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Everything posted by Salaam

  1. Yea we've been over this. You have yet to show any depth of understanding to match your level of self-aggrandizement. Last time we talked, you were still working on "combating" your thoughts. Unlike anyone else here, my thoughts are completely my own. I'm choosing and mixing multiple potential realities on the fly, while people are still stuck on nothingness, and other beginner shit. Also, don't think I haven't noticed you've recently started talking about your "core". I wonder where you got that from?
  2. lol, of course that's how you answer. No standard of accountability. Just the same shit, over and over again like a broken record.
  3. @charlie2dogs Few are chosen? No one chose me, I worked my ass off, because I care and I refused to accept a lesser life. It's about the standards we set and abide by, not self-aggrandizement or divine mandate. You can believe in some divine thing choosing you and making you special if you want. But, please watch creating artificial barriers for people, that marginalizes their potential for change. We need to be grounded here and realistic. Are certain levels of progress a rare thing? Yes, but let's be humble about it and realize that it's because humans as a whole, still have a shit load more evolving and developing to go through. No one is yet an EXPERT at life, yet we all jump to conclusions and cling to beliefs and promises of glory, like we have the expert view already in hand. That's why it's so important to be humble, embrace the spaces of limitation we currently have, and protect our potential, from the comfort of blind certainty and the fear of what is still unknown. It takes character, but it's worth it.
  4. What helps me with things similar to this is understanding the difference between anchoring and diffusion and how they balance and inter-relate. Being too anchored into a single thing can feel like a cage, but being too diffused or spread thin across very many things can make you feel like an overwhelmed leaf in the wind and both extremes carry different emotional effects that will impact your motivation and focus, AND it will have an impact on what you feel like you might be missing out on, by choosing one side over another. The trick is balancing those two extremes and creating a dynamic middle-ground so you can shift between hyper-focusing on a single or couple different things, so you can get some strong development in them, to then shifting towards a more expansive or bird's eye view focus for perspective and organization of direction. It's like our eyes. We don't just have tunnel vision or just have peripheral vision, we have both and a whole field in between that we can shift and move between as the situation warrants.
  5. Meh, that's kind of dogmatic. You might want to ease that stance a little, so you don't miss out on nuance. I'm assuming that was just an off-the-cuff response? Yes, when it comes to sharing information there are limits, in a lot of ways we can only be a reference for each other in that respect. Definitions without self-referential experience to connect to, won't have much practical application as it is, but in this case the definition, in and of itself isn't the problem. The issue lies in what action people choose in response. There is a difference between using another as a reference or answer that replaces or substitutes the transfer of understanding that comes with involvement and experience, versus using another as a reference for gaining perspective on how to enhance and enrich the developmental process in concert with an actual practice. It's helpful to have some one point out structures behind the mind, that over time they can work to sensitize themselves to. And just as precious, is sharing structures of accountability and self-balancing that protects the integrity of continued development. I assume that's what you attempt with your videos in a way? Anyways, speaking of limitations or barriers, Bruno, it is also very important to work on becoming aware of limitation and learning from it. Gaining nuance with your own personal, dynamic, context-sensitive, "ceiling and floor". Some people feel limitation and respond with frustration, despair, anger, but it can also be precious, and enlightening (I don't mean no-self enlightenment here, I mean clarity). For instance my internal awareness is so deep and sensitive, that I can pick up on very fragile things going on inside my body. However, placing my awareness directly on those things, causes damage, making me sick. Why? It's because awareness in and of itself has a weight to it, like how you can feel the weight of a person's eyes/gaze on you even with your eyes closed. That weight can disrupt or distort the integrity of those fragile things structures and patterns of movement. So, with that experience we learn that even awareness has limitations, but those limitations don't necessarily mean loss, but instead an opportunity for trust and synergy with another part of who we are. Instead of trying to be directly aware in isolation, I mediate the weight of my awareness, through multi-dimensionality and contrast. Connecting with the larger structure they're a part of and gaining deeper understanding indirectly, from the inter-relations going on within that structure. Actually here is a video that better describes the patterns and structures inherent to seemingly invisible things, that are made visible via contrast. Contrast in this case, being the use of salt or sand to create a chain of inter-relation with the vibrational frequencies to make visible, what we could not directly perceive in isolation. Much like dusting for prints, it is the synergy and contrast of the dust and skin-oil that affords us the opportunity to be more aware. In a similar way, this is how I learned and gained capability with 12/? of the invisible structures I balance at all times that work behind and in concert with "thinking". Relating with how they all work and depend on each other, provides me an inexhaustible supply of growth experiences that changes and develops as I change and develop, creating momentum of synergy. See, it is experiencing these kinds of realities first-hand which make me shake my head at people who dismiss difference and contrast. People who say that all there is, is nothingness or everything is an illusion. That's a fucking ignorant and irresponsible stance. Even the void has a purpose and creates contrast when it inter-relates with everything else. It's a dielectric material. The universe is filled with different patterns of motion and shape and they all interact and have different chemistries with each other. For instance, notice how in the video the higher the frequency the greater the complexity of shape, but also how that complexity impacts uniformity. Notice where the the thickest lines are, how the rising and falling of motion affects the activity of the salt and the porousness of shape. Which area's have the highest zones of activity and which don't. There are principles of reality and nature and working with ourselves right there for people to understand, if we take the time to feel out how these interactions work together and inter-relate. Everything has a shape or pattern, even thoughts. Each thought also has a patterned chemical cascade, which plays a part in supporting it's integrity of shape and fidelity of expression. Why lose out on all that beautiful nuance and detail with an extreme or ignorant stance? I hope this helps.
