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Everything posted by Salaam

  1. Thanks and no worries Well, take it with a grain of salt because I'm on the outside looking in as a dude and I try to screen out immature women. But, here are some things I've noticed from watching women grow and well... not grow. I guess you can say these are more general observations about female immaturity rather then purely about taking guys for granted, but hopefully this is useful for you still. It seems some women have to deal with this false abundance, where they have in theory at least a large selection of guys to choose from, but in practice a limited pool of quality that can have a sort of numbing affect on their ability to make the choices that would most satisfy them. Guy's are seen as a little more disposable in this space and girls rely a little too much on inflating qualities that immediately catch their eye, rather then exploring deeper for a more encompassing picture, which bites them in the ass later... it creates a kind of female bravado I've seen that women will attach to in order to "wave off" doing deeper work. But, this also makes them unable to recognize what a man who has done the deeper work looks like and the ways in which he behaves. Intuition has to be developed, for both men and women, and can't be relied on exclusively for making decisions at times. Not everything comes easy, we have to invest, put in effort, and risk ourselves for deeper satisfaction. Immature women look for more "energy spikes" or displays from men compared to mature women, because they themselves are operating with more insecurities that push a person to look for those spikes as a kind of validation or sign to proceed. Relying on spikes though, makes a person blind to nuance and easily fooled like I mentioned earlier. Plus, it prevents certain levels of intimacy that only occur when people calm down from those places and allow themselves to be "normal" around each other. I hear a lot from women, how they feel like they can actually be themselves around me and it's so much less taxing on their energy. But, that relaxed state is also much more fertile ground for bonding and allowing for richer threads of attraction to breathe and dance. Hmmm, what else? Some women seem to be scared of mixing sex and intimacy, so they'll compartmentalize them and then cut bait if a relationship of one type starts to bleed over into the other. Then they get caught in a cycle of pursuing unavailable relationships to protect themselves from the risks of opening up further and dealing with relationships that are both sexual and intimate. However, this also has a long term impact that effects how will women can relate with their heart, head, and sexuality. Disconnecting the natural, synergistic expression that would come from a harmonized connection with all three. Trust is a huge issue. But, for this specific question I'm thinking about how lack of trust creates controlling behavior in women. They want to control what things mean, they want to control the level of uncertainty they may be feeling and then if their successful in getting that control, they are dissatisfied because when they do so, they stifle the volatility behind the energy that attracted them so in whatever form. Women and men, also need to realize that they have to go through a period of understanding the different personal values of the other gender and how to consider those values without writing them off as stupid or just "man stuff" or "female stuff". When a woman can empathize with those values she can avoid a lot of behaviors that carry a sort of collateral emasculating effect, just like men can do the same when they understand what women personally value. It makes people much more capable in crafting a relationship that adheres to what I call "trinity worlds" or "my world, her world, and the shared world" which in my experience is the most balanced and mutually beneficial way of having a relationship. I guess that's enough for now. Sorry for the cluttered points, but hopefully they make sense. My wife and I actually do a radio show for relationships, so you might find some value in listening to those, since my wife is super self-aware about her maturation process.
  2. I have will, but it wasn't free though. I had to develop it, nurture, and build it while also deepening the connection I have with my automatic reactions. Everything is an inter-connected mixture, not a binary yes or no.
  3. God, sometimes I forget how weird people can make relationships with each other. The manipulations and weird fears and delusions two sides can carry... shit makes me sad. As a guy who has recognized and addressed that side of himself, I have some insight into this that might help women when they screen for guys who will not take their giving for granted when they open up and share themselves. As men, we have a development cycle that we all have to deal with in our own way. This includes the formation of our masculine identity which has a period in the beginner stage of having to "prove" or validate who we are. The path out of that stage is creating a self-validating identity that replaces this need to prove ourselves, but many don't. So it is in a woman's best interest to find men who have made it out of this stage, because then their MAIN motivations for why they spend time with you isn't based on validating their identity and abilities out of a sense of scarcity, but actually bonding, discovery, and mutual shared experience. A lot of guys get "bored" with women, because their initial motivations aren't based on the above three things. So when the novelty or rush fade and it's time for real connection and investment, they are no longer energized to put in effort, because they never started from a place of depth to begin with. Their still hooked to the shallow cycle of using the woman to prop up their identity, rather then building a connection. Building is hard, it takes investment and vulnerability and listening that isn't that exciting or stimulating to guys who are never seeing who you actually are to begin with and are more focused on appeasing their own feelings of scarcity. Eh, when you have sex often enough times every week it's not that hard to avoid having sex with someone your attracted to. It's like food. Yea, that's a nice juicy steak right next to me, but I've already ate three times today, so I don't need to go to the trouble of grilling it. It's just a matter of abundance, not that big of a deal. I often have women I'm attracted to around me and most women find me sexually viable, so it's no biggie. Your tastes expand with sexual abundance, so just turning me on isn't enough for me to decide to initiate anything.
