Merkabah Star

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Everything posted by Merkabah Star

  1. That’s a good point and so true.
  2. Loved Jamal, so nice. Norman Finkelstein his slow voice just annoys me too much to watch for long. 😀 loved the host though.
  3. @Vrubel is democracy now allowed? Is it too much propaganda for you?
  4. There is no need to have troops on the ground. You are bred to fight in war. Why aren’t you fighting for your country?
  5. That’s rich coming from you.
  6. I love how the Israelis here think they are fighting some big war. all they did was bomb the fuck out of the place, and still are, killing women and children and destroying everything in sight before they went in, oh so bravely, to fight on the ground. So brave to fight against the “savages” who have no major weapons, maybe some children will throw rocks at them?. Better bomb and kill 50 people for that, that seems moral and fair. Any idiot can see they are going to push everyone out of Gaza and make it Israel. Next step will be taking over southern Lebanon, in their moral fight for humanity, then they can ship everyone from Gaza to southern Lebanon. Egypt might be paid by the USA to take some. That’s my prediction. Sigh.
  7. I’ve known many Israeli people over the years. Sweet people for the most part. Not the ones who told my Jewish partner at the time that he isn’t a real Jew because his family were Polish, holocaust survivors. Every country has a few morons so not everyone is like that, I know. nivsch is nice enough as are you. But the bubble comment is true. Sorry if you feel that offends you. the world we all live in (outside of Israel) is big on human rights violations. So no one is pro Hamas because what they did was horrific, human rights violations. But the Israeli response has been equally as horrific in regards to women and children deaths. Kill Hamas, yes, they deserve to die, but the civilian deaths are going to make the majority of the world on the Gazans side. It’s just human nature in the times we live in. We can’t pretend it’s justified. It’s not.
  8. Every news channel says the same thing. You live in a propaganda bubble, rich in victim blaming.
  9. Heartwarming, a meme from Germany, the country that exterminated the Jews. Ok, desperate for things to post if that’s all you’ve got. im not a fan of the saying, 3 years in prison is a bit extreme tho.
  10. How shameful of Biden. If he loses to Trump in the election I will be clapping.
  11. The mindset there is so brainwashed, it’s like mind control. This thread exposes it all, no one gives a shit about the Gazans. Everything is justified.
  12. @Nivsch yeah right. You live in fantasy land in your head.
  13. All this brutal war is doing is making more extremists than before. oh yes, the virus word again.
  14. I think everyone feels for the hostages and what they are going through. If your country allows a proper ceasefire they will release them all. Simple. it is a pretty horrific experience the civilians of Gaza are living through too. It is hard for foreigners to feel sorry for Israel with so much killing and destruction going on. It is terrorism.
  15. Sweet girl. that was major propaganda that video tho. This is the sort of thing on repeat on Israeli tv no doubt.
  16. @Galyna enough people got something positive out of your post, so just focus on that. 😀
  17. That’s another comment that’s flat now. most moral army in the word. the world is no longer believing these lies.
  18. I think it’s pretty even on this thread. I have breaks from it too, just unfollow the thread so you don’t get alerts. 😀 it’s hard to not get emotionally involved in this conflict.
  19. @lina the most moral army in the world. It’s almost like a brainwashing comment to keep making.