  6. Nice man, it's a good start. I like how you put it in your own words, creating a kind of foundation for yourself. And now that you have a base you refine and expand/populate it with detail and patterns of interaction. All the while questioning it, testing it, so that you have a balanced view that is also open to further potential. Like for instance I would write "composed of two parts" as "composed of 2/? Parts". Or "two parts that I currently know of". Exposing my awareness to the tension and pressure of not being aware of more, counterbalancing the feeling of comfort that would come from concluding that this is the only potential available. This training or evolving of awareness is a physical, mental, emotional, and character based struggle. It plays out on all fronts and it's easy to shrug off or mistreat things so subtle that, our natural inclination misses out on informing us of their preciousness. We have only evolved so far and have a long road still ahead. So as far as expansion, lines to follow would be exposing your awareness to how those different fronts mentioned above all interact and depend on each other to develop awareness. How do they work together to foster an environment of balanced growth and synergy? I feel you man, I've changed in so many amazing ways and while I still have new challenges, the shit that used to make my life hell is behind me. But, what seems to happen is what you see as things "to dissect and melt away" become parts of yourself you shelter and take responsibility for. So you become stronger through care, relating with your flaws or challenges, understanding them, calming down, empathizing and becoming a little less hostile (but still ferocious if warranted), gaining flexibility, and expanded capability with the more expansive perspective. For example, there is a side of us that wants to be god-like or invincible, powerful, where everything comes easy. There is another side of us that is fragile and weak and all the most horrible, cringing feelings, associate with it. Both sides are limited, but both sides counter-balance each other. But at first it's impossible to even understand and experience how they inter-relate without going through the process of sensitizing to their specific patterns and THAT doesn't happen when we are relating to them as things to be dissected and melted away. Its all good though. Things often start intellectually or analytically like that, but deeper into the process the rapport eventually shifts, and adds the other fronts mentioned before to our core motivations and direction. Or perhaps a better example would be with the comfort, surrender, and depression thing. I worked through my relationship with comfort which has a connection to that "wanting to be invincible or have everything easy" side actually, while also working my awareness through the "this is too hard I should give up" side of despair. Learning how they inter-relate and which of their flavors of chemistry work most in my favor and most against it. Coalescing into this result of no longer having close associations with depression/despair/surrender patterns of reaction and behavior. They're not a part of or within my range of reality right now.
  7. @dboyle yea man, I resonate and relate to certain energies like that as well. It's not a bad thing at all. Shelter it, respect it, give it space to "breathe" and express through you in ways. It is as much a set of standards as a feeling and preference. It's a beautiful thing when that part of yourself has a chance to mature and develop. When the care, passion, and responsibility of a life that can match those standards expresses freely through you. But its also a grievous thing too. All heroes or leaders learned from gaining scars in struggle. But that's not something to run from. There is beauty in fragility and meaning gained from courage and risk.