  4. @MissMiki @Arkandeus Thank you both! I've been at this work for a decade now, but I'm still amazed at all the new experiences that unlock inside me as I nurture all the different parts of me. It's a hard road, but it's the best one I've ever came across and there is so much more to discover and build! It's like my body is this rolling snowball of awesomeness and it's telling me, "the better you treat me, and the more you live truly from your spirit, the more wonder I will open to you to enjoy". So I listen and I learn and I counter-balance the infinitely subtle pressures that push me, calibrating so the pressures of life don't flatten out the color and richness of my soul, hollowing me out. Healing from my mistakes, gaining wisdom from my scars, and building on top of that wisdom, foundations that further propel my growth. If y'all have any questions or anything I'm happy to help
  5. Well, eventually a person can get to the point, where sexuality doesn't push at you like that and create obsessive or circular thought patterns. I guess we could say what you described above is an example of sexual frustration thought patterns, however sexual harmony expresses differently. My main point, is to caution you against attaching to this idea that sexual thoughts, or any involvement with your mind when it comes to sex, is being unnatural. People often make the mistake of attaching to an out of balance expression of a thing, be it sex, fear, pain, etc. and demonizing it as some unnatural or horrible thing in totality. We have to see the nuance, the different ways a thing can express, before labeling it's totality as unnatural, twisted, wrong, etc.
  6. I have a shitload of female friends. And even if we have sex, we're still friends. Heck, my wife is my best friend. I think a crux to this debate, is how well people can keep sexuality as a kind of ember glowing in the background. So it adds color to an interaction, but doesn't overwhelm and derail it. I guess this comes with being able to handle more and more sexual tension in a comfortable way, rather then it turning a person awkward or into a dog ready to hump it's chew toy. So many people are in the un-developed spectrum of this issue, that that status becomes the standard narrative in society, creating this shrouded belief that men and women can't be friends.
  7. Let's put monks to the side for a moment and just focus on sexuality. Do you know what the definition of sexuality is? It is the quality or state of being sexual. It is complete nonsense for anyone to say that is not natural. Can sexuality be twisted, made sick? Yes, but sexuality as a whole IS natural.
  8. What? Sexuality is the way we inject meaning and personality to our sexual appetite. How we carry ourselves and behave when sexual tension and desire is present. Why are you demonizing sex and sexuality? The best sex is when your heart, mind, soul, and primal sexuality are all in harmonized alignment and the partner your with meets you in that space as a mirror and the light of fully realized sex, reflecting back and forth creates this shared experience of meaning, bonding, and creation. Maybe you are meaning to say monks repress themselves and isolate themselves to the point where their rapport with their sexuality becomes masturbatory and disconnected from the other parts of us, that create a balanced, healthy sexuality?
  9. Thanks man It's taken many years to diversify all these different movements and patterns inside myself while still maintaining their fragile connection and coherency with each other. But, it's worth it when I can both enjoy the fruits for myself and share it with others and provide some value for you all.
  10. Thoughts actually don't just "arise" out of nothingness. They are activated and flavored by shifts in the contrast between our inter-connections that occur as things move/change inside us and outside us. We have a narrative system that is hooked into or superimposed onto our level of flow that automates the pace of internal chitter-chatter and maintains a given degree of immersion plus a given degree of populated conscious activity. When people meditate and try to hold "nothingness" or an empty mind or whatever, they are in essence trying to slow/calm that flow and create a short-lived vacuum or pocket of thoughtlessness (among other things, there are many different kinds of meditation, which is really just practice of some flavor of applied focus). And of course when that vacuum releases, the thoughts come back, whether the vacuum was released willfully, or a shift in our body caused the automatic release. The release of the vacuum is a shift event in and of itself which is an emotionally competent stimulus that will trigger thought narratives and influence how they "appear" to manifest. We can't get caught up in that single shift and tunnel-vision to the point, where that is the only reference from which we draw conclusions. There is way more there to explore and way more we have to develop to even have proper access to those avenues of exploration. So people make the mistake of jumping to the conclusion that thoughts arise from this vacuum because they haven't sensitized themselves to the bodily shifts, nor have they developed the tensile resiliency or traction to deal with how those shifts effect our cognitive recollection of the actual experience. They don't account for or properly attribute how the vacuum state influenced the mixture, which flavored the trigger of thought as it preceded, much like people fail to attribute or account for the weight or influence of observation having an effect on the collapse of a wave function when conducting science expirements. In that fraction of a second where things shift, there is a shit load of things going on that are fast as hell, and more subtle then a whisper on the wind. Not to be melodramatic or anything, but internal transitions are hard as hell to gain a clear picture on, because every move you make in response to a transition influences the transition, which influences you on every level from cognition to immersion to emotion and everything else. We're trying to bring some kind of clarity to an ever-changing mixture that we are a part of and are influenced by at all times, which takes a lot of time and a lot of development to be able to create requisite levels of a kind of meta superposition to be even able to accomplish. And instead of doing all that, or even knowing to do all that, people just stick with the idea, that thoughts arise out of nothingness, because that's all their feel for things can tell them at the time and so they miss out on the potential for more. We have to be more humble than that and buy less into this false certainty "that this is all there is". This is where the uncertainty principle comes in handy as a protection against false certainty. In essence, beware a conclusion that leaves you no access to further potentialities, because a conclusion that absolute is a false and flawed one. Our view of life and ourselves does not have to be that primitive, nor so extreme and divorced from the nuances of reality. Generally speaking, I wish people would remind themselves that they don't have to approach the question of free will in a binary way. We are a dynamic mixture of automation and free will superimposed on top of each other and the dance of that mixture plays out, in more than a single step. We automatically activate, then consciously calibrate, then automatically activate in response to that conscious calibration, which we then consciously calibrate again as we make choices. It is a dance with overlapping or slightly superimposed steps of automated activation and conscious balancing/calibration via choice with mutual avenues for inter-influence that compounds over time in a hopefully constructive way. The degree of depth, and the determination of which is the dominant or secondary force, driving the dance changes depending on the person and their unique context in a given moment. Distinct, but seamless and the degree of difference in what people might create from such a dance staggering.
