Asia P

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Everything posted by Asia P

  1. It must be into a quiet natural place, with many fruit trees around, and a vegetable garden. I love that kind of hippie colorful cotton blankets under the i can rest and sleep outside on the ground when is not too cold.
  2. I've probably taken weed less than 15 times in my entire life, but i really love the effect. Is that easy to become addicted? Should i quit, if i feel that it makes me feel too much good? How do you know that ur not addicted?
  3. @Schizophonia you can contemplate every state of consciousness
  4. Hi there, when i meditate my mind often gets distracted by other thoughts, and i'm not very able to force it to do meditation properly. (Also if i meditate for long times.) I can see the difference between a good meditation and a bad one, because when i do psychedelics, meditating becomes SO deep and effortless. Then when im sober, meditation is often frustrating. Do any of you ever had the same problem? How do you cope with an easily-distracted mind? Any advice or thechnique is welcome here. Thanks ❤️
  5. And even better when you decide to leave society forever, and become like a wild animal
  6. @Tboy it wont happen anyting bad if you ll take a medium-high dose for the first time, more over if you had some experience with other psychedelics in the past. But i suggest you to be careful and to start with a microdose...if you have the possibility to do 5meo with more safety, do it.
  7. I always think about a suicide without material suicide. Like, when i meditate i imagine to fall into another state of consciousness and end this life without the dream of harming my body. I think that you don't need to actually commit suicide...
  8. I can't explain to myself many things about humanity, one of these is why do ppl take steroids, it seems a terrible routine
  9. In summary this guy explains that when a man and a woman have sex, kundalini energy is created. And the orgasm is the release and the loss of all the precious energy. So if sex is done without orgasm, the energy stays into the body and goes into all the chackras, also the upper ones and leds to awakenings. (And also to a loving, happy and stable relationships as well. Because all the desire for the other is not consumed into the orgasm) Im so curious about your opinions and experiences of this if you have
  10. @Davino oohh, i'll be curious to know your experience
  11. yes. Agree.
  12. I took shrooms last week, and i have the opportunity to take malt in a few days, should i wait a longer time between the trips? Or my body will be clean enough to take my first malt? What do you suggest? Thanks
  13. Its easy to become addicted, be careful. Porn is so stimulating and satisfying that for some ppl turns off their desire to go out and find real sex
  14. I suggest to try a very small microdose before a normal dose, or maybe marijuana, just to feel if you are confortable or not in a different state of consciousness
  15. @Schizophonia i think it really depends from the single person. I believe everyone should try to go vegan at least once in life. For me, my phisical and mental health improved a lot
  16. my spiritual ego wants to feel invincible by accepting its fragility, like jesus christ that was loving with all his heart his painful death. When i realize that i've no power and im weak and pathetic i just let myself be. No resistance. This is for me the less painful way to experience pain.
  17. Trip report First minutes: my body becomes so heavy to the point i cannot move anymore, then i felt my mouth and teeth and head to the point of exploding for all the tension i had inside my head. I laid down and tried to relax and to not move a muscle. It was very difficuilt also to breath at the beginning. --- I felt an earthquake in my body, everywhere, and my eyes could see a much more wider view than normal. I had a samadhi with everything i could percieve at the same time. Its absolutely crazy!!!! How all my senses expanded to such a high level, that its impossible to feel like a human being. I was a step from death, and i could choose whether to die or to return dreaming my life. This was incredible, a miracle. I think that the most important advice to anyone who ll try this, is to surrender to everything the substance will do.
  18. and many of them still feel so complete