monument of human achievement. Palestinians are not trying to create anything of value to anyone. You really should forget all this nonsense about West Bank settlements or whatever else. In this world you're either something in fact or you aren't. If someone built an advanced civilisation in the middle of nowhere and people around you have lived there for thousands of years and can only produce shit in the morning, you need to understand the significance of that.
maxpechura changed their profile photo
From experience, if you want to measure out 50mg of 5-meo-dmt, then you need 7 red 10mg scoops. So, 7x7=49mg. if we want to use scales, then you need more volume. Like, What Am I pointed out 250mg/5mL, which gives you 5mg per 0.1ml of solution in your 1ml syringe. Obviously, 1ml syringe only fits 1ml of solution. So you'll need to store the other 4ml in the fridge. You should add the calibration weight but the mistake I made on the picture below is I pressed TARE button. The scales should read 50.476g (advice from psychonautwiki). Not 0.476 like they do. So yeah, I believe that these weights can measure out 250mg precisely enough for our intents and purposes but no less than that. For less, use scoops.
The thing of the matter is that these weights claim to have precision up to 1mg but it's never true. It's true for industrial scales but I don't have access to them and neither do others. If you can find relatively cheap scales that are in fact correct to 1mg, then let us know. I'll buy them. My scales also claimed to be 0.001g precise but it's just not true. So these claims are more advertising rather than anything true about these cheap scales. I can't be sure about the ones you posted the link for as no one here tested them. That's why I'm saying you can be that person. And remember how What Am I said that 5mg can be a breakthrough dose with SubQ? So it's a game of milligrams. You really want to be serious about this.
Maybe they do but you would need to test them out yourself and if they do, maybe let us know. I’ve got $20 scales and they can precisely measure out 150 milligrams . any smaller, I wouldn’t necessarily trust the measurement
psychonautwiki's article that What Am I referenced has the following to say: So if you have these super expensive scales, do report if they work and if they are a worthwhile purchase.
I'm trying to compile a list of ROAs in this post here. So I added bambi's post about SubQ. I was going to say that a red 10mg scoop from ebay will contain 7mg of 5-meo-dmt. So you can use that for measuring.