  11. @FirstglimpseOMG Cool questions Does your idea of transcend include your humanity, body, and mind or do you see transcendence as some change from who you currently are that allows you to discard those things? Are you adding onto yourself or just looking to replace one thing with another? Do you ever not just ask, but feel within yourself what is pushing you towards these choices you make for yourself? It seems like a lot of people in the world are hoping to be a god, or invulnerable, or seeking escape from the pressures of life with their efforts in spirituality. But, my experiences with growth and life paint a different picture. I have no need of escape and I've found the tools I've been searching for and use them now. I'm here to build, to nurture, shelter, and foster the goldilocks zone of life that best harmonizes and synergizes with this world, universe, and humanity. And I can and will and often have gone to the deepest, darkest, and most brutal places to make that happen, as well as the lightest, softest, and most beautiful. I aim to be the harmonized and synergized mixture of both. I've suffered a lot in my life, but have also succeeded immensely as well. Isolation, depression, rage, prison, deep intimacy, love, peace, and freedom... I'm thankful to have touched both sides. I wrote the below a little over a year ago, maybe you can feel something from it, that the more intellectually based discussions we've been having might not have communicated about me. I remember how hard I used to work to feel pleasure, to understand it, the frustration and despair I used to feel around it. I felt like a broken, withered man, maimed and chained, buried underneath desert sand, with a single ray of light, and a humble drop of trickling water to sustain me at times. I used to identify so strongly with that image of myself, buried, maimed, and chained, but fuck, I can breathe and drink so fully now! I understand the chains, I've become super capable with them, so now the part of me that are those chains work with me and become boundaries I choose. Integrity and clarity. Order. But, order balanced with flow, so the water is no longer a humble trickle, but an ocean inside me. I can drink any time I want and I can heal now, so I am no longer as maimed, but instead scarred, yet deeply capable. And since I am capable and healthy now, I can speak from all of me. I can stand and who I am is no longer buried. I'm up on that sand now, not in a hole, building my Oasis. Stretching my wings. My friend believes I've passed the shit-level stage of kinda sorta mastering myself (mastering the foundations of how I learn and live) when I shifted my anchors and everything I'm seeing so far, seems to be bearing that out. All my work, the nuance, uncovering structure, facing and connecting the dynamics, handling the stress and pain, healing from my mistakes, and balancing and building something is bearing fruit. It makes me happy, I appreciate it deeply as I run my mind through all the different details that add to my life and I feel grateful as I see the contrast in how life would be like without them. God, what if I had believed society and just took what they handed me with this rat race? I remember when I was grabbed by the feeling that something I had been waiting for my whole life, was within my grasp. It was like a scent my soul picked up on and refused to let go and it's sustained me for many years, when I had no idea what the fuck I was doing. I'm thankful to have been able to build my own way of being good at life and changing my view of myself from maimed and chained to free and self-sustained. I didn't have to obey or follow anybody, and I didn't need any higher power. Fuck power, I became capable and harmonious with my nature and I became connected and trustworthy. How could I not, with the amazing people so close to me, who are doing the same? My soul, my mind, my consciousness, my senses, my instinct, and the forces within and without that are constantly flowing through and around me are all distinct for me, but deeply inter-connected. I have access to all and we communicate and cooperate within this mix of life. We are not enemies, I don't have to kill them or disconnect from them, or demonize them as illusions. Those reactions come across as primitive to me and are based in a scarcity of capability, communication, and harmony. A scarcity of understanding... Anyways, that's enough talking about me. The point is, there is a better, more harmonious way then these extreme choices that are tainted by the pressures pushing us when we suffer. I mean, look at how long the world suffered before it was able to support enough life for beings like us. Look how quickly that fragile beauty is being destroyed by the imbalanced and short-sighted choices of our population. Life is brutal when we don't build and develop shelters of balance and harmony. We don't make things better by escaping or seeking godhood, no we build and put our hands deep into the mud, so our foundations are rooted and grounded. Cooperatively building life, one step, one addition at a time.
