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About numbersinarow

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  1. He ranked Hitler at 450. The fact that Hitler is his exception despite ranking aggressive subjects lowly is suspicious.
  2. Because you can control those factors to an extremely potent extent and be aware of changes in your mental state, and if there are any, and if there aren't then the one factor that changed is the extremely obvious cause of what happened. There literally just has to be a language barrier here, the fact that your english (oops, didn't capitalize "e" so I'm 10% as much of a.... as you are) is so bad that you think it's somehow impossible to keep track of factors or know if they are staying the same, when they literally occur in relation to your own mind, is IMPRESSIVE, in a bad way. Your criticism is not grammatically or logically correct nor shows you understand what "prove" means. Your education system literally made you go through so many years of it just for you to come out claiming to another adult that it's difficult to prove that something affects their mental health... because there was some complete unknown factor? Disregarding the fact that his statement applies he accounted for the placebo effect, the only placebo you get when you are uncertain whether or not the change helps is extremely weak.
  3. All winning arguments does is have people insult your communication skills and call you illiterate based on imagined mistakes in order to cope with their own complete and utter intellectual inadequacy. What kind of approach would even work around these people? Nothing? There must be some kind of loop-hole in the system.
  4. With this concept one can become a billionaire practically instantly or even succeed in world domination. Contemplate: "Rise above the chimps."
  5. Could be interpreted as roast of the century.
  6. I think the only person who ever wanted anything from you was the...
  7. And other kinds of lunatics that are completely unreasonable also exist. Although I'm still curious, how the hell did OP confuse an alleged golden retriever for a pitbull?
  8. Using someone for money and using someone in an interaction that is just part of how the world works are completely different things. An OnlyFans girls is a complete sociopath, a guy who sleeps with girls without having emotions for them isn't even guilty of anything. You just need to compare the number of options the girls who sleep with the unfeeling guy had VS how lonely the guys who use onlyfans are. Completely different things. But no, this tantrum is getting hate just because you're telling "muh truth" AKA "men are bad" which is what you've been brainwashed into by the mainstream.
  9. How painful was the bad trip?
  10. Things I was wrong on: 1. I thought cold approach was a good idea and that I had to do it. I also thought that anyone would be open to cold approach by default. 2. I thought that females who interact with you without meeting the standard that a chad would expect are open to sex. 3. I thought females had a sex drive generally. 4. I thought Bernie should have been president. 5. I was inaccurate when thinking it's irrational to assume Trump would be less pro-Israel, the truth is more nuanced, it's closer to the middle. 6. I used arguments that don't quite interact with the argument itself directly when arguing against free will. 7. I overestimated the power of material privilege compared to the power of psychological torture. 8. I was blind to the fact that entities have designed your mind to not accomplish things. 9. I thought there was long-term satisfaction from material achievements up until late 2024.
  11. I'm going to be replying to what I highlighted. 1. Your perspective? That assumes the physical external world in order to assume you perceiving things. All you have is the perception itself, and it's no longer perception. 2. Organisms don't exist. 3. Your own projection. 4. Nope, self-defense projects evil unto SOMETHING regardless of what that something is. 5. Calling things selfish is not less of a projection than callings things evil. Nothing is evil, others don't have an ego, they aren't selfish. At least that's what should be the case according to your worldview.
  12. You just can't be indifferent in the sense that you're not doing anything because you're not motivated enough.
  13. As you grow older you realize that being forced to act indifferent and lazy is an incredibly strong force in you, although it can be fought. If your mind is clear and you do shadow-work you can get to the point where you, maybe even easily, persevere through the emotions no matter what they are.
  14. Miss-typed. It means "While sometimes I feel strong emotions, I ultimately slip into indifference over and over again.