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Everything posted by Elektrisko

  1. I just watched the video about "Good Vs Evil - Why Evil Doesn't Actually Exist" and I have some thoughts and questions for Leo or anyone else. As a very logical non-religious person I agree on a theoretical level that "evil" is just a word that we use to describe things in the world. Of course the "world" has no preference and these things does not actually exist. But still, I find that Leo made it a bit easy on himself in this video with taking examples of conflicts where there is always two sides that can have very complex motivations and views and where there may not be any "good" or "bad" side. However, even though on a totally logical level I recognize that "evil" is actually not a tangible "substance" that can be measured or seen, there are situations where I feel like the conflict examples makes it a bit to simple. I would be more interested in an example about a serial killer that kills only for his own pleasure. Say that he captures a whole family, a father, a mother and their two five year old children. He rapes the five year old girl in front of the family, he gauges out her eyes while she is alive and screaming, he cuts off her ears and nose, he cuts her mouth open from ear to ear and takes out her tounge and sufficates her mother with it. He cuts her belly open while she is still alive and the other watching and mastrubates into her carcass. All this he does for his own sexual pleasure. The horror and trauma that the family must feel is just totally unbelievable to even imagine. Now, even though on a "logical" level the world is of course oblivious and natural to all this going on, I find it hard to not still somehow see this act as an "evil" act. Even though this evil is not something of a "substance" you can measure. Is there not "something" created there from the mix of all those events and impressions? Even though that "something" is not anything "material" and might not have a name?
  2. Just wondering, I have not watched that much of Eckhart Tolle myself, I have just heard about him, and I know that Leo seem to like him. I know Eckhart talks a lot about just being in the now etc. So is Eckhart Tolle enlightened or is it something else he is talking about?
  3. I don't know if something like this exists out there, but it should and maybe we can make one. What I am basically asking for is your best tips for improving your life. It could be in different categories like for example: Self help: Sites and persons like Actualized and Leo where you can find general tips and videos about self improvement. Health: Things like diets and things that improve your health and energy, for example I am a fan of the Bulletproof Diet. https://www.bulletproofexec.com/the-complete-illustrated-one-page-bulletproof-diet/ Helpful courses in different important life areas (both free and paid): One of my favorite courses I have taken as of late is the Brethology course. It is a course about breathing properly and practising expanding your "breathing muscles" to better use the air we breath every day for engergy and performance. It is led by the guiness record holder in breath holding (22min under water) . https://www.breatheology.com/ Practical devices tips: Things like practical tech you can buy that improve your health ,life and wellbeing. For example Water Purifier and Air Cleaner device. Could also be other practical advice, like not using plastic countainers (that can "leak" toxins) for your food etc. http://air-purifier-review.toptenreviews.com/ Other: Things like vizualization, affirmations etc etc. Do you have any good tips on things like these that improve your life and that you wish you would have discovered sooner?
  4. Evil is not something material. In one sense it does not exist, but still it does. I guess the best analogy would be Love. One could argue in the same way that Love does not exist, it is not material in any way, still there is "something" there that is love and anyone could recognize it when they feel it. It can be logically "explained" by being just signals in the brain, but there is still "something" there again created in that experience that is more than the sum of its parts.
  5. Again, I am not saying that the killer in my example is "evil". Especially since I don't believe in free will myself. But even so there is something going on in that situation that I don't think is a "natural" state, even though the universe is oblivious and does not really care one way or another. We where built by nature to be able to feel immense pain and suffering, and so there is something to be said that this horrible experience is in a sense an "evil" experience if that should be the label. I don't think that experience is "natural" considering the experiences we have the capacity to have. I mean if there is no such thing on any level as good or evil, then there is also no right and wrong. But because of how nature is made I would say if someone had the ability to create a new world it would be "wrong" to create a world where everyone suffered all the time, say by infinite torture vs creating a world where everyone feelt bliss and happiniess. I still believe there is something there that is more than the sum of its part, even though it is not material and has no substance, and we can only somehow describe it with a word that really don't do it justice. Also, even though morality changes in society there are still some things that will always be on the "evil" spectrum. And I would say that these thing are the things that involve immense suffering. These thing can never morally change or be "good", unless our whole being would change and we would become something totally different, no longer humans as we are now. The examples with involvement with young boys does not fall into this, because there is really nothing in that action that is necessary causing suffering. Of course it could in some cases, but it is not a necessity. Watching your family getting massacred and yourself getting tortured to death is something that is objectively suffering to us as we are built as organisms.
  6. Are you really saying that watching your loved ones getting raped and tortured to death is a subjective kind of suffering? As for your examples, I would say that the fish gasping for air until it dies is suffering, if we agree on that a fish have the mental capacity to suffer. I would not call someone watching a sad movie as someone suffering.
  7. It is no emotional reaction of me that there is immense, incredible suffering, horror and fear going on there. That is objective. That is no emotional reaction.
  8. Actually I don't believe in free will. And to clearify, I don't think the actual killer is "evil". What I am questioning is the whole situation. I am questioning and arguing that the "situation" can be described as "evil" (for the lack of a better word). In the bottom, yes there might not be any free will involved, and at a base level it is just atoms reacting to each other etc etc. But like with the body, that is made up of cells, the body and the mind is a sum of all that parts that become something else, something "more" than the sum of its parts. In my view, there is "something" that is there, call it "evil" in that situation that is a sum of all those parts.