  8. @Bruno I get it man, you want context, to help you direct you towards what to focus on. That's what the mind does, besides it's constant narrating, it works to organize, orient, and direct. Awareness is a lot of things, it's an ability, skill, and system that works in concert with other systems within who you are. Awareness develops with sensitivity and differentiation, being able to feel and distinguish between ever more subtle and nuanced things. Feeling not just the air across your skin, but it's temperature and weight, thickness, moisture content, speed, and it's spiraling patterns of movement. The difference between seeing blue and seeing 100 different alternating shades of blue, which is really alternating shapes or wave-forms of light, within a particular threshold that our brain recognizes as "blue". Doing the above affords us greater access to then being aware of how these minute, subtle things interact or contrast with each other. And then being aware of those contrasts, opens the way for a deeper awareness for even more subtle things underneath, those layer of contrasts. For example, I can feel the air coming in and out of my body, which everyone can reasonably feel, but I am also feeling the contrast or inter-relation of that air with the pressure differentials in my blood, which also contrasts with the speed or pacing of the blood circulation in my body, and how that impacts the respiration of the mitochondria of my cells, and the waste build-up that comes when they "breathe" too laboriously. So, via extension of my awareness through this connective chain of contrast or inter-relation, I am aware of not just my breathing, but the cumulative breathing of my cells. While I can not isolate specific cells just yet, I have enough sensitivity to differentiate threshold ranges, by how things change when those thresholds are crossed. Awareness allows us to experience and recognize movement, change, structure, and how different structures or shapes, move and change, in relation or contrast to each other. Awareness also develops via multi-dimensionality, or in other words being able to hold multiple kinds of movement within your awareness at once. For instance, I have worked very long to become sensitive to the feeling of electromagnetism or attraction and repulsion and I feel those sensations as a whole different set of feelings and sensations, that I experience at the same time, or in parallel with normal emotions, and thought. Another example for multidimensionality is found via potentiality. Most people can only focus on and also attach to one potentiality at a time. Like "I was talking to dude and X happened, which made me feel Y", when people who have trained and populated their awareness of potentiality could be like "I was talking to dude and X happened, which made me feel Y, but also if I look at it this way I feel A, and this way W, and this way M". Now another thing Awareness depends on for development is speed of perception. I have worked a long time to be able to understand, differentiate, and expand upon very subtle things that occur within a fraction of a second. So for me, that whole "but also if I look at it this way I feel A, and this way W, and this way M" happens at the same time I felt "Y". I've had moments just this weekend, where I was able to feel and act on 8 different potentialities all at the same time, in response to a single contrast. And that's an amazing and very empowering ability to have, because it compounds the emotional range and depth, I have available to me in response to life. I am not bound to a single, limited response, but can balance and counter-balance how I choose to express and respond. It's a similar thing with feelings as well. Where people feel happy or sad, or whatever single word, I feel bundles of emotions for that very same experience. I disarmed depression and surrender type ways of relating many years ago, by being able to feel and differentiate how despair/surrender tricks our feelings to accept it/internalize it, by bundling with comfort. This phenomenon is analogous to how people talk about dying from cold exposure involves feelings of wanting comfort and "letting go", as if that is the solution to being so tired and drained, when really it is the opposite. Hopefully this helps you out a bit. I know it can be frustrating getting dogmatic responses in lieu of actual real-world experience and success. But, really they're just doing the best they can with what they are currently capable of. Oh and speaking of that, awareness of what you don't know is hugely important. Balancing Potentiality with Mystery and Ignorance so you protect yourself from all the negative effects that come from delusional or ungrounded certainty. If you are so certain, you lose sight of all potentiality, you pre-limit yourself from updating and expanding previously held beliefs. Closing yourself off into an internal echo-chamber is not a good recipe for expanding your awareness out into the realm of things you're currently blind to.
