Keryo Koffa

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Everything posted by Keryo Koffa

  1. Usually stuff happens for a reason but other times we get entangled in our ego karma and frustration makes us aware of that, its basically getting side tracked, though the deeper you go the more you see how your main track was itself a sidetrack of another sidetrack of anther sidetrack and at some point we have to deal with all that and wonder what the point actually is
  2. Let me start with one that I've been carrying since childhood, it goes like this: When something bad happens to someone else I think "I'm glad I'm not them, I'd hate it to happen to me, hope they get better so I can feel safer if it actually did, there are so many risks, look at the people who had accidents and be glad you're as careful as you are" or when I hear someone's detailed interesting experience it goes like "That sounds cool, now I feel like I totally missed out, whatever, it's not that important in the grand scheme of things, I'm not missing out, look, now they're past it and it doesn't matter, they're right back to baseline, hearing about it is much more compact, now I get the insight without wasting all that time". So I'm looking to let go of these coping mechanisms but the karma runs deep, it might take some time, advice would be nice And we can expand this thread to look at other tendencies, I bet we all have something others do too but are unaware of
  3. Human history has brief times of great transformation that keep becoming more dense and we are just about to enter a whole next level singularity
  4. @Breakingthewall I do see what you mean however. Polarity creates existence and all action has this thrusting out characteristic, desire, expression, direction, choice, purpose, meaning, life itself is an expression of energy, of movement, of change, of death. Our skin cells are continuously falling away and being replaced with new ones. Living being are always on the move. The life energy permeating the universe lives by change, life is change and change is death, the universe at war. But war is also a state of mind and it is but one lens to take on. The Hindu for example see the life as one big play "Maya"
  5. @Breakingthewall Alright, I shall breathe violently then
  6. Understandings are twisted, those who are selfless do not care to be selfless, they are that because they're experientially attuned and drawn to it and experience joy and fulfillment in doing so. It's likely they transcended their selfish desires a long time ago or haven't developed them, look at Jesus or Gandhi. But we are human and we desire, there is nothing wrong with desire, the problem is the damage we create in insisting upon it, in the aggressive tendencies that we express through violence and domination that perpetuate the cycle of suffering, the ignorance and endless greed that can never be satisfied. It is because we are so separate, because we do not understand the interconnectedness of all life, that selfishness is a problem. Originally, there was no thing as selfishness, everything was selfish, because everything was self. But the conditions we created by enslaving and objectifying each other and nature for our convenience, that's what creates massive suffering. The ego deserves to be selfish but for its own sake and through its own means, not at the expense of others yet the world we live in is highly distorted, we suffer so much because we do not realize that our actions influence each other and many simply don't care.
  7. Does it though? Or is it simply one potential evolutionary path we took because suffering tends to perpetuate itself and we've been walking it so long that we forgot what life was before we fell from grace? Also, wars are short for a reason, only so many can die before we run out of people, most of our life is spent building the civilizations for which war can even become a possibility, no unity, no tribe, no war. It's like that bias where you only notice those that shout the loudest even if they're in the minority. Most life is life and there's some war sometimes because people don't know how to communicate properly. Planets and all matter is made of consciousness, objects are focal points that create specific forms and experiences, a landscape of being. Then again, what is it like to be a planet? I really don't know
  8. In a way, he is pointing to that, but there's a nuance, its rather the attitude that keeps you calm and collected, that you are already whole, that any experience is an addition, that you are not reliant on it for happiness, that you act out of abundance instead of desperation. That you can chose your desires and engage in the process independent of outcome which is never certain. To exemplify with a worst case scenario, imagine believing: "If I don't become omniscient in the next five seconds, I will not allow myself to be content ever again" and then when you don't, now what? Instead if you go "Omniscience would be amazing and I wonder how I'd get there, let's imagine I'm omniscient already, now how would that look like? I won't beat myself up if I don't get it immediately" then that's an entirely different attitude.
