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Everything posted by ExplorerMystic

  1. Why did the spiritual master stop cracking jokes in the meditation hall? Because no matter how enlightened the laughter, at the end, no one got it - they were all too busy searching for the punchline in their own minds!
  2. Realized that i left my reflection behind! S*** let me go back
  3. @Buck EdwardsIf this comment (trying to convey things from a POV that you have written above) in any way helps you then take it or just leave this blabbering. - Take a break from the spiritual community if it reaching to a point where it's too much/overwhelming. Everybody's genetic makeup + Brain neuron setup is different. Somebody understands it differently and when it is conveyed to you will not get it. - Yes “Spiritual Ego” is prevalent on this path. It simply means integration has not fully happened (This person also believes that total integration is very rare). You have to see this “Spiritual Ego” and leave them alone out of compassion as they are also on this journey. Identifying them comes with experience. - Remember always there is no “Spirituality Oscar” at the end of this path. As the person giving it or receiving it both are dead / disappeared / illusory (take whatever damn word you want). The first sign of “Spiritual Ego” is a kind of chase to reach somewhere or get the “Spirituality Oscar”. - Sometimes we look for answers for mental health & other health ailments in spiritual communities which is a deception we are creating for ourselves. Doesn’t “spirituality” mean searching for “truth” and it starts with our problems first? - Taking some time alone is always a good idea. By aloneness, this person doesn’t mean which brings sadness but a time spent in understanding/comprehension/insight, etc. There may be a time when you start liking the process / or it brings joy/bliss. Some deeper aspects here are that one force that we call God/Lord/Almighty/Allah etc is Aloneness itself which is shining with infinite bliss/energy etc. See word / thought shattered here because “alone” in the human world is seen as a sadistic projection. That’s why after a certain range. It becomes impossible to describe it. - If the Spiritual community is putting you in a Cage of Certain Techniques / Culture Behaviour / Faith & belief / Cult etc. These are enough “red signal” to re-evaluate. Some people enjoy it here. For others, spirituality means freedom, LOVE, and Compassion which in itself is "infinitude".
  4. Another aspect is to keep AI as much as possible open source which these companies preached earlier. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2024-03-15/openai-tumult-raises-question-of-how-open-an-ai-company-should-be
  5. @Buck Edwards Little off topic . Generally what we learn through history & today's media should be looked with slight skepticism. There is other side of reality which is not shown to general public. This is aftermath what Germans has to go through after world war II. Triggered warning . (Also the video age restricted)
  6. @TheGod"LOVE" is infectious once you taste it. The only thing holding you back is called sanity by human standards which by triggering of personal self (ego) in between takes you back to this dream. It is nothing but the compassion of that "LOVE". It has infinite depth. It's the ego that stops at a certain depth, comes back to the top, and proclaims this is it. Not comprehending its infinitude. Well, that's what is called dogmas, Institutionalized religion, Cults, etc.
  7. Yup it is easy to write something here and to live in actual war zone. The brutality , Insanity , Violence , corruption , human atrocities & the level of unconsciousness where a human go below animistic nature .Raw experience can make anyone shiver to the core. Krishnamurti mentioned about this : "Our education now is based on the cultivation of the intellect, of thought and knowledge, which are necessary in the field of our daily action; but they have no place in our psychological relationship with each other; for the very nature of thought is divisive and destructive. When thought dominates all our activities and all our relationships, it brings about a world of violence, terror, conflict and misery."
  8. Nothing to add but in both Upsides/Downsides; This wandering of the mind can lead to a range of experiences . ------------------------------------------------------- In life's waltz, where shadows sway, Direct experiences, our guiding ray. Upside-down, we rise to learn, In each turn, wisdom we discern.
  9. Once it is launched to public. Hope to see the subscription cost is not too expensive. We are witnessing the first generation of Text to Video AI. It has just started. Some of the other companies has already launched lip sync (pika.art), Audio. Considering OpenAI got a solid backup of investor . They will be including it soon .
