Keryo Koffa

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Everything posted by Keryo Koffa

  1. @Hojo Any tips and tricks on how to initiate sleep paralysis in the first place? For research purposes, of course!
  2. @Carl-Richard It can swing the pendulum both ways, death and trauma can make you hyper-detached or hyper-attached, hyper-stoic or hyper-melancholic, hyper-aware or hyper-unconscious, it can intensify or numb your experience in all kinds of ways. You can integrate it or carry the burden and that will be its own experience. @Sugarcoat If you mean a "zoom" or "lower FOV" or a higher lens focal effect (like 35mm vs 50mm), or the video below: Then that can be part of it and I experienced it on one of my hyper-heroic trips but that's just one effect the mind can activate and explore and there are infinite more, like for example phasing senses into each other or making things disappear or changing shapes, fractal geometry, intensifying colors, generating new sense experiences and exploring the in-between, navigating seamlessly between different microcosms and macrocosms, synchronicity hyperspace and a gazillion more. @Javfly33 But shapes, ideas, constructs, senses, context and memory exist within the experience and they are malleable and I've yet to truly explore how they transition, remain or disappear on higher levels of consciousness. @Inliytened1 Right, to be alive is to rejuvenate oneself, which means to change, and change is death but also life. What doesn't change is dead and yet there is nothing that isn't transient. To live is to acquire new cells/ideas/experiences and to die means old cells/ideas/experiences phase out or to put them into the background and diminish their relational significance. Only that which dies, lives. If life wanted to 100% preserve itself and not change, it would not actually be living, it would be dead, even if alive. It is fascinating and beautiful.
  3. And there's more to integrate and work your way up from. Don't forget: Part 0: Reality Is A Strange Loop Part -1: The Paradox Of Developing Self-Trust Part -2: Paradoxes Of Personal Development And of course the ultimate paradox, which is you!
  4. That's interesting, makes me wonder what is fundamental and what Intelligence and Memory are and how they are related... To me it seems, there is Intelligence and there is Infinity and Intelligence shapes Infinity into constructs like Memory Of course Intelligence and Infinity can be considered the same and God, though God must transcend even them, right?
  5. @Davino It's tricky and advanced stuff, my own intuition basically told me "nO" and I understand I'll unlock it when ready But yeah, come on! We wanna understand how to warp reality like Psychics! And yet if anyone could, would be dangerous Leo kinda already told us how to get there and what/when lies there and the spiritual practices or psychedelics necessary King Leo and the aristocracy of Mods have a leg up on us! Oh wait, it's God Leo, but it's God Davino too? Or still just god? Can we at least get a tutorial on how to manipulate force fields and stop time? And how not to screw up retrocausality? lol Davino talking to Leo in a nutshell:
  6. @Schizophonia Sometimes I don't care and just wanna know to skip, other times I'm fascinated and delve into a rabbit hole. At all times, I have to create a holistic balance of time and endless content and figure out how to relate, interconnect and remember it all. And so I accelerate and skim simultaneously because even watching at 10x speed would not be fast enough to learn all the things I want to learn about and some things I really wanna learn about, when I finally do get through it all though, I can pace myself and start creating schematics and art, eatch related media and movies, jump between forums and synchronicities, enjoy a slower pace of audiobooks or actually read and pace it all but there is just so much content and states of mind, like imagine taking psychedelics cuts down your time by 30 years, welp, if you took them 20 times, you skimmed 600 years and yet describing oneself, one still seems ignorant and knows how much more there is and one wouldn't even have reached .000001% of it without all the mind hacking, accelerating, psychedelics, techniques, technology itself, books as a technology, language as a technology, vision as a technology, senses as a technology, intuition as a technology and efficient techniques on top of all of that to accelerate it too, if you get where I'm going with this
  7. @Razard86 I gotchu! The perfect morality in five simple rules. (0: Invent Morality) 1: Figure out morality | 2: Align with morality| 3: Become moral(-ity) | 4: Stop caring about (transcend) morality | Rule 5: Enjoy
  8. Is God atheistic? Yes, because there is nothing beyond God to believe in, since he is what transcends infinity. No, because God is the theism by virtue of being God which is the nature of it as a whole. Both, because theism and atheism inflect into each other, when everything is revealed to be God.
  9. Ah yes, the (re)creation of reality and imagination through art, a long process of learning how to create form and color, artistry itself an exploration of conscious creation of meaning in form, truly a godly medium, a more holistic philosophy representative of god's own workings What is creativity, what is inspiration, what is infinity, what is imagination, what is intelligence, what is art, subject, object, composition, tools, canvases, senses, communication, intention, journey and destination? Something every artist implicitly or explicitly gets to ponder in the process of exploration and consciousness expansion!
