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About ExplorerMystic

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  1. @Husseinisdoingfine Islam in its current state is in hold of fanatics. If any changes need to happen should come from within Muslim's . During my travel's have met a person from Saudi who lives in states now . He told me about how Sufi's (which included his great great grandfather) have to run from Saudi in 18th Century during seize of power by Wahhabi's. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wahhabism Everything on media is so much negative that it is very rare that people even go deep in to studying Islam. Some Sufi's have written that prophet of Islam have told/predicted : There will be a time when 70 to 80 sect will be there within Islam with its different flavor of teaching (don't know what the exact number is). And at one moment in future to be a follower of Islam will be like holding a red hot iron ball in your hand. In today's scenario that will be the hate Islam is getting. In summary Islam a misunderstood religion by its own Muslim majority and for outsider Islam equates terrorism. Like any old tradition for example Aztec we never know how many of Sufi's teaching , books are destroyed by fanatics or lost in time. This happen with all the religions in the history . Every religion inception is somewhat on the basis of some spiritual insight but when it comes in the hands of followers . To be very specific a very smart authoritarian minded small number of followers . Religion becomes institutions of corruption. Here is Sufi Translation of Quran from Ahmed Hulusi which totally opposite to what normal translation you get online. 99 names of Allah still amazed me. https://www.ahmedhulusi.org/en/quran/introductory-information-to-understanding-the-quran Check out some thoughts shared by me on this topic here. The same way there may be other mystical side of Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism etc which is taken over by fanatics to serve there own flavors.
  2. @Javfly33 Calling me a kid . You don't know anything about me .There are thousand , may be millions like you brainwashed into this. Look i don't want to engage with idiots. The only concerned out of LOVE for me is people who will see this post and get in to this dogma. I will again say to people who are reading this don't glamorized India & Indian's. Yes there are some powerhouses in spirituality from India like Ramana Maharshi , Vivekananda , JK , many more living in unknown caves of Himalayas totally disconnected with the world. You will be very fortunate to find one their as well . Because in those Himalayan mountains scammer guru has opened their branches. The sheer arrogance in your writing shows what level you are operating at . Do yoga till your last breathe. You will get nothing . Because claiming something which you haven't reached will backfire. That's why mental illness is prevalent in spiritual circle .
  3. We are living in the era of Internet . There are plenty of literature available. A true seeker will never call himself/herself a guru & will not create an empire to leech from it. Mostly the followers who twist & turn the teaching to make it in to a institution. Here is some of the point from a blog which discuss why people generally become blind followers . People become blind followers because of either or all the following reasons : 1. They are not strong enough to make their own decisions. 2. They are not Smart enough to think things through. 3. They are not Confident enough to take their own risk, 4. They are not Enlightened enough to understand the difference between good and bad. 5. They are not Lack ability to question things. 6. They are Not optimistic enough to love themselves if things don't go as they expected or planned. There is no arrival here , only exploration.
  4. Don't glamorized India & Indian's. Again repeating what i have mentioned in my previous post . Once you put a a person on pedestal . You don't have your own sovereignty. You are already owned & anything (even a concrete proof) will not satisfy you. Don't fall in to the trap of Guru's . They are working to make their own empire and cult. It has become very difficult to find a real master in today's world. Go on your own. Find out truth on your own. Truth is pathless land . Depending on others & leeching off them to satisfy your thought system / little puny ego will not help.
  5. Yup. This is what 99% Guru are doing. Sadhguru is no different than him. Once you put a a person on pedestal . You doesn't have your own sovereignty. You are already owned & anything (even a concrete proof) will not satisfy you. Truth Is a untrod, road less, pathless Land. Until it is in your experience , Understanding & day today action. Preaching it will never help.
