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Everything posted by ricachica

  1. I agree a format should be covered somehow, interested to see what others say. I think cops should also be required to have studied those things as well before joining. I think the similarly but of psychology/group therapy classes. I had many difficulties with my parents growing up too but in other ways of course. Having a psychological/mental health class would have helped navigate all of that absolutely. Argument for psychology, we all have brains, but have no basic conceptions of how they work. It’s like driving a car without an owner’s manual. We’re all misusing our most valuable organ. Argument for group therapy classes is it teaches interpersonal communication and diving deep into others, helping see through your biases and perceptions of others you don’t know well yet, which are surprisingly wrong a lot of the time. I took a group therapy class and led the groups as well afterwards as an internship, it absolutely changed the trajectory of my mental health and personal growth. Would not be the same without it.
  2. And she’s also literally 15, a girl, not even fully developed yet. Let’s stop commenting on her appearance. Jokes like that don’t land with that age group either…
  3. This channel is run by an ex-spine surgeon. I first saw his most popular video a few months ago and subscribed. He quit his career due to misaligned personal beliefs of the medical system, and now just wanders around traveling. He speaks on this event from his perspective as a professional in the field.
  4. I would bet that telling him to move to another country would just make him angrier and add more to his point. He seems like a highly passionate and desperate person, especially in that video of him yelling with the cops walking him. Though his passion of course led to a short-term solution of murder. When MLK Jr. came upon some kids who were celebrating the violent riots at the time, he told them we shouldn’t be celebrating violence, that it wouldn’t solve things in the long-term. The kids responded that it at least definitely got everyone’s attention. Sometimes attention is the best you can get in corruption and social injustices. “These conditions are the things that cause individuals to feel that they have no other alternative than to engage in violent rebellions to get attention. And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it America has failed to hear?” - MLK Do I think murder is the answer for long-term change? Not really. Of course I’d rather a world where Luigi walked up to the CEO, introduced himself and gave him a handshake, and explained his grievances for 2 minutes. But how likely would that have been?
  5. Seems pretty shortsighted to simply leave. Extremely unlikely for most people to completely uproot and leave a society, family, and friends etc. they built their entire lives around. Moving doesn’t solve his broader scale griefs of societies peril at the hands of insurance companies either. That would just solve it on a really personal level. No one should have to move to a whole other country just for healthcare.
  6. He supposedly did psychedelics as well. He has books on shrooms saved in his GoodReads profile.
  7. Sorry to bring up old comments, but I watched Interstellar for the first time just now. Very much agree, though I’ve had a few other films give this level of engagement for me too, like “Everything, Everywhere, All at Once” etc. It kind of felt like a film any stage of development could enjoy. The things about capital Love being all that matters and stuff could resonate with spiritual people sure, or other higher aspects people mentioned before. I don’t know what resonated with you specifically. For everyday people, they could just simply enjoy the other aspects of it while the higher ones go right over their head, and that’s fine too. It didn’t feel too forced, it’s more about if you understand or not, and if you don’t at least it’s fun to watch. I obviously couldn’t talk about what I really felt about the movie with my rational dad for instance lol, but he enjoyed other general movie aspects too.
  8. Had to jump back to this thread and see if someone else felt the same. I just finished watching Interstellar for this first time. I absolutely agree with the whole Love concept. The reason they went to Mann’s planet vs. Edmund’s planet initially is because of “scientific data” being there, while Edmund’s planet would be for “love”. Choosing Mann’s planet, and later being wrong about it even with data, means that love should have been the answer from the beginning. So much more I could add, but that was one point in the movie I could highlight.
  9. I live in California, finishing up university as a 27yo right now. When I first attended in 2015, it was definitely talked about in certain contexts, especially because Trump polarized those green stage issues. For the most part though, the majority of the campus blended together…sororities and fraternities were still popular. Now when I returned to college campus, on the 1st day I saw a freshman wearing a shirt that simply said “OPIOID CRISIS” on it, I was gobsmacked. I really enjoyed seeing that specific shirt tbh. No one was that blatant about social issues back then. The rest of the campus has a grungy/alternative/goth feel to it as a normal vibe. Lots look upset with the world and are aware of social issues. That was less common back then, and now Greek life is dead and unimportant…see if you see the correlation with that too. The younger Gen Z are definitely especially riled up, though of course, they are also young and inexperienced in mobilizing still. The passion is there at least, so it’s nice to see.
  10. From what I’m understanding, Charlemagne did a great job of becoming the ultimate stage blue Christian leader. Lots of moral righteousness and creating order through hierarchy. That’s a win for stage blue Christians, a loss for non-Christian male elites (Saxons, Muslims, Jews, women, serfs, etc). So yeah, if Trump were to leave a legacy, it would be an ultimate stage orange leader one. Entrepreneurial and holds individual ambition over collective success. With the shadows of leaving out women, lgbtq, other vulnerable groups, the climate, cuts to social programs… but hey it boosted the stock market yeah? Yeah, maybe he’s not outwardly, plainly, brutally murdering some Saxons, but that’s not how stage orange does harm. It does it differently. Looks more like pregnant women bleeding out in parking lots. Western civilization is great and all, but it’s not staying in these stages forever. The “legacy” is for how the winners benefitted, leaving out what they had to do to others in order to win.
