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About numbersinarow

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  1. There is no way to decide stance-independently objectively that death is worse, but why is death better? From the reasons to die, you can find something you care about, and persevere to make sure that your reason to live comes to life, you could persevere even in the most extremely excruciating circumstances, let alone what you're in now.
  2. "So I just focus on that one spot until I defeat myself." Even if that was the case, you would be identifying with a process who's end you can't see. There is merely the mind and it's functioning progressing and you experiencing that.
  3. ld. If you truly believe that the one atom you have chosen as your object of meditation contains everything you need, then you will get everything period, assuming you have done this successfully enough. Life is like a lucid dream, if you think something you want is somewhere out there, you can run for ages on pointless roads that lead nowhere and go through countless obstacles, which, just like in real life, will last until either the life or the lucid dream ends. There is no end to those obstacles and no end to the chasing. Once you accomplish some kind of trophy that trophy could mean extremely little in terms of your daily pleasure/pain ratio a week later. It's all about yourself and not the accomplishments. Focusing on just one spot feels like an extremely effective form of meditation for me. In a world in which absolute satan makes sex and money completely impossible to attain in order to make you desire them to the last of your heart's final degree (see user emotionalmosquito) and become infinitely attached to them, I wouldn't be surprised if you could develop supernatural powers using this kind of meditation. But even if you could, the benefits that we know for a fact are real are integral to the human condition, they are arguably better, and they are fundamental to the reality of creatures.
  4. The fact that your English is SO BAD that you think this is a sentence is hilarious.
  5. This is a thread focused on listing and discussing the most important things that the system wants to instill in you, and optionally what the opposing (contradicting) reality is. Not in the style of a rebuttal, but simply in the form of stating the reality of the situation unbiasedly. "Russia has broken the unbroken rule of peace created after WW2 by trying to conquer another country." Western imperialism has overthrown many countries around the world and installed puppet governments. To deductively contradict the quoted statement, all Putin would need to do is install a puppet regime in Ukraine and pretend like it's not conquest. America and Britain are by far the most violent countries and the worst offenders in terms of violating the boundaries of others since WW2. "Netanyahu is the next Hitler." Hitler is currently, actually, being saluted by brainwashed jihadists. The best explanation for the double standard against Israel is anti-semitism, which Hitler had plenty of. "People partying at the edge of a concentration camp are completely innocent, Hamas killed innocents." Whether someone partying at a concentration camp is an "innocent" is completely subjective, but you certainly shouldn't let the mainstream decide for you. "Russia, an alleged military superpower, is losing to a small country." Ukraine is the largest country in Europe (If we don't count Russia) and has a cutthroat military of zealots, not only that but there is video footage of United States troops directly being involved in the war. There are also trillions of tons of propaganda about how badly humiliating this is and how Russia is underperforming, all the while the United States lost to Afghanistan. Comparing this to US invasions, Russia has not underperformed. "When the US controls everything, that's called peace, when anyone rebels, that's called war." Yes but SHOULD it be?
  7. Vegans tend to be psychopaths/sociopaths. Look at vegan gains or at one of the worst psychological abusers in human history, who I won't be naming directly here. And nothing could be less truthful than convincing yourself you're morally superior despite not making an actual difference, while justifying your completely emotional decision with faux reasoning. The only way it could be different is if we had an objective holy book which told "thou shall be vegan."
  8. So, you literally just thought to made an ideologically charged thread where you just pretend to ask a question, then try to boil it all down to your 5 year old level understanding of the topic. And the idea that it can't be used as a currency can be debunked with one google search about the deep web. Hope this helps. Imagine this being the way you interact with other humans. Make some friends, and stop being the most empty-inside nihilistic psychopath on the internet. Cheers.
  9. Did I need to imitate someone else to have a girl obsess over me in high school? (If you know my previous posts to emo you know that I am doing the opposite of bragging with this.)
  10. I'm not sure what people who are denying the blackpill are doing. They can't run forever. Your sexual success is pre-determined by your environment and genetics. More specifically, your level of opportunities to talk to girls and your looks.
  11. Guy puts it very clearly.
  12. Am I the only one questioning why a bunch of chimps on a large piece of dirt floating around space are capable of inducing metaphysical nasuea into each other with words, and why there are armies of the most fragile of them waiting to do this to you in case you say the smallest negative word about the system or hold a pessimistic worldview?
  13. "Dealing with conservatives is like wrestling with a pig." That can be very true. Here is an example to hammer that home. Knowing that someone would rather shoot you or threaten to rape your family rather than admit their worldview is wrong COULD save your life in the future. If a fundamentalist, especially an american christian male, was somehow forced into thinking his worldview is refuted, he would turn more violent than anyone could imagine. It would be like watching a demon possessed animal. Remember 2 things. 1. You will never relate to ideologically possessed people. They are far too different from you. 2. The reason behind their actions isn't because they are scared, extremely fragile, have their own version of the truth etc. it's just that they want as much as they can to give in to the impulse to be evil. This is not a demonization, and it can't be stressed enough. There are simply people who want to be evil.
  14. Other than the behavior of vegans towards meat eaters which might show they are on the same sentience level as the precious animals they cry about you eating these are not examples of morality. You're using morality as just "this is better in x way." It definitely is relative. But this doesn't mean that someone who uses temporary justifications for what they do is even nearly as moral as someone with a moral system.