Keryo Koffa

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Everything posted by Keryo Koffa

  1. Let Zizek synergize Lacan & Hegel via Marx, to get something more wholesome πŸ₯°
  2. If you ask the academic, yoga = new age, dance = emotions = culture = irrational = new age
  3. I get infatuated by the minute with every person I pass on the street & text with on actualized 😝
  4. I ship it, wanna see Biden & Trump exchange hats on stage 😁
  5. He's a mix of vision and gut action but I like his authenticity Maybe I'm Indigo, you Lavender & Paradigm β‰  Effectiveness What if Elon is Infrared, I'm Beige & Leo's stuck in Moss 😁 Seriousness is paradigm-locked & comedy transcendental 😜 The shadow & ego still exist shifting awareness back & forth @Joshe I reached my posting limit, so here's a "retrocausal" reply instead 😁 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Oh mah gah, I love it, love it, love it, love it + cat infinity!
  6. If this beginning was baseline, that'd be quite enough for a while.
  7. That was all I ever needed to say. Finally, someone who really gets it... thank you! There we go! I think we can close the entire "Dating, Sexuality, Relationships, Family" section now as "answered".
  8. There we go, let's make the reddit actualized beef more artsy 😁
  9. Note down when it happens. Daytime, evening? When staring at something or shifting vision? Does it correlate with any action, activity, anything? Happen before/after some event?
  10. 1x2x3x4xWOMBO-COMBO Now it's @blackchair's Turn! Reminds me of this thread:
  11. Can we turn those into Megathreads? 😁
  12. Curt is a dismissive, closed-minded, unquestioning, self-deceived rationalist. God creates selflessly out of Non-Duality Academia does tend to rot your brains Can you elaborate? I do see him just skimming topics though Bro, ya can't put "Selfless" and "Create" in the same Sentence! Curty boy, is that you? Dude's scared of existentialism, give him a break. Willing creation ain't selfless, yo. You wouldn't get it & That's like, your opinion, bro! It's a mystery, woah... Watch your ego & answer the question, mah dude! I love this forum! +1 from the Fractal Enthusiast
  13. Does us shit-posting about Musk pass as Yellow instead? πŸ€”
  14. @Emerald Did you unlock immortality or psychic powers that stopped aging since you were 16? 😁
  15. To summarize: STEM stands for Specialists in Theoretical Extra-Nerdy Magic Super Talented Engineering Minions
  16. Dude, Brain-Machine Interfaces are all the rage and pre-art! Integrate it with AGI and boom, cancer solved 😁 Biology is dope! And so is Art! And their fusion is super-saiyan. Biomechanics, Morphology, Biology is great.
  17. (sees the gender & psychedelic videos + hears 5 seconds from PM): "Leia Guru" over here, is a marxist cult leader... 😁
  18. @Asia P It's an excuse to socialize and create accountability for not wasting time. ChatGPT teaches 10billion% better.
  19. OH MAH GOD! Mah boy @Bjorn K Holmstrom just dropped the (psychedelia) BOMB! With weapons like these, going to war or being a POW has never ever been this attractive before! Of course, the Singularity is trying to overhaul our system peacefully, but this is a good contingency backup. Holy moly! This is the coolest thing I have ever read. Dude, you win the internet for the day. Which type of personality do I have to adopt, so you can please put me in such a gas chamber? πŸ₯°