Keryo Koffa

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Everything posted by Keryo Koffa

  1. Eurekah, Aletheosupra! The Transcendental Truth! Are you implying a (too much text) Implica recursivmetamorphic fractemergent holohedral Fluxiverse? ☯ I love Meta(psycho)morphodynamics! Might be a little tangential, but I'm also reminded of: All Stange Loops must eventually be transcended! For Freedom and Meta! (Sadhguru Seal of Approval) I empathize with and adore your unique Self, I just came here to bring you a Gift!
  2. The sound Dissociatives make when they start kicking in and the trip starts (3:42 - 3:45)
  3. And I guess overriding it would mean lots of suffering materialized in a dozen reincarnations to dissolve karmic attachments
  4. Human projection. To an ant, humans are mysterious. To a proton, fractals are confusing. Question is rather, "how did we get confused?"
  5. @Leo Gura So you're me that you can weekend your time as an alien outside of time and space but come back because of: What you previously called "a self-imagined and self-imposed limitation that is genetics, which you said you could: Upgrade with psychedelics until "lightning shoots through you're fingers as you're physically transformed by Kundalini" But all of that is imaginary? Just like physicality itself is imaginary? But not just psychologically but metaphysically? Except for when it isn't because "you have to keep this illusion going" except it's more real than previously thought. So what now, is this experience on a higher plane of "realness" and all your alien experiences a simulation within it?
  6. @Leo Gura I'd think that at this point you'd have transcended humanity and deconstructed/reconstructed yourself enough times to seamlessly morph in and out of any state at will, but it seems it's not that easy and the limitations keep coming back. Or is it your existence in the imagined experiences of others that are part of your reality and appearance since it's not yet justifying such freedom or enforcing homeostasis? What is the main obstacle from your current POV?
  7. I'd guess it's because psychs accelerate the breaking down of psychic barriers to the innate extended universe. If they do happen to abduct me, I'll tell them @Leo Gura sent me and @Princess Arabia sends her regards.
  8. And then you realize the vanity in astonishment, as suddenly you discover:
  9. My morphing understanding : There's formless Source Consciousness, it creates an environment to experience. It imagines itself as a life form within it and it lowers its awareness to the life form. The environment is externalized. The lifeform is the experience and limited canvas. The consciousness that creates both is completely autonomous and independent. Others are SC constructs also, their level of reality is hard to ascertain from within. Self-Critique: Source doesn't have intent so it doesn't create as much as it is in a state of becoming. Lowering awareness appears accurate, but it also expands through this experience. It experiences environment and selves simultaneously always from a higher POV. The Autonomy paradigm breaks down when there's no desire to use as a means. Their experience, consistent as it is, and the ego's self-projection give some hints. Meta-Critique: The source may be Intent disembodied but merged and contained, all inclusively. Expanding and contracting are an infinite creative process, the duality redundant. Multiple interactive and interconnected POVs in fact, are more like a POV gradient. "All Dualities must eventually collapse" -Leo. Paradigms are stifling. Consciousness is. If "conscious entities" desire, any level/form of reality is infinitely complexifiably explorable. Leo-Inspired-Critique: "Stop fooling around."
  10. @NightHawkBuzz Reverse!: What happens when we accept communities like straight cis people, you don't just have to tolerate or celebrate their sappy, cringe romance dramas and heteronormative bs, but they constantly nag and grunt at you to get you to participate in it, they actively dehumanize you and fight to take away your human rights, only for the prettiest of all reasons: because they're so insecure about their own sexuality, that they project you to be a threat since maybe their current sexuality is just them hardcore resisting, else why'd they be such overreacting douchebags?
  11. @Cubbage It was absolutely bonkers! Just watching it, having all my experiences reflected to the extent that you talked about, that itself felt like taking a psychedelic and tripping on Synchronicities! I'd love to see more of those, honestly, it's the most in-depth YouTube video I've seen yet. Sure, Leo is the master of Metaphysics, but he misses the visceral, detailed, immediate, experiential self-exploration aspect and goes the autonomous solipsist route, while your three's classic 60s psychedelic and psychic reality morphing and entity/self/other exploration is what I live for.
  12. If I made a video, I'd call it the same thing. My last trip accelerated me through the entire universe. All that I could say, sure I'll make posts about it, but really, who cares, it's all the same, we're all the same. And this video captures everything pretty darn well. Anyway: at least watch the 16:18 - 21:30 segment! It's only 5 minutes and it will convey the important aspects, I'm still watching it myself
  13. @Jehovah increases For sure you're a master of suspense! But you better hurry up before I get so impatient, that I perform a vulcan mind meld
  14. Think deeprer
  15. She's doing a check on your psychological ego-dependency-drama structure to evaluate the "pain in the ass"ness of getting back into
  16. ADHD is more of a homeostatic karmic psychophysiological pattern, than an "impersonal disorder"
  17. @Princess Arabia What are these synchronicities coming to?! Is this real? (Follow up to the previous Comment)
  18. @Keryo Koffa Is that the best you can do? I'll do you one better! Contextassociometaphoemotioexpericoenceptinfinisignifiscale! One word, b! If you doubt it, just ask ChatGPT! And yes, I made it myself, thanks for the credit.
  19. @numbersinarow Even if I did, it'd be the same as what he describes for 1 minute since the timestamp of this video
  20. @puporing Now you're hitting my PTSD "Deny, dismiss, rationalize" until you become the self that's trying to convince you And then someone else takes the role of the lower and it becomes a strange loop On my last trips, I was stuck in that looping non-dual predicament for felt eternity And when I finally switched perspectives to the lower, I forgot I was the higher one And didn't let the higher duality convince me until I did and then it all looped again "And you're doing that everyday, thanks for your service" - The "not ready" lower self
  21. It's funny how far we can come and still disagree. @Adilbek's POV is "Everythins is Perfect, Nothing to Attain, Nowhere to Go, Nothing to Do" '@Breakingthewall's POV is "We continue our relative Lives with our patterns holding us back" Perfection doesn't care about Imperfection, yet Imperfection is dissatisfied with its own self. On the relative scale, individuality learns self-awareness and seeks all ways to transcend. @Adilbek is saying that by stopping all endeavors, you automatically align with the divine. @Breakingthewall is saying that this can only happen, once you address your perpetual karma. @Adilbek stumbled out of the labyrinth, telling everyone it's a game but forgot the path out. From his perspective it doesn't matter, because the walls are transparent now from his POV. But for @Breakingthewall, those walls aren't transparent, he's working on making them so. And of course, one can question @Adilbek's actuality or if he isn't stuck in a meta-maze.
  22. Immersive significance ego-desire, stable limited exploration grows identity relatively.