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Everything posted by DonaldJ

  1. I read your forum rules, and it seems that you good wise honorable folks might view too much reality as bad.. I hope not.. I solved the Akashic Records start to finish, and the Voynich completely.. Those two nephilim science encyclopedias teach us what we are, everything a human being is and can be.. Humanity doesn't know any of this... Can your forum handle newness, reality, and truth without struggling member people becoming angry, aggressive, offensive?.. Do you want to know the Truth..? Can you handle truth..? I see a problem, in that truth would go against some of your strict self-denial forum rules.. Are you flexible..? The truth I know goes way way over your heads... I am authoring a new university course: 'BBE (blue base eternity) The Philosophy of Psychiatry'.. Do you people want the truth?.. Can you handle truth respectably and honorably?.. Nice forum by the way.. It's clean, soft, gentle, quiet, comfortable, clear, well done... P.S.: I do NOT! permit remote viewer contact.. I.E: brain-sucker vampires.. I sense their attachments as a sharp sting to my head.. I am nobody's meal!.. I destroy spirit attackers like how I slaughtered Kali, Jezebel, and Grim Reaper.. Please don't attack me in the mind realms..