  12. First, the holographic principle is only an idea at this point with no direct evidence, nor formal proof and so far only applies to hypothetical universes. In my view it's an oversimplification that allows scientists to get their math to work in imaginary situations, but has yet to be found viable in real world situations with complex dynamics. It sounds nice for some and it makes things seem easier, but in my view it suffers from "corruption through reduction via simplicity" which creates a distortion in our perspective of reality (just like absolute nothingness as a paradigm in my experience). Second, I am basing what I say on first hand direct experience that comes from many years spent developing the core capabilities that determine the depth, quality, and coherency of that first-hand experience. I use science's observations of reality to corroborate that first-hand experience, it is secondary to my experiential knowledge. I am not just theorizing about the core things I talk about, I have practical application and real life success with them. I can point to examples of my 13 core dynamics occurring all over reality, both within me and outside me. They are foundational and universal patterns of movement. Third, you talked about "something physical, but brand new & never seen before outside of my home by anyone, ever (like an original painting or sculpture)". There is a VERY important difference between a brand new combination of existing things and something completely or absolutely brand new. That painting was formed, not created in the absolute sense, by combining different pigments and then applying them to a canvas in a particular pattern. Then some one applied effort to transport it to your door. There is a sequence of events, a sequence of combinations in every facet of "creation". But, when you make the mistake of focusing on a static absolute you lose touch with the steps in the sequence while at the same time losing awareness of the previous steps taken for a shape to be in the current form that your conjecture is starting with (like the cotton or linen the canvas was derived from). That is in essence what the holographic principle does for scientists, by following it they create a focus with two static points rather than staying connected with the whole process of constant movement, because "it's easier" or "more economical". It presupposes an absolute containment, which ignores or discards the potentiality for permeability and access to expansion beyond their "beginning and ending" points. In my experience the compulsion to attach to absolutes is a sign of lacking tensile resiliency in a person's mind which leads to focusing on extremes and static positions, rather than maintaining the tension of constant motion and nuance, plus constant access to potentiality/change (there is a difference between constant and absolute). Internalizing too much of a static position will make a person rigid and atrophy different inter-relations which a person relies on for the proper functioning of certain capabilities like differentiation as mentioned above. Basically, people get subtly pushed around by the pressures of life, which subconsciously pushes their mind and emotions, influencing them to attach to extremes and derive paradigms based on extremes. Human history is rife with this problem and those paradigms are deeply rooted, but hopefully we can evolve from them before it's too late. It's something I've been working on for years by gaining access to deeper layers of my sub-conscious and working with pressure differentials, plus many other things.
  13. Oh man, so many changes, I change and grow everyday, it's amazing. - I have deep wellsprings of love and joy and an amazing relationship with my Wife, that I never could have imagined before. We've been together for going on six years now and the love, joy, passion, pleasure, trust, and intimacy just keep deepening and growing more vibrant and alive. The way our energy vibrates with each other at the slightest touch, the shared glance, just fills me with so much pleasure and happiness. I've never been so thankful and appreciative of another person in my whole life. She's a magical, phenomenal woman and I'm so grateful for who I've become and grown into, because of our lives and hearts intertwining. Who I am right now, wouldn't exist without her. -I can feel my soul or my core deep down inside me. It suffuses this glowing sensation all throughout my body and feels me with so much peace and happiness and beautiful humanity. It's amazing to me how much peace and harmony I have flowing inside me. I feel like I have glowing rivers of energy that run through my body and connect to this ocean inside of me. I can't even describe how precious it is to be in a position where it's a normal everyday thing for your soul's whisper to becomes so clear and so distinct, that it forms this glow in the center of who you are. I don't need to meditate or take drugs or appeal to some outside force to feel it. It's grown as I've grown and helped me differentiate myself between my mind, my instinct, and my soul. Who I am at my core was here before even the shape that is consciousness formed. - My body trusts me deeply and has released it's natural "limiters" on what I can feel and do. I have a much greater access to different emotional states, flow/trance states, and whole realities, capabilities, and potentialities then I did before. This means a lot more responsibility and self-restraint, because everything I think and feel is amplified, but since I've learned to stabilize and harmonize this access, my life is richer and more vibrant, more magical than I ever could have imagined. The automatic parts, that I don't directly control working in harmony with my focused intent and emotional context. I love the way all the different parts of me work together and communicate! -I've become a man who can in essence learn and gain skills in whatever subject I choose. Any subject, any skill, I can internalize because I have a deep connection and understanding with the universal elements of learning. If I want passion and motivation I can plant seeds and harvest it. If I need faster reactions time and a stronger body connection I can build it. If I need more charisma, more emotional intuition, and influence, it will grow inside me. I'm on a never ending cycle of growth with many revolutions that naturally shift and show themselves to me, each and everyday. -I've subtly slowed down my perception of time over the yars so I can see more detail within a moment and split-second movements that happen as things shift inside me, become fleshed out events that I can perceive and understand. -I've gained influence over my body's natural chemistry and can modulate how intense or calm my attraction or repulsion is to a thing. I can hold multiple, subtle facets of over-lapping chemistry