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Posts posted by MysticalSnow

  1. 10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    DMT will make you so conscious that your pathetic life will melt like cotton candy in the ocean.

    Iirc your only experiences with God, seeing demons, going into abstract non-human consciousness, etc. has been on medium to high doses of drugs.

    If you want to be able to do that sober I can teach you. Submit yourself to my teachings.

    The first thing you'll need to do is stare at a pile of leaves, unblinking and ocularly defocused, (probably for hours) until the static and colors form into solid 3D purple puffs which eventually get dream scenes unfolding on them. That's zone 1. Zone 2 you get black puffs, Christmas tree colors, and shapeshifting ability (like actually turning into a mouse or a cat). Zone 3 your whole brain's processes become extremely visible, like you have access to all your memories, all the dreams going on in your head at subconscious levels, physiological processes, parts of the mind really far removed from the spot where you usually are. Zone 4 you get access to all information you intend from any point of space or time, which is easier to get if there's a Nothingness status.

  2. 5 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

    "Deterioration issues"?

    I don't personally think of random lights overlayed everyday objects as a "perceptual upgrade".

    No, it permanently alters your consciousness.



    At some point, the level of mastery that we generate by going down either fork (color or form) can give us the abilities of the other fork, since with strong enough concentration, our whole inner landscape becomes subject to our control and we can make the images however we wish and the colors exactly as we prefer. I remember on retreat one time when I managed to craft dragons (geek much?) of the exact shape and colors that I wished, with scales of just the proper iridescence, eyes of just the right glint, and breathing golden fire just like a good dragon should. They would smile and nod knowingly exactly as you would imagine happy dragons doing. When you get to that level of control, whatever you wish to see, you will see it.

    And that's not just imagination, visualization, mind's eye. That's actually something being perceptually seen like it's in the room with you.

  3. 3 hours ago, Girzo said:


    You sound very judgmental for someone supposedly so spiritual they don't care about dating.

    Judgmental in that there literally are judgments to make about the things in reality.

    I never said I don't care about dating, just that "pickup" is horrendous and most of the conceptual associations / landscapes that come with it are bad.

    2 hours ago, mr_engineer said:


    Work on your facial expressions. If they're anything like in your profile picture then it's no wonder you got in trouble for merely eyeing a girl. I'd also suggest trying to find a girl in a place where you both have common interests, not where you're both enslaved like at work or high school. And it might sound absurd or vague but try working on your "energy", trying to have a nice, beautifully modulated energy.

    1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    @mr_engineer I have tried to help you so many times but you are so stubborn in your views.

    You created him.

  4. 3 hours ago, Devin said:

    Baldness has been around long before chemicals, powdered whigs were all the craze back in the day because of it, it's even mentioned about characters in the bible.

    I'm amazed that I still get surprised by some new conspiracy theory type ideas, but you did it! Thousand year old marble busts of Socrates are bald.

    download (1).jpeg

    This below is similar to the snippet I read before, it's just like how people groups further from the equator have lighter skin tones for the same reason of gaining more vitamin d.

    I was just offering what I thought to be humorous to a non serious comment, I'm not sure how that's offensive, I guess if you're a hair doctor or something, I just read a short post on it the other day and saw irony with the bald joke in the Leo's a Sage thread.

    "a 2008 study suggested that because it increases the area of skin exposed to sunlight, male pattern baldness may have evolved to increase the production of vitamin D

    Jun 3, 2020

    Is there an evolutionary benefit to being bald? - New Scientist "


    Here's vitamin d symptoms, it's not just muscle it's also mood like yours for instance, it affects more than just farming.


    Bone pain.

    Muscle weakness, muscle aches or muscle cramps.

    Mood changes, like depression.

    I guess I was triggered because of somebody comparing Socrates to Andrew Tate because they're both bald and didn't read or write anything.

  5. 51 minutes ago, Devin said:

    I recently read that bald is likely an evolutionary step, therefore Leo is an evolutionary leap above many.

    Baldness corresponds to a time when humans started wearing more clothes and spending more time indoors, this brought on lower amounts of vitamin d from the sun, which affects muscle mass and hormones making weaker men in many respects back then. Baldness allowed more sunlight to contact the scalp which is the area that faces the sun the most and with a relatively large surface area.