  6. @Da77en It does not depend on what response you are getting on a specific topic such as Non-duality, Reality, or Truth but how much deeper you want to go into it. It will require work from you and whoever comes on this forum to search for it. Lately, nonduality has become a buzz word & everybody has their own POV. 99% of this view expressed anywhere on the internet is still a trap within the minds of people who are expressing it. How passionate are you about knowing the truth, and what are you bringing to the plate to know it? Otherwise, it will not take time for you to become a parrot as well. (99%, I have mentioned above.) For me, the eagerness when I have faced this question is to keep my life on the front line and be ready to die (if required) to know the reality. Even if you take the most powerful psychedelic on earth and are not ready to integrate the learning, deconstruct your mind, etc. You will end up with the majority facing mental issues triggered by it. Some rules to go forward (you can add your own) : - For a specific topic on this forum go to Google and search for a specific topic for example - site:https://www.actualized.org/forum/ "awareness". You can do this with any specific site. This will cut down your search to a minimum number you put. Now go and see the old topics on this forum or other sites. You will find some very good explanations on the topic you are searching for. Here is the link to get into a basic search on YT. There are many videos on the same topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzhbYoSZix4 - If you have started a topic and say for example 4 people have replied to it. Most probably out of 4. Only 1 or 2 people replies which resonate with you. You have to engage with them (elaborate on your query etc). It's ok if you are not engaging with 100 which doesn't answer your query. Other than this my POV here (Which may not be of yours or others) : You never arrive on this search. It keeps showing you new levels of understanding, and experience. The only thing you have to do is to keep yourself humble and surrender to it. Also, this journey is not for everybody (This is my POV) because it may land you with a nervous breakdown or mental illness. It is so direct that no thoughts or complex wording can define it. If you didn't find an answer here go somewhere else and search it. Never ever get discouraged because you are a unique POV out of approximately 8 billion Humans POV right now on Earth and an infinite alien POV out there.
  7. On this forum, we talked a lot about Awakening and Enlightenment. At some point, you will realize that it's all about letting go of your cherry-picked beliefs. In this human form, sustainable experience & the meta-perspective are the kings (maybe some other point as well, But I don't remember at this moment). Sadhguru has very good language presentation skills. In the video below, he found an atheist writer who possesses the same skill. Don't glamorize India or Indian with spirituality. Yes, it has given some powerhouse personality on this front. (Ramana Maharshi, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Vivekananda the list goes on) but they are still just 1% of the rest of 99% of Charlton selling the world something which it didn't need. Use thought as a tool to build skill, Not to become a guru. Thought is a subtle object of perception. Use it wisely otherwise, it will use you. Trimmed version from the full Talk : Entire Talk : Other clips :
  8. @Gennadiy1981 No answer will satisfy you . Not even what is written by me. Due to infinitude nature of it. Everybody is spewing what they have gather in the memory . If this question is not another post but deep down yearning from your end. Than keep going . you will find it but it will not be same as what other told you. The reason is Infinitude as its core.
  9. Happy Birthday Leo..
  10. Kepler-442b is far too distant for current human technology to reach. It is an exoplanet orbiting the red dwarf star Kepler-442, which is located about 1,115 light-years away from Earth in the constellation Lyra. At that immense distance, even with our fastest operational spacecraft like NASA's Parker Solar Probe which can reach top speeds over 400,000 mph, it would take many millions of years to travel to the Kepler-442 system using conventional chemical propulsion rockets. Advancing future propulsion technologies like antimatter drives or nuclear pulse propulsion may one day make interstellar travel to exoplanets like Kepler-442b possible within a human timescale. But with our present capabilities, sending human explorers or even robotic probes across such vast interstellar distances remains squarely in the realm of science fiction for now. So while Kepler-442b is considered a potentially Earth-like exoplanet based on its size and orbit in the habitable zone, the monumental gap of over 1,100 light-years makes it completely unreachable for human visitation or exploration using any technology we currently possess or have concrete plans to develop in the near future. If we reach Kepler-442b. Here is the photo by AI.
  11. Tentacled, bio-luminescent creatures grazing on fluorescent vegetation under Kepler-442b's crimson sky. Imagined to be taken by rover sent from Earth.
