Keryo Koffa

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Everything posted by Keryo Koffa

  1. @Lila9 is referring to the Hopeless Romantic archetype: Which passively waits for the perfect person to materialize out of thin air @theleelajoker is experientially unaware of this paradigm and is: Exploring the possibilities of what being a soul mate even entails To give you a better and more holistic picture of what I'm talking about
  2. Karmic structure? With dissos, it seems like a straight forward direction of dissolution. With psychs on the other hand, it's far more meta and vast, deserves a whole discussion.
  3. Ooh, I wanna hear all about the exploitation possibilities, cuz I have no idea how it's actually good for anything...
  4. Thanks, Gear 5 Luffy works too! SEE YOU SPACE COWBOY...
  5. Aww, it was only possible due to your effort! I have a vast neural network that I use to shuffle concepts and art around and this forum is a neat input pattern to train on! When I figure out how to make AIs, I'll outsource it to them and integrate them into my brains! But wait, I already am an NI, why the intermediaries, just automate it with my subconscious! 😁
  6. Do you mean incoherence in forming language or realizing the vanity when all becomes telepathy? Psychs = Big Emotions
  7. Depends on your psychology/physiology/set & setting/mood/awareness level It also scales with tolerance/anticipation/thought spirals etc. But for a universally scalable reference point in micrograms: lil ~ 50 & less mid ~ 50-100 big ~ 100-150 lot ~ 150-300 ton ~ 300++
  8. I was bored, so I summarized & spiced up your post with a fitting picture for each point!
  9. Hehehehehe, yeah, Dissociatives turn off your cringe inhibitors, it's great! Some psychedelics do too, the most confident I've been was when I started mah shrooms journey! Then pair both and voilà, humanity loses its grip on you and you don't even know what you are anymore 😁
  10. Lil - Lifts mood, you see more sunshine in everything Mid - Skill-concentration enhancement flow state Big - Deep and serious emotional healing energies Lot - Metaphysical reality dissolution momentum TON - Strange loop convergence and new colors So, like a medium dose. Take more and you'll either drop guitar playing altogether OR make it your life purpose.
  11. just 3-me. It's a very slippery vibe
  12. It's dissolving your karmic structures, a little and you're open, a little more and you're empty
  13. I wonder, what did humans use before toothpaste was invented, it's super recent after all
  14. @MarioGabrielJ What about Jesus?
  15. Hmm, yeah, the structure to me is not even contrary at this point. But an equivalent alternative strange loop to the gender binary. In expanding its dimensions, you hyper-focus on the duality itself. And hence strengthen its grip over all other identity aspects and activities. On the pro-side, at least it dissolves all the rigidity, even if it's green in its anti-rigidity
  16. @MarioGabrielJ I think you'll enjoy this channel a lot!
  17. @Schizophonia The ideal is less scientific compartmentalizing and more holistic integration Basically Leo's Authority video. This site is meant to decentralize information into bias awareness Hey, what better space is there to socialize? lol
  18. @Bobby_2021 Hmm, like picking the first, most popular car you see at a car dealership? Or even better, borrowing your parents'?
  19. Thought about the same thing before, and what I came up with is: referenceable / pointable Though even beyond that, my take is: "Everything referencable exists" Hence "Everything exists" by being capable of being thought of or implicit in experience. But even out of experience, nothing can limit its potential existence, even in deepest unawareness.
  20. Saw grey too before ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  21. You mean, the blood on your clothes is 17% from Spanish people?
  22. @Schizophonia Ket = outsourcing your behavior to your intuition and dose = extent
  23. @Javfly33 All I can visualize based on that is either the "Flow State" or a timeless mindless "Void"