Keryo Koffa

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Everything posted by Keryo Koffa

  1. It's just like Spiral Dynamics, from below you look crazy, from above you're having a Blast! Well, hopefully anyway! Anyway, I'm working on an amazing video edit with tons of memes and members in it, including you.
  2. @Sugarcoat Well, since you're genuinely curious, I timestamped the video with the answer below (48:42-49:12)
  3. "Stage Coral Entry Insight: What is God? Who cares?! I can manipulate time and space, morph objects, and fly!" A warning point and one-day posting ban just for this joke? oki-doki, if your goal was to confuse me, you won
  4. Paranoia can destablize socieites. We must tread heavily.
  5. Well, I do wanna fly and meet some Machine Elves, And there's someone I wanna visit who's Immaterial. I also wanna have fun with Reality Master Control. And I want to create a massive Party. But I agree, there's infinite time to go around 😁
  6. To be diagnosed is to be attached to labels and I want to be free. They're gonna be like:: *hurr durr* You can't be Autistic and Antisocial or you can't be Bipolar and have OCPD or Schizophrenic and Narcissistic or MDD and HPD or Paranoid and Dependent or Anorexic and Binge-Eating or have ADHD and be Avoidant and if you're dealing with oldtimers, they're gonna be like: You can't be autistic when you show signs of empathy. Or "girls can't be autistic". Yes, people like that actually exist. and you can definitely not be Avoidant and Secure and Anxious simultaneously And you can't be a Human and an Alien and a Robot and God apparently What's next: "You can't have peanut butter on your jelly sandwich"? But I am all of these things and all others simultaneously They're like Pokemon: "Gotta catch them all!" To reach Stage Coral, you need to acquire Insanity and transcend it.
  7. @Schizophonia Suffering destresspreseed people come in three types: [...] Help me, I'm suffering Yo yo yo, wassup, everyone? So when shit hits the fan, people blame each other's actions like: We were too serious and not empathetic enough We were not serious enough about finding solutions *You don't know what it's like!* You're evil! You haven't put on your sad mask! Your responses are so insensitive, it's disgusting!
  8. @Exystem The real Sprial Dynamics Stage Coral is when you say: *screw it, give me that power*, then you collapse the collective psychic field, making everyone a construct-embodied autonomous god, and then you balance your omniscience slider with steady experiential expansion and responsibility realization. And yes, I came down from it also, with the same realization as you, because it turns out, I'm not ready to embody it yet and got much of my own human life to appreciate and expand at a far more savoring pace.
  9. Princess Arabia and Leo conversation be like: Meanwhile @Princess Arabia in a parallel reality thread:
  10. Politics are the outer layer of awareness, the physical manifestation of inner attitudes.
  11. Remember, you manifested him! He's the shadow aspect you want to integrate! Source: Jungian Psychoanalysis and Hippies
  12. @Schizophonia Okay, but 1. Does the color matter? Like video game power-ups 2. Which Pepper? 3. Does spiciness influence the spiciness of dreams? 4. What about adding pepper?
  13. It's not, you need "others" to create a gap, which you can misinterpret and get riled up at due to a lack of context and mutual ill-will projections, which materialize as a demonizational attitude. Yes, it's the first stage, the origin of the psyche in this model, so I wonder how it even emerges It's hard to think about Beige by trying to compare its evolving behavior through latter stages And so, this thought experiment served as a demonstration of just that, how does Beige think? Yay!
  14. Nah, dun'worry! I was just visually demonstrating that using quotes with an internalized conviction is no different from stating them as one's own quotes or thoughts for that matter since most of the time, they are a dynamically sought eventuality, materializing means to an end of externally strengthening one's own immovable position through appeals to authority. But then that itself doesn't even matter since we all do it, what matters is your Heart.
  15. "You are loved and you are love and you will never die! And spirit is within you, and the spirit was the world. And the world will be saved. And we will all awaken. And live, we will live and love" β€” Keryo Koffa, May 2024 0:00 - 2:00 - Impersonal God Materializing itself through Humans 2:00 - 3:20 - God personifies itself thru creation and exploration 3:20 - 3:48 - God realizes love through unifying into wholeness 3:48 - 4:38 - God existing as and in all forms across Infinity
  16. That's why DMT Entities always tell confused human hippies the condensed version of "You are Love"
  17. Hey, you're putting words into my mouth, you devil! 😁 The accurate way of portraying it would be: """β€œGod is bad, truth is a cheat, and life is a joke.” β€” Jack London" β€” MarioGabrielJ"" β€” Keryo Koffa And of course: ""Hey, you're putting words into my mouth, you devil! 😁 The accurate way of portraying it would be: """β€œGod is bad, truth is a cheat, and life is a joke.” β€” Jack London" β€” MarioGabrielJ" β€” Keryo Koffa" And of course:" β€” Keryo Koffa" β€” Keryo Koffa
  18. Thank you for your kind words, Princess of West and East, Guardian Angel of both Jamaica and Arabia! Cause and Effect are an Illusion, it's all one, cause causes effect as effect causes cause (Entanglement) Or if you prefer, the "The Blind Man and the Lame" parable. Anyway, it's transcend and include! Esotericicm, Autism, OCD, Psychedelics, Rhetoric etcetc., it's just like Pokemon: "Gotta Catch them All!" You know, headaches are an ego-defense mechanism, here's a headache pill (offers LSD) 😁
  19. Like the secret of what happens once you transcend Alien Awakenings?
  20. β€œGod is bad, truth is a cheat, and life is a joke. β€” Jack London” β€” MarioGabrielJ
  21. Salvijus is a God of Mischief.
  22. Yeah, right? What a devil to make you question the all-loving God, we should give that member a good smacking 😁 Does God assemble itself into every experience, or does it outsource that part by fragmenting? Do you really believe there is such a thing as a byproduct for an all-knowing God? That's true, on Earth, we develop through Spiral Dynamics stages, gaining ever more awareness of the whole. That's a nice metaphor! But which part of the holarchy is your God, living, or non-living, is it even on the holarchy?