Keryo Koffa

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Everything posted by Keryo Koffa

  1. I thought "Leo hasn't reached Spiral Dynamics Stage Wacky yet, he's still stuck in Alien Expansion" I was wrong
  2. 1. Haven't you heard the news, there's no way the Singularity will take past 2050! 2. Those reasons are excellent, just gotta find out how to arrange my neurons to speed it up! 3. If I'm not Alien God at that point, I will arrange my cremated ashes to be mixed with a shit ton of 5-MeO!
  3. I can imagine, x8 is made of so much love! x9 is just fascinating and don't even get me started past x10! But I won't take away too much of God's yarn of infinity just yet, even if it is infinite, I'll let Leo explain it. I draw the line at Spiral Metanics Stage 3 After that, you're just an Alien God screwing around 😂 At that point, you're at the same level as the Alien God who created you when he did and in whose dream you exist. Of course, that God will be something completely different at that point, having itself evolved past ever higher levels.
  4. Pre-Modernism is simply Rigidified Stage Blue Conventionalism And of course, we get Modernism as Orange's original subversion. So naturally Post-Modernism is seen through Green's Deconstruction. Then Post-Post-Modernism is Construct-Aware Reconstruction of Yellow. Post-Post-Post-Modernist Construct-Holistic Restructuring means Turquoise. And so then Post-Post-Post-Post-Modernist Construct-Embodiment creates Coral. And Post-Post-Post-Post-Post-Modernist Construct-Divergence emerges in Iridescent. Post-Post-Post-Post-Post-Post-Modernism isn't named yet but it's a kind of Construct-Novelty. Post-Post-Post-Post-Post-Post-Post-Modernism would create a wholly new Construct-Metamorphisis. And whatever the hell Post-Post-Post-Post-Post-Post-Post-Post-Modernism means Stage 3 Spiral Metanics!
  5. I've listened to many NDE reports on my psychedelic trips half a year ago. They filled me with infinite excitement and expanded my scope of what's possible! I don't even remember if I watched a video filled with art or imagined the places you describe... But either way, what I remember from that time resonated through my entire body to its absolute core!
  6. Oh yeah, had tons of those, all energetic blocks, Freud would call it being anal-retentive But you can also call it OCD, Perfectionism, Rigidity, Anxiety, Conformity, Caution It's all fear masquerading as Depression, Mysophobia, Impulsivity, Confusion It's all pure unintegrated fear psychology manifesting rigidified patterns It's a pain in the ass, somatic hyper-vigilance tuned out of intuition A type of body coordination double-check centralization But you can solve it luckily enough, takes a lot Just gotta do massive psychedelic trips Take lots and lots of dissociatives Then some shadow work Integrate stage coral Then boom Gone! 😁
  7. @ICURBlessings Okay, I'm glad, that's far more endearing than many member's ideas of the ideal destination being a "perfect empty void" devoid of intelligence, meaning and non-existence being "the point"
  8. You've deeply contemplated some key concepts I see, I respect that, but what prevents God from become-creating a: Limitless field of intelligent holarchically holographic self-instantiated perspectives in simultaneous multi-projection?
