Keryo Koffa

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Everything posted by Keryo Koffa

  1. @Davino How many mg 5-Meo-DMT is conscious enough? Bending reality would be nice but long range telepathy would suffice as a start @Leo Gura Can you make a video on how to do that?
  2. Love has many forms and many understandings. Many turn to universal love, since it causes less pain by means of detachment from any particular outcome. But the pain of really caring about the wellbeing of a particular life is an expression of massive intensity of love. Though that intensity in itself can become detrimental to one's ability to engage in life and express it. There are also many lessons to be learned about the innate need for autonomy of every individual and about possible personal biases and projections upon another from oneself and there is much to be said about loving oneself before one can properly love another, Leo has great videos on all that @Javfly33 @DodoI want you two to watch the following video, specifically 16:39 - 17:56 and then continue
  3. @vibv It feels quite unfortunate, like your kid self wanted a lego set that would mean the world to him, and now you have ten of them lying unopened in the closet collecting dust because you've outgrown it. Though this makes me wonder if we outgrow things or merely shift our identity, since technically all distinction and preference is identity and imaginary. I guess there is a realization of excess however, that at one point you might have more than you can make use of and it traps you instead.
  4. I first conceptually accepted that they are both a state of mind. From that point on, it was contemplation, psychedelics, dream journaling + attempts at lucid dreaming, Leo's videos paint a picture, there are books and other material that address and expand one's perspective and paradigm to dissolve the rigidity which creates resistance towards non-dual integration, learning about non-duality itself and exploring other spiritual subjects and yoga in general make you open up, transcending the materialist and scientific world view also opens up one's intuition to greater perception.
  5. No, it's just that people use this word in various ways, but I am very well aware what you're pointing to. The people you hold dear, the activities you enjoy, the beauty of reality expressed in a sunset, the force that shapes your life, the feeling of significance, the impact of events, the inner source of all emotions and love you feel and see expressed both internally and externally. Just like non-duality there are two polarities, of no-self and all-self, between these our individuality resides, we navigate an endless reality and many seek the freedom of detachment due to their circumstances, but this does not deny the validity of any experience. Inquire into the meaning you feel, into the sources from which you see it emerge, feel into it and you will discover its nature. Meaning is both personal and universal, you are an expression of it as it is an expression of you, it manifests itself in all forms and ways across reality. It is what drives consciousness to create and explore. Others use a different word to describe this pointed to experience, which is love, but a word is still a pointer and you will not find its significance until you explore the territory behind the map.
  6. @Rafael Thundercat The use of "dream" here is a pointer towards non-dual integration of both waking and sleeping states exactly because we hold such a strong duality in our mind. The goal is to bridge that difference, see what it's made of and find out where and how the difference between those states of minds comes to be, since they are both a state of mind. It's just that instead of exploring that intersection, people tend to just make reinforcing statements, which are still a pointer, but miss addressing whatever gap in perception and transition actually creates the dissonance.
  7. @Ishanga @Javfly33 @bammy32 All exists simultaneously, the "present moment" may be all that exists but our current experience is just one part of it that we happen to be tuned into, we use time (past and future) and space as a means of navigation and immersion to construct and change our reality within it. Thoughts are the outer layer of the onion but as valid as the world itself. All is absolute and relative simultaneously, operating in a feedback loop. We share a reality and have our own, in greater terms, all emerges from a greater inner reality and is made distinct by perception and focus. Imagine us as the fruiting body, the mushroom above the mycelium network, there is no real separation and yet we can draw a distinction, interconnected under and distinct above, sense organs on the outer portion tune us into the reality we perceive and both access and generate our externalized world, despite possible distortions and interpretations.
  8. There is always the possibility for more layers to be uncovered. Awakening is realizing experientially that which you previously engaged with conceptually. It is to become aware of the actuality pointed to which you have become unaware of or never fully engaged with directly. If you continuously talk about the moon, its relation to space, science, tidal waves, occasionally see it in the sky but don't pay much attention and then deeply and consciously look at the moon itself, realizing its the source of all discussion, then that's an awakening for all intents and purposes. Psychedelic trips often strip that conceptual layer away and beyond that make you aware that the source of objects is inside your mind, that they are at the same time absolutely themselves, it goes straight to the core from which all originates. Don't worry about completeness, there's always more. Just become directly aware of what is pointed to and that's awakening
  9. Identity seeks to continue, so there's something it can lose, additionally it piles up more it can lose and tries to maintain, while it can gain, there is a massive fear of loss. But from a purely conscious perspective, this whole experience is already surplus and every moment within it just more opportunity, there is change of form, there is the gift of life, but no death. It's amazing that you accessed this advanced state experientially. One might say it is the natural way, but our conditioning is like a force of nature. When all need dissipates, being becomes beautiful.
