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About NineHfanbase
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NineHfanbase replied to NineHfanbase's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I have not experienced enlightenment through the course yet. I experienced enlightenment some years ago through sheer luck and, though it was brief, it was complete. I almost immediately got sucked back into ego thought system. I think the experience of enlightenment is too amazing a thing, and the ego too comfortable and advanced nowadays, for it to be permanent if it happens by sheer luck. The mind is too smart yet more desperate than ever. Imagine the weak little power hungry ego, desperate for love, experiencing something as incredible as that, and not making an identity of it? I believe that’s too rare, especially for people who are seeking enlightenment. It’s very difficult not to get carried away and make an identity as the enlightened master or second coming of Christ. This is where the course comes in. It wants to replace the ego system FIRST and completely. It’s practical. It has to take care of the ego before you get to enlightenment because that’s the only way it will last. Although im not there yet, I know I will be. This does not feel the same as the time I experienced Enlightenment. Every day I understand more, I become more loving, more peaceful. Every day I cringe more at my old self. Every day I wake up happier. This time I’m controlling my journey to get there by understanding what is happening, instead of getting thrusted into it and being so dazzled and awe struck that I don’t even know what to do besides sit there with my mouth open and think all my problems have been solved, only to get sucked back in, at the lowest point of my life. But I needed to experience it to know it was real, and to know that these glimpses of it by accident or through drugs will likely not last. You have to get the ego out of the way. It has too much momentum, it’s smarter than you could ever imagine, every single person in the world is supporting it, everywhere you look are its cheerleaders. That’s why you have to want God more than anything for the course to work. good luck Everyone. Don’t think you know what the course will do for you. It will work in ways you won’t imagine and suddenly one day you will see the rhythm. Just worry about the lessons, do them as she says. Be objective and impartial. Dont make it a sad story or a hero story. Dont treat anyone in your life differently. You don’t have to behave different or isolate yourself. Just stay focused and remember what you want. If you truly believe an ego wish will make you happy, then go do it. Suffering will bring you back to the course. It is useless to torture yourself with should I, should I not. That same suffering will be transformed into the motivation, energy, and will to do the course. And so nothing is ever lost. it will be fun at first, then painful, then great, then agonizing pain, then amazing. Basically the reverse of the ego system, which is high then crash. Once you get to amazing nothing much bothers you after that. -
NineHfanbase replied to NineHfanbase's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Take the lessons seriously. If a lesson says to forgive your enemies, and you’re having trouble doing that because you despise that person, this is your new challenge. Don’t just move on to the next lesson because you don’t feel like forgiving. I sat with the lesson as long as necessary until I can do it. It’s like a back and forth so you’re not just blindly reading lesson after lesson. Participate in it, instead of putting it all in the authors hands. This will make you feel empowered and that you can solve any problem that comes up in your life. There is someone at work I despised, who I thought I couldn’t forgive because he was 100% in the wrong and I was justified in hating him. So I sat alone in a room and conjured up all the hate I have for this person. Dwelled in my deepest thoughts, uninterrupted. Felt the pain that came with making someone an enemy. Dwell in the suffering, don’t run away. Your deepest suffering is your biggest lesson, you will be rewarded with knowledge and peace if you just sit with it. It’s like a troll at the gate, you have to deal with it you can’t just walk past. I later realized my part in the conflict. And it was a big part. I was arrogant, aggressive, overly sensitive. I truly thought I was wronged by him, not realizing I was overreacting to a lot of things. I thought I was better than everybody and in a subtle way was expecting to be worshipped by them. And if someone even hinted that they had a problem with me, it was like a dagger to the heart. I was ridiculous. He isn’t perfect but the only thing you have control over in this world is yourself. You hear this all the time but when it hits home, how could that point have flown completely over your head? You literally cannot do anything about the way other people act. You will be challenged non stop, there will always be someone you despise and want to murder. What are you going to do about that? Fight everyone who pisses you off? Come up with an endless list of insults that will out-do all insults they can come with up with? Great, then when all is said and done, you come home feeling worst than ever. More angry, more helpless, more sad, anticipating their retaliation the next day and what you’re going to say back. Drowned in negativity. And no one is experiencing that suffering except for you. At some point you get tired of conflict. Why be angry when you can be at peace? You're misunderstanding everything anyway, might as well try something new. -