  9. Yay, first we had cat infinity, now we get mumbo-jumbo infinity!!! 🥳
  10. Neat! How about Post-Post-Modernism next? 😁
  11. Glad you like it, what I'm really trying to do, is to connect the dots across multiple teaching And ACIM seems deeply connected with Jesus' message, Ra's Law of One and Non-Duality According to Chat's summary, it has a strong Ego Illusion focus reminiscent of Leo's Solipsism It also mentions God through the Holy Spirit a lot, I'd like to learn more about such a guide I am not sure, however, how deeply it connects to Christianity and conventional heaven ideas I'd also like to explore how it connects to NDEs and what existence looks like beyond the Ego I've yet to deepen my understanding of other books & models like Wilber to see how they relate
  12. DMT is great for meditation, here's a related video to breath to:
  13. We've been exposed to so much mumbo-jumbo at this point, I hope Leo can bring some novelty still! 😁
  14. "It is wrong to curse a flower and wrong to curse a man. It is wrong not to hold any man in honor, and it is wrong to ridicule any man. When you curse another, you curse yourselves, and the curse returns to you. If you do not like the state of your world, it is yourselves that you must change, individually and en masse. This is the only way that change will be effected. if you do not do this then you destroy what you touch There is no man who hates but that hatred is reflected outward and made physical And there is no man who loves but that love is reflected outward and made physical." - Seth
  15. The last trip shook me up! Haven't tripped since but I gotta meet the Machine Elves at some point! It seems so because I integrated all my trips. Trust me, if I tripped "24/7", I'd be an alien at this point! It took me months but I've transmuted the traumatizing solipsistic angst, now I'm having fun with it. Across all holarchies and levels of reality, sure, but don't let that discourage you from living life fully! Besides, "brains" are imaginary (except for when they're not), what I wanna do is jailbreak-evolve it! You see, any perspective you hold is a limiter, even Solipsism, you have to include and transcend! Oh, he absolutely is, but what's really confusing is that his "genetics" bottleneck his Alienhood ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Bonus: "Insanity" is like a Pokemon, gotta catch them all!
  16. @ICURBlessings I summed up ChatGPT's sum-up of ACIM Does it accurately represent the gist of it? The perceived sensory world is an illusion ("dream"/"ego world") True reality is the realm of spirit, an eternal formless unity with God The ego believes in separation, creating fear, guilt, and conflict. The spirit represents our true, unified nature: love, peace, forgiveness. Forgiveness recognizes that all wrongs are part of the illusion. True forgiveness leads to ego-dissolution and return to God. Miracles shift perception from fear to love and heal the mind. Atonement corrects the belief in separation. It's already accomplished; our task is to accept it. Jesus is the role model, having fully transcended ego. We must relinquish ego-distorted perception for true knowledge. Inner peace is aligning with the Holy Spirit and releasing the ego's hold. Peace is our natural state, obscured only by ego-based thoughts. The Holy Spirit acts as a guide, helping individuals reinterpret experiences. It is the voice of God, contrasting the ego’s, and serves as the internal teacher. God is depicted as pure love, and creation is an extension of God’s love. God did not create the world we see, as it is part of the illusion Our true home is in the eternal, formless reality of God’s love. 365 practical daily life-lessons aim to shift thoughts, reprogramming the mind. Relationships are opportunities for healing and spiritual growth by recognizing oneness. Salvation is seen as awakening from the dream of separation and returning the awareness. Awakening is inevitable for all, as it reflects the true nature of reality. ACIM presents a non-dualistic view and emphasizes love and forgiveness. The radical perceptive shift encourages readers to see beyond physicality.
  17. That reminds me more of my 75g truffle, mega-disso, and strong synthetic cannabinoid trips. You're thrown through exponential magnitudes of holarchies until nothing makes sense anymore. The hellish part for me really were the time loops that resulted from incoherent cognitive integration. Which only really makes sense, when you're completely thrown out of all contexts and embodiment. My last trip included lots of perceptual morphing and self-reconstruction but fewer alien infinities. It was more about figuring out accelerationistic reality-transcendence and construct-embodiment. Actually, just one or two days before that I managed to establish a UI to channel alien metaphysics. Endless and absolutely endless videos of billions of concepts, so ubiquitous, that I just gave up
  18. Bro, that was me last month and I've yet to finish my coral trip report! But it explains why I felt it was an inevitability that had already occurred before me. In fact, in the middle of it, I felt as if I was trolled by Leo having done it before I did. And as if the entire world was watching this cosmic joke unfold again and again, because some idiot had to accelerate past the universe using psychedelics again lol But it also allowed me to doge the crash, but that was only the beginning of the trip What came next was the most horrifying and amazing experience of all time!
  19. Modern-day wizard casting chemical spells! 😁
  20. "It is such a quiet thing, to fall. But far more terrible is to admit it." - Traya
  21. It's your response-ability to inspire the Leo figment of your solipsist dimension into action through your own growth! 😂
  22. There is no static God, when you say this is God then God is already something else
  23. personal depression = I fail to evolve | spiritual depression = I'm not empty enough | transcendent depression = *sad vibes*