without getting carried away in the wash of emotions and lose my chosen degree of awareness. This allows me to do things like split my mind so half of me can sleep, hold multiple trance states, work from both my intellectual and instinctual space at the same time and many other things. But, of course this all starts from being able to feel and read connective tension and all those energetic sensations superimposed upon normal human emotions and feelings. -I have way more sensitivity than I ever have before. This makes me a lot more vulnerable, because sensitivity and vulnerability go hand in hand, but I don't mind because my resiliency and traction has also skyrocketed in their development. This allows me to see the harmonious versions of emotions and positions that other people demonize. Emotions like fear and pain, that to others seems horrible and full of suffering, but to me are friends I can apply in a balanced and constructive way. It also allows me to touch deeper wellspring of humanity and share deeply in the pain of others, which softens me and keeps me from being otherwise numb and apathetic to life. Plus it allows me to create even more deeper meaning in my life, which brings me even more joy and passion and spirit. -I've become so self-empowered and developed in my volition that depression and despair and victimization rarely ever touch me and have yet to collapse me into any of those states again since the last 6 years. I can read feelings and emotions and see how they inter-relate which allows me to wean myself off of hollow feelings that give short-term comfort/relief/pleasure but hollow you out in the process. States like feeling sorry for yourself or wallowing in the false comfort of despair and depression. It's very similar to food actually. Some foods are sweet, but low on nutrition and the same holds true for emotions. They provide a spike of pleasure but lack meaning and satisfaction, plus they pull on you, so it's easy to fall into cycles of doing the same hollow routine over and over again. -And oh man the pleasure I feel now a days! Sex is amazing and my orgasms literally feel like their exploding from my soul, throughout my body. Almost every night my body just starts releasing euphoria and pleasure throughout my body, without having to do anything. In fact I resist the temptation to awash myself too much into those pleasure so I can keep my body healthy and not burn it out. Lol, urinating feels like a constant low level orgasm, and at any time I can reach my hand out into the air and kind of caress the energetic fields that permeate the atmosphere and feel all sorts of amazing things. Touching trees and plants brings about similar things... really the more vibrant life something has, the more pleasure I can feel by brushing up against it's energy. Animals really dig it too. I've had 600 lbs bengal tigers come up to me in animal sanctuary's and just purr like huge demon kittens as they plop down next to me and get as close as the fence will allow them. I could keep writing and writing about all the changes for days, but I'll stop here Life is so incredible!!! I love how abundant and amazing my normal days are and I'm so grateful for how far I've come.
  14. Yea, we have access to a lot of different feelings and different combinations of feelings, but just like food, some flavors aren't the healthiest choices to make over and over again. The comfort found in surrendering self-responsibility and going back to the status of a victim is one of those things. It may give short-term comfort but the long term effect after that initial burst isn't worth the indulgence. I rarely ever feel sorry for myself or like a victim or even have trains of thought or bodily responses associated with such a choice, because I exercise my volition and choose and have done so for many years. See... making a choice is an inherently self-empowering act no matter how small or how seemingly hopeless the choice. And Frankl showed how important and precious to staying alive, protecting that small ember of self-empowerment was in the worst of places. We can do the same, and after many years those actions reach down deep into our subconscious and take root as our default or automatic state. Eventually, if successful, what happens is the two steps forward, one step back pattern changes or flip-flops from a negative thing to a mostly positive thing. What I mean by that, is eventually you'll cross the line into abundance and the pattern will for the majority be two steps forward into an amazing euphoric experience, and one step-backward afterwards as you "calm" down into happiness and meaning. So instead of feeling like your sliding back into hell or shit, you touch incredible or joyous, and then slide back into feeling normal, but pretty damn good for normal
  15. First of all I highly disagree with the line "everything you theorize other than that is theoretical speculation that can never be proven". It's much easier to prove that there are very real, solid things outside our immediate sphere of awareness, then the belief that everything in the universe ceases to exists once we focus on something else. How? By the simple fact that I can influence a person's reality, my own reality even by triggering things outside of their zone of awareness that then enters and carries a dominant role in their potential movement forward. What you seem to be saying is that you believe that anything outside of your own field of awareness no longer exists and becomes nothingness? No, offense but that is almost like regressing to how a child see's the world, unable to distinguish that there are things in life outside of it's bubble of awareness, and that those things move and change independent of the child's relatively weak influence on the universe. It completely ignores limitation and inter-dependent cooperation/communication. It ignores containment, coherency, depth, range, and potential. But, what it ignores the most is connective tension, which are the threads or fields inter-connecting everything and relaying communication from one self-contained shape to another. Personally, because I can feel this tension, when I turn on my screen, I can feel the electricity humming and shifting, spreading out from the outlet in the wall, to transfer and spur motion in my pc and monitor. When I turn my head away from the monitor I can still feel the electricity coming off the machines and interacting with the air currents around me. It's the same thing with women, if we have a strong chemistry I can feel them in the air, before I even see them, and after we've connected I can subtly feel them around me even with my eyes closed. I feel the pull, the activating effect it has on my body and mind, and the way it shifts my focus. This points to a very core reality of the universe. That in order to expand our awareness, we must connect