  10. Different radio frequency barking from different perspective. Take a break . If in future you come back. Find out which Radio channel you like to dance. Human life is too short . From this person understanding like a fingerprint is a very unique to each individual. You are very unique human which life has created. The thing which work for others may not work for you. Find your own tune to dance on . If nothing fits in create your own tune.
  11. In silent whispers, truths are found, Within, where depths of soul resound. No creed or dogma to confine, In direct experience, we align. In each breath's dance, the sacred's seen, In stillness, the divine convenes. No need for words or scripted lines, In direct experience, essence shines.
  12. Don't assume everything you see on the Internet on Indian spirituality is true. Mostly these people are on multiple drugs which ruin their bodies. The only thing they want to continue as Sadhu is to get a continuous supply of it. The real Sadhus are either sitting deep in the Himalayas or you have to find them out. Not to judge on who is holy or unholy but the instinct gets developed once you are on this path. You get to know who is talking nonsense.
  13. Which talks directly not taking you in to meaningless gibberish words . Its like "Take it or leave it" . So not just one but there are many who have spoken about it .
  14. The experience described is one of many types you will encounter when floodgates open. A couple of experiences from this side include a tremendous burst of energy that surrounded the entire body and the sleep pattern was changed to just 1-2 hours per day for continuous 2-3 weeks which include some days where 48-96 hours are gone without any sleep. At the same time, the energy was so intense that it kept this body in a pristine state without any pain/health issues. Also, 1-2 hours of sleep per day was enough. The focus, Attention, and Aliveness felt were at their peak. It diminished after 3 weeks maybe because of integration then again came back with some more fireworks. Each ride on the roller coaster was different in terms of understanding/insights/degree of energy felt. On some of the occasions it went so crazy that tears kept coming from eyes with continuous laughter for hours combined with answers/comprehension that it felt like the observer had no control but there was this energy (that can't be captured by words) that kept telling you its OK, let go & keep riding this roller coaster. This is all happening after a decade of continuous search for the truth which started in childhood and was converted into a brute intellectual sand castle that ultimately crashed. The insight/Comprehension still keeps coming & this person has surrendered to it. This person tries to avoid the word Mumbo jumbo like consciousness, God, and Non-duality because the comprehension/insights are so immense that a word can not encapsulate it. But due to language restrictions, have to use it sometimes. What you have mentioned is somewhat will be different for others and that's OK. The common theme for all these experiences will be LOVE, UNITY, ONENESS, etc etc Regarding the Maha Samadhi: As per sources/books when Ramana Maharshi was alive he was in bliss 24/7. He never told anyone that he would attain Maha Samadhi. But after his physical death disciples did mention that he attained Maha Samadhi. All the above-mentioned POVs happened from a baseline human perspective. If some sage has done it past or doing it now then the only way to confirm it is via your own human POV experientially. Again something from this person's POV & understanding: Once you arrived at LOVE, Bliss, GOD, Oneness, etc (give it any word) experientially. It's the baseline that is being experienced/one with it. It doesn't mean that from a specific human POV, you encapsulate every attribute of that force. It's like the limited thought system / EGO saying let's stop here. I got it. Let's build something on it which ultimately will be a "CULT". If you as a person in this body let go and surrender after baseline is experienced. May be last roller coaster height was 250 meters. The next time it will be 500 meters. Understanding the baseline is one part and surrendering to "LOVE" without putting any boundaries or limitations & ready to die for it. That is where you get a taste of what "Infinite" really is experientially & it keeps coming. Sometimes in form of alien consciousness , sometime how amazing a mosquito is from 1000 point of view its wings, its flight etc etc
  15. Not active on the forum that much but my intention on the forum is driven by "LOVE" to help or provide my POV. That's all.
  16. What was written is based on Insights. How to explain it in words . Dont know how to do that. Thoughts are too limiting. You may search on forum someone should have written on it. If you want. Yup "LOVE" is the key.
