Merkabah Star

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Everything posted by Merkabah Star

  1. The ignore function works well. Try it. Cleans up the poop. 💩
  2. We are not naive and ignorant, that’s you projecting on us. you live in a bubble and have a cultural mindset that is unique to your country. only Israel can bring peace and awaken. Ceasefire now!
  3. Your understanding on this topic is expanded already, way beyond.
  4. @zazen don’t waste your time replying to the troll. This thread is over and out.
  5. So true. My family are so open and accepting but even I struggled telling them I was gay. My hetro brother had to pull me aside and say he was offended I hadn’t told him I was gay. 😀
  6. Ok, did not see that coming. 😁 All gays start out as bi. True story. maybe your concerns are cultural with the country you are from?
  7. The rest of the world has plenty of say in what Israel does. War crimes and genocide. You can’t just do what you want. Typical Israeli mindset. 😀
  8. @Bazooka Jesus Thanks for mentioning that book. Just bought it. 👍
  9. OP has abandoned the thread. *Last seen doing research on the topic at his local gay bar. 🤠*
  10. Yes, the mothers go into heat again when they are still breast feeding the babies. We have a huge, feral cat problem in Australia. Feral camels too.. living the life. 🤡
  11. Go back to the non awake state, the dream, the world before. anyone who has had an awakening knows they can go back to the dreamscape. It’s easy. start taking control of what you are experiencing. if you sit in a meditation space and breathe meditation type breathing for a minute or two, say take me back to the world I was in before this “awakening”. You should just glide back. maybe you are stuck in a void space. Not really in the love One infinite space. You didn’t get there this time. Go back and work on your process more and leave this void. You can make commands to your true self. Start owning it, stop being a balloon blowing in the wind.
  12. I’m sure most people commenting on this thread have been calling out Israel for human rights violations and this occupation issue for some time. It’s not their first rodeo.
  13. No. I just have standards. Yeah. 😀
  14. He throws out the virus word to deflect emotionally from the fact Israel is killing thousands of innocent children and adults, so he justifies it, like the nazis did with the Jews, by making them subhuman. All blame for children and civilians dying is put on the virus only. Israel are the victim. And like any virus it spreads fast. So it’s not just the terrorists, it’s the parents of the dead children for not teaching them to love Israel, then they are deemed part of the virus. this is a genocide. Labelling people a virus is genocidal and just fuels the bloodbath.
  15. What you deem as Hamas and Palestinians seems blurred to me, I’ve been reading this thread from the start. So yes, your virus concept is not exclusive to the terrorist group. You don’t fool me.
  16. You lost all respect on this forum with your virus comment. All you do is run around in circles and haven’t got a clue. You are no better than nazi Germans, who I’m sure referred to Jewish and Gypsy people as viruses. as for @Lila9 your posts are so whiney and flat now it’s impossible to reply to them.
  17. A ceasefire is the most evil thing to do? You are absolutely disgraceful.
  18. If you truly did awaken you should be able to command your true self to anchor into one. a spontaneous awakening aged 20, maybe it wasn’t a full awakening? the qigong suggestion was a good one. That will ground you just as much as strenuous exercise.
  19. @Lila9 half the population being children is an insane amount of the population. They are in an open aired prison. Of course they hate Israel. why would they love them? they are choiceless victims. ceasefire now is the only humane thing Israel can do.
  20. They are mostly children. Saying most of them chose Hamas is an assumption and false. it was cute you said you feel sorry for the Palestinians, but you then followed it with this rubbish.
  21. You must have a lot of cats, so do i. And yes, they all get it on with family members. 🤡
  22. @Danioover9000 we could all be a bit more deviant. 😎 you are adorable too.
  23. Saying it’s a deviance kind of implies it’s bad. 😀