NineHfanbase replied to NineHfanbase's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The repetitiveness of the affirmations is key. Otherwise it is almost guranteed you will sway back to what you know, the ego thought system. The course is literally trying to replace your entire thought system (your mind) with an entirely new one that caters to God, that will pave the way to God realization. It slowly sways you into investing your energy into the new thought system, until you actually start believing it is reality. The peace that comes with the new thought system is so addicting, that you eventually spend your entire day (literally) just repeating the lesson over and over and over. This will guarantee the new system take over. it blows my mind how simple it is. Truly amazing. Although the concept of replacing one thought system with another is simple, 2 things MUST happen for this to work. 1) you have to want nothing else except God (otherwise the ego thought system is what you know and what you’re comfortable with, so if you’re not completely over it you will NOT escape it) 2) you have to do the lessons exactly as the course says, and take them seriously. The more you repeat the lesson in your head throughout the day the faster the system take over will happen. -
NineHfanbase replied to NineHfanbase's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Interesting. -
The ego is a thought system programmed into our consciousness. The older we get the more complex the program becomes, becoming harder to undo. A Course in Miracles is 365 “lessons” you do for each day for one year. It’s another program that attempts to replace the Ego program. I think most people will get what they are looking for before the 365 days. You have to take the lessons seriously if you want serious change. Change is in your hands. You have to want it more than anything else in the world. The lessons will initially feel nice, like you’re doing something you’re supposed to be doing. Then you start to realize the change that is required, it will start to feel like you’re being brainwashed. It’s a terrible place to be. Just remember that is the whole point, is to change your mind completely. Then at some point you will become frustrated from lacking the courage to change and will blame the author, and think she was probably mentally ill. Then you’ll go back to normal life, put the book away. Then you’ll be at rock bottom once again, and realize you have to try something else to get out of this. Why not try the book? What if she’s not crazy? What do I have to lose? Could I get more crazy and unhappy than this?
NineHfanbase replied to NineHfanbase's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
If you watch his videos and they make you feel like crap, and make you question everything, and make you want to do something drastically different in your life, then they are helpful. If you get excited (which, judging by the comments, most people do) then you’re using them as a source of high (entertainment) and they are pulling you deeper into unconsciousness and therefore suffering. Everyone went into a Great Depression when he stopped posting videos —this is doing nothing good for you. It doesn’t matter if you believe me or not, because looking to others will eventually make you hate others and hate everything, hate existence itself, because you’re misunderstanding. You don’t have to listen to me, but when your suffering gets bad enough, you will want to try something else — anything else — just to get away from it. I just wanted to state something I know for a fact, which is it’s all you. There is no hero, no secret whispers from beyond to hold your hand and pull you out of a rut. You either want to, or you don’t want to. It’s that simple. Or you trick yourself into saying yes I want God, then go seek some entertainment (videos) that talk about God while actually pulling you away from God. Being right or wrong has nothing to do with it. Idk about you, but this is the only thing I care about. I have no close relationships, no kids, no hobbies. This is it. This is all I think about and care about. I hate going to work because I have to invest my energy into something other than this. So when I discover something that takes me a step closer, especially this drastic, I want to share it. Does this do anything to bring me closer to truth? Probably not, the need to share comes from seeking approval and belonging, even if it’s subtle, but I guess this is where I’m at. This realization changed my life dramatically and I felt the need to share it *shrug*. -
NineHfanbase replied to NineHfanbase's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
