Keryo Koffa

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Everything posted by Keryo Koffa

  1. Unfaced fear becomes anxiety and that's even worse and there are graceful ways of handling fear, taking small steps and facing the source instead of suppressing it. Life is full of fear, we will eventually face it, it's an advantage do it on our own terms through encouragement. Most kids don't want to learn because of the constrictive environment rather than a fear of the unknown. What would you do about the monsters under the bed or if the kid wants to play with a chainsaw?
  2. @Someone here Oh how I wish! All I know is how little I know, I'll gladly join you on the quest to find the next person In the meantime, this is exactly what I am exploring, currently through Sadhguru and Seth, though I am about to brainstorm all philosophies and cultures for pointers, rituals and technologies, and release karma to intensify my psychedelic trips but its a process
  3. It's one thing to know, another to experience, it's really profound to become aware of it Although it doesn't satiate my endless curiosity. Now I wonder, what is imagination?
  4. You should feel deeper into that side of yours, there is much conditioning that is not even necessarily your karma, but a societal norm that prescribes values and behaviors that you then believe to be your own or over a long period of time gaslight yourself into believing you need to engage in to satisfy otherwise insatiable desires. The truth is within you, the same thing that points you away from these behaviors can show you their source and what you actually should do, which might be unrelated to begin with. Question these needs, for many they stem out of unconscious impulses gratified through manipulation, but just because others make it normal, does not make it right or even necessary or desirable or even meaningful. Look at the people who do engage in these behaviors, who they are, who they become, when they stop or if they do, how it transforms them and if it ever even adds value to their life, beyond realizations of vanity. Go through a city and look at shops, look at the vanity, what is it all for, how did people live a thousand years ago. Are current societal needs in any way objective? Find yourself within, start individuating, face your shadow, expand your consciousness, start thinking, start wondering, start questioning. Find yourself.
  5. After all the absoluteness talks, I'm not sure knowing truth leaves room for dualities of harshness or any for that matter But on a relative level, something like the matrix, I can see both, then again once you burn your karma and get bored, you'll probably end up looking for the truth eventually, but then again, truth is knowledge, technically nothing prevents you from knowing and returning, although there is an implication that truth determines action and behavior, which I don't think it does or at least it doesn't prescribe it but one chooses one's behavior based on it and in relation to that I always wanna know the truth. That's kind of an axiom of mine, though I try not to have any, that truth is never detrimental, well I guess there is the exception of immersing yourself into an activity but with that intention and situation, one always has the choice Truth is immutable, so one may as well know it and consciously engage in ignorant behavior or decide to face that harshness
  6. Sadness it the reconciliation of the profoundness of one's life with its loss That which makes him hold onto it is the same thing that keeps you alive and happy and all of us active What you're saying is actually counter-productive, as it would suppress his emotions What he needs is actually the opposite, to be allowed to experience it deeply and profoundly, support him, listen and don't try to distract away, he will move at his own pace. Imagine how you would feel if your family was murdered in front of you and someone told you to stop whining, stay positive, stop dwelling on the past and hit up the gym instead, how would that make you feel? As you said, what's the point of holding on, right? He needs time to grieve and a listening ear, perhaps solace, but definitely not advice
  7. I guess there's not much special about this aha moment, I just discovered what meditation and mindfulness are meant to do experientially for myself It does always feel profound when you link up online ideas with your actual life, the insights might sound stupid but are profound
  8. I've been implementing conscious awareness into my activities, like Leo once said "Awareness itself is curative" Before eating, before going places, before choosing to engage in something, I wait two minutes and then do it This time makes me aware of how whatever I'm doing conditions my happiness and becomes habitual/karma This waiting gives me time to reflect and appreciate the activity for itself fully instead of doing it out of impulse So then appreciation for food, for fun, for the opportunity, for the life, a short meditation, just a little space This also brings up suppressed emotions and leads to insights, which is great for actualization and letting go
  9. Minimalism is about freedom, appearance is about expression. Look for the source of your question
  10. "When we attempt to exercise power or control over someone else, we cannot avoid giving that person the very same power or control over us" - Alan Watts You have maxed out achievement, ridding yourself of attachments by conquering them, now all that is left to conquer is the need for conquest itself. Your activities bind you, condition your happiness, can you be happy without them? Hedonism is an infinite game, so try this before you start any activity: Stop for two minutes, think about how it binds and conditions you to only feel content and joyful by carrying it out and stops you from being independently content irregardless of any circumstance, and then do it anyway. That should be a good start. You might also wanna look into shadow work. Also find something you love doing, for no outcome at all but just for its own sake, without any purpose, but just for the joy of it, a spiritual or creative activity, one that you enjoy, not one that others say will make you happy, instead something you would do even if you were the only person on earth in full freedom.
