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Everything posted by MysticalSnow

  1. He says: Lol nah Good riddance I say And this is more of a group chat than "my discord" And unrelated you could try to help your covid issues using morphic fields, which happens when you go into a dark room and look at the purple colors, intending them to heal your body and reorganize your mind. Kinda like weed effects from ambulatory hypo- or hypertension.
  2. At the 32nd degree of freemasonry you learn the whole purpose of it is opposing the Knights of Malta and Catholicism.
  3. You said there was a guy who tried to recruit people from the forum months ago and you can't even remember his name because of covid symptoms. I'm wondering about the context of that.
  4. You're not. The aliens planted the brain tumor. And Covid was nonphysically planned.
  5. It is funny, but it's also true.
  6. Trump is a specifically evil man.
  7. I have the largest Yonker in the universe. Even in the "astral" level. With white meat. And crystal purple fractals.
  8. Stop using the pronoun "I" for a little bit. You've lost your mind. There's this internet thread with somebody cyberbullying absent you. [redacted]
  9. You could find recordings of music that would be louder and have "heavier" screaming, but the live performances had high-decibel infrasound and ultrasound, with negative ionizers. I remember I played this with some weird guy in high school "jazz band". Anyway . . .
  10. Consider that Star Wars is about the Freudian death drive, like the Death Star annihilating a whole planet in seconds, using magic to choke your enemies from across the room, lightsabers (phallic symbols) puerilely cutting people in half, darth vader being the shadow archetype. Harry Potter is the life drive / libido through the Easter story of Jesus, magic wands, broomsticks, snakes, centaurs and hippogriffs representing the mergence of gender, Harry Potter is JK Rowling's male avatar.
  11. If you research Tom Campbell's MBT you'll discover psychedelics actually increase entropy or disorder or chaos, which is why they are ultimately not the "key" to evolution. It's why alien nonphysical entities had Terence McKenna and Kilindi Iyi killed.
  12. Or he's just an immature doofus. You can tell he's not a genius by the shape of his head and the look in his eye.
  13. Outside reflects inside, down to the last proportion (based on how you perceive the world). Modern science will take a while to recognize this. This is good enough, but reality and evolution are so multifaceted it's insane. Consider the possibility of being physically skinny with good impulse control but being "mentally fat".