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Everything posted by numbersinarow

  1. Potentially some of the corniest cringiest "poetry" I've ever read. Keep relying on a misinformation-prone 80 IQ computer to decide which illegal drugs to further rot your brain with.
  2. ADA is the best technique for hyper-realistic memorable dreams and lucid dreaming.
  3. No spirit, only body. There will always only be body.
  4. What is the contradiction entailed by claiming this is just a more generalized but still narrow AI?
  5. I'm not sure why you would think it's understandable to avoid historical abuse. No human alive can prove that the Jews would face someone else like Hitler if Israel wasn't re-made. You're claiming that Palestinians didn't play a part in the Holocaust which is obviously true, but at the same time, what about the part where they are interacting with Israel and not responding like adults to the Jews taking their homeland back? You can't argue that Hamas act like adults, you can't argue that the Palestinians who literally salute hitler act like adults either. Notice how, if a Jew inside of the US happened to wrong another citizen and that citizen went on to become a nazi, no leftist would justify that (before oct 7th at least) but somehow the nazis in palestine are not using their own free will when they salute hitler? If you think the Jews should have their homeland back to "avoid historical abuse" and think that that should happen realistically, and acknowledge that the people preventing them are genocidal openly, anti-semitic etc... then why is Israel in the wrong? Not that Israel is doing no wrong, I'm simply saying that defending the other side when they meet none of the extreme standards that are applied to every action that Israel does (no matter how absolutely trivial compared to the atrocities committed by the US and britain) is very difficult.
  6. Eggs and energy drinks are mental illness cure-alls.
  7. Not quite sure what that means but it sounds pretty funny.
  8. That's an example I knew about, I'm not excluding anything else, just commenting on what is. But thanks for letting me know that Ulysses centers heavily on womanhood, I'll push that book way down the reading list now. I don't need to describe to you the absolute and utter disconnect between the idealization of women in books compared to the actual experience a male could have with them today. Maybe that idealization started during the romantic period but if you read shakespeare's sonnets you will see that the level of woman-worship is borderline nuts. An incredible amount of media you can consume is completely dedicated to pretending that the bloodthirstiness of women that Nietzsche appears to be the first to bring up out of the Europeans of the last 300 years, does not exist.
  9. Shakespeare tends to be about women. And a lot of books deal with a male's relation with a woman. Shakespeare and Poe will never be first rate intellects because they had a too optimistic view of women. Nietzsche is the opposite deal since he goes too far when saying women are inferior (AKA when talking about that topic), but at the same time he prefaces his criticism, the only criticism he would ever go on to apologize for, with saying that it's only his truths being told. A lot of bad books tend to be about women too, if you let the mainstream tell you what to read you'll be reading tons about romance. As for the music, that just means you probably should find different music to listen to, or already have but are exaggerating.
  10. Clarification: shadow-banned could mean it just appears for a bit after being bumped then disappears.
  11. Oh okay so this is literally shadow-banned because I'm talking about gaining world-ending powers through meditation or something? I know the extent the feds can go from glp. So it wouldn't surprise me. Either way, there is no way to defeat the boredom throughout the day, you can only suffer through.
  12. Sometimes upon waking up from a lucid dream I can't tell if it's still a dream, they're scary vivid but you can't be in THIS reality for over 5 seconds without realizing it, but I'm saying those 5 seconds can be pretty mindblowing.
  13. I, ironically, am extremely scared of the non-existence of demons. I am extremely scared of living with demons and dreaming about bland meaninglessness and indifference. Just a cold hard reality that shatters every hope you have. But at the same time, if this was hell, why would it let humans know that supernatural luck decides your life and is real? Why do I get the comfort of knowing for sure that supernatural luck is real? Regardless of how much hostility other "humans" may show to me over this. When in woe, don't scream "demons are real!" it's "HUMANS are real!"