and cooperate with other things, forming a synergistic bond that increases our potential. For instance, if we want to see the finger prints left on a crime scene, we must use dust in cooperation with the skin oils left at the scene to make the finger prints more distinct. Did those prints just appear out of thin air? No through the contrast of the dust and oil inter-relating, the prints were made visible enough to surpass the limitations of what the human eye could clearly pick up and distinguish. Just like through the synergy of machine and ink, I have a printed receipt I can hold in my hand that will spur the memories stored in my head of a place that is a store, that is placed at the same address as the one printed at the top of my receipt. Ah, it appears to me that you're idea of attachments might need a bit expansion and differentiation. Good and bad are judgements about attachments, which influence how you are relating to the attachment and are derived from chemistry, but they are steps after the actual attachment itself. Every belief you have is an attachment, every conception that connects a word in a language with a particular configuration of shape (object) is an attachment. When you eat, drink, and breathe something your body breaks it down and attaches with it's part and pieces, literally absorbing what is useful and releasing it's attachment on what is not, to be expelled from your body. Our bodies have different ways and mechanisms of attaching, and so to does our mind, our focus, our relationships... they all involve connection and some configuration of attachment. Every preference, every distaste carries with it a physical response of push/pull that mediates as the different layers and parts of our body come into contact with the potentiality of attraction/repulsion for a given thing. Then there are degrees of attachment, intensities of attachment, configurations and flavors of attachment, and then the chemistry of that attachment as it relates to other attachments or potential attachments. Like, the repulsive chemistry some here have to my assertion's about the flaws of absolutism, in comparison to their attractive chemistry they have for the internalized belief about the "truth" of absolutism.
  16. @Magic For me practicing joy is kind of like farming in a way. I plant little seeds of meaning in my life by facing resistance and taking the risk of being vulnerable, sensitive, and expressing things from my heart and humanity. I give and invest my care, nurturing things with it, like giving water to a thirsty plant. When I involve myself in these ways, these seeds over time grow into relationships and moments I can look back on and naturally, effortlessly feel joy towards. When it's with people like my Wife, when they feel joy and success and happiness, then I also feel joy, because I'm invested and genuinely care about their experience of life. When I regard myself and the choices I've made and the way that I've been shaped, I feel so much joy because I didn't take the hollow, shallow road, I bled and hurt and rose to shape something beautiful, amidst brutal environments, especially within the depths of myself, where I so could have easily lived in a less satisfying way. So basically, I live in such a way that I avoid the kind of life where joy fades due to numbness, fear, selfishness, distrust and cynicism. Instead I choose things with the possibility of short term pain and loss that require effort and investment, like vulnerability, trust, generosity, facing challenge, and hope. By exercising those kinds of feelings with generous action, meaning and beauty is created and appreciated, which brings about a joyous gratification for what ends up being created in the process. That's how I create joy in my life and bring about joy in others.
  17. I don't agree that nothingness is the ground or the start point or the beginning. Personally, I don't tunnel vision on a single thing and say that's the start. Instead I see superposition, which is particle, wave, field, void, etc all superimposed and happening at the same time, rather than one being replaced by another. That's why I push so hard against the ABSOLUTE appellation being thrown around, because it's extreme to me and breaks the delicate balance of superposition by discarding the other stuff. I don't discard, I add and transform, maintaining space for the foundational things that are all inter-connected and can flow and access and transform into each other. All the while interacting and having chemistry with each other, because it's that chemistry, that activation that courses through and outside my body alongside normal human feelings. Well, there are different kinds and flavors of attachment. Every time you focus on something and come to a conclusion about it, you are attaching to it and creating an internalization about that particular focus that gets stored in your body and carries with it a particular chemistry that will then influence how new things you come across and attach to that are associated with that internalization will feel in contrast. This particular process is a mix of mental and physical attachments. It is the fields that are responsible for the push and pull to attach and it's their tension that intensifies the closer something is to the cusp of attaching, but fades when something completely attaches or is to distant for it's connecting fields to activate with their chemistry. I have the ability to consciously pull and release on those fields as needed. (This is all information derived from direct experience by the way. I can literally feel and observe that whole process unfold inside me) Nope, superposition is way more preferable, healthier, and creates way more evolution for me. I don't mind effort and I don't suffer. Lol, man when I was writing some of this stuff earlier it felt like breathing in pure ecstacy. It's not always the case of course, the fields I feel can bring horrible pain as well, but that's because it's honest and I'm not a victim from it (pain isn't all that bad, I even enjoy it in certain contexts and appreciate it in even more). If I fuck up or over-extend and violate the balance it will hurt me and make me sick. But, if I take my time, protect the integrity and fidelity of things, then I grow stronger and feel things that before I could never have imagined. Honestly, most of my nights I spend trying to ignore and not get pulled into all the pleasure my body has access to. It's got a gravity to it and it's amazing, but if I over-indulge it tires out my body. Lol, same thing with sex, my orgasms are so powerful with my wife, that I have to slow down and keep myself from over-indulging in my sexuality so I don't overheat when the climax rips through me. My energy is like a nuclear reactor. Almost literally, in that they share similar principles of volatility encased in cooling stability.