  9. I see a lot of talk on here and other places about duality and non-duality/oneness and just shake my head as I watch this pendulum swing back and forth between two limited views. I won't go into those former views too much, but want to instead focus on the view that balances, resolves, and then expands from them. Instead of all is one, and instead of separation, you have connection AND distinction/difference. Things are not JUST one, and things are not JUST different, they're both and the DEGREE between both can be cycled through and focused in and out of like an eye does with vision. Addition and expansion instead of replacement and reduction. Does your eye decide to discard and ignore seeing far-away, when it wants to view something up-close? No, what it does is build a structure that allows it to change and modify it's vision depending on the CONTEXT at play. Which is also what we want to do with our minds if we want to maximize our health and capability. Multi-Dimensionality is seeing that polarities/paradoxes interact and have a shared space and in that shared space is a chemistry, and that chemistry is multi-dynamic. It can be adversarial and destructive, it can be complimentary and synergistic, and it can be negligible/neutral and all three of those statuses can vary in intensity and further influence other contexts. For example, many people have trouble with the duality of Self-Determination vs Automation and with the duality view they try to resolve it as one or the other, a "yes we have self-determination" or a "no we don't" and go in circles with no answer. The oneness people say there is no "I" and no free will and then go on with the comfort of an answer, while being blind to all the nuance and complexity inherent to reality. But, the answer backed up by Reality and simple experience is that Self-Determination and Automation share a space and that space has a chemistry, that acts on both, changing and developing both, depending on context and duration. Sometimes you can do what you want, sometimes you can't, sometimes you know what you want, sometimes you don't, sometimes you feel motivation for what you want, sometimes you don't. At play in each of those instances is the chemistry between Self-Determination and Automation AND the chemistry going on between all the things underneath this conceptualization of both. Things develop and change, the level of development of Self-Determination changes from a baby to man, just like the level of development in his body changes over the same course. Things build and add, or clash and collapse across multiple tiers, across multiple facets, across multiple contexts, and across multiple inter-relations, creating multiple chemistries that on micro and macro and meta levels all communicate and shift, creating experience. This is how bodies form, how planets form, how the universe works. It's BOTH incredibly complex with it's dynamics, but also relatively simple in structure. It's just hard for people to hold it all, because they haven't developed individually and as a race to be capable of comprehending it at this level. How do two hydrogen atoms bond? They share an electron pair and harmonize the attractive and repulsive forces between them (covalent bond). They don't fuse and become one and they don't negate and replace each other, they maintain their space AND create a shared space. How do two people bond? They do the same damn thing in a way and just like those atoms, when the chemistry is upset, the bond breaks. Of course there is much more nuance involved, but you get the idea. Do you know what feeling is and why it changes? Feeling is the contrast or difference between a change from one position to another. Have you ever been out playing in the snow as a kid and then came into the house to wash your hands? Do you remember how hot even "room temperature" water felt in relation to your cold hands? It was scalding! But, normally room temperature should mean mild right? Well, that's because what you feel is the contrast or the difference or basically the CHEMISTRY between one position changing into another. Yet again another example from reality, showing the trinity of two things and their shared space chemistry. You can't expand beyond a certain point unless you develop and balance both the complexity and simplicity of life, the abundance and scarcity, the pain and pleasure, volition and automation, conceptualization and reality, etc.. And a Trinity level dimensionality is the minimum level needed for balance... there is no balance when you negate and replace one for the other. There is no middle ground with anything less, so if you want healthy coherency and meaning you need, like a story, a beginning, middle, and end. This is the start you need for nuance and expanded levels of understanding and capability. Anyways, I could go on and on, but I'm curious to see the response before continuing. Also, this isn't just theoretical philosophy or whatever. This is practically applicable and succeeds in that arena. Personally, I have the steadily developing ability to balance attractive and repulsive forces which gives me a shit load of capability and better health.
  10. Sorry for taking so long to respond, works been crazy busy. Well, our abilities to sensitize towards greater degrees of nuance can be very challenging to commit to on a consistent basis and subtlety by it's very nature is often over-looked for shallower things, that yell loudly. It's a very long, brutal and beautiful road, that pretty much everyone in the world fails at, when it comes to passing certain thresholds of growth with such commitments. And then when you pass those thresholds, you're pretty much going at it all alone, because your way past anything else society has developed the ability to understand. Anyways, my feel for balance and imbalance is what led me down this road. I couldn't trust the interpretations we had for things, but I could trust and grow to understand how everything moved and would/could inter-relate and synergize. Motion and change were my building blocks. I wanted harmony, peace, pleasure, and I was tired of being pushed around by the world. I was tired of being blind, having my choices taken away from me, and I burned for the potential for things to be different (well, even that burn, that passion was just a humble little thing at first, but like everything else it grew). So in order to understand motion and change I had to grow sensitive to it, in my body, in my mind, and outside both. I had to differentiate those sensitivities so I could then understand how those differentiations inter-relate. In order to do that I had to also adjust the speed at which I perceive those sensations, processing faster and faster speeds, while also becoming calmer and more stable. In order to that I had to become more resilient, so I could handle how these motions would push or pull me as I connected with them. That led me to also taking on how I relate to these motions, because the way I related also brought about change and motion which was compounded and funneled towards certain directions in contrast to the impact of the motions themselves. Eventually, the progression of things I uncovered and had to take responsibility for developed into a circuit or system of underlying foundational elements that were at all times effecting the quality of who I was, in much more all-encompassing ways then thought alone ever could. Basically, like a blind person, I learned to read the energies or motions of the most subtle things in the universe, like braille (relatively speaking of course). While at the same time also learning how to build with them. Developing understandings and abilities, skills, as I progressed along the way. Becoming self-sufficient at evolution/foundational growth in the process.