  17. @Breakingthewall What you mean by above message . Narcissism means you have excessive interest in or admiration of oneself . Why you are reaching to the understanding that we are talking about the "Ego" here. Going beyond oneself doesn't mean you become "comatose" or a "vegetable" (Just a humor don't take this otherwise) . Its starting point where the exploration to reality , GOD , LOVE (call it by whichever name you like. It doesn't matter) start. Why to give something which is infinite a boundary. If there is boundary given . From my understanding this is the work of a person. The only problem with writing , expressing in thoughts that Its too shallow to express something which is so magnificent (another word which cant describe it) .
  18. Its ok if that sound like BS . The understanding here is there is no base to stand on & once you acknowledge it experientially . The more insights will follow. But as you mentioned this sound like BS to you than let it be.
  19. Keep the insights coming . A word of caution if you want or just ignore this blabbering. Remember there is no arrival on this path. Everything is filter through human mind which may be one of the many different types of mind out there in the infinite which can capture 2D, 3D, 10D who knows how many dimension are there. Follow the "LOVE" & let the insights keep coming.
  20. @Princess Arabia What a beautiful video . "Your life is not about you. Your life is about everyone else whose life you touch". Yes that's so true . This is what human life is all about . Its take you out of self centered mind.
  21. @BreakingthewallJust taking one sentence out of an entire paragraph and quoting it here is not the best way to debate. First, broaden your horizon & leave the field of narrow-mindedness. Edit : The paragraph is now elaborated to avoid any narrow perspective to arise.
  22. @linaA normal human with compassion will stand against what Israel is doing in Palestine. In the future, there will be tons of documentaries made about how world leaders / Media were mere spectators when this was being done. The brutality is unimaginable. This was played sometime back in Iraq where more than 1 million people have lost their lives. Many Jews openly oppose what their country is doing to Palestine but the media is so one-sided & that they have spread deep hatred/negativity to a level that the killing of humans who belong to a particular religion is being celebrated by some people across the globe now (The number of people joining them will increase in future). We saw this happening during the Hitler era when Germans were presented with propaganda through various channels that common Germans started seeing the Jewish community with immense hatred. Now the same thing is happening all over the world. The solution that I can understand at my level of understanding is that Muslims have to first stand up against radical ideas within their community because most of them don't agree with that idea. Once this is being done they have to unite with people (across the religions; countries ; cultures etc) to stand against the bullies. Edit : The above points trigger some people here as their view against Islam were rigid. For them start reading some Sufi's for example : Ahmed Hulusi ; Rumi . The list goes on. In spirituality love & compassion are the most brutal understandings to be conquered after multiple insights because they go so deep where human understanding is shattered. From the Foreign policy side. See the below video which gives insight into this game. It doesn't contain how deep this goes but just a glimpse into how the game is played at the top level. (FYI : The video was posted when war was just started) Now coming back to spirituality when you go deeper and articulate it into words. The one force / God had created humans with ego which is a tool to survive and thrive but we have gone into a hellish realm of ego where we are just going on eating & eating then vomiting and again going back to eating. Not understanding that too much eating is the problem leading to vomiting. Another example would be at the beach a group of children were making sandcastles. Now when the time came to go home & parents were calling them out as it was going dark. The children were not ready to leave as their minds had imprinted the sandcastle as their home.
  23. @erik8lrl Most of AI hype is to woo investor and keep other AI competitors in check . so everybody is on there toes which is good as development will happen faster. AGI is too early to even have discussion on . What AI will bring is more sophisticated automation which will cut the output time for a specific / complex work to bare minimum. I think in future AGI will come in form of specific areas of human intelligence and not total full blown AGI which will compete with human .
  24. Awakening is just a word . Lets play with it. Awakening or insight if its real and not just a thought / mind game will bring with it a total freedom . That freedom will never ever build churches, monasteries, hippie communes, and cults. When it sense other human being on this path . It will try to help them with limited capacity of thought / Silence. Just to get a taste of it in human realm. It has projected people like "Hitler" in the place / location called earth. Now try to think it via your thought system (Mind). As a person you & me will never accept a person like "Hitler" to be born ever again on the face of earth but that force has allowed it to be there with total compassion. That's why "Awakening is just a word" . Its open you to see behind our human mind curtain. The insight keep coming and it never end because of its infinitude.