Keryo Koffa

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Everything posted by Keryo Koffa

  1. @Javfly33 Well, you see... where do your thoughts come from? They jump in and out of the aether in patterns! Now, what is this place we're unconscious of, where all our reality in its full consistency and intelligence originates? Sadhguru calls it Manas, the karmic background. What do we call the organizing intelligence? Chitta! What's the Buddhi? The intellect we use to cut reality into pieces to reassemble and gain understanding. And what's Ahamkara? Our identity is a gravitational center that draws and projects experiences to expand through. What do psychedelics do? Shut down the Ahamkara out of the conscious experience? Where does it go? Manas What happens to the Buddhi? The buddhi is the servant of the ahamkara, without it, there's only room for Chitta. Of course, the ahamkara isn't completely gone, else we'd be God GOD, but the space implodes in new experiences. These experiences flow in and out of reality constantly but are filtered through our self-manifested antenna (brain). With this antenna defocused and jumping between channels, the dissolving identity manifests new channels, And so the experience broadcast and encoding are being temporarily "under maintenance" and that's the Trip!
  2. @Spiritual Warrior Ah, a typical trip then, been there a month ago! Reality hits full throttle when your emotional regulation circuits are back online! And the reactivated cringe inhibitors make the embarrassment levels skyrocket! When they are: Deep Breaths to calm down the Amygdala. I see your brain-antenna frequency stabilized back onto this awareness channel
  3. "There is no man who hates but that hatred is reflected outward and made physical And there is no man who loves but that love is reflected outward and made physical." -Seth
  4. While you're all gaying up genders via midichlorian chanting, I'll be waiting with the Whills for y'all to transcend that!
  5. Psychedelics temporarily empty ahamkara into manas to increase chitta over buddhi, ahamkara rematerializes from manas later.
  6. an ∞ 1, which gets me straight to 0
  7. Say hi, this is the steroid cow! It's pretty stronk with all them steroids, sure worked it up. Now try this but with Humans instead, I can promise you: It's gonna be pretty cool, cringe, fun and hilarious, but hey, gotta keep up them looks! Now how would a psychedelic cow look in comparison?
  8. Here's your aroace starter pack, welcome to the club!
  9. I feel like Classic Psychedelics and 5-MeO can be quite the opposite in that regard. 5 dissolves reality while CPs expand & deepen it, macro doses open Pandora's box. The more personal/innate/natural one's control, the better, else it becomes a crutch.
  10. I wonder if you really broke through all the allocated psychonaut karma or just reached a psychological plateau...
  11. @MarioGabrielJ Both Something and Nothing and what makes it holistically Nothing: It is nothing when contrasted against Polarities, (is its own first polarity) And it is the absolute nothing that remains irregardless of contrasts
  12. @MarioGabrielJ Nothing is a pointer towards "less things/ness", "fewer distinctions", "dissolving polarity", "no-thing-ness" AND SO... A NEW IDEA MUST SPRING FORTH The HOLISTIC NOTHING ☯
  13. @MarioGabrielJ Let's spice it up a bit. Remember Leo's Meta video? Content vs Structure - and even that division must ultimately collapse lol What if you know the Structure but haven't decided on content yet? Apparently, the universe is holographic. Each part entailing the whole... But then there is nothing but the structure to hint from the Content side So the structure is also part content, the first content in fact, all else cursive But the greater nothing escapes that, the greatest nothing is too nothing for that! The Nothing⁰⁰ ⁰⁰ ⁰⁰ is ultimately too void for itself, hmmm...
  14. @MarioGabrielJ I'd call that "Container Nothing", like an undivided idea of a Polarity, that doesn't contain any specifics yet. Like an "Empty List", an "Empty Chalkboard", or an "Empty Festival". There is context, but there is nothing within to create or prove it.
  15. @MarioGabrielJ Which pathway/absolute are you pushing towards? So empty, it's too void/null to exist or the by definition so unreal that it paradoxes itself? Or the non-existent non-real that lies beyond the very pointer, but is truly unpointable because of that property?
  16. @MarioGabrielJ Maybe we should do a "transcend and include" combo with the "recontextualize duality as a unitary axis". Degrees of Reality Nothing is an empty Container. Many containers have space for various dimensions, they can also be left empty, however The Absolute Nothing is when all else is empty and the last/only container collapses into singular actualized total Indifference The way I generally use Nothing though is a different Nothing, which is the linking inter-merged void connecting all "things"
  17. @Ulax How many personalities did y'all manifest yet?
  18. I made this hehe. Everything is Nothing, Nothing is a shared substrate, Nothing = Infinity = God = Interconnection
  19. If I just read correctly in between the lines, @UnbornTao just proposed to @Sugarcoat. Don't you worry you two! @Schizophonia and I will be the best bridesmaid and groomsman!
  20. @integral Didn't know that existed, I always wondered how all that got managed! Guess I'm'll'gonna check that out Update: Down to 1.6mb, that was quite some work, I recommend introducing checkboxes for multiple selections!
  21. @Salvijus I'd say a reasonable ton! determined of course by a dynamic meta-algorithm specifically catered to you
  22. I've noticed that also. The 507 is due to your own media upload limit you can navigate with "My Attachments" (Profile Dropdown) And the Non-Posting thing might be independent, I've experienced it like 3 times, last one pre-yesterday. I was posting vast and dense stuff before that, but it usually seems to take lots to kick in and only lasts 1d
  23. @Sugarcoat Not officially, but just ask yourself: what is the opposite of anti-depressants? Psychedelics of course!
  24. This is a very basic synchronicity. Pay attention, for it's the perfect example of the synchronicity Holon The foundational element, for our simultaneous experience is being synergized thru infinite substrates Just make sure to remember the emotional significance of the example as you would the Aha-Moment It will come in useful later in the game we're both consciously and subconsciously playing across Lives Deja vu = Janais vu = Wasn't you = Is not true = Decode this message when the synchronicities hit you
  25. @Salvijus Australia, let's go!