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Everything posted by numbersinarow

  1. So they have what is provable and both parties agree on. You have something which you have the burden of proof to prove.
  2. I'm not going to say that "Claiming you are God and put yourself in this situation and made yourself forget to experience things goes against formal logic." by adding needless propositions and begging the question, but... it does also do those things.
  3. This would mean you should never try to be the observer, since you already are under a high enough dose AKA all your coping mechanisms and defenses are destroyed. And an attempt to be the observer is motivated by your own desires to avoid the pain so it's going to bring more bad than good. Thinking about how the code of existence is inescapable suffering and that you are okay with that and can still stand as a consistent experiencing entity in the midst of this, should do much better.
  4. I'm not capable of comprehending that. Imagine a scale of evil, egoism, hostility and sadism. Imagine knowing that the same entities that occupy the extreme bad end of that scale, are also giving free intimacy and christ-like love, without reason, to guys who are inferior to you physically, intellectually, in terms of courage, in terms of being moral etc.
  5. If that's real, it's because of a special circumstance or the "hacker" happens to be just some incompetent guy. There have been FBI high ranking officials admitting on the lex friedman podcast that it's "physically impossible" to track down certain hackers who know how to use tor (properly in terms of not getting caught) and used precautions.
  6. Because the suppliers are supernatural entities who don't have egos and therefore wouldn't blackmail anybody? 😂😂😂😂 😂
  8. No. If you admitted to using psychedelic drugs on an online forum without a VPN then it would be effortless for the right people to blackmail you.
  9. The CIA would take 6 months to get the identity of a VPN user, let alone tor. The true reason is because we live in a world where fear is the motivating factor against criminals. Pretending that the police is omnipotent is in the interest of every government.
  10. Or, more precisely, sex is a social construct. The idea of a girl wanting a guy and going home with him in order to let him penetrate her is 90% social construct, 9% logically possible, and 1% empirically verifiable. If we wanted the truth, the actual reality of the situation without human bias, we would have to acknowledge that the female body is designed to see all possible sex as rape, and fear penetration. Bottom gay men also fear penetration and see men as predators, and as inferior to them in certain ways. Not seriously inferior, it's just that their view is condescending. Albeit they are much more friendly than girls. Imagine a portion of the population which has infinite power and privilege, and also has propaganda on their side so that men never break free from this, and realize that females are asexual and aromatic AKA completely incapable of having emotions towards men. They don't want them, and it is not men's fault. They might want them for money or status, or for the destructive power they feel when they validate certain men, but those are all external reasons. At least 80% of the guys I know are virgins. And all the nerdy friends I know? I would bet everything they haven't kissed a girl. Virgins are a majority of people entering college even in a country where sex is as open and free as has been in human history AKA britain. But we're told they are an extreme minority and that girls are so willing to have sex with us. It's not just that socially isolated men have flat 0 options, since cold approach will either get you arrested or brutally humiliated, it's that even men in education have to deal with power games, completely needless talking and socializing, dealing with girls who's personality you're completely incompatible with etc. because no female just wants to have sex. As I have explained before, this doesn't even make sense. Why would an organism with free will not want a pleasurable activity and self-sabotage by not just asking for sex with a guy? It makes 0 sense. I'm starting to suspect as a very serious possibility that females cannot experience sexual pleasure full stop. There's no need to even discuss socially isolated men's lack of options since it's beyond obvious.
  11. Suffering is the very metaphysical core of existence, pleasure is a construct within that. Even suicide is impossible, if you kill yourself you will live in some other form, perpetually floating around and suffering. Not even Christ and Buddha could save you or themselves for that matter, they are constructs of suffering. I caught a glimpse of how evil the supernatural forces/God are. Even 0.0001% of the evil malice required to let human tragedies occur when you have the unbiased universal perspective at your core and every aspect of your mind, is so great that the human mind can't comprehend it. I won't ever bother trying to describe the feeling of seeing that. The only thing for a human to do is surrender to the suffering, knowing there will be no shields, and infinite involuntary attachment.
  12. Your life will not be perfect after you realize nothing will ever be possible and that you're completely blameless even with indeterminate free will, no, in fact it will be ineffable. Like a flow of consciousness that shoots some emotion here and there, fluctuates easily, goes around etc. and makes you feel things that there are no words for but which are positive. Not enthusiasm or excitement or bliss, but just new consciousness. Keep buddha's face in your mind, meditate and realize nothing will ever be possible and that individuals are helpless victims infinitely checkmated by the system. You are disagreeing with this because you bring your wrongful interpretation to the words I am using but in reality it's the truth and the method to achieve what I described above. There are no opportunities, nothing is possible. The system gives no opportunities and an individual can do nothing. Money, sex, fame, success... all beyond your control. Even everyday actions are beyond your control, or at least believing in this will help you get to a better state, sort of like a flow state but instead of being mainly related to one activity, this flow state is related to life. You just realize you have no agency and let things happen. You use your free will to do activities which are there for fun, but never let them subsume you or become too important, and don't expect anything from them e.g. thinking about some future related to them.