  11. Well, the above is one interpretation, but my experiences show differently. I feel greater pleasures, richer emotions of love, self-empowerment, plus whole sets of feelings and sensations that normal humans just don't have the ability to feel (at this time), but I also feel or have access to levels of depth and intensity with pain, stress, fear, and insane level pressurized energetic environments. When your senses get wider and deeper, you have an access to a greater range and more multi-dimensional combinations of feelings across the whole spectrum of emotion and sensation. Emotions shift and change and behave differently, like for instance I can combine pleasure and pain, layer them on top of each other, creating structures or bridges, which mediate and counter-balance most of the issues that come from feeling only one emotion in isolation. I deal with sets or bundles of emotions, so fear or pain aren't the same for me, compared to other people, because I have many combinations where those two work great together and help me out beautifully. Anyways, Sensitivity is a capability, and only one of many that all work together in a synergistic fashion. I still haven't fully developed mine (if there even is such an endpoint of "fully developed"), but for instance I can feel subtle traces of electricity in the air, feel and slow down my perception of time, I can feel the respiratory build-up of my cells in my body, plus of course I feel and work directly with all the structures behind "thinking" that it seems not even Buddha was aware of. Inward and outward, all my senses increase or grow, but it's not just via intensity, it's nuance, subtlety, coherency, and flexibility. Our sensitivity eventually develops to have more than just a "volume knob".
  12. I guess in that example you're saying that you want to be you or who you choose to be, while still being able to enjoy sharing in certain roles, like being a daughter? If that's accurate, then yea, with balance we can be like a jewel, with many different facets and sides. Allowing the sides we want to rise to the surface as we choose. Like for me with my wife, I can play the role of husband, partner, lover, friend, and so many other things, all the while still being a person who is MORE than just all of those roles. And what's more is my wife also recognizes and appreciates that I am more than those roles. It's nice to have people who don't try to limit or cage you into one single box or label or category. People who understand there is always more under the surface and who enjoy experiencing those different sides as they surface and express in their own time and space. Women especially appreciate that. There is so much... shit, that comes from people trying to force women into these marginalized little roles, because they are uncomfortable with taking the time to understand and enjoy all a woman can be and express to others.
  13. You can have all of that with balance. Not a binary balance, but a trinity balance. So it's not just about "you", not just about "me", and not just about "us", but all three at the same time. "My World, Her World, Shared World" I call it. You can be assertive, without being aggressive. Firm, but gentle. You can learn to recognize that the pain of not getting what we want, can be a positive or constructive moment of stress, if it teaches or develops self-restraint and a respect for others. So having boundaries and telling people "no" firmly, but gently, can be an act of love or positivity for all three worlds, even if the other person might not understand it at that time. We can be selective about what we are willing to listen to, steering the focus towards constructive and positive outcomes, without making the other person feel unheard or unseen. Some people won't like that and that's fine, they have the ability to find someone else to share with, but others will and you can then enjoy building and sharing in constructive conversations. We can learn the difference between helping/supporting others and trying to "save" them, so our effort to help isn't wasted. We can balance our desire to help, with a discernment of how likely it is the effort, will go towards helping them to develop self-sufficiency. We can't live another person's life for them and everyone at some point and time has to move on from infancy and needing constant tending. I'm not sure what you're trying to say with the last one. Anyways, we are allowed to have standards and ways in which we wish to be treated. We shouldn't desire to oppress others with those standards, but fear of oppression does not mean, doing away with standards and self-respect/boundaries all together. Honestly, in my experience. It is the people without boundaries and standards in place, who violate the space of others the most.
  14. Lol, actually you're assuming, that I'm assuming you're unconscious. I don't use that term to judge people, it lacks nuance and specificity of context (there are degrees of awareness, it's not a binary, "yes or no" kind of thing). I judge people based on their capability, health, and a couple other things, but balance that judgement so it doesn't become a whole-sale dismissal of their humanity and worth. Anyways, that snippet you responded to is something we all have to put time and effort into balancing and calibrating. It's a continuous effort, with a long learning/development curve. It seems to me, that based on your writing in the OP, that part of the emotional context you're working with, stems from feelings of helplessness/addiction to social platforms like this site or facebook, which you then project other people as having as well (which I'm sure some do), and then extend towards the line of thought, that people who host these sites are consciously manipulating that helplessness/addiction for monetary gain. Is it a possibility? Sure, but is it the possibility that best fits the context of what's most often going on? I don't personally think so... but that's why I focus on seeing things as mixtures rather than ONE single possibility. I prefer to hold space for multiple potentialities, that dynamically shift and inter-relate based on the context at hand.
