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Everything posted by Keryo Koffa
Keryo Koffa replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@James123 I did actually notice that before, just fail to "embody" it. Had whole posts dedicated to that. *self-contradictory* lol -
Keryo Koffa replied to Spiritual Warfare's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@OBEler Hmmm! I guess that puts some of my puzzle pieces together! So there are layers of reality, above us the NDE/spirit/soul realm that transcends out 3d-space-time universe and then there is the "somewhat" locked in and homeostatic experience that we are currently living that has certain boundaries that are hard to breath and that we form our lives in. And lucid dreaming would not be "real" infinity, but more so an expanded ego experience based on our current karma, desires and imagination that we collected over our lives, connected creatively in imagination. But the difference would be that imagination would be limited to this "manas as sadhguru would call it" and there are "hyperreal" dimensions of actuality beyond this one that aren't just imaginary self-created dream scenarios. Even if all is made from the same substrate... -
But isn't zero also a portal to infinity? You know, inflection points and all... also, I thought non-existence doesn't exist to even be included, yet what is 0? Nothingness, but a substrate nothingness instead of a non-existence nothingness? Is there nothing behind 0 that makes it so? Trippy!
I've heard much and am experientially (though placebo self-bias might limit me here) inclined to think that LSD has the longest tolerance, with 2 weeks+, while 4-HO tryptamines seem to be closer to 5-10 days of tolerance, relatively speaking, sometimes less, not sure about 5-mipt. DMT and 5-Meo/Malt are reported to have really short tolerance, likely due to their [short duration]? Though I wonder if that's also the case with Ayahuasca and how its tolerance compares. @Asia P Anyway, if it's non-lsd psychedelics and you have a window open, a week is enough and 10+ is plenty to recover, unless you need to psychologically integrate the experience, but you'd know if that was the case
Keryo Koffa replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Breakingthewall @James123 I did notice a while ago that it's easier to understand without thinking: like it's literally more taxing to be confused than to get it, humorously enough, though it is anti-climactic to the *non-existent (apparently anyway)* ego. -
Keryo Koffa replied to destroyx6's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
It's not a competition, it's a mystery novel where the author forgot the plot. Now we're a reality TV show with zero prize money and we're all juggling egos. Tomorrow, it'll be a scavenger hunt for common sense and every day a quiz show where the answers keep changing. Sorry, I'm turning into Yimpa, I'll stop, I promise -
Keryo Koffa replied to Spiritual Warfare's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@OBEler What about lucid dreaming? -
Keryo Koffa replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Breakingthewall I experienced this on my last trip. I went from mesocosm to microcosm to macrocosm, it's like I saw the same world of details in a particle of sand, as my room, as the picture of a galaxy, and they all interact and reflect each other on all levels infinitely, looking at any one thing, you can see the reflection of any other thing, no matter how far, complex, or simple, it's all entangled, and you can encode details with soundwaves and read it off water if your mind/third eye is sharp enough and the associatory network we are and the houses and all the stuff they include are so insanely complex, it's really amazing. -
@Camerong Only question being, how fast shall we do it? If we had a big red button that would instantly fulfill all desires, should we press it or continue at our pace? If we pressed that button, would we become nothingness/infinity/God without anything to do, since technically curiosity is also a desire, albeit a higher one to explore, and so would we not just start over from a lower level? Or do the levels continue up for infinity? Or is it infinitely down and up and sideways and there's not even a preference of direction, but merely of where we feel like going and evolving and navigating towards, granted our specific path and feelings that guide us?
Keryo Koffa replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The immediate spiritual answer to would be that we have a certain amount of time on this earth and bodily karma to put into motion like making families and cooperating, but then that is phased out as we slowly prepare to die and transition into the next reincarnation or plane of reality in "cosmic evolution" essentially. Are lives do imply endings (give our body back to the earth and reset all injuries, leave stuff for the next generation) and that's part of collective evolution. Now you say that personal evolution ends and if this life is all there is, then that appears correct, though with the right practices, health can be maintained for a long time even in old age and even as interests shift. Still I do agree with you, but then only if this life was our only existence, which I have much reasons to believe is not the case, and also believing it is, is equally biased, so I go for the most expansive and vitalizing interpretation. -
Keryo Koffa replied to Applegarden8's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Applegarden8 I shortened your post to respond to it, blocks are shortened paraphrasing, bold titles are my summery. I don't know what advice to give you, you kind of answered all your questions. There are great resources online and you already seem adept at finding and navigating them. If you need encouragement, this is not a bad place, from what it sounds like to me, you have a great plan and are just checking whether others can find holes in it or whether it's reasonable, but there's nothing wrong with it, just go for it and make a start! I wish you luck, 5 years are an investment and you'll see improvements each day, as you introduce new practices and insights, that will continually recontextualize and add to your experience! -
Keryo Koffa replied to Applegarden8's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You did go pretty practical, it's just that there are layers of practicality and spirituality and in-between and this post is even further to the practical side, maybe unintegrated, maybe a different paradigm, maybe different needs or perspectives. But I know how you usually go , your actual spiritual discussions in a nutshell go more like this : -
@Schizophonia Was made to eat my words, had a nightmare yesterday. Now I wanna repeat it and show it who's boss!
