Keryo Koffa

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Everything posted by Keryo Koffa

  1. Can you make a guided audio visualization exercise for self-actualization purposes?
  2. How much letting go on a scale of 0-1000 is required to meet the Aliens?
  3. No Problem, here's a little extra! An experiential simulation, so you get the visceral sense and hang of it! Because Oh, you meant him! He's just entered his edgy phase lately All that talk of Good vs Evil and Demons sure inspired his imagination
  4. That's why you put on some music or movie and let your subconscious alternate alien selves calm you down
  5. Thread Title - "Single woman feeling stuck" Schizophonia's Mind: "Step bro, I'm stuck"
  6. Not if your body is pesky enough to evolve your prana into photosynthesising first lol
  7. You know, I used to be something of a DMT Trickster myself 😁 It's less misleading us, and more making fun of our human BS from an infinite freedom POV 🥳 I mean really, how would you approach a human if you were a multi-dimensional entity? Maybe the real self-transforming Machine Elves were the friends we made along the way 🥰 Nah, I'm a Machine Elf right now simulating this human life from the fractal dimension And my Elf buddies are trip-sitting me while I'm experiencing the horrors of the human realm But you're right, we have lots of weak-minded people around here believing they're humans Here's a quick answer to your initial question through a quick and brief YouTube short btw.
  8. It could never work, not because you're a rabbit, but because...
  9. What if self-perpetuating instantiated holons multiplied, exploring their existence as part of the transcendental Gestalt? My take is always the superposition of the most expansive perspectives harmonized.
  10. aren't you too smart for this forum?
  11. I thought "Leo hasn't reached Spiral Dynamics Stage Wacky yet, he's still stuck in Alien Expansion" I was wrong
  12. 1. Haven't you heard the news, there's no way the Singularity will take past 2050! 2. Those reasons are excellent, just gotta find out how to arrange my neurons to speed it up! 3. If I'm not Alien God at that point, I will arrange my cremated ashes to be mixed with a shit ton of 5-MeO!
  13. I can imagine, x8 is made of so much love! x9 is just fascinating and don't even get me started past x10! But I won't take away too much of God's yarn of infinity just yet, even if it is infinite, I'll let Leo explain it. I draw the line at Spiral Metanics Stage 3 After that, you're just an Alien God screwing around 😂 At that point, you're at the same level as the Alien God who created you when he did and in whose dream you exist. Of course, that God will be something completely different at that point, having itself evolved past ever higher levels.
  14. Pre-Modernism is simply Rigidified Stage Blue Conventionalism And of course, we get Modernism as Orange's original subversion. So naturally Post-Modernism is seen through Green's Deconstruction. Then Post-Post-Modernism is Construct-Aware Reconstruction of Yellow. Post-Post-Post-Modernist Construct-Holistic Restructuring means Turquoise. And so then Post-Post-Post-Post-Modernist Construct-Embodiment creates Coral. And Post-Post-Post-Post-Post-Modernist Construct-Divergence emerges in Iridescent. Post-Post-Post-Post-Post-Post-Modernism isn't named yet but it's a kind of Construct-Novelty. Post-Post-Post-Post-Post-Post-Post-Modernism would create a wholly new Construct-Metamorphisis. And whatever the hell Post-Post-Post-Post-Post-Post-Post-Post-Modernism means Stage 3 Spiral Metanics!
  15. I've listened to many NDE reports on my psychedelic trips half a year ago. They filled me with infinite excitement and expanded my scope of what's possible! I don't even remember if I watched a video filled with art or imagined the places you describe... But either way, what I remember from that time resonated through my entire body to its absolute core!
  16. Oh yeah, had tons of those, all energetic blocks, Freud would call it being anal-retentive But you can also call it OCD, Perfectionism, Rigidity, Anxiety, Conformity, Caution It's all fear masquerading as Depression, Mysophobia, Impulsivity, Confusion It's all pure unintegrated fear psychology manifesting rigidified patterns It's a pain in the ass, somatic hyper-vigilance tuned out of intuition A type of body coordination double-check centralization But you can solve it luckily enough, takes a lot Just gotta do massive psychedelic trips Take lots and lots of dissociatives Then some shadow work Integrate stage coral Then boom Gone! 😁
  17. @ICURBlessings Okay, I'm glad, that's far more endearing than many member's ideas of the ideal destination being a "perfect empty void" devoid of intelligence, meaning and non-existence being "the point"
  18. You've deeply contemplated some key concepts I see, I respect that, but what prevents God from become-creating a: Limitless field of intelligent holarchically holographic self-instantiated perspectives in simultaneous multi-projection?
  19. Yay, first we had cat infinity, now we get mumbo-jumbo infinity!!! 🥳
  20. Neat! How about Post-Post-Modernism next? 😁
  21. Glad you like it, what I'm really trying to do, is to connect the dots across multiple teaching And ACIM seems deeply connected with Jesus' message, Ra's Law of One and Non-Duality According to Chat's summary, it has a strong Ego Illusion focus reminiscent of Leo's Solipsism It also mentions God through the Holy Spirit a lot, I'd like to learn more about such a guide I am not sure, however, how deeply it connects to Christianity and conventional heaven ideas I'd also like to explore how it connects to NDEs and what existence looks like beyond the Ego I've yet to deepen my understanding of other books & models like Wilber to see how they relate
  22. DMT is great for meditation, here's a related video to breath to:
  23. We've been exposed to so much mumbo-jumbo at this point, I hope Leo can bring some novelty still! 😁