Merkabah Star

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Everything posted by Merkabah Star

  1. @Princess Arabia #pray the gay away 🤡
  2. Now that I have followed you I expect you to bow every so often. 😀
  3. I am a gay male and with Russia banning lgbt, it’s not that surprising. Same with Iran and Palestine, I am mature enough to realise that culturally it’s just not accepted in some parts of the world and you might get killed for it. That’s their culture. The world can’t inflict their version of what’s normal on them. If you are gay in those countries you need to hide it as best as possible. Harder to do if you are transgender. i would still visit Iran, Russia and middle eastern countries as a tourist. I wouldn’t be waving some gay flag and shouting how queer I am and you must accept me, because I don’t expect anyone should have to accept me.
  4. Omg. I hadn’t followed you but won’t be now. (Jokes) *looking for the follow button* ❤️❤️❤️❤️
  5. So you want him to people please you. 😀
  6. I think it will backfire too.
  7. 😀 I would try you, but you talk so much that you would ruin my orgasm. would have to put masking tape over your mouth.
  8. Well I’m sure he had the bigger dick. 🤡 he is always right. When you realise that, you win.
  9. you learn the most from the ones that trigger you the deepest.
  10. Yes, all the Buddhas and all beings, yes plural, are all the one mind. That is absolute solipsism. if you ever do have an awakening, that’s one of the first realisations you have. It’s clear as day. your ego is running around this topic and you are clearly confused by it, so much so you post a solipsism thread without realising it, praising it. You can’t back track your way out of this misstep. Best to educate yourself and go back over razards very clear posts and threads about it and listen to the Leo video again. You are back to square one.
  11. zupdidupdiism is too confusing for people. Keep it simple for the simps, yeah. 🤡 if it’s called just “One”, it would probably register for people more easily. As the ego goes into a tail spin at the Solipsism word, cause it’s like poking the bear with a stick.
  12. I was just about to quote that exact comment of his. You beat me to it. 😀 this thread is the exact reason why there are so many Solipsism threads here, some people haven’t got a clue. and the OP posting an actual Solipsism thread is next level, laugh out loud. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
  13. That is Absolute Solipsism. Also known as Oneness. Same thing.
  14. @Princess Arabia you need some cream for a dry dream. 😳
  15. If you are not careful though that can turn into a wet dream. 😎
  16. My wording and explanations needs major work as my head is rewiring right now. Sorry for the confusion. so yeah, 3 different dreams. You day dream. You sleep dream. Then you have the when you are awake part. Like now, you are living in this world with all these amazing stories and concepts. That’s the normal dream. Everything is a dream. There is no difference. It’s high tech trickery.
  17. To that stillness when you meditate? Does it take 5 minutes or three breathes to be in it? when I used to meditate a lot I would sometimes set an intention of where I wanted it to go beforehand. you should set an intention next time you want to meditate, that you want to experience what a one mind is. Even if you just imagine it when you get to that stillness, that your mind is in all the other people’s minds too and it’s actually all One mind. And that’s all. in that stillness, that’s your ticket to awakening properly. Blocking out the ego, by quietening all the noise, is you being in control. Get firm in that power, that’s where you are the boss. When you are not in that space, the ego controls you. im sure you understand all that anyway. Awakening is simple, that’s why the less complications the easier it is.
  18. You say some amazing things on this forum. You do have a good grasp on spirituality in lots of ways. are you a big meditator? You know when you are in the stillness in the meditation, when you calm all the voices in your head and noise outside? In that stillness is where you need to be.
  19. Yeah that’s a juicey one. Those quotes were from someone who did a summary of his video, the original one then.
  20. @Princess Arabia what’s the, is all your posts says.. what’s the normal dream? When you wake up from the sleep dream to start your day, that’s the normal dream.
  21. The dream is highly sophisticated, of course it tricks nearly everyone. all we do is dream. The day dream, the sleep dream and why would the normal dream (when we are awake) not be one too?
  22. Some adults you need to put the kid gloves back on, people are so unhinged these days. 😀