For discussion. It seems like you’re focused that someone has to be wrong and someone has to be right, like a debate. This is a crazy world we live in where the majority of people live in a way that is misguided and it’s causing a lot of pain, violence, and suffering. I want to figure out how to get out of that. I don’t know anyone in my life that cares about this, so they most definitely will not put any effort into realizing the ultimate Truth. This forum, people would be interested and have their perspectives to share. -
NineHfanbase replied to NineHfanbase's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I don’t know if there is one ultimate “way”, I know that you gradually get closer to Truth as you live your life, suffer, and learn lessons. I just went through a bout of intense suffering and this is what I realized (this topic), so I posted it to see what others perspective is who are around this level. -
NineHfanbase replied to NineHfanbase's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
We make Leo into some level of God because of the pain of living unconsciously, it’s soothing to listen to someone who tells you things that make you feel better about your hard life. This is the psychology of human worship. We feel bad, this guy who knows something we don’t makes us feel good (even though it’s a “hit”, a small high which you will inevitably have to pay with suffering..and you will sooner or later). Leo isn’t anything, he is what you interpret him to be. He is however (in comparison to others) highly intelligent and creative, and knows things that most people on the planet don’t, so worshipping him is a rather easy trap to fall into. What do you mean he’s better than me? Better as in he knows more about the nature of the universe? Sure, but that knowledge can only help him. If I want to know as much as he does, I have to discover it for myself, otherwise it’s just concepts I can dance around with and act like im enlightened -
NineHfanbase replied to NineHfanbase's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Was there a joke that I missed? -
NineHfanbase replied to NineHfanbase's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Making someone special is not the way to do it. Leo has a way of speaking that makes him seem like he knows everything and is untouched by Ego. This is actually ego rock bottom. When you start realizing how much we’re all the same, you’re going in the right direction. But this is precisely what the ego is fighting against because if we’re all the same, that’s boring. If Leo my master is not special, then that means I’m not special in believing it. That means I’m not better than those unconscious lames wah -
NineHfanbase replied to NineHfanbase's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I’m just responding to your statement, which was go to Leo if you want to get enlightened because he’s God -
NineHfanbase replied to NineHfanbase's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You don’t need Leo. The Ego loves idolizing someone to do all the work for you, because it’s fun and easy, all you have to do is listen to him and you feel like you’re playing the role of “spiritual wisdom chosen one” and get a little high from it because you know more than others. but you’re digging yourself into a deeper hole that you will eventually have to come out from if you truly want to discover Truth. Then you realize that no amount of videos you watch is bringing you closer to Truth, you start to blame Leo, but only because you expected him to make you Enlightened. That resentment is coming from the expectations that you made up for someone that weren’t met. It gave you pleasure watching videos and feeling superior to others, and however intense that pleasure was, best believe the pain will match the intensity. the only useful things with these videos is to motivate you to discover Truth for yourself. That’s it. Leo nor anyone cannot do anything else for you. You have to do the hard work. -
NineHfanbase replied to NineHfanbase's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
If you’re not one with God then you’re acting out your Karma, which is the story created by your thoughts. This life is painful because we’re doing something wrong. Most of us respond to the pain by having some sort of stimulus to feel better. If you blast gangster rap so you can convince yourself that you’re not afraid and nobody can hurt you, your Karma will be intense fear. The intensity of the negative will match the intensity of the positive. This will end when you sit with the pain and feel it completely. When you’ve done this (you can’t trick the situation, you have to feel into as much pain as there is) the lesson will be revealed to you. The lesson is usually something you don’t want to accept, but it is powerful and will completely change the trajectory of your life -
NineHfanbase replied to NineHfanbase's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You can’t miss it if you’re serious about finding it. Youre in control. This “look for the signs”, “listen to the voice” idea is so the Ego can sit back, relax, and not do any hard work. Unfortunately finding God is hard work. But only because it’s completely the opposite of what you want to do and what everyone else is doing. Otherwise it’s the easiest thing in the world because it requires no effort, just your seriousness about wanting to find it. No voice is going to pick you because you’re special and holy. You have to do the work.