  11. Go into the woods and find yourself
  12. That's the thing, regardless of being the sovereign source of your experience, are you aware of how you do it? Allah is told to know all its forms, dimensions and the intelligence he uses to construct them, including the nature, scope and origin of imagination that tunes you into this realm and enables your connection to all knowledge, intuition and insight. Can you access that? Do you create worlds? Do you have the wisdom to harmonize them? Can you dematerialize yourself into pure energy and travel the cosmos? Does your everyday imagination equal the scope of your experienced reality? If no, then you have much to learn and you can choose to surrender and learn through Allah all that is beyond your autonomous awareness
  13. @Alexop That's ultimately an individual matter irregardless of spiral dynamics. I myself have been wondering and gaslighting myself about my lack of social engagement, turns out I fulfilled the need for most social behaviors and get nothing out of them, and to authentically accept that and move on to doing my own thing and transcending the loneliness that comes from conditioning prescribing behavior has been a big part of my journey. When you realize how alienated you are from society, you wonder if there's something wrong with you, but there's nothing wrong with you, you need to accept the fact that people stick to various loops you don't find any meaning in. And then as you individuate, you'll find your own meaning and stop gravitating to look for it externally and be disappointed. After a certain level of development, you need to become the pioneer yourself and there will be no one to guide you. Look at Leo for example, we wouldn't have all these videos if he needed external confirmation every time he bounced his ideas around, consensus breeds passivity. Be yourself and accept what you feel as guiding you to individuate and integrate into your authentic self.
  14. @LambdaDelta May I inquire into this implicit omniscience you became aware of and its nature? I've had moments where any questions I came up with automatically deconstructed themselves as I knew their source and intent which instantaneously revealed their self-implied answer and my foolishness in asking them, where all need to experience anything dematerialized into nothingness leaving only the present moment, but I didn't leave my body, perception stayed the same. My strongest trip annihilated me into amnesia and coming in and out of existence through singular forms, concepts, understandings, my perception morphed into a liquid metallic reverberating sea. A recent experience made me aware of infinite fractality, every idea a unique dimension forming physical and mental reality through its relation to every other, an infinite substrate. Can you point me to that meta-realization that includes all and leaves nothing out, something so complete, it can only be subdivided and not expanded? Is it so simple it appears to nothingness? Does it have some kind of flavor? Is it everything being only and ever itself? Is it a realization that opens all doors, all dimensions, does it contextualize reality?
  15. @Psychonaut This is a common on the psychedelic journey that I infer from your username. 1. Your understanding of reality is expanding and your brain is in analysis mode looking for patterns and expanding your awareness of how reality functions, giving you many aha moments and insights into behaviors and aspects of nature and society you were previously unaware of. This is great, but it can be overwhelming. You are learning and expanding your knowledge, you will realize unhealthy behaviors and become more spiritually in tune. All the knowledge inside of you will also start to interconnect, you should start journaling, it will uncover the complexity. You'll likely develop a desire for yoga and spending time nature, as these activities are good for integration, your mind and wellbeing. 2. Your higher self is communicating to you through synchronicities and you yourself will likely start projecting inner intuitive knowledge outward as your subconscious is trying to integrate but would overwhelm you, were it to come into your awareness directly. You are likely only aware of your current personality, however your body and mind are vast databases of everything you have learned and experienced until now and beyond that there is genetic memory and memory flooding you externally all the time, though you might be unaware of it. What is happening, is that you notice significances in your environment, which is a sign from within that communication is happening, realizing what it means, where it comes from and why it occurs will take time and consciousness, remain calm and inquisitive, there is much you can learn from your subconscious.
