I also have to admit that this other angle of subversion from the right concerns me as well. It tickles the conspiracy theorist portion of my mind, which has now had many years to develop.
I have found a progressive UK news magazine called "The New Statesman".
They have a YouTube channel where they provide analysis on UK and international politics.
I like the calm, self-assured style.
Guys, AOC asked for dems who split their vote to explain why. could show signs where Dem party needs to evolve. The party should really focus on rebuilding itself.
That's what the model says in fact. Although not as different worldviews coexisting and serving different purposes but as totally integrative levels. As Ken Wilber puts it: Integrate and trascend. A fully green individual, has to own all its orange tendencies, the blue ones and so on... Otherwise you have failed subjects in your record.
Stages take a lot of time to developed, be implemented and make their roots into society. This process is very messy and involves a lot of trial and error. It's the same as femenism, the first waves were important at that point, yet found limitations as time progressed. So it is the same, green comes in waves and as the limitations are seen, they are polished and better integrated, one goes back and understands the remaining subjects.
That's classic purple. They have no chance but to live in harmony with nature because failing to do so implies death.
Once human is developed enough to bend nature to its will you get orange
When the limitations of such approach kick our own ass, humans wise up enough for stage green to happen
The conservative blue does it out of order and because it is written so. Many times is just an execution and programming rather than a conscious will to make the good. They plenty call and do evil, in their self-rigtheousness.
The green has a moral shadow that will be sobered up in yellow. It is important to reflect the devilry around and that's why it is so annyoing, it serves that function although it cannot live up to its ideals and therefore lives in a fantasy of its own.
The problem is that the democrats have to appeal to stage orange voters more. The reason why all of this is weirdness is occuring is because we had a split from an orange (democrat) vs blue (republicans) dynamic into a green - orange - blue dynamic. This is why you got a lot of prior democrat voters back in 2016 switch over to republicans.
You had a lot of people who appeared stage green, not because they were stage green, but because orange and green were interlinked at that stage, and stood against stage blue. As green became more collectivist, a lot of orange disidentified with green and went to basically create a coalition with blue.
This is what you see manifesting in figures like Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson, and you can see it happening to people like Joe Rogan. The way stage green undermined stage orange felt repulsive to stage orange, and because stage blue is largely viewed as a pacified threat by stage orange, it is not taken seriously in the same way for many.
Everything you are seeing right now is peak orange. Elon Musk is the epitome of this stage.
In my previous post I talked about integrating Purple (+60 practical ideas to implement it).
Read it before this one.
Its impossible to integrate red without purple.
Goes DEEP:
In this one I rant about red.
Its going to resonate with men for most part.
Feedback is welcome.
Lets go.
What is red?
Everything that resonates with:
-Risk. Action. Hero. Warrior. Fight. Blood. Adrenaline
Red is about:
-Challenging your body for the sake of doing it, almost in a masochistic way. Feel alive. Take RISKS. Warrior mentality.
-Expressing your SEXUAL ENERGY in healthy ways.
-Having clear BOUNDARIES & consequences when crossed; so you can fully stick to your blue principles.
-Thinking less. Take ACTION.
-Start thinking how you can life a HEROIC life. How can you flirt with death?
- Stop talking about ‘masculinity'. Talk about MANLINESS.
- Think of all your DEEPEST (legal) SEXUAL KINKY FANTASIES. Make them REAL.
STOP - watching - porn as a mean to satisfy your these fantasies.
Follow this rule: 'Im only going to watch porn videos that I had put into practice before in real life'
Ex: If you haven't done a threesome, don't watch threesome videos. GO do a threesome in REAL life!)
-Learn about BDSM, and implement it.
-Ravish your woman.
Slap her, spit on her, choke her, piss on her (CONSENSUAL! Don’t be stupid!)
She has to genuinely enjoy this even more than you do.
Can you reach a point where she begs you to do it?
Is she getting more pleasure out of this than you do?
-Approach that girl in the club conveying your masculine sexual energy. Go for a ONS (sober) with talking as little as possible.
Just pure physical, energetic, polarizing, raw, visceral attraction.
Be proud of that sexual 'conquest'
-Eye contact. Even to the point were is uncomfortable.
-Don't smile if its not sincere.
- Challenge your body:
-Wake up at 6am and go for a run outside in the cold, or for a swim in the sea. Or sprint until you are nauseous.
Just for the sake of it. Is painful, is uncomfortable but you are a beast, and you love it.
-Go to martial arts classes.
Master at least 3 moves (ex: jab-straight right hand; jab-low kick; near choke; 1 takedown).
Learn how to dodge punches.
You don’t really need more than that to be confident enough for handling a threatening situation.
-Fast for +48h. Feel how adaptable and strong your body is. Enjoy the hunger.
Fuck this society standards of eating 3 times a day. You are a warrior. You don’t need that.
-Confront people when they cross your boundaries (verbally).
-Go for a walk in a poor dangerous neighborhood (go with a lot of cash in your wallet if you dare).
-Write down a list of boundaries you have, and the consecuences when somebody crosses them.
