Keryo Koffa

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Everything posted by Keryo Koffa

  1. Your metamorphic cat-struction puts the cattiest cat at the center of a diverging onion-schema And then from the center, the catness of cats diverges through variations and cat-binations Infinite intelligence emerges cats through their dynamic relation with the rest of existence The cattiness diverges as distance approaches ∞ but the catness is never truly lost Your idea of cats evolves like the kitty cat I'm holding right now in my profile pic Note that the cats will cattify as you zoom into the cat singularity fractally
  2. and transcendent growth is self-exploration
  3. @Breakingthewall Sounds like Leo's [Victim ↔ Warrior ↔ Creator ↔ Peace] model, both ends surrender but differently Well, maybe the problem is the Victim complains and feels awful and at the Peace stage, you're past all flow states
  4. @Princess Arabia is right, Impermanence is the existential truth that we and everyone else are your imaginary friends, you're all-one
  5. Trump changing his ways = GTA VII = Leo writing a Book = Yimpa not being Funny = Touché
  6. @Schizophonia @Javfly33 I'll see your raise and up the ante
  7. Yup, not immediately though, I guess it's setting it as "open for deletion" from the database and at some point:
  8. We are like Gods in that aspects, creating whole worlds and ecosystems of self-perpetuating conversations All we really need to do is to repeat a controversial Solipsist take and let the others argue it over and over again We're like DMT tricksters, watching the humans run in circles, while they're tripping into repeating time loops lol
  9. You sure did! usually, I'd worry about getting off-topic, but these topics are perfect examplications of the inherent problem. I guess it's just like Chemistry, some elements like being together, others are unstable, others need the right conditions. And yet others enjoy solitude and yet others have really great combination partners but need to actually find them first.
  10. No, I don't think you can change it, unless they introduce Subscription plans in the future lol It's just so you can clear your cache because the site can only hold so much information Just like our brains, there is only so much space for solipsistic existentialism
  11. @Princess Arabia Oh yeah, I remember that one, it was hilarious! This also reminds me of another post where a guy can't get over his Ex Trying to get her back, when she clearly moved on, it's the flip side of this The point is: It's your life and others will latch onto you, but you're not their babysitter You gotta live your life to the fullest, be independent and clear your way There is no space to look after every person in the world
  12. I went through the whole Five Stages of Grief Denial: This must be a glitch, let me log out and in again! Anger: How can they do this?! I've done nothing wrong! Bargaining: Should I write a vague elaborate apology? Depression: I really miss talking to everyone on here Acceptance: Fine, it's better for Self-Actualization. And Three stages of emotional Growth, too! 😂 1. This is outrageous! I will start my own forum with a petty name! 2. Writing an elaborate apology not knowing for what and which mod to send it to. 3. Enjoying the time off and actually self-actualizing for once, checking the forum every now and then The disproportionate level of panic one can have over this is actually hilarious
  13. When you click your name on the top right of the page, there's "My Attachments" in the dropdown menu I think we're all restricted to ~ 50MB of uploaded content, but we pick to delete some before it's reached
  14. That was literally my reaction too, you don't know what kinda of vengeful schemes I was coming up with But yeah, it's like hmmm... it's been a day I can post again... *happens again* what is it this time? dammit! I had two separate issues because when I asked Integral about the forum behavior, he said: And then the next time I couldn't post, it dawned on me: "Wait, is there a posting limit as well" Checked the forum guidelines and *nothing*. Checked the search bar for posts about it and *Yup* Though I can't find the exact ones right now, some spoke about the limit and whether it's words or posts.
  15. @Princess Arabia I was relieved when I found out, I thought the mods were punishing me for posting too many memes
  16. Exchange Rape for Cruelty and Cruelty for Evil and Evil for Ego and Ego for Ignorance and Ignorance for Infinity and Infinity for God. And then figure out why God does anything or if God even does And then go over Free-Will and the whole(on) existence of Others And keep debating through long posts instead of an integrative Model
  17. Solipsist.dork (nothing personal, my imagination just went brrrrr and it fit 😅)
  18. Slow down, I'm still writing my coral trip report and don't have the time to filter all the answers to your every question out of the Seth Material. I'm still at the start of "Dreams, "Evolution", and Value Fulfillment, Vol. 1" [... ] will help you at least intuitively understand the existence of situations such as suffering, and poverty, that otherwise seem to have no adequate explanations, I hope also to account for behavior on the part of nature that certainly seems to imply the survival of the fittest in a tooth-and-claw fashion, or the punishing acts of a vengeful God on the one hand and the triumph of an evil force on the other. For now in our tale of beginnings, however, we still have a spasmodic universe that [...]
  19. Bridging memory of direct experience to use as a means to scientifically extrapolate the future condition I guess
  20. Such communication gaps are always strange, having to speak what should be intuitive. We project feelings onto each other and construct what may not even be there. One would assume close friends would understand each other's motives. Oftentimes it's a deep reliance on someone as a source of comfort. And that's the role you filled with her, impersonal for you. And so you needed to leave to expand your life. And she just hasn't prepared for that. It's quite tragic but inevitable. She has to process that. Give it some time. And don't guilt yourself. over it.
  21. The argument between @Javfly33 and @Yimpa is basically:
  22. Well yah, but the distrbance in the force is kinda of a feature ≠ bug