  14. There is no escape, no god-head to melt into, no heaven or any equivalent to it (David Hawkins'es claims of heaven when you're at a high enough point are not quite true, they can't be, this is not a world of heaven) and that would just cheapen what you've already lived through. Your life and situation has happened, nothing could fix that. Any """salvation""" would just be time-limited.
  15. I read this as "This place does NOT promote such a redditor attitude." Which is true, you as the ego get nothing by dying, and the level of sheer and utter delusion and dedication to lies required to believe that your wishes will be granted upon death is immense.
  16. ld. If you truly believe that the one atom you have chosen as your object of meditation contains everything you need, then you will get everything period, assuming you have done this successfully enough. Life is like a lucid dream, if you think something you want is somewhere out there, you can run for ages on pointless roads that lead nowhere and go through countless obstacles, which, just like in real life, will last until either the life or the lucid dream ends. There is no end to those obstacles and no end to the chasing. Once you accomplish some kind of trophy that trophy could mean extremely little in terms of your daily pleasure/pain ratio a week later. It's all about yourself and not the accomplishments. Focusing on just one spot feels like an extremely effective form of meditation for me. In a world in which absolute satan makes sex and money completely impossible to attain in order to make you desire them to the last of your heart's final degree (see user emotionalmosquito) and become infinitely attached to them, I wouldn't be surprised if you could develop supernatural powers using this kind of meditation. But even if you could, the benefits that we know for a fact are real are integral to the human condition, they are arguably better, and they are fundamental to the reality of creatures.
  17. So all the meditation techniques that tell you to focus on the breath are BS? You have to observe the breath but to do that you have to focus.
  18. Meditation is the one thing that's the absolute hardest to focus on, but I can't give up.
  19. On top, "absolutely perfect" is defined through human terms so your statement is meaningless unless you specifically show everyone who hears it that you are somehow speaking from God's perspective.
  20. Being omnipotently restrained and psychologically tortured eternally by someone of "something funny" 's ilk. So much for amor fati. There is no human who could say yes to that and "love their fate" or whatever is required of you to not be a bitter decadent. So much for everything being "absolutely perfect."
  21. There is no way to decide stance-independently objectively that death is worse, but why is death better? From the reasons to die, you can find something you care about, and persevere to make sure that your reason to live comes to life, you could persevere even in the most extremely excruciating circumstances, let alone what you're in now.
  22. "So I just focus on that one spot until I defeat myself." Even if that was the case, you would be identifying with a process who's end you can't see. There is merely the mind and it's functioning progressing and you experiencing that.
  23. The fact that your English is SO BAD that you think this is a sentence is hilarious.
  24. This is a thread focused on listing and discussing the most important things that the system wants to instill in you, and optionally what the opposing (contradicting) reality is. Not in the style of a rebuttal, but simply in the form of stating the reality of the situation unbiasedly. "Russia has broken the unbroken rule of peace created after WW2 by trying to conquer another country." Western imperialism has overthrown many countries around the world and installed puppet governments. To deductively contradict the quoted statement, all Putin would need to do is install a puppet regime in Ukraine and pretend like it's not conquest. America and Britain are by far the most violent countries and the worst offenders in terms of violating the boundaries of others since WW2. "Netanyahu is the next Hitler." Hitler is currently, actually, being saluted by brainwashed jihadists. The best explanation for the double standard against Israel is anti-semitism, which Hitler had plenty of. "People partying at the edge of a concentration camp are completely innocent, Hamas killed innocents." Whether someone partying at a concentration camp is an "innocent" is completely subjective, but you certainly shouldn't let the mainstream decide for you. "Russia, an alleged military superpower, is losing to a small country." Ukraine is the largest country in Europe (If we don't count Russia) and has a cutthroat military of zealots, not only that but there is video footage of United States troops directly being involved in the war. There are also trillions of tons of propaganda about how badly humiliating this is and how Russia is underperforming, all the while the United States lost to Afghanistan. Comparing this to US invasions, Russia has not underperformed. "When the US controls everything, that's called peace, when anyone rebels, that's called war." Yes but SHOULD it be?