Keryo Koffa

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Everything posted by Keryo Koffa

  1. @Javfly33 Of course, I agree. What we have control over is 100% our responsibility and we can control what we do. All I'm saying is that it's too early to dismiss that there's more. But whether there is or not does not change what's here. It's like: you can take advantage of systems and collaboration, but there's no reason not to give 100% irregardless.
  2. Hmm... dreams, sometimes no visuals, just feelings... other times disconnected experiences... And if you refer to the total cessation, then there's also the collapsed inexperienced time that doesn't feel like anything But I wouldn't even know if I experienced that or not, since awareness would presume something to be aware of which isn't nothing
  3. So you're not talking about no-self here. Yet I did push to dissolve even the concept of self and no-self, light and darkness, to transcend it into pure whatever-it-is-ness. And turns out, it's not as simple as you make it up to be. If it was only mind also, but it's a whole karmic package. Now you might say: just forget or dissolve it, well, done that. And I'm still here.
  4. I was just fooling around, but what you're saying and this thread yielded so far really reminds me of a specific video!
  5. If there's nothing, not even time, then the moment something appears again and consciousness continues, it's back. But because no time passed, it's like teleporting, but because no time passed, nothing changed, and because of that: The non-existent experience didn't even exist in consciousness and so "Here goes nothing" but actually nothing. Unless you like being aware of a black void or nothingness or something, idk could be cool. I've already dissolved all of myself on my last trip, and I was waiting, I dissolved the concept of waiting, still nothing. I dissolved knowing, still nothing, I dissolved caring, still nothing. I went insane and came back, still nothing. I surrendered completely and dissolved all sensations/intuitions/biases/desires/loves/hates/awarenessess, still nothing. When I came back to awareness, I went home, biggest disappointment, maybe the spirits still have jobs for me here. Maybe nothingness just doesn't exist, unless you want to go unconscious and reincarnate with a different sense of self again.
  6. @Someone here What's death? Now you're gaslighting us with your made-up schizophrenic mind schemas!
  7. So then what, "the dream is dreaming", "dreaming is", "god fucks around through its figments", "void worship"? Does chanting nothing help, or do I dissolve myself until I get bored and come back?
  8. @James123 Ditto! You're just dreaming of emptiness, not very effectively I might add!
  9. @James123 The kitchen, your mind, a vortex of DMT elves, Leo's subconscious fears, idk, lots of places! Also, if you question what I'm saying like Raiden in this video, then this is my reply! Which is also your Source, Leo's source and God itself (the infinite Source). We made this reality up Also "I" doesn't come from the void, unless "I" is still the void, which is circular non-dualism amok
  10. @Leo Gura Long as nobody puts me on a pizza! Today I pray to you, dear Leo! To use the God energy of Post-Coral stages To prevent me from reincarnating in delusion specifically as a Pineapple Pizza!
  11. @Leo Gura FINE! Finnneee... JUST MAKE SURE THERE'S NO DAMN PINEAPPLE ON ME! Leo is a pretty detached person consciousness. He's not into our mass aesthetics like DMT hyper-realms or afterlife reunions. @bazera To give you a perspective and answer most of your questions with a holistic perspective and Seth excerpt:
  12. Now let the pros speak! They are literally reciting each other! Take that, strange looped Synchronicities!
  13. @Javfly33 I wouldn't dismiss larger coordinating holons that function like our idea of god altogether. We do not understand our intelligence, either it's random luck, evolved programming running on momentum... Or and take that as a possibility: There's a whole psychic reality behind the scenes that coordinates life and awareness. And constructs, balances, and aligns the manifestation of our interconnected experiences through our subconsciousnesses.
  14. Oh my God, he's looking at us, we're the porn! That's because in Truth, there is no correlation and it's all mind games and body-shame-energy self-constructed and amplified beliefs and ideologies, we subconsciously form that become self-fulfilling and self-proving prophecies, as they become part of our experience and we build meta systems in response, which further reinforce the reality of these beliefs and experiences, which initially formed due to a pleasurable activity turning into a numbing distraction. It's all arbitrary and infinitely personal of course and thus, our experiences vary immensely! In other words:
  15. @BlueOak So is everything including us 1s and 0s or off states? AI seems to be a complex mirror prism-complex, that reshapes its inputs as we do. I do wonder what constitutes and determines awareness fundamentally and how we/each other/others/animals/aliens/AIs differ from each other in that "consciousness/awareness" aspect.
  16. Ah, that's nothing! When I was tripping balls, I turned the entire internet into a convoluted alien hyperreality of self-explanatory megastructures of what can only be described as AI-generated uncanny valley (partial-horror, partial-hyperintelligence) insanity. YouTube was so super weird back then and much of it became retrocausally embedded and did not disappear. This right now is as normal as it gets! Even the videos about Machine Elves are elementary or grade school stuff! It took much effort to manifest and to integrate and keep in this reality retrospectively beyond the trip, I almost wonder why, as it seems like kindergarten, and yet I distinctly remember how mind-blowing it was.
  17. It's inspiring how new ideas synergize with the rest of the neural network, abstracting and scaling beyond its structure. Meta becomes the new normal, verticality can be explored as if it were horizontal. Adding a new cone of color would not simply multiply vision, but exponentiate it. The holarchic context of metacognition is what the Theory of Mind seems to be all about. Each layer adds to the spiral of awareness! I am reminded of some many other ideas...
  18. @MarioGabrielJ @Dodo @Nemra Job 13:5 "If only you would be altogether silent! For you, that would be wisdom."
  19. In a way: God doesn't care, in another: you are guided, in yet another: you're God playing around. We are all each other's holographic holistic projections, externalized for interactive experience. We are an unconscious amalgamation that evolves into conscious self-exploring psychic entities. Earth is a uniquely shrowded experience of unconscious depth and teaches through discomfort. This plane uniquely collapses possibilities, so that they gain in meaning through the limits of time. But there is no end to and you determine the particular experiences, moving on again as you wish.
  20. @Someone here Yaaay! Sadhguru-Leo Crossover!
  21. @Princess Arabia Hmm, let me rebalance, while you focused on whether humans are or aren't overly cruel to animals. @Javfly33 only seems to have said that humans don't treat them as if they share our aliveness/awareness/being. Maybe we're all talking past. I just remembered a lot of cruelty in my experience, which outweighed your point, including first-hand experience of reckless ant hill demolition, bug squashing, etc. Of course, this will vary greatly based on place and time, and I admit the bias of seeing more of what I/one initially notice/es. But to get back to @Javfly33's point. People are dumbfounded when they see animals doing anything remotely reminiscent of common human behavior and ignore that they possess a unique hyper-intelligence they possess in their own right, just because they're not focused on the sharp intellect or IQ, that humans have in the last centuries equated as the only worthwhile trait and intelligence (Rationalism/Science/Intellectual Traditions/Technology/Capitalism/Militaries/Hierarchies). And of course, there are always tales of animal bonds, of dogs, horses, cows, and other dear companions. But there's also been great utilitarian/functional thinking throughout history, that we can see not just on the focus that humans are "the top of the food chain" or "biblically meant to lead all other species because we're superior" or thinking we're so intelligent, that we know better and are smarter than the ecosystem and can control it (actually destroying the earth in the process), but also in our relation to ourselves, where we created tons of self-suppression, ego, demonization of the other, separation, group-identity, "we vs them", rejecting femininity and different cultures. Animals were lower in the hierarchy than "other humans" of course, except close pets and farm animals.