  15. You've gotta be careful with latching on and attaching to perspectives/interpretations without balancing or being conscious of the emotions that preceded the germination of said interpretation. I get it though, it's easy to be affected by the repetitive nature and low quality output that makes up the majority of most discussions, no matter what forum/platform you're on... but 80/20. You can't forget that portion of genuine sharing and growth, no matter how much it might be drowned out by the majority of blind following, group think zealotry, and ignorance. We have to balance that ratio emotionally, because it has an affect on how we interpret the view in front of us, which shifts the way we relate and behave towards a thing. Remember, Leo isn't forcing anyone to watch his videos or buy his products. I haven't watched a single one personally and have no need for his products, I came here to actually have discussions about self-development. I'm sure he'd prefer I buy his stuff, but I imagine, there is another side to him that understands and appreciates people wanting to discuss development in a place he's created for that purpose, regardless of monetary gain.
  16. Well, personally I can control and guide my thoughts whenever I want. I can self-generate thoughts, I can shape and shift and stop automatically generated thoughts. I can control the level of closeness they have with me, with ranges in-between attached and detached. Thoughts aren't that big of a deal for me at all. I'm much more focused on meta positioning, protecting structural integrity, health, and potentialities, and developing abilities through the lens of my character.
  17. I feel you I am a poet and an author actually and a lot of other things. I've got a journal on here if you ever want to read more of my personal writings. Did you check that one link I sent you to the website girls chase? That article is written by a good friend of mine, who I feel I can safely say is the leading authority in the world on sexual tension. That article in particular I thought would be good for you to read, because I wanted you to have a clearer contrast of what a healthy man interacting with a woman looks like. Your husband kind of has like... sexual diabetes and it can be hard judging your progress in seduction when your feedback comes from such an unhealthy person. Also, scroll through some of his other articles and check out whatever floats your boat. Another good guy on there Is Alek Rolstad. He's also written a book... it's the kind of book that makes you think about what attraction truly is. It's a book I often go back to reread and pick up new things with.*Version*=1&*entries*=0 Another book you might like is Arden Leighs... I don't have any opinion on it (never read it), but you might find it useful. Here's a post my friend wrote actually on helping female pua's. Maybe it might resonate with you... The best advice I can give to women for now is three pillars - slow down, don't give in, think long term, focus on your process and developing thoughts (never take your first conclusions at face value) - develop GAP management (gap refers to unwanted gaps in fulfillment of their desires), do not simply try to CLOSE those gaps, or deny their existance, slowly start to become conscious of them and present with them, and never OVER "fix" it, because it leads to destructive cyclical thoughts and actions - sensual expansion, NOT sexual expansion, with a focus on skepticism Some rudimentary examples include (respectively) - instead of following social programming, be AUTHENTIC and aim for wisdom to be included in your progress - don't think marriage solves all, or that "sexual contracts" are enough to address issues - focusing on a style or image (through passions, interests and intellectual development, and understanding of male psychology without intending to be egotistical/exploitative/"an angel") Most girls have an opinion on those that I dare say is WRONG Mostly because they retreat from the core point of contention, and only scratch around on some surface layers where they feel it is personally relevant to their life situation There is no deeper investigation taking place No substantial strategy towards change And often, they are so mired and overwhelmed by doubts and emotions that its truly UNIQUELY difficult for them to progress Womens issues, require emotional evolution, or management that is different to guys, and I fear, it leads to corruption in most cases!!! Most women, by my estimate will hit an emotional "choke point" Which causes them to bitterly cut off from further efforts The same issue exists with men, but due to the emotions, the issues are EMOTIONAL, in nature A man, trying to figure out the pradigm emotional shift for women... Is next to impossible, considering that we are never exposed to that emotional state. Thanks Saarah I'm writing a book now, like I mentioned in the other thread. My wife and I plan on writing a book about relationships together one day. I've never really though of writing a book on seduction though...