  9. @James123 "Quite literally, the "inner self" forms the body by magically transforming thoughts and emotions into physical counterparts. You grow the body. Its condition perfectly mirrors your subjective state at any given time. Using atoms and molecules, you build your body, forming basic elements into a form that you call your own." We are infinite, yet we come from nothing. We collect experiences across lifetimes and we emerge out of environments from which we individuate, we affect it and direct our experience, we tune into and attract certain experiences based on our beliefs, needs and desires, attitudes and troubles, dreams and disappointments, passions and failures. "If you hate illness you may bring upon yourself a succeeding life of illness, because the hate has drawn it to you. If you expand your sense of love, of health, and existence, then you are drawn in this life and in others toward those qualities; again, because they are those upon which you concentrate. A generation that hates war will not bring peace. A generation that loves peace will bring peace. To die with hatred for any cause or people, or for any reason, is a great disadvantage." "Change of form is not destructive. The explosive energy of a storm is highly creative. Consciousness is not annihilated. A storm is part of creativity. You view it from your own perspective, and yet one individual will feel within the storm the unending cycle of creativity, and another will personify it as the work of the devil. Through all your lives you will interpret the reality that you see in your own way, and that way will have its effect upon you, and in turn upon others. The man who literally hates, immediately sets himself up in this fashion: He prejudges the nature of reality according to his own limited understanding. Now I am emphasizing the issue of hate in this chapter on reincarnation because its results can be so disastrous. A man who hates always believes himself justified. He never hates anything that he believes to be good. He thinks he is being just, therefore, in his hatred, but the hatred itself forms a very strong claim that will follow him throughout his lives, until he learns that only the hatred itself is the destroyer. Remember what you concentrate upon"
  10. Desire creates conditions for experience. The more conscious we are, the more control and freedom we have. Imagine us as byproducts of a larger consciousness that through experience grew into their own autonomous ascending selves, coexisting in this shared reality and ascending to perceive ever greater dimensions as even the absolute seeks change
  11. @Butters Spirituality is awareness and contentment, problems is stacking ignorance on top of that, and we live in a collective world so it ain't easy when the action of one becomes a paradigm that influences all
  12. @James123 The lion is important and I am important, we both want to survive and might get into conflict, which might make a mess. If my importance is courage, then I will learn better and acquire humility in death. If my importance is survival, I will tread carefully. Bodies age and die but souls know no death.
  13. Because they want to be and cause collateral damage in the process
  14. @James123 Everything is important and importance is important also, every part of reality is important to itself and we build bridges that make it important to other parts also, united in importance universally but in conflict locally Personals opinions are important and ultimately the fabric of reality is made of opinions, even if they have other opinions to battle with
  15. @James123 why is the language of inquiry, an exploration of reality doing is an active process, the act of becoming you is an identity which creates such preferences implies subtle judgement and directs energies needs manifests themselves as cravings which create tendencies to is a destination which predisposes distance which creates a journey understanding is the process of integration it is something experienced to be other, or duality implies beginnings and endings creating a framework of time in which events take place questions demand answers The question answers itself why do you even need to understand it in the first place? inquiry leads identity towards desiring unity integrating duality by journey But beyond that, his need to understand is fundamentally a question no different to your question of his question
  16. Try this: Sit down on a chair in front of a mirror and tell yourself to stop caring, then react with whatever comes up Figure out what the you within you wants and why and when it will be content so you can be free
  17. Acceleration is to speed up the reel of time towards the conclusions we're unconsciously gravitating towards irregardless. I have found much value and understanding in art, at this point art seems more fundamental than philosophy and science, it is the language of creation and its cause, to explore and become. It seems I don't want to forfeit my ego but to experience, transcend and incorporate it. All experience creates karma, without it there is no existence, God is expressing itself through Infinity and becomes its creation in the act of realizing balance between love and autonomy in its own self-exploration. Selflessness is a selfish desire. Everything is selfish since everything is Self. When you interact with another, you're interacting with a different version of yourself that you are unconsciously simultaneously experiencing, you are viewing them through your lenses and can seek to understand them, to enhance their experience is to enhance your own experienced later, but beyond that you become the transformation and energy that you express, when you express compassion you become compassion, find and channel it from within yourself and let it resonate through your being. When you create a story, you become its characters and their differences, you set the stage and consciousness may scale to be the same thing on our layer of actuality. Our own position is one of autonomy but our desires and individuality originate from the collective environment that formed them, in other words, we formed ourselves externally and now enter a feedback loop internally. Pure selflessness is death, it is to fulfill all desires within oneself and seek to do the same for others, but life itself is love, to have desires is to live, our life is chaotic but only because we're learning how to be as consciousness. We're learning to balance desire and autonomy with harmony and love, we're seeking individuality and unity simultaneously, to discover and create and to live, to make our own choices and have our own will, yet we all share the same reality and become it in the process of creating it, further subdividing ourselves into the others that we then experience the environment and difference through, that spawn different conflicting desires we have to learn to navigate. I thought to become whole was to become nothing, but nothing as I understood it is pretty boring, this is perfect.
