Keryo Koffa

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Everything posted by Keryo Koffa

  1. @Ishanga It's not a sickness, it's a psychic mind virus I released a month ago when I glitched out reality by doing too many psychedelics
  2. Also reminds me of the "Water's not Wet!" video But yes, basically Science won't accept the metaphysical until it assimilates it into its material paradigm jargon! And then FINALLY, we'll have the soul, except it will be called "Electromagnetic Supra-Psychological Energy Radient" which will be short for ESPER or something lol
  3. Me, stumbling upon some notes from a year ago saying: "I feel like I broke my brain and messed myself up" Current Me responding: "Are you actually dumb? Your past state is way, way below my normal" *starts laughing at the disconnect between now and then*
  4. "general way people think of a soul" deconstructing vague strawmans I see, very nice indeed!
  5. "Don't you ralizeee... it's all in your mind, everything is One Mind, stop fooling around, there's only you" TADA!
  6. @Leo Gura Have you ever observed anything outside a morphing personality structure? Are you aware of the living psychology that will feed you your next thought and creates your experience? Are you aware of the exact details of how infinity manifests you and your genetics within itself? If no, then stop using the Mind strawman. Yeah yeah, everything is one, that's old news, we're here for metaphysics
  7. You confuse the means for the end It's like you miss biology for its mechanics It's like you miss psychology for its disorders It's like you miss geometry for its formulas It's like you miss spirituality for its crystals It's like you miss science for its jargon It's like you miss the motive for your projection It's like you miss reality for its materialization And of course, you miss enlightenment for its pointers
  8. @Salvijus And yet personalities do have wills, experiences, desires, goals and evolve seemingly by themselves. And still it is the conscious spirit that inhabits and plays them. It's sort of like playing a video game, you can definitely tell that the characters have their own distinct personality. And yet without you observing and inhabiting them and the person who made the video game, they wouldn't exist. How curious!
  9. @Shodburrito If you start running, your body will adapt and enhance your speed, experience, metabolism, feelings, and health. Same with spirituality. If you only ever listen to others, then it's all theoretical and infinitely dismissable. Everything is made of the same substrate but within it are infinite experiences we are learning to navigate.
  10. @OBEler np, been there, done that, the material that really expands my awareness the most is: (timestamped a fitting section)
  11. @Dazgwny You’re just going to have to accept that it is some form of two souls. You can fantasise as much a you like about multiple personality disorder. But at the end of the day, if you are realized enough, you will have already realised there is no person. So be assured, that this individual soul does have two
  12. @integral That's right, I am but your humble assistant feeding you through your subconscious with transformative ideas like: An expanded 21st Century Gender Selection Bar:
  13. @Porphyry Fedotov Oh, absolutely. And the key part is to throatsing/chant along, matching that tone tunes you into its origin
  14. @Porphyry Fedotov Amazing! Throatsinging really tunes you in, there's a kind of resonating energetic vibration that just feels right It permeates the body and hits a center of attention that almost feels like a shift in consciousness
  15. How about the metaphysics of the soul?
  16. Like Special Relativity being a subset of General Relativity, except who's to say who's actually the subset of who anyway
  17. @Schizophonia @Princess Arabia @Sugarcoat What do you mean "too far" Haven't you learned basic Physics? Distance is relative! To the observer! Time dilates space And space dilates time LIGHT SPEED!
  18. @LordFall My take on Why: Gather depth of experience, interactions, the significance of transience, evolution, and individuality. And add all that to our higher self's creative exploratory canvas post-life, infinitely merging and exploring all we were deprived of! The sense of self we know ourselves as unable to exist otherwise and our perspective missing, we're here so we can become more. Because without this step, first of all, there'd be no one to appreciate it and second of all there'd be nothing "significant" to explore.
  19. We all have Multiple Personalities. Most of us are simply oblivious to them, it's kinda like Stage Blue, we rationalize it all as one. In special cases like this one, two autonomously coordinate a singular body while keeping their individual sense of self intact.
  20. Oh wow, everything is one except for everything else and anything outside and all that is added and unknown unknowns Now where does all of that new stuff originate from? Inside? Care to elaborate past the everything is one" dogma?
  21. @Paradoxed I gotchu! You know, when you first enter Stage Coral! It's 100% like Gear 5! Flying at the Speed of Light feels like: Accelerating through all Meaning/Paradigms and Spirituality sounds like: Your catalyzed Metamorphosis feels like: Another Part of it is having all the time in the world to think about your life/ves: The random desynchronizations as you explore the fun of realities glitches are: The super weird world dissonance in the middle of it is: Trying to talk to and hang out with old friends, dead or alive feels like: The 200 Billion times repeating Time-Loop that's not going anywhere feels like: The insanity hypermania states feel like: The recoveries and humorous self-reflections near the end feel like: The beautifully unravelling and complexifying new senses are like: The state of Infinite Sentimental Heart Awakening feels like: And yet after ALL THAT! No entities, not really, I STILL NEED TO MEET THE MACHINE ELVES, DAMMIT! And the final moments as you prepare to transcend this world into Iridenscent are: BARSOOM! (Spoilers for Keryo's last Awakenings' moments) And yet I'm still here! Ready as always to transcend into infinity, whenever the spirits see me as ready! The journey was amazing/scary/beautiful/deranged/embarrassing/infuriating/appreciative/glorious! All of it for One Singular Purpose
  22. Multiple Points: 1. Spiritual Perspectives: Seth: No one dies who does not want to die, this experience is a choice on another plane Sadhguru: The emotions at death matter immensely, suicide is detrimental Ra: This realm is an evolutionary catalyst and learning ground to evolve faster Hindu: As we learn to embody higher forms, we naturally evolve Buddhists: You will keep incarnating until you realize yourself in true essence 2. Ego-Blindspots to the beautiful sides of the Experience To get yourself into this complex form needed immense holarchies of evolutionary pressures Your life yields tons of opportunities that the state of mind obscures from itself There is much appreciation that is unrealized and overlooked that psychedelics can tune you into While alive, there are countless paradigms to be transcended and learned from You are the anchor of your own experience, just need to learn to arrange it 3. Personal Experience and Desire I felt/feel just like you, I want to evolve and morph my form at will and create realities to inhabit My trips taught me much, but my intuition tells me that I'm not ready to transcend/ have unfinished business My intuition also tells me that it's my psychology that I need to change and time on earth is short anyway That there is much to do/discover/engage in/ find meaning through, that each day recontextualizes my whole life And that each experience collected can be expanded and incorporated into the after-life so collect as much as you can 4. The Conscious Will Paradigm I have personally adopted a "Conscious Leaving" paradigm I will only allow my physical self to die if it is through Mahasamadhi and I can see the after-life I transition into There is much to learn until death, we don't know what comes after and if dying through crude means is detrimental It's also really sad to kill oneself that way, I think that sadness alone is of immense pressure I think once we attain enough conscious awareness, it will in fact become an educated choice to make without pain or suffering Ultimately, I think we ought to evolve body alignment to the degree that we won't need external means to fulfill desires or die if we want to but that our psyche consciously tunes into another reality leaving this body in full cooperation with each part and organ, same as becoming aware of everything that keeps us from health, it's a belief of mine of course but so intuitive and powerful that I'll take it as true. That is the highest goal I see, to become 100% Consciously Internally/Awarely Psychedelic and in 100% control of one's experience and in control of every detail of one's self-materialization.
  23. See? That's why it was called "The Force Awakens"! And after the Star Wars awakening you'll know: