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Everything posted by AerisVahnEphelia

  1. @Carl-Richard No, it doesn't. I attempt to reach you within your mythology by using gods that exist within it to observe your reaction, but it doesn't ring a bell. Atoms are another fantasy. Even if they existed, you cannot describe them, nor their function. When something happens in reality, it is never because of a belief in the mind but rather due to emergences and second-nature occurrences. Your mind will do anything to avoid the emptiness of everything by inferring a mythology because we are not supposed to become aware that everything is purely a void. What causes things is doing things, but we have no idea what we are doing, where we are going, and what is happening. That's the only fact you need to understand about reality. No fiction is going to put you in touch with reality. I can talk endlessly about the Bible; it doesn't make anything in it true. And don't start with empiricism; it's devoid of any reality. All observations are ungrounded fictions. In fact, you cannot observe reality at all; skepticism doesn't exist because it's still within the mind. Now, you're probably categorizing me as a relativist, but I see myself more as a super-pragmatic hardcore realist to the point that I cease to acknowledge fiction as holding any truth.
  2. @Carl-Richard The Barnum effect doesn't exist; it's a vibe meant to explain that your mind is weaving a lot of nonsense to self-justify all the time. That is the only true fact, it's observable but cannot be acknowledged by a religious mind that believes in facts, causes, and effects. So, you all abandon religions only to become religiously devoted to various mythologies under the guise of science/psychology or whatever... People's behavior is different: a fact. We can attribute Pokemon names to describe it : nonsense. Let's invent labels such as autistic, cromistic, or mentally perturbed to judge others' behaviors that don't conform to the idea of "creating your new fiction to oppose the first one." Let's invent an idea to justify it, given that god is dead; let's make up a new one: "Everyone using social networks for more than 4 hours a day starts to see their brain reshaped; now they show signs of autism, ADHD, and a lack of interest in fulfilling their sexual desires." The only difference from religion is the number of mental delusions one needs to adhere to. I'm showing you how nothing you're constructing through this type of logic is consistent. You speculate based on priors that are themselves purely grounded in feelings, causing the belief in mythological causes and effects like religions. Feelings are not reality, and if you find reality, you cannot speak of it, it's an event. You are not inferring reality properly; every word you utter is a sound, attaching meaning to events that cannot have a foundation. I mean, keep enjoying yourself, but even if you were a super autist pikachu lvl 58 I don't see how that is going to help you in your quest if that is the Truth. Of course, I might be as full of shit as everyone else, so perhaps nothing is fabricated, and indeed, you're living in reality while I am confused in my own delusions about what is real and what is a mythical belief system.
  3. @Princess Arabia psychiatrist diagnostic is a biased framing. It help the ego creating a convenient frame to explain itself. It's a strong Barnum effect. Just like mbti is completely non sense. Now I know you like them like a new found bible to fill the void. You're what you are and act like you have to.
  4. @Leo Gura from my perspective every time I interact with comparing France to USA you feel like a third world country in many ways. Just no health care. No welfare. No work = death Your food is always fat, greasy. And many of you seems having a limited intellectual mind. You have peak intelligence maybe 5% but all the rest is... Really low to put it simply. McDonald's, KFC , burger king is an insult to life and we have to put up with that.
  5. @Inliytened1 alright I might agree with this statement. Would be awesome if you defined more what you mean by that, even if I have my own idea of it.
  6. @Inliytened1 well I can definitely tell you that depending how your body is in shape or not, everything else will be a result of being healthy or not. in fact if a psychedelics allow people to think "deeply" or melt into reality it's only because of the pure orgasm that your body start to be in, to the point of loosing sense of being within a body. Every ailment just isn't here anymore to impend your ways. being fearless will makes you able to entertain thoughts and ideas that are way more dangerous than people who don't have the body for it. I would even say, that everything is body, and mind is a pure product of the body. Even if the body is a mystery. almost 99% of humanity on a strong dose of mdma will not have anymore the concept of "social fear" for instance.
  7. @Yimpa very based. even I only watched the classic end fight and dragon ball season 1 only.
  8. here is my analysis and what I think of it.
  9. He might be enlightened to some extent. You just expect enlightenment to always bring you candy and rainbows, when it's not a given. He might get it, but those mythologies feed what he likes to see in the world and the character he has built. There's nothing wrong with loving the character. It's quite possible that he just enjoys the current state of things or past ways, so the old myths that are feeding him now... that show must keep going.
  10. @Leo Gura hope everything is fine take care.
  11. @Razard86 you're still in the lie of 'my friend' There is only things happening to you and you attribute meaning and story to all those events. It's fine but there is no bullshit to help them get off from. It's a nice story the ego want to hold to benefit. Of course all fine having stories and elements within it.
  12. @Schizophonia it seems your zero results is describing something that isn't "zero result"
  13. shall we burn his paganistic egoïc church then ?
  14. @Someone here let's say you have power, what do you do with them ? explain in great details what you do with tcheatcode, and I'll think if you deserve them.
  15. yes you can understand how every position is nowhere and lead to nothing at all.
  16. @Yimpa sounds good, I would rather end all war by all means.
  17. @Yimpa people having ' non dual fantasy ' aswell a subtle creation. I don't believe in it, but I will believe in anything you want.
  18. @Yimpa They seem to just be like a promised land of heaven in the sky, something you like to play with in your head. All values are shattered against the purest understanding of truth. What remains beyond can be call'd value if you like, or even poney tail, it is as you like it.
  19. @Yimpa Value sounds like the biggest fantasy of all, a tapestry woven by the ego to justify all evils under its tyranny.
  20. @ItsNick it is whatever you want. maybe your definition is tangible, or maybe you're under influence of your own mind fantasy.
  21. @cetus [ it was was off subject:edited]
  22. the construct you are making out of any word is what is true to you. but you don't exist.
  23. ego & awakening are pure fantasy of the mind. the idea of an ego being selfish or not is the selfish fantasy of something that isn't awakened.
  24. Usually, when you act absolutely weird, off the pattern of their limited paradigm, it might do. But they will start to fear it because they usually are not able to handle novelties. Or just label you crazy, which is completely fine. You can usually just destroy them by making them eat the tails of their circular reasoning, but this one might really trigger them to avoid you out of fear of death. Especially people with a stable belief in anything, to me, that's such nonsense. Literally, nothing is grounded; you need to assume something is real to assert anything, which is nonsensical when you're a grown-up ego. You don't assume; you are purely speculating about everything, and you know that everything you utter is pure gamble. This is also why I don't have any side in politics. I think siding is assuming, and assuming is for religious people; it's absolute trash, but maybe I m assuming here, maybe religion is what the ego likes overall. Yum yum it makes my life having meaning and grounding, I need to assume a fantasy character with belief. You don't know what might feed you overall; you don't know what's better. I can construct strongs arguments in favor of ANY ideas, literally infinity.