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Everything posted by ricachica

  1. I know this is a bit unrelated, but this reminds of my social anxiety back in high school as a woman. Freshman year, I sat next to the "hot popular girl" in class and felt very proud to have gotten her to even accept my presence, as I was definitely not hot back then and definitely not popular. I tried to fit in desperately and wore clothes like them etc, even though I was still a social outcast and trying to connect with the popular girls felt futile. Come senior year, at the age of 17, I was in a math class with the same supposed hot popular girl. Or so I thought. One day she had a fit for no reason and got up to throw the calculator we were using roughly back into the box, like throwing it in in a loud and inappropriate way as it could break. The teacher scolded her and made her pick it up and put it back in nicely, as she loudly exclaimed she didn't care about education anyway, since she was going to be a cupcake store owner like her mom one day. The dude sitting next to me shook his head and said to me, "Ugh, what a waste of space". It was like a light bulb went off in my head right then! I completely made up her extreme importance in my head and felt the need to match up and compare myself to her for 4 years of high school, thinking she was the hot popular girl that people wanted to be like, when that never actually was the case! She was just a narcissistically mean hot girl that oozed fake importance without actually having any real inner substance to speak to it, and I bought into it! I felt so silly, and ever since I have been happy to just be who I am. and I guess I also think of myself as the hot girl now at 26, just in my own way
  2. Yes, and many of the helper roles are filled by women, who also historically don't receive as much pay as well. It feels like a poor integration of respecting and realizing the importance of the feminine-featured roles in society. Softness is made fun of and seen as weak, when I think it can actually be just as strong as hardness. It definitely takes strength to be soft while attending to parents mourning a child's suicide in the next room...wouldn't ya think? The capitalism part also means a lot of MFTs are coming from a group of people who may have been well off to begin with, as graduate school and licensure is also expensive, meaning less diversity of related life experience for clients to choose from. The volunteer program I see the same problem, with 80% being retired financially stable white women who are comfortable with their free time...not that they aren't good people...but their lack of related life history/culture with the rest of the community has been inconspicuously evident in some cases. I mean I am definitely seeing some sort of change, for instance a scholarship opportunity was recently created for my field where you can be awarded up to $35k, which I have not seen anything like it before. Catch is, I must work with underserved youth/young adult populations for 1 year after graduation to accept the scholarship. Not that I am opposed to working with them, as I have before, but it obviously doesn't pay too well... and I would have to delay graduate school for a year. Still hoping I get accepted though! I want to get to a point that I am not worried about the money like this either, and can just focus on the people I serve and not worry about survival mode. I could start developing myself more in other personal/spiritual pursuits, which I feel would actually help my clients the more I develop, but I can't get there fast enough with all of these financial delays . Not losing sight though, as aggravating as it can be at times.
  3. Passion is the desire to do something strongly, as if it were innate to your being, as if you were born to do it, it feels effortless how much your heart pulls towards it. I currently live in pursuit of my passions, but I have friends who do not, like a friend who majored in film as he had a passion for it and was actually good, but is now just working for a home security camera company. Passions are the base feelings you have towards something, but it's up to you to pursue and cultivate them into reality with action.
  4. @LambdaDelta Yes, it sounds like her trip was definitely heavy solipsism based, without the Infinite/Love mixed in. I'm assuming the best way to experience solipsism is when infinite Love is also experienced along with it, and makes it smoother and less harsh to process? Can one experience Love without solipsism, or is that apart of it?
