Keryo Koffa

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Everything posted by Keryo Koffa

  1. Agree to disagree. It's irresponsible not to do psychedelics.
  2. Yup, and I'm only a few episodes in, all the more to enjoy! But meta-wise, the real cake for me was Pantheon 😁
  3. Go ahead and overdose on psychedelics then. I did plenty of times and am less bothered each time. You think you wanna, yet you come crying back to mommy earth each time, else you wouldn't be here. Here's your explanation, you're severed:
  4. Speak for yourself
  5. You could also be a sewerslvt, if you get what I'm saying!
  6. If you fail, just find a fun job while trying the next academy or gaining practical experience. You're killing yourself over spilled milk, what would you tell a friend wanting to kill herself over a broken phone? Besides, have you even tried psychedelics yet?
  7. I don't see the big deal. Not much context, nor exploration here. Outside view: guy has a wacky amnesia psychosis on camera And it's caused by "5-MeO", people will just think "wacky drug"
  8. Then maybe they haven't included and transcended enough? Why not master bredth and strategy also, instead of spirituality only? Unless they have a better idea or feel personally bothered by politics. Otherwise, they skipped stages, unless they stoped caring about specifics in humanity.
  9. @Princess Arabia I have bad news, apparently you don't exist. "Ooh noo". Not that it matters since there's no you to react. I guess the world doesn't exist either, nor this massage. Nor me, nor anything, nor caring, so I guess it cancells out. But wait, nothing doesn't exist either then, and we're back!
  10. How would you choose the criteria for what you like without being chained by them?
  11. Strategy Opportunism: Bernie-Alignment, Biden-Unity/Inevitability, Trump-Strategic/Influence Alignment: Recent Vaccine/Gouverning Policies made Anti-Estab. switcheroo practical He's too nice to a fault, aiding the Party against Trump, instead of taking it over Free Will Arguments are relative and irrelevant, just my ranting tho
  12. It depends. Optimisim can be Denial or Vision. And Vision translates imagination into reality. If you didn't have faith in your legs, you would not attempt to move them. What is and isn't possible is variable, optimism primes you to expand your capacities.
  13. You would cease to be a human, there are many alternatives, but each cursed with their own issues. There are stories of genies, superheroes, immortals, olympian gods. They're not happier per se, and instant solutions restrict your growth, which is really at the core of our experience. We're in the richest period of human history still complaining, millionaires are complaining, a "better" situation with the same mindset is just infinite normalizing relativity. And so, you and I remain within a framework of rules, we are to work out in our own individual ways.
  14. You need to find the woman within, else you'll polarize the lack.
  15. Unconditional Love recognizes the inevitable interconnedness of all aspects of reality to form the significances, through which selves can be created to experience meaning. To love unconditionally is to feel the living awareness behind someone's visceral experience, all identity tracing of their journey. Also, y'all deadlocked in illusions of an unchanging ocean, missing that each drop contains the infinite ocean in expansive individualtion to concerge and emerge new oceans. It's not a simple return, the entire ocean evolves.
  16. This leaves me with: God becomes everything, and the nature of that something progresses its local experience automatically God is always exploring its infinite depth, I'd consider the very evolution of its gestalt as time passing Is it a canvas to measure and navigate change, another dimension of association to construct experience? I've always seen time as the ability for the experience to change and tell the difference But of course that change may be no different from navigating a spatial dimension A layer on top, to combine and synchronize different figments of experience... I'll have to think about it some more
  17. That's the same part I always get flabbergasted by. Time = Motion for me But apparently, when people say time, they mean measuring constructs Which duh, are imaginary, time is relative and change is non-linear
  18. If it integrated them, wouldn't it turn yellow and PPM because of reconstruction?
  19. That's cool but if you lose your vessel, how are you gonna come back to brag about it 😁 Sounds like PM relativity, where's Yellow and Holarchies? Lower = less aware, not worse You transcend and include, but karmic attitudes dissipate outwards as you tire of them Sounds like quite the undertaking, but I don't wanna become Leo 2.0 yet, I love my hair! I like how everyone keeps pushing me about Coral, while the thread's just chilling there
  20. "Your world is formed out of the vast unpredictability of consciousness. From it you form your own ideas of significance and of yourself... You must stop thinking in terms of ordinary progression. It is bad enough when you worry about keeping up with the Joneses. It is something else, however, when you start worrying ahout which kind of self [Or consciousness] is superior to another kind." "You are like children with a game, and you think that the game is played by everyone. Physical life is not the rule. Identity and consciousness existed long before your earth was formed. You suppose that any personality must appear in physical terms. Consciousness is the force behind matter, and it forms many other realities besides the physical one. It is, again, your own viewpoint that is presently so limited that it seems to you that physical reality is the rule and mode of existence" "Using your free will, you have made physical reality into something quite different than what was intended. You have allowed the ego to become overly developed and specialized. You were here to work out problems and challenges, but you were always to be aware of your own inner reality, and of your nonphysical existence. To a large extent you have lost contact with this. You have focused so strongly upon physical reality that it become the only reality that you know" You create your reality according to your beliefs and expectations, therefore you should examine these carefully. If you do not like some aspect of your world, then examine your own expectations." - Seth
  21. If I was tripping right now, I think I'd die to synchronicity overdose
  22. Survival is relative, though it does correlate. But Orange greed need not have a limit, and neither did Blue, it takes a leap of faith, enough pain, or to see the limitations head-on, of course, the entertainment obscures the path to progress, and so are all the useless jobs just to keep people busy. All the burnout is a feature, not a bug, unlike pharmaceutical companies would have you belive. The social matrix is strong and demonizes depression, which is actually a reasonable response and cure if integrated.