  18. "After more than 100 years of debate featuring the likes of Einstein himself, physicists have finally offered up mathematical proof of the third law of thermodynamics, which states that a temperature of absolute zero cannot be physically achieved because it's impossible for the entropy (or disorder) of a system to hit zero." "This explains why, no matter where you look, every single thing in the Universe is moving ever so slightly - nothing in existence is completely still according to the third law of thermodynamics." Hopefully, people can take the article and evidence above and apply it to their philosophies on life. Understanding that the seeking of absolutes is a flaw humans have yet to evolve and expand from due to our brains compulsion for tunnel-vision and propensity for choosing extremes rather than nuance and diversity, as well as foregoing balance through contrast rather than this blind reaching for balance through homogeneity. The void as an absolute is nonsense. Life is always a mixture of diversity to one degree or another and efforts to reach some idealized state of nothingness will always eventually lead you out of step with reality and how the world truly moves. Motion is the most honest thing in the world. Motion is life and understanding that, the elements of motion and how they provide shape and distinction and potentiality will do more for your development then chasing a void.
  19. Ah man, that's the thing though. I'm not doing it blindly. I know the experience of nothingness. I went years where I had compete silence in my head as a rest state. Some would even call it enlightenment. I've been there already. I can bring about that nothingness or no-mind state whenever I want. It's effortless. I've done the attachment and non-attachment thing and can choose what I attach to and modulate the nuanced degree of attachment. What's better being non-attached, attached, or having the ability to choose when and where you attach or don't and the degree? I choose the latter. Buddha seems to have chosen the former. I have 13 different compound patterns of foundational movement that exist and are occuring at all times at the same time that I am using to discern capability. There is a kind of goldilocks zone that has certain characteristics of feel when all 13 of those foundational elements are harmonized and synergized within that zone. Leo is missing some of those and I call him out on it if I come across that missing in a context that I feel will do a person harm, just like I do to anyone else. It's not about my approach, it's about these elements of movement. I didn't create them. I'm not even saying those 13 elements are all that is out there, in fact I'm saying the complete opposite when a person realizes that those elements encompass uncertainty, potentiality,mystery, and ignorance. Again we all have ignorance, it's the degree and context of ignorance that matters and how it inter-relates with every other part of us. Having a different level of development is not a degradation to me. We can still be relationally equal in humanity, despite what flaws we may or may not have. We are discussing views and approach and what we trust, not who is more valuable as a human being. At least that's where I'm coming from, in case you felt differently from my writing.
  20. Lol, nice way to characterize me. I disagree with it of course, but whatever, enjoy yourself. What's your motivation here? Do you really want to understand me or are you entrenched in your own view and see mine in an adversarial light? Quantum Superposition is within and among and on top of, all at the same time. Personally, I can feel the shifts when my brain moves to send activation to my thoughts to start narrating and when the energy shifts elsewhere. I literally feel the subtle ways my magnetic lattice or whatever inside my head bends. I can feel which part activates when I'm thinking about numbers for instance versus thoughts of my wife. It's not about creation or arising but a different pattern of movement coinciding with different levels of activation across my body. I feel energy or fields or the shift of magnetism on top of my normal senses at all times, so my experiences and content of information will probably be different from yours. The thing is when I shift into that pocket of nothingness that you feel to be absolute, it's not an empty void for me. I feel those energy fields all throughout it, and feel at its edges all that is containing and being restrained around it as well. But who cares right? If you have no reference for it yourself and a predisposition to believe in something that conflicts with what I'm saying then these words mean nothing to you.
  21. @OhHiMark Awesome man. I remember going through a similar thing, many years ago. Constantly touching on the fact that I have a choice, making sure with every action I exercised my volition that much more and connected that much deeper. It creates meaning and meaning is food for your soul. There was a book I had with me during that period which was a great inspiration and companion to the feeling of "I always have a choice". I highly recommend it. It will help reinforce what you're trying to build for yourself and provide a contrast to your own struggles, with the horrors he had to endure. Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl. Psychiatrist Viktor Frankl's memoir has riveted generations of readers with its descriptions of life in Nazi death camps and its lessons for spiritual survival. Between 1942 and 1945 Frankl labored in four different camps, including Auschwitz, while his parents, brother, and pregnant wife perished. Based on his own experience and the experiences of others he treated later in his practice, Frankl argues that we cannot avoid suffering but we can choose how to cope with it, find meaning in it, and move forward with renewed purpose. Frankl's theory-known as logotherapy, from the Greek word logos ("meaning")-holds that our primary drive in life is not pleasure, as Freud maintained, but the discovery and pursuit of what we personally find meaningful.