Spend a full day contemplating and introspecting on that.
-You propably aren’t psycho enough.
Go 10% more psycho. Care less about what people think. You still will be caring too much anyways.
Satisfy your needs.
-Pump your chest like a Silverback Gorilla. Hard! Moan.
-Look at yourself in the mirror and bark like a fucking pitbull!
Feel the animal energy moving through your body.
Awaken that savage energy within you.
-Ask yourself:
''Am I willing to die for something?’'
''If I have to give my life for a cause, what would it be?''
''For what cause will I go to jail, or fast for a full month?''
RED is not about doing illegal things, fighting people or even violence. Is about ASSERTIVENESS.
It's about:
Are you willing to fight if necessary?
Are you afraid of confrontation or violence?
Take the example of Gandhi:
Is he red?
Of course not. His philosophy is non-violence.
But he had healthy red.
-He wasn’t afraid of flirting with death, (he fasted for 3 weeks).
-He wasn’t afraid of taking a beating.
-He wasn’t afraid of spending time in jail (and maybe getting fucked in the ass)
If he hadn’t integrated healthy read, maybe he wouldn’t stick to his principles.
He had deep solid boundaries and wasn’t afraid of the consequences for sticking to them (deep suffering, death).
All of your cool nice little blue values mean shit if you are not willing to draw a line in the sand and deal with the consecuences
Another great example is David Deida.
He is a healthy green man. But listen when he talks about ravishing your woman. Thats healthy red integrated.
You can’t ravish a woman if you are not connected with that deep visceral passion.
Is that mix of:
Capacity for aggression / Being unapologetic about your dark desires + Deep love
Is like they say: Fuck her ass hard; and then read her poetry.
Red + Green
This a hell of a combo. Dark gentleman.
This is what makes women fall deeply in love with you. Even ‘turquoise’ women love men with healthy red.
Coming back to TJ Reeves post that caused controversy talking about being Coral, and wanting to teach Leo about it.
He talked about Bruce Lee, Ido Portal or Laird Hamilton being coral (and he himself) because they put their physical life at risk.
Those guys are green with healthy red integrated.
Admirable, but not coral.
An inspiration. For sure, but not sage levels.
Just healthy red integrated. ‘I don’t care about death’ attitude. Great healthy examples.
As I stated in my Purple post:
-You will become a laughable SJW
-You will become a sad lonely incel
-You will become a stage blue religious racist hating blacks and muslims
-You will become a slave of society, media, culture, your boss and your own emotions and impulses
Weak. No backbone. Scared.
Too much feminine compassion ('welcome refugees!', until they start raping and stabbing people in record numbers. Hello Sweden...)
Having climate anxiety. My God... what a bitch you are.
Ungrateful of your privileges.
You will moralize 'underveloped' people/cultures/countries, not understanding their situation, but thats because you were lucky enough for being born in a healthy family in a 1st world country.
You don't feel powerful, so you give shit to others.
Now, for a HEALTHIER integration, try the opposite of this macho-mindset I listed in the beginning.
-Wear pink.
-Do feminine practices like yoga, tai chi, qigong..
-Watch rom-coms without being insecure. Understand why women love this.
-Get in touch with 'feminine emotions'
-Go to ballet performances
-Do he chores with pink gloves.
-Wear an apron for cooking
As Leo said in a video:
A man brings a man into whatever he is doing.
The activity doesnt define the man, the man defines de activity.
If you get this right... man, your life will be great.
Red is about:
Get your backpack over the fence.
Orange will make a strategy, but orange can get paralysis through analysis.
Red is this voice in your head : ‘dude you already read 10 books this month, you are a bitch, go outside and talk to 10 girls; or do 10 cold calls NOW!’.
Is that father talking to you. Is that masculine compassion.
Dont get too confortable.
Face reality!
Commit first, figure out later.
> Go watch Leo's video about the Hero's Journey. BRUTAL video. (I watched it last week. Made me rethink my values and vision).
The thing is. The hero's journey starts with healthy red: 'fuck that. Lets go'!
You have to be willing to scape the tribe (purple). You have to be willing to die for the Holy Grail.
Nowadays, people go on a fake journey scaping the conforts of blue, and going into orange and some green.
Having casual sex, getting into a relationships, building a business, getting a 6pack, trying some drugs, traveling... but that shit is EMPTY.
Without red, your vision is always going to be small. Group-think infected.
The largest your vision, the higher the risk; the more healthy red you need.
Of course, you need blue and orange qualities, but first of all you need BALLS. (Think of Gandhi)
And of course you also need green:
* Redirect that wild, aggressive energy into LOVE. * (Essence of healthy red from my POV)
With women.
With other men.
With your mission.
With the world.
With yourself.
Fear into ACTION.
Logic into guts.
Passivity in to glory.
Thinking into doing.
Safety into RISK.
You'll find the way.
Stop overthinking, stop theorizing, stop playing it safe.
Start fighting for a bigger cause.
Be who you are, and let the chips fall where they may.
Redirect that wild aggressive energy into LOVE, and fill the world with it.