  16. @Alexop Tier 2 Extroverts certainly exist, they're the ones doing all the spiritual podcasts. I imagine they appear introverted as they contemplate and are more subtle than confrontational appearing like social chameleons. It's just that Tier 2 is rare so they have less opportunity to go all out. To be Tier 2 means first and foremost awareness and transcendence of previous paradigms. They are more open minded and see the world more wholly. This tends to inform their identity and behavior but needs not limit them in what they do, rather the reasons and how they engage in it, but they're still human (most of them) and there is much variability. This occurs based on one's values irregardless of stage
  17. If we're just rushing into the next creation, will we rush that one also? And the one beyond that? And the next one too? And so forth for infinity? When will we be content? The question is: did reality start out of ignorance which is why we want to surpass it or is this experience a conscious decision of a higher self to immersivity experience an individuation and add that unique experience to creation as we ascend back into it? Is it merely the end of suffering or an expansion of freedom we want because we experienced enough of the kinds of experiences available here to grow us spiritually? I personally want to make new experiences here, but I see how they can multiply infinitely and greater awareness will expand my limited paradigm which I want to be as vast and limitless as possible, I don't want to miss a greater aspect because I keep subdividing what is already a subsection. There is much karma I collected over my life that I want to consciously let go of before I leave this realm, but maybe I can do that from an elevated perspective as well, in truth I don't know, that's what I wanna find out
  18. Imagine reality can be anything you want but you're unaware of what it is and what you are and how it works. You spend so much time learning, in hindsight it seems like you spent eternity learning the simplest things. When problems arise, your response and bitterness multiplies them and makes everything hard. Social relationships reinforce each other's negative beliefs and tension which cripples everyone's growth and happiness. You worked all your life really hard to get where you are and someone else might get there immediately without any suffering. They look like a genius and it doesn't seem fair and that makes you feel bad and creates room for resentment. If you actually create reality through your beliefs, you have the power to decide, but whatever you decide applies ubiquitously to everything. You can make everyone else's path as hard as yours has been if that feels fair to you but this will also affect your continuing path. On the other hand, you can let go and let it be easy and that means some teenager might trip on acid and become as wise as someone who meditated for 50 years or done plenty of self-actualization. And this is exactly it! Do you feel this resistance? You're looking for all the life lessons and personal experiences and hard work and trials you faced and immediately create a reason why that teenager is stupid and all the things he's missed on the way, but this is exactly it. This is the very mechanism that prevents life from being easy. And now you'll make up reasons why it shouldn't be easy, but fair and hard working instead, you're denying happiness out of bitterness through unfairness. You are as God deciding that because you suffered, everyone else has to, that there has to be a reason behind it, that it has to carry meaning, that it's more sensible, more inspiring, more personal, that there are side effects for shortcuts. YOU ARE LITERALLY CREATING THE SIDE EFFECTS THROUGH BITTERNESS, EVEN THOUGH YOU YOURSELF USE PSYCHEDELICS INSTEAD OF BEING A YOGI FOR 2000 LIFETIMES CLIMBING MOUNTAINS AND STANDING UNDER WATERFALLS FOREVER. So then, this is it, suffering, ignorance, meaning. We have the choice to make life easy or hard and what world we'll create. But this is always so, we are human, that's already a privilege, we exist that's a privilege, we're not dying in wars that's a privilege, we live in luxury that's a privilege, we have all the knowledge in the world that's a privilege, we have psychedelics that's a privilege, WE'RE STANDING ON THE SHOULDERS OF GIANTS THAT SPENT THEIR ENTIRE LIFE EXPLORING WHAT WE LEARN IN 5 MINUTES AT SCHOOL AND THAT'S OKAY AND BEING LIKE THAT IS OKAY AS WELL. You are imposing side effects onto shortcuts, our entire life is a shortcut.