    The tough or wise bald guy image holds up.

    Are you balding or likely to? That's literally the only reason I can see anybody believing this.

    The idea is that agricultural humans became weak from sitting around all day long, so they were too weak to do the hard strenuous labor of farming? Or they would have died of disease, so they got some attribute that correlates to disease and bodily degradation?

    Certainly going bald is a result of modern chemicals, or spending your life cutting off all your hair for no reason so that you have no infrastructure for growing or maintaining hair.

    In Leo's case there was a specific chemical picked up by his blood tests that would have been responsible for it.

    Also Leo is probably descended from Denisovans interbreeding with Homo Sapiens.

  6. 6 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

    I bought a light therapy lamp back when I thought I was seasonally affected some years ago. It certainly gave me more energy. One of the first times I tried it, I had so much energy, I came to a seminar at my university and finished the assignments in half the time and left early :D Be careful to not stare directly at it, even if you feel fine while doing it (I tried it sometimes, and it made everything look a bit grey for the rest of the day, and my eyes kinda hurt).

    Nowadays, I try to let as much natural light into my room as possible when I wake up, independent of the seasons. Even if I wake up too early for any light, I also do short 10-minute walks up to 3 times a day, and the times I get to do morning walks, I'm basically guaranteed some light.

    Is there any way I could comment on your YouTube channel?

  7. 11 minutes ago, something_else said:

    ‘bypassing’ socual skills and attracting the opposite sex won’t work well for most people. It’s likely not a healthy approach to life.

    Also Leo has posted more conscious and intelligent content on YT than you could likely ever fully consume in your whole life, yet you’re angry that he makes the occasional forum post about how to get laid. You should probably reflect on why that makes you feel so bitter.

    He's not making posts about how to have sex with the opposite sex. He's making posts about weird "techniques" and a specific subculture with lots of built-in sexism and garbage concepts.

  8. Just now, Danioover9000 said:


       What is there to argue about something natural to begin with, that allowed Humanity to survive this long buddy?

    I think people misunderstand. Fear exists in nature but is not necessary. It's just there among the survival instincts because it's the natural entropic state and too inefficient to get rid of. The same thing applies to a hypothetical "pure heterosexuality", which doesn't exist because the vast majority of mammals including humans are bisexual.

  9. 9 minutes ago, something_else said:

    Successful romantic relationships are an incredibly important part of life. Writing stuff like this just gives off the impression that you’re bitter about a lack of healthy sexual relationships in your own life.

    I think I'm bittersweet about the sexual relationships and non-sexual non-relationships I've had.

    I'm bitter about @Leo Gura's absurd behavior on the forum and bizarre horrible interest in "pickup" and helping other people with it after all these years when that's just some garbage that can be bypassed directly in favor of actually concious, intelligent stuff.

  10. 4 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

    I bought a light therapy lamp back when I thought I was seasonally affected some years ago. It certainly gave me more energy. One of the first times I tried it, I had so much energy, I came to a seminar at my university and finished the assignments in half the time and left early :D Be careful to not stare directly at it, even if you feel fine while doing it (I tried it sometimes, and it made everything look a bit grey for the rest of the day, and my eyes kinda hurt).

    Nowadays, I try to let as much natural light into my room as possible when I wake up, independent of the seasons. Even if I wake up too early for any light, I also do short 10-minute walks up to 3 times a day, and the times I get to do morning walks, I'm basically guaranteed some light.

    You should try a 2-week fire kasina retreat for a nice perceptual upgrade, if you find the time. Could resolve a lot of your dissociation, brain fog, and general deterioration issues.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    @mr_engineer If you came to one of my public workshops to take a photo with me and I secretely wriggled my finger into your ass crack, you would regard me as creepy.

    You invite this sort of nonsense by focusing so much of your time in your life and on the forum indulging "pickup" as if it's an actually important or substantive thing. You getting your genitalia doing its biological thing should not be specifically your focus at all. Your focus should be educating people on Infinity, God-Consciousness, open-mindedness, abstraction, etc.

  12. 9 hours ago, ivankiss said:

    A cat is no more or less God than me or you. Surely it is possible for one to shape shift into a cat or a dragon or whatever else. No doubt. But not before one's enlightenment reaches level 9000.