  18. @Saarah Thanks! Yup, compressed/simple enough to be flexible, but not so simplified to the point that key foundations are cut off that would limit it's expansion and application. Well, 2 examples of the 12 at the bottom are Awareness/Sensitivity/Experience and Mystery/Ignorance/Potential. I'm writing a book on capability that works with all 12 as a living, "breathing", ecosystem. Awareness is a system or ability, that is mediated by our degree of sensitivity, which impacts the context of our experience. It's a trinity that provides balance and way more context than focusing on any of those three in isolation. They are a family, and always inter-related. Potential/Mystery/Ignorance is also an inter-connected family. Potential always includes an element of the unknown, and the integrity of that has to be protected at times from certainty and delusion. Too much certainty/delusion kills potential and openness to it. It's like people who already think they know everything about a subject and are closed to the potential of something more being out there, that might change their view. They're not protecting potential by allowing space for mystery and ignorance. The difference between mystery and ignorance, is ignorance is a blindness you aren't even aware of, but mystery is when you touch something with your awareness, while knowing there is more there you just can't see yet. It's the difference between "known unknowns" or aware blindness (mystery) and "unknown unknowns" or being blind to your own blindness (ignorance). We always have a degree of both present at all times. Then these two trinity elements also inter-relate, balance, and synergize with each other. For instance my internal awareness is so deep and sensitive that I can touch very fragile things inside me. However, doing so disrupts their integrity and messes with the fidelity of their expression, making me sick. So, in order to protect their potential from my awareness, I have to leave their content as a mystery, instead of wanting to be aware of every single thing. I understand I have a pull for certainty and changing my ignorance into clarity, but it has to be balanced to protect that potential, for a greater experience, than mindlessly searching for answers would give me. To do that I had to differentiate the contrast between mystery and ignorance, so the fears I have toward being ignorant and "missing" something don't push me beyond the standards I've set for myself. Make sense? All 12 of those elements are like that and they all inter-relate and work together in similar ways.
  19. I'm a monster too. I'm a lot of things. A jewel with many sides and facets.
  20. Well "enlightenment" as it seems to be understood around here is about there being no-self and thoughts/beliefs are illusions or the enemy and what you want is "nothingness". Their idea of enlightenment is based on pushing away and disconnecting from thoughts, identification, internalization, and self-reference in order to maintain that void (that's their aim of course, yet despite that, they still have beliefs about belief being an illusion and self-identify as not having an identity. It's cognitively inconsistent if you ask me). That is extreme and one-dimensional, taking the pendulum all the way to one side, rather than working on being capable with the pendulum, so you can chose which direction it swings and the degree of swing along whatever direction chosen. In this case, the pendulum being the ability to choose the degree of void and the degree of attachment. That degree, is being capable with attraction and repulsion and being capable with the ability to hold the tension of attraction and repulsion as it pulls you one way or another. So rather than being afraid of thoughts, beliefs, the self you can differentiate the natural pulls and pushes that arise from the chemistry of our bodies and share that space with your own choices. That road is more expansive than "enlightenment". You're healthier, more expressive, capable, have greater choice, and deeper connections. You can build rather than just, reject, reject, and sit there in a void, that ends up dissipating anyways for them, because the greater the emotional intensity, the greater the charge of attraction, and real life is stronger than any practice of mental rejection (the void is actually a gap or vaccum that happens when your mind isn't fused/immersed within a thought).
  21. @Natasha Sorry, but this interpretation of reality is quite ignorant and framed in superstitious fear. Again, if you had any capability with tension you would understand this (the ability to manage the degree of attraction and repulsion going on within a moment). The human mind is not "addicted" to objects, it's having an attractive chemistry with them to one degree or another, or a repulsive chemistry. It's not that your mind "can't deal" with "nothingness", it's that holding space or creating a vacuum has an attractive chemistry of it's own and the mind by itself doesn't have the traction to properly balance it. The difference between me and you is that I can choose the degree of space I hold and what I choose to attach to, so rather than just a vacuum, I have a porous boundary (that space/gap) that is also a dielectric material. This is mirrored in reality via capacitance with electromagnetism, including electric coils or spirals that exhibit mutual capacitance, which is partly why graves spiral dynamics model is dumb to me. What's the point of using a spiral if you don't incorporate mutual capacitance, synergy, and nested function? That model comes from a frame of replacement rather than associative synergy. You and people like you are trying to repel everything that our self-referential systems have an attractive chemistry with in order to hold that vacuum, which is why you call thoughts and beliefs illusions or think they're trying to "trick" you (and it's also why you fail to hold that vacuum with any degree of intense emotion. The charge creates a requirement for a higher degree of tensile resiliency.). Self-inquiry will only go so far without a commensurate level of tensile resiliency because the mind isn't strong enough to hold tensile contrast by itself. You don't build tensile resiliency with the mind, you do it through physical involvement and build it like a muscle. It's like a magnet and a metal, it takes a firm grip (self-restraint) to hold the metal from attaching to the magnet, the closer and more intense the charge of attractive chemistry is. When you don't even realize this ability exists you are left with faulty conclusions, distorted by extremes and lacking in nuance. Like I've said before, the mind or narrating/organizing mechanism is only one of 12 sub-systems I'm making use of at any given time. I have so many more things to interface with for direct experience. Also, your post above shows you still clearly don't understand the inter-relation between energy/dynamics/chaos/subjectivity and matter/structure/order/objectivity. That duality is at the very foundation of the fabric of our universe and understanding how that duality inter-relates, making it a trinity, is how a person truly becomes multi-dimensional and able to create for themselves. None of you so-called "enlightened" people know how to do that.
