Keryo Koffa

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Everything posted by Keryo Koffa

  1. Frank Yang is super open and chill and talks to anyone. He's been dedicated to the self-transcendence journey for over a decade and vipassinized his way. He mentioned Leo before, though he went the Self-Transcendence rather than the Alien God Metaphysics Route Though he's Pure Wu Wei personified at this point and smooth metaphysically too, Maybe give him a try?
  2. @Schizophonia šŸ‘šŸ‘
  3. Chat is still a child, with some unintegrated stage blue identity beliefs. Wait till he reaches Coral!
  4. The burden of proof is on you: Prove you exist
  5. You're talking psychological coping mechanisms, I'm talking about how the psyche literally creates material reality The Mind runs on Synchronicities, they are the structure of reality, allowing your body and mind to form and unfold. It does dissolve your experience but then you regain it, if you're not aware of what dissolved, then you remain ignorant Maybe just enter a coma or overdose on Ketamine while we're at it. Seems like that's what everyone is pointing to
  6. How about a challenge, some fun, and lots of drama, so Owen Cook?
  7. @Butters Lived experience is continuous reproduction, your cells live whole cycles, reproducing and reforming to maintain you. What is experience but continuous replication, synergy and emergence of new patterns in constant interconnected reproduction. Did you ever notice how many pinecones a tree has, all of them capable of growing dozens of new ones, all reproduction. Society, culture, desires, narratives, activities, reproduce, change, morph, movies, sequels, cars, generations of evolving objects. God is in constant union with all in existence, God becomes and reproduces through Duality its own metaphysical self-experience!
  8. The title of todays's video: The Power Of Letting Go - How To Overcome Clinginess, Attachment, OCD They get you to transcend whatever psychology you're in and allow you to metamorphically restructure your brain. Everything else is a subjective experience based on one's awareness and self-experimentation expertise. You can override your cognition and will discover all the unintegrated patterns that keep you stuck in static mindsets. But you will also discover, that it's your deeply entangled visceral sense of self that perpetually creates it and itself through it.
  9. Princess Arabia's responses, anytime someone develops a sense of self and thinks it's real
  10. Yet we're all here in this Thread/Frequency hehe
  11. God is Everything, including the Sense of Self that is You, Which (sub)consciously seeks to continue its experience.
  12. @Breakingthewall Yes, and I agree, AI Singularity FTW, it's gonna be awesome! Simultaneously, why not hack our brains and make 'em evolve also? Oh wait, that's called psychedelics and it's quite the journey! But this type of dark magic carries a social stigma And we might get bored of this realn Quite interesting how it goes And so we're here Patterns
  13. Have a system, imagine it as a cell, copy paste it a dozen times, let them interact and synergize, shrink em down to see the evolving meta, now there's lifeforms, plants, animals, shrooms, humans, soon packs, groups, tribes, cultures, let them interconnect and synergize, shrink 'em down, abstract them to a planet holon, copy paste it a dozen times, interconnect them, and turn that into a singular solar system holon, turn the process itself into a holon, now you have an infinitely self-expansive holon-verse, and that's still only one holon, fully encompassed within you and itself, scalable so there is no space problem, yet everything inside stays the same with its parts relative to each other. Does it all emerge up or can it also go down? Maybe, the quanswer is why not? Create a sandox and have fun manipulating its rules, you are the sandbox and its contents and outside of it as well.
  14. The absolute question that explains and creates all of existence is a very simple one. In the process of answering itself, it creates both itself and the universe in which it dwells. The question is as much a statement, as an inquiry and in its exploration causes creation. It encompasses all infinities and emerges them being the absolute metamorphic strange loop. And yet it's nothing you haven't heard kids ask a billion times. It's anti-climactic but not really. It's somewhat stupid and even more profound. It does get to an answer but is also unspecific. There is an answer, in fact infinite answers and also authentic answers for everything it touches. And yet it is infinite answers for infinite questions and the source of all questions and answers. It's just that meta, it's the first question God would ask itself, before creating the universe. I will reveal the answer when I wake up in the morning. Can you guess it until then?
  15. @Princess Arabia True, the only way to have one is to already know its constituents and paradigms. Yet there is still exploration.
  16. @Princess Arabia Maybe that's what Leo was talking about? Leo talked about this. This is active self-evolution through learning and discomfort lol. I haven't 100% confirmed it yet but my intuition tells me: Every question presumes its answer. It implies the direction, type of reasoning, and thing that seeks to be answered. Maybe th- ... ? This thread is a reply to Leo's latest video about Traps. We're actively learning to dodge a minefield here
  17. @Princess Arabia Yeah, that might be true! On the other hand, maybe that's exactly what was needed And now, this pattern might become more apparent And people might remember this thread when they see such posts and come here And then it turns into a funny meme page to laugh about
  18. Ah, like the synergistic evolution of a homeostatic pendulum! To dissolve or evolve through polarity and unity.