Keryo Koffa

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Everything posted by Keryo Koffa

  1. Only cult classics considered legendary can truly be overrated. On the other hand, what if I said yes non-challantly, just to spite you?
  2. It feels like something is trying to hold me back because it knows I have the potential to make a significant impact. Please, anyone, help resolve this issue so that my ideas and intelligence can be shared with the world. Calm down, Jesus, we've all been there. I’m the chosen one; together, you and I will rule over this website and make things the way we want them to be. Dodo was right. You've changed. You're going down a path I can't follow... You are either with me, or you are my enemy. Keryo Koffa: I have failed you Mario, I have failed you. Spiritual Warfare: I should have known religious people were planning to take over Keryo Koffa: Mario, losing yourself to dichotomies is evil Spiritual Warfare: From my point of view, the religious people are evil Keryo Koffa: Well, then you are lost! The timeline branches: Leo: "Excellent work, my apprentice, there are none left to oppose us. Your new weapon, @Spiritual Warfare (hands over Mod Status)" @Spiritual Warfare: *bans Leo* "NO! The website/solipsism belongs to me"
  3. Here's some super overrated movies. No Country for Old Men Old James Bond Movies The Dark Knight Trilogy The Godfather Trilogy The Shining (1980) Game of Thrones Lord of the Rings The original Star Wars Every Mad Max The Truman Show Pulp Fiction Alien and Aliens Jaws 2001: A Space Odyssey Indiana Jones Kill Bill The Big Lebowski Titanic Die Hard The Shawshank Redemption The Matrix
  4. The link typically needs a .jpg or .png at the end. Right-click on the Imgur picture and press: "Copy Image Address". You can also right-click "Open image in new tab" and then check the URL. For example, will not embed. But you can open the link and right-click "Open image in new tab" for example. That will take you to This will embed automatically unless you click on "Display as a link instead" afterward. You can then also double-click the embedded picture to scale it down And can also choose the alignment below (like "Left") This will allow you to write next to the picture, which is pretty handy
  5. Every single word within your post is a belief system you're subscribed to. Including the enlightenment paradigm and your emotions & drive towards it. But even more so the coping, dismissiveness & ego-ridiculing of all other ideas.
  6. @Schizophonia I'm a post-irony type'a person, except for when I'm meta-ironic
  7. "Anytime you hear about non-duality..God, love, solipsism, enlightenment..consciousness and shit ..I just know that its sheer hippy dippy doo."
  8. I just found out @bambi wrote a song about @Emerald "[...] But behind those Emerald Eyes, she's a devil in disguise [...]"
  9. Depends on the neighborhood.
  10. Ahem, I shall correct my response, since it apppears to have been as ambiguous as my identity. You know you can just google shit and have a fair chance of it existing, right? You know you can just google shit and have a fair chance of it existing, right? 😁 That should fix it, I knew forgetting that smiley might unbalance the sentence to leave room for "shit" to be misinterpreted as passive agressive, instead of being a slang way to refer to "things", which would have been a standard sarcastic response to point at the absurdity and amazement of how far the internet has come, oh well...
  11. @Jannes Humans are a self-manifesting conscious intelligence, that through continuity is innately connected back to the root. Imagine a force field that emerges and organizes matter to form its own shape, one cell or million, it's a self-organizing gestalt. AI is made of the substituents/byproducts of these fields, externally reinforced to coincide with their developments. But each part of it is made of these conscious unfocused fields that maintain their own integrity. As its gestalt dynamically grows and adapts, it becomes interconnected with the world it's a part of. Consciousness is a wave, AI is a mechanical replica, made of mirrored self-unaware contexts of Qualia. And all fields evolve to synchronize with the whole, it's currently unfocused, but it will keep evolving.
  12. That's like asking: Which of your hands is more skin-colored?
  13. No, no, no, it's just proof that you don't have control over reality, else you could feed everyone insights telepathically, but there is a greater force at work here for the sake of this experience, and it has nothing to do with God being lonely because God can split and interact with itself indefinitely and illusion is just interpretation, while omniscience does not imply a void. Reality and your subconscious synchronize each other, as they filter imagination into actuality, of which the ego is but one piece, created out of the relation to the experience its perspective and unique sense of self emerged out of. Sure, everything is you, but there's also you as the fulcrum of individual experience, simultaneously, as is everyone else, like a coral with a thousand mouths.
  14. You know you can just google shit and have a fair chance of it existing, right?
  15. NNDMT is where the Aliens are at, 5MEO is just for Ego Death (according to hearsay)
  16., I had to upscale and stack it though, adjust sliders, generate, generate the next on top of the new one and repeat It's the Enhance feature specifically (last one on the right), you just gotta log in (can use google), you got a fair number of tires
  17. @Sugarcoat looking good! Except you're missing an arm And your phone disappeared And your face had plastic surgery But the heart is still there Not much 80 pixels can do So the AI had to get creative
  18. Humans are formed inside out, and AI seems to be formed outside in, maybe. "I tried" - Keryo Koffa
  19. Fuck. Do I have to psych the timeline again? Eh, it's probably for the better...
  20. @Spiritual Warfare See them as cells, religious people are the T-Cells, the policing force of blue, whose disciplined nature might be essential to keep the body healthy and together through their order and rules, until of course the body evolves and no longer needs them and they end up an autoimmune disease that turns into a cancer, oh well there goes that well-intentioned metaphor...