Merkabah Star

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Everything posted by Merkabah Star

  1. Getting your best friends who are funding your genocide to releases statements is void. But i guess you have to cling to anything when the whole world is against your terror and calling you on it.
  2. If i lived in your bubble maybe i could but I don’t, so, you know, that’s a hard no. Sorry. 😁
  3. lol. Love your propaganda. This is the same bullshit the Americans tried to push with 911. It doesn’t work on foreigners, we aren’t brainwashed monkeys. And no one on this thread or in the greater world, supports Islamist terror or fundamentalism. The west is pretty Islamophobic. Not anti semitic at all. I know its hard to get your head around the conditioning that you have had since birth that everyone hates you, its just not true. People are reacting about Israel because of the human rights violations in the same way the same people would have been very vocal about what the nazis did to the romas, Jews and gays etc.
  4. I didn’t mention hitler, that was another poster.
  5. This is a great example of Israeli babble talk. A witty reply would have earned my respect.
  6. @Leo Gura Meow and touché. 🤡🤡
  7. Tragic dream episodes,,for sure. Sorry you felt that. Revenge is not the answer. Love.
  8. You didn’t teach me, i taught me. And i could say the same to you. You see yourself in Bibi, hence you like him.
  9. Just look in bibis eyes, says it all. I don’t think we have seen a villain like this in our modern times. Someone said in an article he is Satan rebirthed and I think that’s being far, too kind. I feel sorry for the Israelis, they are so conditioned, manipulated and brainwashed from birth, just lIke how they say Palestinians are, they are big on projecting from their virtual, dream cameras. It’s a cult like experience.
  10. Forget about this colour, bullshit game (dream talk), it’s just a distraction, and focus on true existence. It’s hard when your bubble is so big though. Someone needs to pop it.
  11. Being woke vegans who are lgbtqi friendly and so accepting of all, still doesn’t condone murdering thousands of innocent children with no end in sight. Wake up but keep eating your tofu burger. 🤡
  12. If it was any other country the USA would be going to war with them or at the very least, heavy sanctions.
  13. So true. It’s a mindset. Lovely people in general, just don’t talk about these types of topics cause then it’s like wtf. 😀
  14. You twist anything to fit your narrative. Which ironically is what you project on everyone else that doesn’t agree with you. Pass the popcorn. 🤡
  15. @Nivsch its a genocide. Pierce your bubble to see the truth.
  16. When they do their military service the indoctrination is big. I would refuse to do military service if I lived there.
  17. @Lila9 I’m not triggered even a little bit. Lmao.
  18. Small price to pay for your countrymen held hostage that you say you care about. Give them anything to get those people home to their families.
  19. No one supports Hamas, not even a little bit. Kill all of them, no problem. Terrorists deserve to die. Not civilians. But your country doesn’t care about that because they are demonised like nazi germany demonised Jews and romas. Same thing. That’s the lesson in all this but you can’t see it. What happens when the oppressed becomes the oppressor? I personally dont like from the river to the sea slogan. There is equally bad energy coming from your countrymen about them. Look at the Israeli posters here on this thread. Triggered, delusional, zero compassion, total robots, in complete shock the world isn’t siding with them. It is an eye opener.
  20. I thought they had in exchange for a permanent ceasefire? You miss a lot in your bubble consciousness world. The mind control is deep.