  10. Absolutely, but it's really Just your regular accelerationism + psychedelics really help at that lol
  11. Now that's quite an endeavor, where do you propose to start? Writing a good reply is an auto resumé for mod, so...
  12. @PRai1ND1A What would you do with that power?
  13. I wonder how you reconsile this with imagination and consciousness/reality manipulation. There is the idea that everything is imaginary and on higher levels of consciousness we can affect the mechanics that materialize our experience/universe. There's also the idea that our form/ego determines what is and isn't possible and keeps us in this specific experience. But since you say "I don't think so. I would say no.", this kind of implies that anything goes, yet paranormal activity isn't taking over the world visibly yet, more so through media, but not openly and directly. Of course you might reject that paradigm altogether or say that our forms and this reality specifically exists in a set of boundaries and rules that make it impossible, granted the form of ourselves and reality. For example, on some of my trips I considered channeling or telepathy but found that if I could make it real, it would open a pandora's box of chaos and responsibility and yet I do not know if it is even possible, though in some shape it is already inevitable and I can clearly conceive of the idea. All my trips and synchronicities tuned me between new unexperienced aspects of reality, that became retroactively normalized, it's quite interesting. Quite a discussion to be explored.
  14. I only really remember one "sleep paralysis", which was the night before I decided I'd trip. I awoke from a horror dream where a little girl morphed her head into a monstrous amalgamate and told be to take off "my mask", then I went to sleep again and that time I heard live like breath just behind my ear and the sensation of air with the voice "don't be afraid", I tried not to be, but the sensation activated my body's panic mode and I awoke, I was half-asleep/half-awake, I fell asleep thinking about twice and the thoughts transitioned into the dream state continued by some entity I didn't see, the third time when I awoke, it was pure panic and I could barely move, the bed sheets were being pulled and fell down on both sides and it was very dark, after a dozen seconds I caught my breath and started to move and everything went back to normal. It was super scary in the moment, but now I want more! It was super fascinating!!!!!!!!
  15. You practice presence being mindful. You gain awareness by understanding context. Consciousness is, and spiritual culmination. Focus and concentration refer to attention. Focus is the specificity and selection aspect and concentration refers to intensity. Feelings are more versatile and include all kinds of sensations and intuitions, while emotions focus on heartfelt reactions.
  16. Oh, seeing my name I feel honored, sorry to be late to the party, had to integrate after my last insanity trip When I was around five, I fell asleep while on an air mattress drifting away from shore, at some point I fell of and awakened under water, I was standing on the ground and saw rays of light and algae, the environment so clearly! I could breathe underwater and it also felt as you describe "lighter, bouncier, more colorful, like a mystical wonderland", it was amazing and beautiful and I was starting to head to the shore just slowly walking underwater, next thing I know my father noticed and pulled me out, I coughed up some water and remembered the experience, so then I tried to repeat it but it didn't work after this. KA-ME-HA-ME-HAAAAAAAAAA! There are so many interconnected energy life forces and related processes at this point: Kundalini, Prahna, Ki/Chi/Qi, Akash, Mana, Will, Spirit, Light, Magic, as well as Frequency of Consciousness, Level of Awareness, Extent of Control, Emptiness of Ego, Determination of Will, Spiral Evolution, Fractal Complexification, Singularity Synchronization, Self-Transcendence, or simply FLOW. And the way I see it, they all refer to the same phenomenon through sometimes different, sometimes similar, sometimes same dimensions of actuality. Sadhguru said much about this and I myself practiced for about two hours of max 3 breaths a minute, it massively tuned my mind into peace. It's also said that the more still you are, the more you embody Shiva and tap into the source of infinite intelligence which lies at 0, and my psychedelic trips often automatically slowed sown my heart even though I rarely took advantage of it as my hyperbrain took each chance to accelerate itself to expand and navigate all the states, which made it so I didn't go as deep as I could have into a single one. Breath as a medium to move and transport energy in the body, one would assume the complexity of the body would need some forces to know how to change and morph and take care of its biological and physiological aspects to exist in the material world and interact with it. I had a very weird experience in my last trip however, when I broke reality and stopped time and became indestructible, but also it seemed like I could move objects, yet nothing was changing, yet I was moving, it was weird and I think I deluded myself much but it's still an interesting experience. It goes into the territory of how bodies would work if we kept them as a medium outside the material realm in out of body energy form experiences. Now this makes one wonder, what isn't prahna? Is everything prahna, just in different distributions? Is the energy holding the rock together from crumbling prahna? Or is it just "living" energy like the one that transforms one type of matter/object into a lifeform or another form? How does it fit into the five elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Akash? Is it the Akash moving the other four energies or do they have intelligence on their own? Is Akash the same as Chitta? Sadhguru describes them very similarly. How does it all link to consciousness and conscious manipulation of the elements, their proportions and properties? Do "psychic fields" or belief systems affect what can be true or tune people in and out of realities or is it just ignorance of disbelieving something even if it appears the same to you as anyone and you just keep consciously ignoring it? Or can it be that the ego overrides reality not to perceive what it doesn't believe in? Ah, the Torus Field! aka. Homeostasis/Life Energy/Intelligence/Spirit to maintain a form of entity. @Javfly33 Back to my take on the main topic, in my psychedelic experience life energy is something you will through consciousness and you can use mediums as movement or breathing or meditation or focus or discomfort to raise energies. The way I see prahna specifically, is a technology related to breath/air, that raises life force through controlled disciplined breath techniques and vitalizes the body and mind in the process. And that process of raising energies of course affects all other systems as well and consciousness, understanding, intelligence, love as a result of increased consciousness which results from surrender, control, discipline and focus.