  5. I have done a lot to develop healthy habits/hobbies/thoughts/self-care strategies, now it's time to create a framework that will incorporate these in a routine in order to properly grow into them. Main goals To get into graduate school for an MFT program Become a psychedelic-assisted therapist Lead a balanced and well-rounded life Develop my hobbies and refine interests Routes to reach goals, both directly and indirectly Create a routine Get a 4.0 for the remaining 2 semesters Current GPA is 3.13, end goal GPA is 3.25 Reach out to PAT circles and network Specific implementations for routine/reaching goals Wake/Night Schedules 7:30am start 12:00am latest bedtime Work Schedule Start at 9:30am at the latest End at 8:30pm on full days, end at 5pm on half days Physical Exercise: 30-min. yoga 30 pushups 30 squats 30 min. walk with dog minimum Diet: Stick to whole foods when possible, and try to finish eating by 6pm at the latest/ try to meal prep when possible Gain weight to reach 115 pounds, current weight is 110 Breakfast: Eggs, avocados, chicken sausages, salsa, yogurt, fruit, protein bar, MUD/WTR tea blend instead of coffee, etc Lunch: Baked sweet potatoes, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, variety of healthy snacks, etc Dinner: Grass-fed beef, chicken, salmon, red lentil pasta, wild rice, veggie rolls, dumplings, etc Mindfulness: Meditate 10mins a day Journal 10mins a day Hobbies/Interests: Draw 1x/week Read 1 book/week Annotate 1 book/week Hike 1x/per season Walk a park/small trail 1x/month with dog Research 1 country/week (Leo's Geography Challenge) 3hr max of video games/week (downloaded a GameBoy emulator recently on my iPhone, been reliving the old childhood games) Socializing Meet up max 1x/week with friends, but no less than 1x/month PAT Goals Listen to 1 psychedelic podcast/week and annotate it Create psychedelic info database in OneNote Meet with mentor 1x/week Finish ZENDO training and volunteer at least 1 event in the next 2 years 4.0 Goals Meet with new professors during office hours and head of department Keep OneNote Fall 2024 Semester updated consistently with notes and important dates Inquire about internship by end of June
  6. I am on day two of switching coffee to only tea, and I have been using MUD/WTR as it has other things added into it like mushrooms to supposedly aid in focus. I was drinking an americano a day and still feeling weird, and right now I have felt no drastic withdrawal symptoms yet and still feel alert and focused as the blend has 35mg of caffeine. Maybe just enough to drastically lower my tolerance without experiencing withdrawal vs quitting cold turkey? Not sure. https://mudwtr.com/pages/rise?utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=418740651&utm_content=1338106685010791&utm_term=mud wtr&nb_si={sourceid}&nbt=nb%3Amicrosoft%3Ao%3A418740651%3A1338106685010791%3A83631808522394&nb_mt=e&nb_bmt=be&nb_oii=83632344870404&nb_qs=mud%2Fwtr&nb_fii=&nb_li_ms=&nb_lp_ms=79160&nb_pi=&nb_pc=&nb_ci=&msclkid=0b7c72387b52118d9f9f14616a907584
  7. I have done many trips, but none high enough to reach a realization like this yet. I have read about it a lot in trip reports and of course Leo talks about it, but I feel like I have to first be a grounded and well-intentioned individual before attempting to get there, otherwise I intuit that I will have similar dark feelings about it when I realize it. I have definitely gotten closer to that grounded mental state lately, though I also know I need more refinement. If many people experience solipsism on psychedelics, what's the difference in individuals who experience it as a "good" or "bad" thing? Or is it supposed to be an acceptance of both good and bad, or neither altogether?
  8. Very interesting, I will be researching 5HT7 more now. What are your thoughts on which ones will pair best with each mental health disorder in psychedelic-assisted therapy?
  9. @Danioover9000 So to be super clear, this means he cannot run for president?
  10. Not sure, but I know weed is completely different to me now that I've done a good amount of psychedelic trips, and I am very mindful of it. I used to smoke it 24/7 for 2 years, but now I have to prepare for it as it's just too much. I get many thought insights on it that are similar to those I get on trips, though the insights are not as 'sticky' and long-term in action as with psychedelics, which is something many others have related to when I researched this.
  11. @RendHeaven Thanks!! It was finding a working balance of being educational/professional while also acknowledging the "trippyness" of it all. Other students had to present on drugs like various sedatives or antipsychotics etc, so their slides were appropriately dry looking lol. Didn't want to be too drastically different from the others, especially if this may have been their first introduction to psychedelics. My professor was also very supportive of the presentation and added her own tidbits on the benefits of psychedelics in the coming future in therapy. Also, good to keep in mind that a DMT trip may only be 10-15 mins long. While a psilocybin or LSD trip is 6 to 12 hours long, respectively. This means that DMT's short trip may be an even better pairing when in therapy....though I will say it's obviously a much more intense trip which may outweigh the benefits of it's shortness if the client is more timid and wants something less intense even though it's for a greater length I would imagine. Can't wait to see what all the research indicates for each mental health disorder, like MDMA is looking to be better for PTSD than psilocybin for instance. Yes I have tried DMT once! LSD and psilocybin about 20x, MDMA 3x. My DMT (it may have actually been 5-meo-DMT, I don't remember) experience was about 7 years ago, and I have great respect for it and am now willing to try again soon, especially now that I'm older and more mature lol.