  12. Have studied other religions as well apart from Islam. But what is fascinating is that radicalized / Fanatic Muslims are themselves responsible for most of the problems within Islam. Yes, I don't buy the narrative of the West. When you attack /intrude / Invade a country. They have every right to defend themselves. One good point to study is that the West never had any terrorism issues where no precious metal and mineral reserves were found. You can take the example of a poor African country. There is a good documentary on Bolivia (Not able to find it right now. Seems to be taken down). Once lithium reserves were found in Bolivia. Western countries (First World countries) started raising concerns about the government of Bolivia :) which doesn't allow Western corporations to enter their mining industry. Coming back to our discussion point. As we were talking about Islam. The below input is very specific to it. There are other teaching as well for example Advait Vedanta, Kashmir Shaivism, Taoist, Buddhist, Old Testament, kabbalah etc. The list goes on. What I will say now will be contradictory. The teaching is helpful until you get some experience, Insights, or conviction out of it. Otherwise, there will be no difference between the fanatics & people who follow this teaching. If you have any hate toward any of these religions. You will not be able to explore the core teaching that's why open-mindedness has to be there. At one point even this teaching has to be "let go". In the Quran, there is a mention of Extraterrestrial life. Free translation: It says that there are other creatures more advanced than humans which the Force (Allah) has created across dimensions, the Universe's. Until you didn't have experiences or insights into this. The statement would not be hair-raising. In other words, there is no way you will get this. Some say it is entities, state of consciousness, Alien, or unearthly consciousness. The other beautiful thing about it. You can't chase it. These experiences will come to you or may not come at all. There are "No others". Let's take an example If there is a knob with infinite numbers. The human experience is between 0-5 (that's what this person has experienced). That's why Never be arrogant on this journey. Love/Infinity/One force/Allah/God will never give you experiences that you can't bear. Be humble; Be fearlessly in this Love like a warrior. The rest will be taken care of. You can check the 99 names of Allah. Some Sufis mentioned these 99 names/Attributes/Forces are specific to human dimensions. There are infinite attributes of the one. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Names_of_God_in_Islam Every religion at its core is speaking the truth but once it's institutionalized & used by people for their own goals. Corruption is bound to happen. Each one of us has our journey (There are "No others". Words used to convey pointers). Refuse to be a mere parrot echoing spiritual concepts without internalizing their true meaning. Explore for yourself each & every word written by me or other forum members, anything you hear from the internet, people, books, etc. How to check if the mind is creating another concept of religion, Non-duality, anything you do to reach the "Truth" is always remember that "Truth" will bring you peace, clarity, and a deep sense of conviction.
  13. There is other side of Islam which teaches a totally different understanding which talks about "oneness" "unity" etc . Checkout Ahmed Hulusi work. If you ask me how i landed in this search. There is fanaticism within Islam & radicalization has made Islam evil . Wanted to check whats so evil in it & got to know people , corrupt leaders made it. The only reason why the path which Ahmed Hulusi took (toward Sufism) is not reachable to common Muslim : - Persecution of people who talked about it . "Mansur Al-Hallaj" is one of it. You can search for his story. There are many. - Its tough when you try to convey it to public even Muslims . They will not get it . Common Muslim & Christian believe God / Allah something outside and sitting on cloud but the book (Quran Translated by Sufi . lets take example of Ahmed Hulusi) doesn't say anything about it. - Wrong translation of Quran by Fanatics to serve their own agenda. Check out Translation from Ahmed Hulusi . I haven't read it fully. May be in future i will check it out. There are tons of article , audio, books translation on his website . Just mentioned couple of them below. https://www.ahmedhulusi.org/en/article/from-god-to-allah https://www.ahmedhulusi.org/en/article/observing-allah-throughout-existence https://www.ahmedhulusi.org/en/article/the-meaning-of-the-word-of-unity Here is snippet from a audibook of Ibn 'Arabi/Balyani . While going through my search. Some people who are working to get this out to the world have mentioned that most of the work done by many Muslims authors , philosopher in past is either destroyed or dis-credited by Fanatic's within Islam. You will find the same things happening in other religions & even in spirituality. Also Check out Leo video on Islam. Can you be able to convince your fanatic friends after reading Ahmed Hulusi work. Most probably "No" . But you can always share. As in Air travel get your oxygen mask first in case of emergency before trying to help your next seat passenger. Have been to many parts of the world . I understand when you are surrounded by so many conditioned people that opposing them will land you in trouble sometime. So you have to play your survival game carefully. Always Start your journey first before giving advise , motivation to others.