  10. I am always looking for and inquiring about the grandest, most extensive and compelling but also liberating model and understanding of reality. What reality would look like if I consciously created it, how the existence of others can be reconciled, how all present, past and future desires can be fulfilled, how autonomy and freedom can be balanced, how identity and boundlessness can coexist, why current circumstances are the way they are and how they can be transformed, how seeming evil can be understood and so forth. In other words, I want my cake and eat it too and find out how to get there and how I'd create it, were I god. And the most extensive and complete work that I deeply resonate with in exploring this is the Seth Material, from which I derive the quotes. In the vastness of consciousness, how do you allow yourself for immersion and every possibility without getting trapped? It explores so much that is beyond the awareness of someone who knows they construct their reality but not its scope and how they do it. Here's a shorter video, that explores the beginning of creation Or if you'd rather read: It might be hard to navigate such long material, but skim around and check the waters, I ensure that it has much profundity
  11. You are the reincarnated self that enjoys a luxurious life. The past self you were died of starvation and wanted to a home, plenty of food, a shower, friends, opportunities. Now you are it and you're still not appreciating it and will continue to reincarnate to infinity and remain ignorant to the things you gain if you don't appreciate them now. You live in a thousand times more luxury than the people a hundred years ago.
  12. Alternatively, using your own imagination to construct a separate bubble of experience, you will not only become the millionaire, but have to simulate and experience all other people, beings and the world by contrast as well, since you're the one creating the experience. If you only care about surface impression, you may as well play a video game now or use your current imagination instead. Else you're a lone millionaire in the middle of nowhere with no people to feel superior over and no environment to influence. You don't get to override the actual earthly experience with your fantasies, although you may use them to transform yourself into someone who will bring them about if you develop the skills. This world is in balance.
  13. "After death, you must face up to yourself for those abilities that you did not use during your previous existence. It is useless then to say, "When this life is over I will look back upon my experience and mend my ways." This is like a young man saying, "When I grow old and retire, I will use all those abilities that I am not now developing." You are setting the stage for your "next" life now. The thoughts you think today will in one way or another become the fabric of your next existence. Your thoughts and everyday experience contain the answers. Any successes in this life, any abilities, have been worked out through past experience."
  14. Here's some food for contemplation, the topic reminded me of some excerpts. Tell me what you think "The true unconscious is not unconscious. Instead, it is so profoundly and unutteringly conscious that it bubbles over. The life that you know is simply one of the many areas in which it is conscious. In each facet of its consciousness, literally tremendous power and balance must be maintained to hold aloft this particular consciousness-experience from all others. Your reality exists in a particular area of activity in which aggressive qualities, thrusting-outward characteristics, are supremely necessary to prevent a falling back into the infinite possibilities from which you have only lately emerged. Yet from this unconscious bed of possibilities you derive your strength, your creativity, and the fragile yet powerful kind of individual consciousness that is your own" "Mankind has a tendency to project his own guilt and his own errors upon a father-god image, who it seems must grow weary of so many complaints. The fact is that each of you create your own physical reality; and en masse, you create both the glories and the terrors that exist within your earthly experience. Until you realize that you are the creators, you will refuse to accept this responsibility. Nor can you blame a devil for the world's misfortunes. You have grown sophisticated enough to realize that the Devil is a projection of your own psyche, but you have not grown wise enough to learn how to use your creativity constructively. Most of my readers are familiar with the term, "muscle bound." As a species you have grown "ego bound" instead, held in a spiritual rigidity, with the intuitive portions of the self either denied or distorted beyond any recognition."
