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Everything posted by NineHfanbase

  1. I missed this comment. Really insightful perspective
  2. What you’re saying makes sense. I had my suspicions that it was a sneaky ego thing at least to some extent. How can everyone be wrong and me always right? Shits wild but yeah I wouldn’t say I “love” people, if that were so, my preference wouldn’t be to be alone minding my business. In general I like when good things happen to other people, and when they are sad it makes me a little sad. But relationships with other people is conflict-ridden
  3. it’s not so much I go around being “the light of wisdom”. That makes me cringe. I mostly mind my business, but if someone is working on a project on my team I can ask if I can help. Or if one of them needs a ride to pick his car up from the garage, I offer a ride. It’s always in the context of the situation. I dont talk about spirituality unless it’s brought up or somehow relevant to what we’re already talking about.
  4. Thank you for the input. it will be hard for me to explain because I’d rather not say what I do for work. To sum it up, I work a group of 6 people. The workplace is very competitive with few top positions people are fighting for. Your reputation means everything. The dynamic is constant shit-talking and gossiping, and ripping on people they perceive as “fuck ups”. Because of increased awareness over the years, I’m very good at my job because I see what needs to be done without interference from mind. It’s helped me become more efficient. I admit I have a tendency to isolate myself with my headphones in. I notice they don’t like when I mind my business. I just don’t care for their conversation because it’s all shit talking and ranting. I don’t say anything, I just go somewhere else. I got picked on a lot when I started. I started confronting them, and from what I can see we were all good for a while. We generally get along and crack jokes. Today I finished up a big project that I’ve been working on for a while - it worked out for me. It got some attention from the higher ups. They all suddenly turned on me. There’s a significant amount of paperwork required after it was done, and we usually all help each other do it. Nobody wanted to help me. When I asked for stuff, they shrug and say “I mean you’re the one in charge of it”. Then one of them whispered when I was in the other room, still close enough for me to hear “I guess that’s what happens everyone hates you”, and they all burst out laughing. Then two of them decided to confront me for coming in 20 minutes late, even though this has literally NEVER been an issue. We don’t have direct supervision and can basically come in whenever we want. They come in late, I come in late, it was never a thing. I also never confront any of them about coming in late or doing anything, cause I don’t care. It’s just frustrating. I help people whenever I can, I wish well on others (sounds cheesy but it’s true). I had a flash of an enlightenment experience some years back and I genuinely do not care about material prospects. even at home, my sister is constantly picking on me for things she always done. Literally going into a rage, calling me scum. All I’ve been doing lately is trying my best to mind my business and everyone is angry. If I ignore it, it gets worse. im honestly not sure what to do. Im tired of conflict. It seems to be everywhere. Could I be delusional? It’s a possibility. Has anyone experienced something similar?
  5. When I first heard eckhart tolle talking about enlightenment, my entire life was turned upside down. whatever I thought was the most important thing in the world, had absolutely zero importance in a split second. All the confusion in my life was suddenly made sense of by this man that I’ve never seen before. Then I became obsessed with figuring this whole thing out. But when I show that exact same clip to others, I’ve had several responses: 1. They ignore it and change the subject 2. They want to punch him in the face 3. They make fun of him, and it’s very clear nothing he is saying resonates with them in the slightest 4. They acknowledge that it is good advice, but it’s clear it had no significant impact on their views about life. This really intrigues me. How could people have such different reactions to the same thing? Clearly it’s ego defense mechanisms, but how can the absolute truth of who you are not resonate with you in the slightest???