  18. @James123 Get to the source of it and burn it up!
  19. "life is not a problem to be solved ..its a mystery to be lived " -Osho
  20. @Dodo Everyone acts to the best of their ability and in pursuit of love, the problem is unconsciousness, to blend out or justify suffering and harm because in pursuit of a separate source of love. Think back to what you wanted to do to those pigs. Unconsciousness creates violence and violence breeds violence. There are many ways harm is brought about and it originates from various aspects like Ignorance, Stubbornness, Bitterness, Revenge, Resentment, Rebellion, Freedom, Purpose, Meaning and desire for Autonomy, which can be misinformed or misguided, though all that is a vast layer of interpretation since we are not absolutely conscious of all aspects of reality. Stepping on an ant, car accidents, bad experiences and various psychological states and conditioning. It's a vast ocean
  21. I feel the sudden urge to play devil's advocate. Just for fun though, I agree with much of what is pointed to except the expression through language Only is a constrictive word, everything is real and unreal but you can navigate it and achieve greater freedom by detachment Stuck implies powerlessness, how do you know we're not consciously keeping ourselves unconscious for a reason beyond our awareness? How do you know for sure they have an experience, that's kind of an assumption, it could just be a superficial self-projection onto mechanical constructs like robots acting on logic and generating the impression of an experience, or like video games using background images from the skyline Well then which one is it? You imply God is an independent source of all and then say its imagined by me only since only I am real and create all Defining God might be helpful at this point, since you point at different states with the same word making different conclusions What if this experience is the desired expression of God's freedom, why else would an all powerful being have it? The ego might dislike it Now let me reflect and see how I understand what you point towards. 1. Beyond every partial experience, there is an Infinity of potential others. God is unlimited an unbound to any form. Within Infinity, all forms exist and any is as real and absolute as any other but as God we can navigate between them, creating various scenarios by using our creative imagination. Though "God" itself implies some kind of absoluteness, can we call God God when he is experiencing? Is God himself not each of the infinity of forms? When we point to God, we seek transcendence but when all difference dissolves, God is everything. 2. God imagines his own body and reality, others and self on various levels of actuality, imagination, and inter-projection. To know the exact "realness of any other, we would have to become fully aware of their form and content, ourselves within them internally materializing our perception of them externally. 3. Everything is real by virtue of existing within experience, what it is can be explored and expanded however. 4. An energetic formation in Infinity holding itself together and apart from the rest, using the infinite dimensions of perception to create and maintain itself and create associations and context. Past experiences create Karma, an attachment due to unfulfilled emotional needs and unconscious desires. 5. God creates me and I create the image of God within me, I am God ultimately, though the I never really has that much room by itself, yet there is a constant feedback and if we see the ego as always transient and expansive, rather than constrictive in nature, then there need not be a contradiction. There is a spectrum between me as I know myself and God, though you might say I am fully encompassed in God and yet God himself by taking on various forms expands his experience and understanding and changes also. Formlessness need not be static though whether it is is it's own discussion. 6. They are arbitrary and meaningful and pass with time, are absolute and relative, subjective and purposeless, creative and constrictive as much as expansive and timeless also. But we are not bound to them, if that's what you're pointing towards, we can liberate ourselves from the need to keep those static cyclic configurations within ourselves in the form of needs and attachments and we can move past them. It seems to creates an experience and tightens the veil of perception to immerse himself in it, then from outside and inside the experience takes on a unique form and the higher and lower Self co-create it, the self that is consciously creating the world from without and the less aware self experiencing it from within. Freedom is nice.
  22. It's what is subconscious for you. Can you see the aliens, hypercubes and each past version of yourself in your current experience, if not its because they exist in a state of potentiality rather than the actualized reality that is part of your current aware perception. The subconscious generates the reality that the ego within is becomes aware of. That which happens when you take psychedelics, the goal is to become more aware of that and reprogram it, Leo is pointing to what is outside of our current awareness, that which constructs our body and reality, in other words, the whole God.
  23. Since Leo and everybody else here seems to see everything as dream and imagination, including the pointed to actuality behind every concept itself and many talk about having collapsed all separation and accessed absolute solipsism becoming God in the process, then with all that insight, how do you access imagination so deeply that it changes actuality itself to the level indistinguishable from everyday experience? I want to access and realize the innate abilities within me that I apparently use to unconsciously materialize everything. I know that I create objects and categories, how do I create the substrate layer of actuality from which I draw these concepts? How do I access that power?