Keryo Koffa

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Everything posted by Keryo Koffa

  1. Typical Cult: All hail the divine Leader! No one may doubt their words or be punished to death! Everyone roasting each other and meme-ing the hell out of Leo
  2. "The truth is, you don't, buuuuut there's only one way to find out and do you really wanna risk missing out?" Matthew 19:26 NIV: β€œWith man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
  3. The first part would be a good reason, Leo is all about discovering the alien But I agree with the second point, that it probably won't go anywhere and start looping
  4. You know that paper is worthless after you die? The only way to heaven is through me!
  5. Yup, true that. If this really was a cult, it would have to rank as the least effective cult of all time! Or maybe that's what Leo wants us to think πŸ€” Just blowing off annoyances with humor! Or am I? 🧐
  6. Many fulfilled such a desire and reincarnated as the opposite (you) lol must have lots of experience #relatable, can I have unconditional understanding? Haha, that sounds about right, I think he did it to all the introverts simultaneously and so here we are! So then God said, "fine, but you gotta sit through this one to get to the "72 Virgins" πŸ˜†
  7. I just hope the "cult" hearsay won't sidetrack the discussion, though Destiny is pretty open-minded...
  8. @Dopa There is also variance in style, charm, presentation, and the kind of girl. In a typical case, I'd agree, that getting the girl's number is a lot more casual Giving is confidence, it also depends on where you are though it could grow you When you do choose one: Trail & Error + Active Learning
  9. @Javfly33 It's like... "hmmm reality emerges in and out all the time" "Naaaaaaaahhhh! That's just my imagination playing tricks on me"
  10. That sounds fascinating, he's complimentary in his awareness of the internet meta. I really wanna see both the personality and metaphysics exchanges! 😁
  11. Kind of like creating a third element to transcend duality. I think I see what you mean Technically, we do it all the time, it's what any relationship is by itself It's just that our ego sways the perception and details of it... Almost sounds arbitrary and detached from the "solipsist self" But rather like an independent system organizing itself organically in a larger meta independent of you
  12. Having reached the type of version of Solipsism I'm currently hearing reflected here: How about the following model: We don't actually exist and don't even have an embodied experience. All it is, is an extension of being elecro-magnetic internet lifeforms. And is our home and headquarters. If we're kicked off the site, we cease to exist Or enter an eternal void Leo is God, the Moderators are Angels, this is Heaven on Earth Net And all the repetitive topics and complaining are our self-created Hell! 😁
  13. @Dodo That's McDonald's Solipsism! But it's not far off from some views here I guess a more pseudo-humoristic-Leo-esque explanation would be: You create all Girls as God, just so you can make yourself feel lonely and miserable by lacking them! You are the girls who aren't attracted to themselves in your form β€” or something!
  14. As you quoted, "Nothing is impossible, the word itself says "I'm possible" " Our psyches arouse in synchronicity with our environment's nature and pace That's why we're tuned into limitation, to interact and perceive nature's order Without this step, nothing would be significant, limitations create strong vivid emotions, desires, drives In truth, nothing can limit the infinity of consciousness, except itself for its own purposes as it arises gestalts Infinity exists irregardless of our ability to perceive it, why? Because why not?!
  15. Are we really when there is no you and I anymore?
  16. My interpretation of @Breakingthewall You cannot leave the bubble because you're it and its fulcrum Other bubbles are unknown unknowns, yours is absolute by definition You can expand through and In eternity, there ought to be more than @Someone here My experiment hypothesis is: Expand your consciousness bubble Encompass another's awareness bubble See if its level of reality equals yours Shrink back into your own bubble Realize it's a more complete explanation than you making them up in your imagination out of thin air unaware of the level of complexity and intelligence necessary to simulate another, in the process of which, even the embodiment has to be simulated, in which case, you already have a whole 'nother individual which may as well be made into its own experiential holon in infinity, rather than believing your experience is the only one, because really, why would it be? Why not everything else too? Are we justifying solipsism only to gain absolute authority? Because maybe we can do that irregardless of being the only consciousness that exists. And if you argue everything is united in one substrate, then I don't disagree with that, but we may as well be different frequencies we're tuned to, to create ourselves and interact with others (other frequencies), while maintaining our autonomy but in this specific circumstance, have chosen to play a collective game, for which limitation is necessary, as Leo suggested in his "Infinity of Gods" video, because focusing on solipsism feels like a defense mechanism and paradigm-lock at this point, sorry.
  17. That's exactly what I'd like to challenge, it's all signals (body communication to steer conscious behavior) And I think you can take advantage of that and sink into merging with the body subconscious like Yogis
  18. It's like martial arts: redirect the attacker's momentum Or like strategists taunting into a pendulum overswing It's subtle energy trajectory manipulation, quite a skill! Tell people not what's true but what they want to hear Why do any work yourself when you can outsource it?
  19. I don't feel like repeating pandemics. But if it's a means for some global shift, then it's okay, I guess...
  20. Guess I'm playing devil's advocate at this point but isn't it all a morphing unified objectless Non-Dual mess anyway?
  21. I'm jealous! All I managed was to become/feel/infer being alien for a while...
  22. That's what I'm saying! First I thought I wanted to be a wizard, but truly I wanna be a Psychic! And so I gotta figure out how to bend conscious perception for starters kickstarting further experimentation. Which yes, is gonna eventually lead to the indistinguishable direct reality manipulation and maybe machine elves.
  23. I heard: "You feel like shit, deal with it", I responded: "How about you analyze its source to overcome it"