  6. The momentum to go along with the vibe of the room is powerful
  7. I like this a lot. But I wonder, some people find solace being around others. Like they really can’t live without them. Me, I’ve felt the desperation of loneliness, sought solace in others again and again, until the pain of being around others outweighed the pain of loneliness. Then I just had no choice but to be alone, or become a homicidal maniac (just kidding I could never) but that’s how much I hated being around people. But you’re right, the most joy I ever felt came directly after accepting suffering that seemed impossible to accept. The more suffering I accepted and stopped projecting and blaming others, the more joy I got, almost immediately after. Acceptance is such a mind fuck because it’s the easiest and most difficult thing to do. Now it seems it’s come full circle and I enjoy being around others because I know they can do nothing for me. You can’t truly love other people if you’re so busy worrying about what you think about them, how you feel about them, if they’re being nice or mean. Real love is watching them as they are and understanding why they’re inclined to behave the way they do. This will not happen if there is a “self”, or what I understood, a “receiver” of information that is watching and interpreting others actions. The “self” is the only problem.
  8. Being around family triggers the ef outta me, even when I’ve made progress spiritually. There is a special demon summoned only in their presence, and its difficult to see through it.
  9. I agree. I had this realisation on mushrooms. I felt stuck in many aspects of my life, and the insight I received was that as long as there is joy (not an ego high but TRUE joy) then you’re on the right track
  10. This hits home. It seems every life situation I’ve been in, it becomes more clear I just don’t belong. But It doesn’t feel right being alone. Ironically my presence definitely has a significant positive impact on people, but they don’t notice me at all. I get bumped into a lot. People walk right into me. Recently I’ve been content with being around others but not socialising as much. It just feels right.
  11. But Enlightenment is not an interest or a hobby, it is the essence of what you are. Why do some people see this and others don’t even acknowledge it?
  12. So what you’re saying is…. all jokes aside what you’re saying is the Truth. But the only person who can cause your awakening is you. Nobody can convince you. You can’t work towards it with somebody. You have to be so sick of life that, other than suicide, this is the only option. And the motivation has to be clear and absolute. This is slowly happening in the world. The change you’re talking about will take years. Even if everybody in the world realized the ego bullshit, years and years of backsliding will have to happen before the real changes take place. I think the momentum of the ego is too powerful for it to come to an abrupt stop. It’s got to slow down first. Cheers. And I have to thank you again for recommending that book. Truly a gem. He has a way of knowing what your next defensive thought will be and immediately stopping in its track. I also love how straight forward he is, it’s clear he knows the egos games. Forgive, and then forgive, and then forgive some More. Don’t know what to do? Forgive.
  13. Evening all Leo said this to describe the beauty of consciousness, does anyone recall what episode it was from? I believe the context went something like this: “and people will wonder, what’s up with that person? There seems to be something different about him/her. Whats different about you is you’ve witnessed the beauty of consciousness. That beauty is maddening”. Thnx
  14. Although I find it difficult to connect with people, It’s also difficult to go to work every day while completely ignoring everyone. Some interaction is inevitable. Over the past few months I’ve taken a liking to one of my coworkers (platonic). He’s easier for me to talk to than most and fun to crack jokes with, we have a similar sense of humour. I feel comfortable being myself around him. we’ve also been up to his cottage as a group, and would go out for drinks on occasion. Some downsides..He has done some shady things here and there that I brushed off, and he’s prone to talking shit about others non stop, which I don’t really care for. But today I found out he took credit for a project that we all did, which was an intentional and shady act. Now I’m disappointed. I feel like the people I can connect with are few and far In between, now I just have a bad taste in my mouth about him. is life a do-it-yourself game after all?
  15. Hahaha I love it! Idk..laughing to the point of tears at thing you both find funny? Unable to get a word out cause you can’t stop laughing? Kinda looking forward to going work cause you know they’ll be there? No expectations on how to act/what to say. All the good shit.
  16. All of this. I think I’ve recently come to a point where I feel confident I can do this, whereas it was a real struggle before..always taking everything so personally and shutting down and becoming antagonistic. Especially when I had high expectations that they didn’t meet. Antagonism and shutting the world out solves absolutely nothing.