  17. @Jehovah increases A slippery slope for me as I was trying to do it while still struggling much with ego, to tell whether I'm affecting the same world I'll come down into after the trip or just tuning and projecting my imagination outwards while keeping it contained inside me and outside the experienced "awareness" of "others". Of course one can imagine all this as alternate possible dimensions to tune between, much to be revealed and intersections to be explored. I screwed around with retrocausality way too much two weeks ago and had to learn my lesson, yet after subjecting myself to the chance of infinite discomfort and appreciating life more afterwards, I got my old cockiness back, but now I will see how far I can get through mind and meditation and esotericism alone. I still see some of the retrocausal changes and yet a lot escaped my awareness that I am becoming aware of through others, the whole world seems to have been trapped in synchronicity loops, including the forum and everyone I met or heard talk on the street. Though much of it is likely because I was awakening through dissociatives instead of psychedelics as they had no tolerance and their come down and afterglow accelerated and sharpened my awareness while the trips themselves tuned me out of ego into infinite synchronicity and body/mind/soul alignment. It did lead to a lot of chaos and insanity though, but omg did I experience and learn much from it, an absolute nexus of experience that blows much of everything that came before it out of the water. I basically did mess up a lot and turned the timeline into a whole mess of spaghetti, as demonstrated below:
  18. Thanks, I'll look into it, just got a whole list of hours long spirituality and health based videos, like a hundred+ of them I have to skim on 4.5x speed or summarize with Chat first, or find art schematics to absorb it better and the likes, there's so much information!! But actually, I'll put on a video of his right now
  19. @MarioGabrielJ It's called "Spiral" Dynamics for a reason, it spirals between individual and collective, it spirals between other dualities and tendencies, there's no reason why it couldn't spiral back in and out of solipsism, however it would be an entirely new form of solipsism including and transcending all past paradigms and so while the word itself might remain as a reference for the type of experience, the thing itself would be closer to the previous "non-solipsistic" stage, though it would also share cross differences and so forth. And that's why we're all having infinite discussions here. Even beyond schemas like it, everything spirals back and forth as we acquire new understandings unless we leave these ideas behind altogether, if it makes sense...
  20. @Oppositionless You literally bend light to become your own black hole, its pretty cool and profound yet ultimately limiting or is it?
  21. Aight, there are so many dimensions of coral actualization before you enter iridescent... There is a movie that describes one of them absolutely amazingly, and the real magic only starts at its half hour mark! Q: Can you tell us a bit more about what happened please? A: Well, the tomatoes moved from the bottom shelf to the top shelf and subsequently uncooked the spaghetti!
  22. It's nothing personal, Americans poison everyone with the same stuff they poison themselves with, it's just capitalism and culture running amok
  23. @Jowblob This coin of duality has a consensus and perceptive side that both originate in the ocean of consciousness. The private and public domains interact and there is a point of entry into the vessel and a gradient of influence that transitions into reality. I have realized I am not ready to disappear into pure energy yet, even if I dissolved every need and let go of every desire I had. I am still in this reality because I desire it from a higher unaccessed plane and there is yet so much to explore and live out in this one. See it this way, psychedelics tune you out of consensus reality and into private imagination created from memorized patterns, this shift allows you to override sensations and manipulate reality but only within your own system, it is for the best, else you could really screw up the world. When the pendulum swings, much of the freely available synchronicity complexes disappear, yet memory of experience remains. You're tuned back into the stable shared reality, the reflectiveness of the bent light around you to contain you in solipsism and explore your subconscious stretches out again into infinity and so you experience the world again. Consciousness and conscious entities are holistic, we tune between different dimensions of imagination and reality and coordinate our experiences in larger monarchies and intelligent systems, imagine a person only sees in binary, two colors, while you understand and have names for colors in-between and have created an associatory network that interconnects and complexities all of reality, they can't understand it until they grow some neurons or expand their consciousness, it's quite a multi-dimensional journey! Figuring out how all this works and how to navigate and bridge both is an interesting endeavor!