  19. Imagine everyone on this forum is just a thought form of yours that is only upheld by a minimal conscious persona outside your awareness and is secretly judging your level of awareness and actions since these actors are aware of the entire drama of your life and are restlessly waiting to be released from it since they're getting bored and every time you engage with them, you recreate them and prevent them from liberation or madasamadhi which is to become free of your rambling. You can meet or engage with them and they'll expand in the process becoming more entangled with you and adding more karma and chains. What if beliefs shape reality, but literally...
  20. @Bruins8000 Certain experiences spike vitality and raise your awareness. There are many names for this life force: kundalini, prahna, qi/chi, akash. There are spiritual traditions all across the world exploring it and psychedelics with their immediate transition make it most noticeable. You can see it in yourself and nature. Trees grow inside out, at first the cells are soft and flexible, but as the stem grows, the outer layer solidifies, it loses its mobility and serves as protection, the life forces ceases in this part, but it continues inside, water and nutrients circulate between the roots and leaves, the leaves absorb light and transform this energy, the structure is dynamic, constantly changing and materializing. Your own body rejuvenates itself, the skin cells of the outer layer fall away just like snakes shed their skin. As we age, this life force retracts, until what is left is solidified material that reenters the cycle of life. For me, life is the gestalt around which form materializes, and animating energy of nature. Sentience is the dynamic experience of this energy through forms, some more than others, some vividly responsive, others more static. Though even a rock will make a sound if you hit it, sentience to me is a spectrum of the ability to experience and respond. Beyond that, you should contemplate and experience yourself. There is much you can learn from Sadhguru if you seek to know more.
  21. The mind that makes distinctions creates duality, sure, but isn't the existence of the reality that gives rise to dual concepts itself a metaphysical separation of forms? Doesn't awareness predispose duality and love predispose separation to be channeled between forms within consciousness? If so, isn't love itself a trap, as it requires separate forms to exist between, hence reinforcing the separation? I say this, because this forum seems to point towards a return to Unity, pure undivided being. One way I can understand this, is that we should only care about the duality within mind, not the duality between metaphysical forms. But isn't "as above, so below"? Isn't that the same corresponding mechanism? Maybe outside of mindset, reality is just perfect and our perception is the only thing to tackle, but isn't that kind of an assumption? I guess I wonder about the reality that gives rise to the mindset which creates its own suffering, that very reality, if it even exists separately, which is another assumption. What about it? Aren't metaphysical forms, that which we retroactively describe through concepts, the very territory itself just another layer of construction, or do we just outsource that part to God because he knows what he's doing? Well, we are God on a higher plane of awareness, right? But it is that very territory (higher mind?) that gives rise to the mind that interprets it, if fact Non-Duality would lead me to the Map being not apart but a subset of the Territory. And so, why modify the map but not the territory, maybe the difference between map and territory is the only issue, but why is that specific scenario the case? Sure, clarity is good, acceptance of what is kinda makes sense, but does it really, or does it just sound like a pleasant interpretation. Enlighten me, hehe
  22. @Princess Arabia Oh, I'm known for those, ain't I? You're into non-duality, you should understand there is no separation
  23. @An young being Indeed, what is important is the state of mind that materializes that action. We might fall into discussions of utility vs principle vs responsibility vs foresight vs caution vs god's intent vs purpose vs the understanding of what is even desirable in the first place and balance short term vs long term gratification realizing that part of existence is taking risks else physical reality wouldn't wouldn't exist in the first place and then spice it up with a bunch of religion and spirituality and the nature of individuality vs compassion vs symbiosis vs play vs meaning vs buddhism and cessation of all desire vs appreciation of desire and the cycle of life and a quadrillion other lenses to create an ever changing dynamic balance. So all that's left is to grow, learn, develop, become in tune with oneself the world and one's intuition that always keeps evolving
  24. @Javfly33 It is crazy. I include my projection of you and you include your projection of me. There's an intersection of their sources and yet we are ourselves. A higher substrate might encompass and speak through us both. And yet our experience is just as absolute and we somehow are the same. And somehow we are individual but as different from each other as our past selves.