  12. We were asked in the beginning of the semester to pick a drug category grouping, and obviously I picked psychedelics. The professor then assigned us a specific drug, and I was assigned DMT. This psychopharmacology class in general was a huge learning curve for me in general since my main focus is becoming an MFT/psychedelic-assisted therapist, not a researcher or psychiatrist, but I pushed myself because I know developing my knowledge on the psychopharmacology of psychedelics is still important! I was soooo happy and excited to talk to the class about DMT, the presentation went very well and it was the first time I did not sweat, shake, or break my voice when speaking in front of a class. Just wanted to share a small but important milestone for me:) DMT share.pdf
  13. @Davino Thanks! My nose is to the ground all the time trying to find people who also interested, I thought there might be a bit more by now!
  14. @aurum Thanks! It's the small things for now that feel great
  15. @PenguinPablo That's what my friends thought too when I told them lol.
  16. André 3000 dropped a new album today, after 17 years. It’s purely instrumental, and in his interview with NPR, he talks about why that is, along with talking about his song about his Ayuaschsa journey. Take a listen to the album and the 7min interview:) https://open.spotify.com/album/33Ek6daAL3oXyQIV1uoItD?si=1zORX26hQo-9L0Zvdt5v-A https://www.npr.org/2023/11/17/1213890406/andre-3000-on-his-new-album-the-first-in-17-years
  17. Another side note, he just announced a live North America tour today😳🤩
  18. Found what it was sampled from! Joan Miro herself. I’ll try to find the other songs she is sampled in.
  19. It’s funny, but I just keep imagining what 40yo me would think of me now. If you look at relationship subreddits for example…most of the posts are from 18-26yos. 40yos could rarely ever bother having the same issues as someone who is of that age. They are past all of that stuff. I’m 26, and I am always amazed at how much I have changed since 24…let alone 21 and 18 etc….oof even 10 years ago! Being 16….🥴 Heartbreaks I had at 22 that I never thought I’d get over are a bleak memory now, turmoil over growing up with an abusive parent is just the past, 2008 financial crisis and losing my home as a kid…abusive relationships at 18…all the past. etc I suffered from suicidal ideation and depression from ages 10-22. I never truly could say I loved myself. When I imagined myself still getting into the same kinds of abusive relationships and negative depressive thought patterns and still flunking my college classes at the age of 30… I cringed. 22 was long enough, and I put my foot down that I won’t live another year like that. 40 year old me would be so grateful that I started when I did and waited no longer. Self-development takes years and decades…realistically, your whole life. It’s best to start building it now so you can at least genuinely smile then. There will always be struggles either way, might as well learn to develop yourself from them. Aging and maturing isn’t obviously the whole answer here…there are silly 40+yos out there of course lol. It’s about knowing you’ll get past it because you have before, and life is always more surprising than you expect it to be, so it’s always worth it to keep going and immersing yourself into it.
  20. I like the idea of positively including tech/AI, would hope for a healthy balance of it though:) Worked with behavioral problems in kids for 2 years… just going to say that 98% of them had a tablet/phone addiction, and 85% of them had the tech addiction being their top main barrier to functioning/most behavioral issues surrounding it. It was difficult to witness, let alone work with. Not sure what more needs to be done besides educating parents more/barring these devices until a certain age. On another note…Andre 3000 making his new album the way he did…I would suppose is another formulation for what people will evolve into next. Normalizing such awakenings in the mainstream is fun to see:)
  21. @CARDOZZO Haven’t listened in-depth to Berlioz yet, so I am inspired to now! The woman speaking that is sampled in Miro, haven’t figured out who she is. She appears on a lot of other songs too.
  22. oof. I was hoping some of the takes on this forum would have more quality than those on a Reddit thread😮‍💨 simply choosing one is a tad bit reductionist, no?
  23. I love Berlioz! “Miro” is my favorite song:)
  24. I know you started off by saying this bodes well with men…but definitely just as much with women, who have little to none of these outlets/experiences in their daily life, or at any point in life at all. Happy to apply some of these:)
  25. So no one else wants to report this comment as radical hate speech? lol