  13. oikstual fucking demonic world so glad I will utterly annihilate it by meditating and getting enlightened no excuses to use online forums anymore or waste time watching youtube etc.
  14. Life is a corpse. Consciousness is evil and so are the supernatural forces.
  15. Sure, I am not attached to that assumption. I just made the assumption you believe in it because this forum is based around God, that is the main name used here for infinite consciousness. This wouldn't even make my assumption incorrect since I am still addressing other people's worldviews even if I am not addressing yours. There is 0 reason to assume that. For all we know, you are thrown into the world. Plus, claiming that I just made needless assumptions while you literally believe this because other people told you, and got this from nothing other than either psychedelics or fiction, is asinine. You can be a crying ideologue who uses the same reasoning as fundamentalist christians to blame individuals for what they couldn't be less responsible for, or you can try to see the truth.
  16. Why doesn't your amazing, vast knowledge let you know that the supernatural exists, and interferes with the human world? Because it does. The experiments of Carl Jung prove this. My own experiment proved supernatural luck is 99.99% likely to be real, and different for different people. Your god is not benevolent or loving in any way, this is a world of torture, unfairness etc. even on a SUPERNATURAL level. It is truly a dying corpse as Christ said.
  17. I randomly couldn't fall asleep for 2+ hours after waking up in the night today because I had the intention to use a lucid dream to simulate torturing someone. Despite not feeling any stress about it. Here's a question for the people who think they have the right to disagree with me about the code of reality being infinite suffering: Why doesn't your amazing, vast knowledge let you know that the supernatural exists, and interferes with the human world? Because it does. The experiments of Carl Jung prove this. My own experiment proved supernatural luck is 99.99% likely to be real, and different for different people. Your god is not benevolent, this is a world of torture, unfairness etc. even on a SUPERNATURAL level. It is truly a dying corpse as christ said.
  18. And you conveniently forget about this when you do the very physical, very material activity of acquiring psychedelic drugs? Well no. So this method here is incompatible with psychedelics. Which is to say more bad about psychedelics than about it at all. So if you're against psychedelic use, then you're not contradicting yourself by saying this.
  19. That's because all your psychedelic trips were reliant on a cheat code AKA drugs. Thinking about some tragedy that doesn't affect me directly and thinking about how god allowed it is not related to my baggage. "But your mind is wired by the baggage to think that way." Well no, all human minds are wired that way in some way, outside of mental illnesses, which is to say, to be more moral than a god that allows suffering.
  20. Humanity is a failed idea. If you think someone who defends police shooting a suspect for running away is "human" and you are also "human" then you are detached from reality. (This doesn't mean to dehumanize them, just to forget about silly ideas). 100% applies to obsessed terrorist apologists.
  21. That's the only thing you needed to admit to see your worldview is deeply flawed. International law is biased and not applied to every party in the world, even if it's for pragmatic reasons, so you're further confirming what I've said. What should they have done? Not bomb anyone, when opposing a force which has literally admitted to pushing the buttons of the mainstream, and this being the weapon they are most dedicated to using? It's easy to portray Israel has the bad guy when you aren't going to say what they actually should have done instead and aren't going to acknowledge the most obvious truth, which is that Hamas is allowed to make Israel look immoral only through double standards, which again, are not applied to the US or Britain. Therefore, are applied due to racist or xenophobic reasons.
  22. 0.2% of the world's population and demonized beyond comprehension by the mainstream for xenophobic or racist reasons. Of course it's the truth. If they are not allowed to defend themselves and are hounded by the UN for it, they are oppressed. That simple. They are issuing warnings and doing many pre-cautions which the US wouldn't do, yet both the US and Russia get to demonize them. This argument doesn't hold up since the people in the open air prison can be oppressed too.
  23. Because they would be displacing North Korea in my example.
  24. Go to North Korea, get put into a torture camp, then I'll happily be the guard working there raping and slaughtering your entire bloodline, and see if you wish for an evolved, democratic, alien civilization to come and save you. How inclined would you be to demonize this alien civilization? Literally level 0.