Merkabah Star

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Everything posted by Merkabah Star

  1. Charles Manson was also a vegetarian and was very vocal about animal rights.
  2. After a couple of long term relationships, the allure of relationships drop. Too much hard work. There is only one character, there is only you. If you can sit in your true nature, you shouldn’t need a partner. It’s just a distraction.
  3. That’s not evolved, you see that in every western country too. 😂 evolved countries don’t commit genocides. Epic fail.
  4. Ok. 😳 i take it you aren’t fasting for Ramadan?
  5. You wouldn’t be any of those things, have some faith in yourself and don’t be so narrow minded. You would probably be really happy and posting on here still. 😀
  6. And.. Genghis Kahn who killed 1,780,000 people in just one hour. Pol Pot, who murdered 2 million Cambodians, or one quarter of his fellow countrymen was also an avowed vegan.
  7. I’ve never had a subway, I can just imagine what goes on.
  8. When i was in high school i worked at Pizza Hut, it was not the restaurant version, but a home delivery and takeaway only, set up, and i was making the pizzas. Yep, I have never had a pizza from there since. 😳😳😳
  9. Yeah, the world is pretty accepting of lgbtqi these days and my country ranked 2 in terms of vegans, the UK being 1. Only 50% support a two state solution. That’s pretty bad. It’s probably only 10% now. Being gay and vegan? None of this condones the barbaric destruction of Gaza and endless murdering of children by Israel. Israel is the world’s worst country. And is uncivilised.
  10. You live in Brazil, i just saw on your profile. Great country. Vrubel thinks he is superior to everyone, don’t take offence.
  11. I read an article last week saying the US pier they are building on Gaza could be considered US territory. 😳 Could be a first step to a military base right there on the Mediterranean for America?
  12. @Bobby_2021 thank you for being so real and awake!
  13. 😂😂 Hillary Clinton on Jimmy Fallons show, omg, i agree with Megyn and Glenn on this one. 😂
  14. Israel fell into hamas traps? Come on, man. Like i said you have tunnel vision, pardon the pun. Even trying to reply to anything else you wrote is redundant. It’s all smoke and mirrors with you.
  15. I think the whole world is sick of this lie. It’s worn out and has no meaning now. So there is no point repeating it like you do, non stop, to justify murdering so many children and women. You need to come up with some new arguments. Now that Israel has murdered the international aid workers so viciously, normal people that didn’t have an opinion about the conflict now have an opinion. And no one is on Israel’s side. Even Trump is saying Israel has lost the PR war.
  16. The Australian aid worker murdered by the Israelies.
  17. @Nivsch I’m actually starting to think you are paid to post here. You didn’t like the news thread because you couldn’t comment on what was posted. Again, this is a thread about the history of the nakba, not some random place for you to do your smoke and mirrors routine you do so well.
  18. @Nivsch iIt’s the history of the nakba. Not whatever propaganda you want to post about.