    "Enlightenment" is Asian delusion. It's literally a myth, or at the very least has so many different contradicting meanings it could mean anything. It doesn't necessarily have to have anything to do with frequency, vibration, energy. That could be a wholly different thing.

    Leo has read the Carlos Castaneda books, but I don't think he learned too much from it.

    Otherwise he might be able to modulate his consciousness without so much drugs.

    Sorcerers and Shamans seem to be the only ones who shapeshift.

    The Koreans had some legends about shapeshifting ancient martial artists.

    But it's really obvious they don't know how to do those things these days.

    Yogis might do that, but with their eyes closed. Wearing a diaper.

    It's not really something you'd want to be learning. Even they don't want to be doing that. They just need some money, or they'd have to get a job at "Pakora King" in Bengaluru.

    Remember that famous daisy-screwing Guru, Maharishi?

    When he died his taxi cab brother tried to take over. Might even have been better as a guru than Maharishi himself.

    But honestly, they can't shapeshift. They only dream of such things. Literally.

    To shapeshift you have to move your assemblage point down to the bottom of your back. To what our lineages called "The Shift Below". And they don't even know about the assemblage point.

    No one doing closed eye Asian mediation ever gets off that green line way up near the shoulder blades. At least not on a regular basis. So they never learn to shapeshift.

    Oddly, there's random crazy people in Mexico who manage to do it.

    We read the story in the books written by Carlos of the guy who turned into a large dog so he could steal cheese from the neighbor.

    Got shot and killed.

    Apparently a "WereDog" if fair game for shooting in Mexico.

    So how come he was able to do that, when it's so very hard to learn to be a "seer"?

    Because it's only a movement down to the red zone. Power plants can get you down there.

    But no further.

    Psychedelic users are confused about reality.

    The "red zone" is the level of "enhanced meaning".

    Everything is meaningful down there! Even total nonsense is meaningful.

    Psychonauts like to drug themselves down to there, and sit and absorb all the "meanings".

    So they can go brag to their buddies about the new additions to their collection of "meaningful events". Add to their psychonaut inventory of "knowledge".

    They find it all VERY meaningful, so they come here thinking they have a trick to get to silent knowledge.

    But silent knowledge is the OPPOSITE.

    Nothing has meaning over there. Everything is expected, nothing seems to be anything but oddly random, and you don't even get excited about successfully doing miracles.

    But what could be more fun than turning into a Jaguar, like the old seers?

    Can we do both?

    And as I recall, La Catalina and Julian liked "werewolf sex".

    And it turns out that once you have that "energy body" surrounding you, you can now shapeshift safely.

    There's no risk of being stuck by that activity.

    The best analogy I can come up with is perhaps, if you had a 13 year old son who liked the 16 year old neighbor girl, who was known to "play with the boys", if he went over to her house when her parents weren't home that would be like shapeshifting in the red zone.

    Big risk.

    But if he went to the public library with her, and it was a locked library so that they couldn't sneak out the back, the risk of "excessive fun" is minimal.

    That's what Silent Knowledge is like.

    You're in the vast library of all human knowledge.

    And so if you happen to crawl along on your mattress looking at the "whitish light on surfaces" that Carlos told us to find and realize your hand is turning into a Black Puma's paw, you might suddenly realize "Of course you can shapeshift in silent knowledge!"

    You'll find it obvious at that point.

    It's not an intense revelation that might hook you on shapeshifting everyday, and finding someone to share shapeshifting sex with.

    It's just more cool things about Silent Knowledge and the various presentation methods it can utilize.

    And even when you realize you can turn into a black puma, there's 100 better things to do right there all around you.

    The memory of those can't often be retrieved and brought back here.

    I suppose you could say, in Silent Knowledge you are ALWAYS shapeshifted.

    Into something more non-human. A being that doesn't have to think in a linear, time oriented progression of memories.

    Two things can even be taking place at the same time!

    Another reason the thrill of shapeshifting is not present at that position of the assemblage point.

    Our normal reality is just a flow of linear perceptions.

    Shapeshifting in the red zone is also.

    A series of smaller events, spaced out in time.

    But out in Silent Knowledge time can go forwards, backwards, sideways, and even loop.