  15. curiosity is a desire/pointer, intelligence is a capability/clarity, creativity is a process/exploration I think I discovered the missing link, infinity! the infinite pre-existing forms that consciousness uses as a canvas and develops the previous traits in the process of exploration
  16. This is what I'm interested in, it seems unawareness is part of our current experience but I feel at some point, after everything becomes fully conscious, the ever tightening maslow's pyramid of needs reaches that singularity post self-actualization and inflects into a new inverse pyramid where we are fully aware of each aspect of our awareness and we start building things consciously remaining aware of them in this new state of mind, creating an entire universe of possibilities and personalities in the process, that we might already be unconsciously a part of in order to experience this particular individual perspective
  17. Experientially, I agree. Though I'd like to treat this as a belief that is to be transcended and them as pointers. To find out and override the part of the mind that keeps it from occurring naturally and give one control over the extent of the experience through conscious focus. I'll definitely focus my next trip on this, meta-question. How can I get to the ultimate source of all questions
  18. This. Also, I noticed building a sense of familiarity and empathy towards the author and their life context will automatically connect you to the source of their insights which makes you more attuned to how they gained it and bypasses the purely knowledge based layer of interpretation.
  19. Me personally, I want to synergize and understand everything, chakras, consciousness, life, art, perspective, technology, the nature and relationship of the self, exploring what I am, what I observe, what I understand, how I understand up to the infinite stratosphere of metaness, I take in the morning sun and immerse myself in the lake, I do yoga to flex my spine into a dynamic state of being and release the tension, I binge Sadhguru and Leo's videos to explore the nature of reality and find out how I construct my own self, I use psychedelics and dissociatives to expand my mind and materialize, dissolve and interconnect everything within. But this is a question to everyone on this forum. What drives you? What purpose or state of being are you pursuing or embodying right now? What keeps you on this forum instead of dissolving into pure bliss without the room to communicate back?
  20. The psychedelic state is like instant telepathy and insight, I'm not as dynamic yet, but have matured beyond what I was through continuous awareness. Each time, I recontextualize reality anew and realize how crucial that current insight is, yet more puzzle pieces are always missing. Been doing lots of shadow work and accelerating. Sure, reality is a dream, but how am I creating it, what is imagination, astral projection, how do I construct my body, how do I access the layer of actuality?
  21. Articulating our desires, reconciling our intents, determining the authenticity and fairness of them, then allowing for humility and appreciation. The first time I did was recently and it created a massive upsurge of kundalini within me, like nothing I experienced before
  22. Leo enriched our lives by fully living his and inspires us to do the same The empathy we all share and discover, it's something else We all appreciate you and this community we form together
  23. @Dodo All life is sacred and its unfortunate how you lost your pet rooster. His life was cut short, but you made his time special. The bonds we form cause excruciating pain, you give the greatest meaning. Yet death is not the end but a change of form, see this world not as inevitable pain but instead the opportunity to form connections. In the grand scheme of things, this is necessary for us to experience, if we remained at any one, we'd never get to the next and all those moments we now have made. You carry on and the rooster took on a new life, trust me, being human forever would limit your experience and so would being a rooster, death is inevitable but it doesn't mean the end of existence, nor of individuality, instead an expansion. Now as for creating human connections, you determine your worth and how you react, why would you attach yourself to someone who doesn't value you? Why would you give them power? You can love someone that hates you, but don't let them inform who you are. You don't wanna fall in the trap of living with someone who projects their suffering onto you, who controls and manipulates you, who doesn't value nor love who you are. You will quickly realize how people act, that you are never the problem, that there's a complex projection of needs from those who learned to manipulate. And also that there are those who will love you for who you are, who you'll enjoy being around, those you can share your passions and sorrows with. Those who will add to your life. You will have to accept that you can lose them and that there is nothing you can do to save them from death. But also that we all die eventually and that you will enrich each other's lives immensely and that you will continue to experience after death and to let go of the attachment and celebrate the freedom. This earth is a short stay, treat it as such and make those most profound experiences. What's important is that you realize your own innate worth, that nobody but you informs your value, that you are allowed to express yourself freely, that your identity does not depend upon your environment, that you act as if you were the only person on earth, without shame, without restriction, with empathy and with passion. That you conquer the fear of death and to see others die and then you will be ready and when you dissipate both fear and anger, then you can truly love and allow yourself to be loved and create a meaningful relationship that adds to each other's life.
  24. NVC Attempt: I hear you are feeling overwhelmed in your need for balancing your time by such long videos, is that correct?