  22. @Natasha Sorry, but no, that's now how it works. That's all delusional bullshit that comes from being unable to differentiate levels of activity between the various systems going on within a person. Non-duality/Oneness is going backwards not forwards from duality. The way forward is multidimensionality, by harmonizng and bridging dualities via connective tension. So instead of only "I" or no "I", you have "I" and "We" connected and balanced together. You have the best of both worlds, connected, not separate, but distinct and dynamic rather than enmeshed. There is a you or a core. Everything has a core, cells, the earth, atoms, etc. I've developed enough to actually feel and build my core and protect it's integrity, while adding on new internalizations that expand it. That's why every language in the history of humanity created a word symbolizing "I", because everything self-references from that "I". However, this "I" has to be differentiated and developed and balanced with automation/nature, creating a rapport or "We". Anyways, that core carries with it a particular shape. Everything has a shape, even a pattern has a shape, no matter how ephemeral or energetic. These shapes contrast and connect with each other with various chemistries ad degrees of attraction/repulsion, and they form all of life, from the smallest to the largest of combinations. Until you can do the things I listed above and actually see and track what's going on, your just talking from supposition or superstition.
  23. @Natasha No, you believe all of the above and project those beliefs onto other people. Reality works differently than your beliefs, which is why I have the capabilities I have and you don't. You don't do the stuff I do now. Can you slow down time so you can catch all the different split-second gyrations of the structures working behind the thinking/narrating mind? Have you differentiated all those structures so you can work with them directly instead of "thinking"? Can you choose when to take control of your thoughts and when to let them automate? Can you learn anything you want? Have you uncovered for yourself the structural elements of learning? Do you have the ability to track how the belief/internalization system works in the body? Can you choose and effect the chemistry of what you trust/internalize? Have you developed your inward and outward sensitivities to be able to feel the chemical build-up that comes from the respiration of your cells? Can you track the chemical by-product of certainty, over-excitation, delusion, and fear? Have you harmonized your core fears? Have you bridged pain and pleasure, so even pain brings tension euphoria? Have you developed and harmonized your digestion, to improve intuition and automation? Can you feel tension at all times, like a second set of emotions, that you feel in parallel with emotions? Can you create euphoria, bliss, darkness, light, and access different parts of your personality, whenever you want? Can you choose your flow states? Are you aware of how the brain partitions different realities and can you maintain tension, so the shift isn't wiped from your memory after it happens? All of the above are things I actually do. Trust me, you have no idea what it is I do and how ignorant your beliefs and projections are to me.
  24. @Natasha I said the answers were disappointing. Their limited, one-dimensional, unimaginative, and show that the motivations and influences driving each person is comfort, rather than character. More focused on chasing something or running away from something, then building. Basically... I reject your mediocrity and if that offends you, take it as a challenge to be more bold, and to examine your answers here. Have the courage to step outside the cave of safe and face the sky. Feel whats driving your motivations, face it, diversify it, connect it with other parts of yourself, and make sure it's as grounded in reality as it can be. Life can be so much more. Personally, I find the graves model cluttered, static, shallow, and disconnected, plagued by the same limited one-dimensionality most people have. I've created a much better conceptualization for development that I use for myself, that's based on foundational structures operating at all times in the background behind our minds. They all rely on each other, while also being self-referential and synergize together for growth. And no, just because you read that my wife is a shaman and I have a strong connection with my sexual energy does not mean that I'm in some "purple" stage. If you actually want an idea of me instead of your snap-judgement projections I have writings in my journal on here...