  22. Well, remember ignorance isn't a "yes or no" binary thing. There are degrees and areas, levels and layers. Ignorance is a very deep topic. Agreement is not the fulcrum upon which ignorance is being decided upon here. But, capability and how that capability expresses is (at least on my side of this discussion). It's interesting that you see my disagreement as a degradation. I guess you could call it that, but that's a little extreme in my opinion. It's more so an invalidation and rejection, due to the fact that I have a better view and grasp on reality, again according to my experience and awareness of the world around me and within me, compared to your absolute nothingness paradigm. Yea, you could say the same exact thing to me, in fact you are and have been since your initial reaction to becoming aware of my words. You can say and choose to believe whatever you want, but that won't change the fact that most of the things I've talked about and experienced and capabilities I've gained, you have yet to experience and manifest for yourself. Most people haven't and most people won't, because it's fucking hard and requires at least a decade of dedication constantly exposing yourself to the edges of all that nature has awaiting us. A couple years of hourly meditation and some visits to a retreat are not up to par. Will that rub people the wrong way? Maybe, but maybe that just means they need to work on their humbleness more. Once you balance and anchor into both confidence and being humble, you don't fall that often into either superiority or inferiority when you become aware of others differences in relation to yours. It's that swing to the extremes that people bitch about when it comes to ego. Eh, at least I tell you why I'm rejecting it and provide counter-points of what I think are better ways and myriads of examples all across the universe that show that reality is moving in harmony with my chosen paradigm. Man, I fucking love the universe. Just feeling it move through me is like breathing in ecstasy right now. I wish more people could feel the fields permeating the universe at all times. Y'all are missing out
  23. Well, before religion was spirituality, as religion is the codification of spiritual experiences. So, it wouldn't be long before someone took their first-hand spiritual experiences and created a conceptualization from it, that others could follow second-hand. And then, there you go. Religion is present for others born after it's creation yet again. Either way, the task is still the same at it's core. Filling your cup with first-hand spirituality. Either by replacing previously held second-hand internalizations, or replacing uncertainty and mystery with again first hand spiritual experiences.
  24. Eh, you can twist it however you want. If that makes you feel better. What you fail to realize is I have faced and still continue to face my own ignorance and work to balance whatever potential for dunning kruger I may also contain. I hold myself to the same standards I am talking to you about. So yes, if a person hasn't experienced what it's like to counterbalance expansion and limitation/blindness and watched to make sure thresholds of certainty don't breach levels of delusion then I won't trust their cognitive level. If they haven't worked with tension and the modulation of tension on attraction, repulsion, and consequently attachment then I won't trust in their tensile resiliency. If you don't have a certain standard of self-accountability and development of cognitive capability, then I won't trust in the accuracy of your conclusions. I will respectfully challenge you with questions and avenues of investigation my past experiences have required me to also take. I mean that's a pretty standard practice in life. I wouldn't let you do surgery on me unless you were qualified and had put in the necessary time to develop your abilities and populate your knowledge base with the required information. And if I was a doctor myself I would be even more stringent in my choice of who to trust, since my own knowledge base would be that much more well-informed. But, if you want my honest opinion I do see flaws in what writing I've reviewed from Adyashanti and Buddha as well. Neither of them are all that great. Can't comment on the other guy, because I haven't reviewed his work. I actually wrote a minor review of an Adyashanti video below. But it'll most likely trigger you, because it runs counter to your internalized beliefs and authority structures...
  25. See if a person actually makes deep progress with awareness and internalization, they experience that there are many layers of consciousness and sub-conscious automation that require particular flow states which also have to do with different types of brain waves and chemical cascades within our body that need their time of activation and expression. When I sleep, those are the processes working and I have trance states that occur as I transition from those layers so the depth of my awareness and ability to observe doesn't disrupt or collapse their process. I can actually have half of my brain awake and the other asleep much like seals do as I transition, which protects the flow and activation of other parts of my brain as they come on line. So, no I don't arise out of nothing when I wake up in the morning. Why? Because I've expanded my awareness and sensitivity to deep layers of my sub-conscious, while still being delicate enough to not disrupt their integrity and coherency. This allows me to feel all the other things going on, that other people without this connection to deeper layers won't have access to. I get it, this absolute stillness/nothingness is a belief you're highly invested in and attached to. But again, based on my years of experience and success you're basing that belief on a level of cognitive development that is not reliable for making absolute conclusions. If you can't see that or don't want to see that, can't admit and humble yourself to the further development needed then...