Keryo Koffa replied to emil1234's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Breakingthewall There is no problem with an end. Though on an absolute scale such a thing does not even exist as an "objective" phenomenon or absolute limitation, as it's nothing but an arbitrary paradigm context encapsulating a focal perspectival understanding projected into perception, a narrow lens to interpret infinity. In simpler words: It's a subset, an interpretation like a yellow 3d shape being seen as a rubber duck, but anyone can interpret it into anything, infinity is infinite in all ways, how could there be an end when you can always +1, or + ∞ or * ∞ or ^⁰⁰. To close one door is to open another, to reach 0 is to inflect into infinity. -
Keryo Koffa replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Life is. Purpose is. Life is Purpose. Life is Purposeless. Purpose is alive. Purpose is lifeless. Purpose isn't Life. Life isn't Purpose. Link these two however you like and it will be a local association grid that collapses the superposition of boundless Infinity. -
Leo and many of us are grounded by our LP, while others awaken so much, they reach Madasamadhi and just:
My four stages of learning evolution: 1. Learn from books, articles, schools 2. Learn from youtube videos, forum posts 3. Learn from art, schematics, illustrations, animations 4. Learn from memes, the DNA of the soul
@Yimpa Enjoy your well deserved vacation!
@Salvijus The way I interpreted your repeated ending was as a closing of a strange loop, inflecting and closing the cycle. The authority reply was pretty profound, you'd have to become the things you seek to influence through transcendence. What is a "Thief" anyway? We make up rules, set boundaries, create individual and collective social systems with property and so forth. A thief might be a thief without knowing they're a thief, might not have a related philosophy at all, it might just be a projected label upon them. In a deeper sense however, the concept of thieves existed basically forever and is easy to grasp, much has been said and some cases are more obvious and mutually agreed upon than others. To take from others, yet we take/lend food of the earth, we kill animals and steal their life and flesh when we have an abundance of resources. We steal each others energies through gossip, envy, malicious behavior, ego and steal our own energy as well. Time is being stolen by advertisements and institutions at all scales. People steal from the planet without caring to give anything back. Focusing on petty thieves really does a disservice to the scale and potential of the argument. Nice one! How about an unknown known? Like you forgot what you wanted to say but know you knew what it was. What is one's nature? How come it doesn't change? Isn't that limiting? I thought infinity had no limits. It's kinda good that they do though instead of hiding it away in an eco chamber. Confrontation allows progress. And so they use whoever is highly conscious as a mirror but it's a smart non-dual mirror, that will boggle their minds. It's fascinating how far this concept stretches and how vital it is realized to be when awakened to.
Keryo Koffa replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
We learned that whole finite thing from Leo, but is it really finite or infinity in form? Form, we, the universe, all change. In a way, how can you even align yourself with the type of infinite you're pointing to? Everything that is, is finite, no? There are Mystics, Shamans, DMT-Psychonauts, NDEs reporting first hand experiences of the cosmic evolution of life. Ideas of cosmic evolution, astral bodies, higher dimensions and that Earth is a self chosen life that veils larger awareness. Both of you speak of alignment, be it of cosmic evolution, or the infinite and eternal. I really don't see the contradiction. -
@Davino If you really wanna nuke our consciousness, go for: Leo + Sadhguru 🌌
Keryo Koffa replied to shubhamsharma's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yup, love the images, animations and intuitive communication + paradigm and paradox contextualization. Penrose triangles break our version of 3D-Space but create their own where vertical and horizontal intersect, And so consistency is a matter of rules and paradigms on multiple layers of reality and paradoxes are doors out. -
The things we long for, avoid or sprint towards, whatever generates strong reactions and desires. Things we love or hate with a passion, that which we're biased towards. It's experiences we find profound, that shape our character or people we appreciate or things we look forward to. The more we have of those, the more attached we are to this life. And so we'll keep returning and feel uneasy about leaving. It's like: imagine someone invited you to live in the woods with no contact to anyone for 5 years straight spontaneously and you knew you wouldn't have to worry about safety but simply missing everything and everyone you know and everything you're engaged in or want to experience or cross off your bucket list. These life things keep us grounded in this realm and swing us back to homeostasis after psychedelic trips.
1. Let me get this straight, you had delusional solipsistic ideas after 5-Meo, so you solved that with 5-Meo and now your delusional solipsistic ideas are absolutely undelusional because the God with absolute authority that you are says so. 2. And so you want to tell your mental constructs that don't exist this because they don't exist and you make them up to tell them they don't exist because you're bored? 3. And they don't have an experience because you're not aware of their experience despite being them, because all you see is words? I guess people around you just disappear when you look away, that's cool! 4. I'm a profile picture now, how is this not the coolest? You must be very creative to give us those! 5. For entertainment purposes, refer to @Yimpa, our trickster Zen-Master of humor, 6. "I’m here to have a discussion with someone because there is no one to have an argument with" Who doesn't love paradoxes?