  11. Maybe I find red/beige evil too simple to entertain. Watch enough murder interrogation videos/read Crime and Punishment and you’ll easily get your answer. Hell, on a personal level I can give a few examples I acted out unconsciously as a kid that every person has a story about. I’m curious to see what green/yellow evil looks like for each of us, what we overlook presently.
  12. https://www.autisticpsychedelic.com/ Aaron Orsini runs this site. He has a Discord on there you can join with other neurodivergent psychedelic users. He has a few books written about the subject as well. Lots more info on the site.
  13. Keep a hand held over a fire while holding the mentality of big picture. It was only some years ago when Leo’s SD videos came out that he mentioned still having lots of orange to him. It’s not crazy to think he still has some green to go through too. Actively calling society’s evil out is the name of the game. If one ever went through green before, they would understand what the society picture vs big picture view of things is like.
  14. Does an Elon mega thread exist? Seems like there’s still people on here who see him in a nicer light
  15. One of Carl Jung’s sentiments was something along the line of 100 years from now, what would be considered “good” and “moral” now will be considered “evil” and “deplorable” then. Vice versa. (The Spirit of This Time vs The Spirit of The Depths talked about in The Red Book) Back then, hangings in public were considered good. Now obviously it is not. Same with red stage’s view of pillaging and raping a village for their own benefit. I study psychology to be a therapist, and obviously all the lobotomies taken place back then were considered “good”. Not so much now. Today a future possible “evil” can be produced by, for example… CBT, for all we know. Something we thought was good and for the best at the time. The future will only tell what the present can’t see yet. Today, everyone is doing something “good” that tomorrow’s people will find “evil”. It’s inescapable. Entirely so? Not sure…maybe loads of self-awareness can help break away from some of it, though doubtful. The harrowing thing to deal with is you already are evil in some fashion… It’s all subjective and perspective based.
  16. I have followed this Youtube channel for years now, while the majority of my friends and others still thought highly of him at the time. The channel helped my friends see through him at the least. This video and lots of the content is much before he got into politics and Twitter too. This entire channel is dedicated to calling him out. I highly recommend it. Years worth of info.
  17. I was taking a 10am Psychology of Sleep class once in my early 20’s…I had to drop the class cause I kept nodding off and couldn’t pay attention. It was interesting though! I could handle the class now since I go to bed @11pm instead of 2am 😌 Yes, that was a great synopsis of the importance of sleep that you shared. Sleep is absolutely the best thing you can do…next to fasting after certain times…which I don’t do but heard wonders of. Fasting sounds a lot harder to incorporate unfortunately.
  18. Thoughts on the ballistic missiles from the other day? The response the admiral made?
  19. In sum, I think @Beans is saying it is distasteful that some immediately write off Kendrick’s song as frivolous, when not attempting to understand it first. Maybe beans thinks the rules of communication here is what is encouraging people to think negatively of Kendrick’s music right off the bat. It’s a song, an art form, so it’s obviously not going to have the same rules of communication as this forum. That doesn’t mean the song is unintelligent of course. We could assume Kendrick would write a forum post differently than he would a song…so I’m hoping everyone could understand that point at least. I don’t think Leo would compare the grammar of a forum post to a song either…
  20. Yes…AAVE was also covered in the administrator/professor’s presentation as well that I mentioned earlier…and yes she was a Black American emphasizing Black student’s plight in the university system.
  21. One of my favorites... I can feel my heart physically ache every single time
  22. It's interesting because we had an administrator/professor come into my university classroom last year to talk about how many do not have English as a first language, so they get marked down on papers due to grammatical/punctuational/spelling errors etc., even though you could technically still understand what they are trying to say. They would argue lots of poor education standards in certain areas of the U.S. also account for this, even in English speakers. So unless the class is purely an English writing class, the professor will not be allowed to mark someone down in let's say... a history class paper for grammar/punctuation/spelling etc., and if you do you can dispute the grade with the dean. Of course, every body of system, whether a university or a forum, can make up it's own rules about stuff like this. I would argue that in this forum, if you specifically highlight that your post is an "art form", you should be able to forgo the rules of punctuation and capitalization. Obviously a Kendrick Lamar song, or any song, doesn't need to follow those rules...
  23. True yes. Though l feel like most people have only experienced mere touches of what that is like, and embodying it in your everyday existence is a whole other thing. For some, those limited experiences can be enough to make some drastic changes at the least, and it seems to be what Kendrick is contemplating.