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About estafarr

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    Western Australia
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  1. Although the truth can not be spoken as it has to be experienced - if we know what needs to be experienced then maybe the truth is easier to ...experience ... if you think about the constants in life - six hours ago when you started this conversation say - what is there that is still constant to now - for me I have watched some TV - read some book - talked on the phone - but throughout all this is the constant - "I am " - if I think back to a year ago - I lived in a different house and saw different people - but the constant was - I am - if I look back to when I was first born - the constant was - I am - the existence of self - "Before Abraham" says God - "I am" - he may well have said - "before the big bang I am" - this is the constant of Self while all other objects around us change - "I am" - never changes - we meditate to experience this "I am" - in it there is peace because it is ever present - never born and never dies - whereas if we associate ourselves with the body - or the mind - then these are constantly changing and eventually die - it is the association with the eternal "I am" which we always are and always have been that is the answer we seek. I can not talk about this any further - it gets to sound a bit ismish - it is really just being - the I am - that we seek. Om shanty - may all sentient beings find truth and happiness.
  2. It is funny - and don't get me wrong - I am not anywhere that everyone else isn't, but the truth is we are all where e are trying to get - we just can't see that we are there. The Self does not need to be actualized - we just need to realize that there is only Self and then in a sense we are actualized. But the Self is always there - as the life within us maybe - it is our layers of false identification with the physical world - which is also a form of consciousness but more on that at a later date. We just have to peel the onion and cry the tears until there is no more onion and then there is only Self. Om Shanti. May everyone attain happiness.
  3. Who is fair? Who is aware of being fair? The body is fair, the brain is washed - maybe - who is the one concerned?
  4. Glad to hear that you are no self being
  5. Well Leo the I that doesn't exist is impressed that what you thought would be an infinitesimal number turned out to be the population of a small African nation. This many people seeking is quite astonishing. I liked your video - like Papaji and Ramanana it is clear that there is no religion here just simple facts that aren't that easy to see. Without wading through all the thousands of other stuff - where is the path - the gun to shoot ego - the suicide pill to get rid of the illusion - I have been on the path for a while - neti neti so much of myself, but still I am there, here still the worries and the clinging to form and formless. When does the penny drop for me that - I am that - not the father, brother, friend, professional, blah de blah that I live day by day. There is only isness - being - whatever - I too feel close - but maybe my wanting is getting in the way. Would love to talk to people who nearly non existent.