  17. I can’t help but think about that scene in Shutter Island with the detective finds the cave with Rachel Solando hiding in it. As he’s about to leave he asks if she’s seen his friend, the detective. Her response “Marshall, you have no friends” 😆 #realitycheck
  18. I think the moment you start doing things in the dark, and masking your intentions, then there is no friendship. Anything can be forgiven, like yelling, disagreements, problems, shit talking, but once that sneaky devil shit comes in to benefit yourself at the expense of another, there is no friendship. He’s also talked shit about me before and is generally quick to talk bad about others while ignoring their good qualities. I moved past that because I genuinely enjoyed his company. Most people at my work are like this because the job is extremely competitive and top positions are few and far in between. Promotions are usually done by worth of mouth, who is liked vs who is lazy and incompetent. These things are a big deal.
  19. I did. I straight called him out. He brushed it off as not a big deal. Said I’m overreacting, but apologized anyways. But when others have done a similar thing, he would explode and rant about it for months.
  20. You helped me, so now I want to help you. it doesn’t matter how Leo thinks the universe was created. Nothing he says matters at all. Debating about it to make ourselves look more awakened than someone else is what the ego wants, anything to stay relevant. After all, we’re talking about God, how could this possibly be the work of the Devil? *wink wink* If finding the ultimate Truth is the one and only thing we want, we will sit still in a room with no distractions, for as long as possible, as consistently as possible. You will be more willing to do this when you realize that this Life and everything in it will never fulfill you. It is only a persistent, ingenious distraction from what you are really supposed to do. After you’ve accepted and sat through a significant amount of suffering (approx 3 days worth of stillness), your journey begins and everything will be explained to you in perfect order. Everything Leo knows, you will begin to understand for yourself as it relates to your life, not just as a cool concept. This is helpful as a reference point, but you realize you never needed him to tell you anything anyways, because it’s all being disclosed to you as long as you’re willing to sit down and be a student.
  21. He has videos that explain how to meditate, which, if done correctly, is the only plan. The Hero’s Journey is a pretty detailed and accurate explanation of what you have to do if you want to discover Truth. You and him seem to be on the same page with his “Do nothing” method. Just sit in a room by yourself with no distractions, as long as possible, for as many days as possible, and before you know it the pattern of the Ego slowly becomes unwoven before your eyes and everything you ever learned about spirituality comes full circle. You understand it, it’s no longer just a concept. This worked for me. There are levels though and you find yourself getting pulled back into the ego patterns. The longer you can do it for, the more you will be rewarded with Truth. Until then, all spiritual concepts are just mental masturbation you can “oooh” and “ahhhh” at on your drive to work. Real progress can only happen when you decide how much effort you’re willing to put into your awakening (effort = doing nothing, The hardest thing you’ll ever do) Blaming Leo is a trap. You wouldn’t blame him if you didn’t have high expectations of him. We have to see him as just a guy that sees things we don’t yet understand. But the only difference between him and us is he was more motivated to find Truth. We are God, nobody can cause our awakening but ourselves. When you see this, it becomes clear that it is your job to take full responsibility and control over it. It’s easy to sit on your couch and indulge in a bag of chips while getting mesmerized by spiritual concepts, only to criticize them later on. The hard thing is taking responsibility.
  22. Was wondering if anyone is in a similar situation. This is in reference to Leo’s “Expose yourself to more Experience” video. I want to experience more things to grow as a person. But I also want to “diminish” my ego by doing as little as possible, and focus all my energy and spare time on discovering Truth. I can’t decide.. Right now im training to compete in an amateur boxing fight in February, my first ever. The training is extensive (every day) and gruelling. If I’m not at work, I’m at the gym training. I think theres significant growth to be had from doing this, which is why I’ve committed. My main concern is my ego. I’ve always been into combat sports and the image of being a fighter is like my ego’s wet dream. Im worried im putting all this time and effort to uphold a fiction, and the end result will just be a stronger, more dissatisfied ego in an even deeper rut. I tell myself that im still young and what else is there to do with my time? But deep down, I know what the Truth is, and what’s the point of putting in all this energy into a lie?