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About Camo_loco

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  1. Evolution is not the goal. It certainly is a destination, from our limited human perspective, but it holds no meaning from a universal perspective Remember we descended from singularity, where we were all knowing. Your goal here is not to become wise or enlightened. It's not to learn, it's not to learn from your mistakes Oftentimes, the wiser you become the more the universe will send you challenges and surprises, proving you once again that you know nothing Have you ever wondered why the universe seems to favor The Fool instead of The Wise Man??? It's exactly that, it's because The Fool is manifesting a more enlightened view and approach on life. He is naive, gullible, credulous, unsuspicious He knows this universe is truly a game of chance, or if he is not consciously aware of this, at least he embodies it He believes in magic, in miracles, so his worldview is closer to the truth. The universe rewards him for recognizing its true nature The Fool is not proud. The Wise Man's biggest mistake and sin is to believe he is more enlightened than the Fool. The more you try to think, analyze, come up with rules to try and predict the future, the more god is going to humble you by proving you wrong So our goal here is to simply HAVE THE EXPERIENCE, whatever that might be, to do exactly as we feel The universe doesnt care whether you "evolve" or "devolve". He laughs at you when you put these labels because for him, it's all the same I'll end this with a quote : Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is it really? What do you think?